26 research outputs found
Mulheres na Teoria Social : presente e passado para uma sociologia plural
In this essay we introduce the dossier “Women in Social Theory”, inviting to a renewed look at sociological theory, its categories and concepts, and suggesting a permanent theoretical movement that challenges discoveries, theoretical-methodological innovations and reflections that different intellectual women have produced – and still produce – on the social world. By proposing a discussion on women in social theory, we believe that works from the past can bring to the orbit of classical sociology themes and perspectives that the sociological canon has generally disregarded. Far from promoting essentialisms or stereotypes about what would be – or if there would even exist – a female writing, we suggest an effort to bring to light a new map of sociological theory, laying bare the multiplicity of themes, problems and objects that compose it.Este texto introduz o dossiê “Mulheres na Teoria Social”, que convida a um olhar renovado sobre a própria teoria sociológica, suas categorias e conceitos e sugere um movimento teórico permanente, que interpele as descobertas, inovações teórico-metodológicas e reflexões que diferentes mulheres intelectuais produziram – e produzem – sobre o mundo social. Ao propor a discussão sobre as mulheres na teoria social, acreditamos que obras do passado podem trazer para a órbita da sociologia clássica temas e perspectivas para os quais o cânone da sociologia é, de modo geral, menos sensível. Longe de promover essencialismos ou estereótipos sobre o que seria – ou mesmo se existiria – uma escrita feminina, sugerimos o esforço de fazer emergir um novo mapa da teoria sociológica, apontando para a multiplicidade de temas, problemas e objetos que a compõem
Ação afirmativa na Índia e no Brasil: um estudo sobre a retórica acadêmica
Políticas de ação afirmativa têm sido aplicadas para resolver problemas sociais e políticos derivados da persistência de padrões sociais de desigualdade e discriminação em diversos países. Embora sejam comumente associadas aos Estados Unidos, as ações afirmativas foram aplicadas pioneiramente pela Índia, durante a década de 1950, quando a Constituição estabeleceu cotas nas legislaturas, no emprego público e no ensino superior para as Scheduled Castes e Scheduled Tribes. O Brasil, por sua vez, começou a adotar cotas na admissão às universidades para pretos, pardos e pobres apenas em 2003. A despeito de suas trajetórias históricas distintas e das várias diferenças que caracterizam cada sociedade, os argumentos levantados por acadêmicos contra essas políticas nos dois países são idênticos ou análogos. Neste artigo, agrupamos esses argumentos em três grupos temáticos, a fim de demonstrar que eles podem ser ligados às teses conservadoras identificadas por Albert Hirschman como as do efeito perverso, da futilidade e da ameaça. Na conclusão, discutimos como esses argumentos, que são apresentados por seus autores como contribuições progressistas para o debate público, podem de fato obstruir a diminuição da discriminação e da exclusão social.
Administrando o debate público: O Globo e a controvérsia em torno das cotas raciais
O trabalho analisa a estratégia editorial do jornal O Globo no tratamento da questão das cotas raciais a partir do exame dos textos publicados pelo periódico sobre o tema entre 2001 e 2008. Focamos os textos de caráter opinativo para testar a hipótese de que há um controle editorial estrito na maneira como a questão das cotas raciais é apresentada no jornal na forma de controvérsia. Denominamos tal estratégia de “administração do espaço do debate”. A análise temporal dos dados mostra que (1) O Globomantém uma razão constante entre o número de textos opinativos e o de reportagens publicadas sobre o tema; e (2) entre os textos opinativos o jornal mantém uma razão constante entre textos contrários e favoráveis, com expressiva vantagem para os primeiros. A partir do cruzamento dos diferentes formatos e autorias dos textos publicados com sua valência descobrimos que, enquanto editoriais e cartas de leitores são dominantemente contrários, acadêmicos e colunistas do jornal se dividem entre prós e contras, e militantes, políticos e burocratas são apresentados como dominantemente favoráveis. Em suma, nossa análise permite mostrar que O Globo consegue ao mesmo tempo apresentar uma aparência de imparcialidade e controlar o espaço de debate de modo a passar uma posição dominantemente negativa das ações afirmativas para negros na universidade brasileira.
Palavras-chave: mídia, ação afirmativa, cotas, cobertura jornalística, O Globo.
This article examines the editorial strategy employed by the newspaper O Globo in dealing with race-based affirmative action policies, from the texts published by the newspaper on the topic from 2001 to 2008. We give special attention to opinion pieces, in order to test the hypothesis that O Globo exerts strict editorial control in order to present affirmative action as a public controversy. We called the newspaper’s strategy “management of the space for debate”. Time-based data analysis reveals that (1) O Globo keeps a constant ratio between the number of opinion pieces and the number of news pieces published; and (2) the editors also keep a constant ratio between the number of opinion pieces against race-based affirmative action and the ones for it, with a clear advantage for the former. Our study also shows that while editorials and readers’ letters are predominantly against the policy, texts authored by academics and columnists are fairly split between pro and con positions, and the ones written by militants, politicians and bureaucrats are chiefly favorable to affirmative action. In sum, our study shows that O Globo is able to put on a façade of impartiality while exerting a strict management of the space for debate in ways that allow for opinions against race-based affirmative action to have an upper hand.
Keywords: news media, affirmative action, journalism, O Globo
At the intersection of place, race, and health in Brazil : residential segregation and cardio-metabolic risk factors in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil)
Residential segregation is the spatial manifestation of entrenched socioeconomic and racial inequities and is considered a fundamental cause of racial inequalities in health. Despite the well-documented racialized spatial inequalities that exist in urban areas throughout Brazil, few empirical investigations have examined the link between residential segregation and health and considered its implications for racial health inequalities in this setting. In the present study, we used data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (2008e2010) to examine the association between economic residential segregation and two major cardio-metabolic risk factorsdhypertension and diabetes. We also examined whether associations were stronger for historically marginalized racial groups in Brazil. Residential segregation was calculated for study-defined neighborhoods using the Getis-Ord Local Gi* statistic and was based on household income data from the 2010 IBGE demographic census. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to examine associations. In our sample, Blacks and Browns were more likely to live in economically segregated neighborhoods. After taking into account income, education, and other demographic characteristics we found that individuals living in the most economically segregated neighborhoods were 26% more likely to have hypertension and 50% more likely to have diabetes than individuals living in more affluent areas. Although Blacks and Browns living in highly segregated neighborhoods had higher prevalence of hypertension and diabetes compared to Whites, we observed no statistically significant racial differences in the associations with residential segregation. Our findings suggest that residential segregation may be an important structural determinant of cardio-metabolic risk factors in Brazil. Moreover, the systematic and disproportionate exposure of Blacks and Browns to highly segregated neighborhoods may implicate these settings as potential drivers of racial inequalities in cardio-metabolic risk factors in urban settings in Brazil
Ação afirmativa na revista Veja: estratégias editoriais na construção de um discurso de verdade
A substantial part of the scholarly literature on Veja magazine has pointed to the marked conservative political bias of its journalism, be it when dealing with themes such as public policies or with values and behavior. In other words, Veja rejects the ideal of journalistic neutrality, rhetorically espoused by other news media operations, and practices a journalism that is ridden with opinion. In this article we intend to test the hypothesis that Veja also treats race-based affirmative action with bias, which is openly against these policies. We first conduct a valence analysis of all texts published by the magazine on this issue, from January 2001 to June 2009. Next, we do a content analysis of the main arguments employed against affirmative action, also taking into consideration their temporal evolution. Results show that until 2003 Veja did not have an editorial stance regarding the matter, starting that year, it adopted a clear contrarian point of view that remained constant until the end of the period studies. From 2003 to 2006, the most prevalent arguments accused affirmative action of violating the principles of merit and equality before the law. Around 2006, Veja changes the tone of its discourse, and starts to echo the voices of academics who accused affirmative action of promoting racialization and racial conflict in the country
Harriet Martineau: circulação e influência no debate público na primeira metade do século XIX
This article aims to explore the presence of Harriet Martineau in the written press of the first half of the 19th century. The British author earned her living from writing, practising different genres – textbooks, travel writing, fiction, journalism, romance, autobiography, social analysis etc – and exploring social, political and economic topics related to the contemporary field of Sociology. The article introduces the author, highlighting elements of an enduring career as a professional writer and a pioneer in Sociology. Finally, it contextualises the production of the works How to observe morals and manners and Society in America and characterises their reception based on the analysis of reviews published in the British and North American presses.Este artigo tem o objetivo de explorar a presença de Harriet Martineau na imprensa da primeira metade do século XIX. A autora inglesa viveu da escrita, transitando por diversos gêneros – livros didáticos, escrita de viagem, ficção, jornalismo, romance, autobiografia, análise social etc. – e explorando temas de cunho social, político e econômico caros ao campo contemporâneo da Sociologia. O artigo apresenta a autora, destacando elementos de uma carreira duradoura como escritora profissional e pioneira da sociologia. Em seguida, contextualiza a produção das obras How to observe morals and manners e Society in America e caracteriza a sua recepção a partir da análise de resenhas publicadas na imprensa britânica e norte-americana
Affirmative action in Veja magazine: editorial strategies and framework of public debate
A substantial part of the scholarly literature on Veja magazine has pointed to the marked conservative political bias of its journalism, be it when dealing with themes such as public policies or with values and behavior. In other words, Veja rejects the ideal of journalistic neutrality, rhetorically espoused by other news media operations, and practices a journalism that is ridden with opinion. In this article we intend to test the hypothesis that Veja also treats race-based affirmative action with bias, which is openly against these policies. We first conduct a valence analysis of all texts published by the magazine on this issue, from January 2001 to June 2009. Next, we do a content analysis of the main arguments employed against affirmative action, also taking into consideration their temporal evolution. Results show that until 2003 Veja did not have an editorial stance regarding the matter, starting that year, it adopted a clear contrarian point of view that remained constant until the end of the period studies. From 2003 to 2006, the most prevalent arguments accused affirmative action of violating the principles of merit and equality before the law. Around 2006, Veja changes the tone of its discourse, and starts to echo the voices of academics who accused affirmative action of promoting racialization and racial conflict in the country