17 research outputs found

    Recubrimientos para baños, aplicado en viviendas con tendencia moderna

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    Este proyecto estudia las Culturas vivas del Ecuador se las considera "vivas" porque luchan por mantener sus raíces y tradiciones; estos grupos Étnicos Ecuatorianos poseen un fuerte valor cultural, que se expresan a través de muchas formas; para mi trabajo enfocaré su riqueza gráfica la cual es verdaderamente importante y destacable porque plasma y da a conocer sus tradiciones, costumbres, rituales, vestimenta y simbologías; entre otros elementos gráficos únicos y simbólicos que sobresalen dándoles de esta forma una característica propia que los diferencia de las demás etnias o culturas ecuatorianas.Cuenc

    Valoración de bajo peso, sobrepeso y obesidad de los niños/ñas de la escuela Manuela Cañizarez

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    Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal que permitirá determinar la prevalencia de la mal nutrición de las niñas de la escuela MANUELA CAÑIZARES del cantón Cuenca. El universo está constituido por 408 niñas matriculadas en septiembre 2011.- La muestra de acuerdo a la fórmula aplicada es de 64 niñas comprendidos entre el segundo al séptimo año de educación básica.- Técnicas e instrumentos: Las técnicas de investigación utilizadas fueron: La entrevista que se realizó a los padres de familia de los niños investigados La técnica de medición fue el control antropométrico.- Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron: Las tablas de índice de masa corporal (IMC). Las curvas de crecimiento de la NCHS. Formulario de encuesta sobre la condición socioeconómica.- Los datos fueron procesados y analizados mediante Microsoft Office Word y Excel.- En esta investigación realizada en la escuela Manuela Cañizares los resultados encontrados fueron los siguientes: el 32.81% están en un percentil menor de 25 lo que significa que están con desnutrición grado I según Nelson, un 64,58 % están entre el percentil 25 a 75 que es saludable, un 3,12% en un percentil 90 que se encuentra dentro del percentil óptimo y sobre el percentil 95 que es obesidad se encuentra un 9,37%.- Al culminar este proyecto pudimos determinar que existe un porcentaje considerable de desnutrición grado I comprendiendo 32.81 %, el cual se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con la condición socio económica que vive las familias de los escolares.auLicenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc

    Plan de responsabilidad social empresarial para el sector inmobiliario

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    Corporate social responsibility as a voluntary agreement between companies and society to help achieve sustainability objectives, including environmental ones, is an argument for achieving business advantages in the market. So the objective of the research is to design a corporate social responsibility plan for real estate companies in the city of Cuenca. The type of research was non-experimental, had a qualitative and quantitative orientation and the scope of the study was descriptive-explanatory. The methods used were the historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive and the systemic method. The results demonstrated how basic it is to have social responsibility in companies and not only that, also to design a plan and socialize people, the same ones who widely understand the concept of sustainability and support and idealize this in large companies, especially in real estate agents as intermediaries to satisfy a primary need.La responsabilidad social empresarial como pacto voluntario de las empresas con la sociedad por ayudar a alcanzar objetivos de sostenibilidad incluyendo ambientales, es un argumento para lograr ventajas empresariales en el mercado. Por lo que el objetivo de la investigación consiste en diseñar un plan de responsabilidad social empresarial para las inmobiliarias de la ciudad de Cuenca.  El tipo de investigación fue no experimental, tuvo una orientación cualitativa y cuantitativa y el alcance de estudio fue descriptivo-explicativo. Los métodos utilizados fueron el histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, deductivo-inductivo y el método sistémico. Los resultados demostraron lo elemental que es tener responsabilidad social en las empresas y no solo eso, también diseñar un plan y socializar a las personas, las mismas que entienden ampliamente el concepto de sostenibilidad y apoyan e idealizan esto en las grandes empresas, sobre todo en las inmobiliarias al ser intermediarias para satisfacer una necesidad primordial.

    Detection of soluble antigen and DNA of Trypanosoma cruzi in urine is independent of renal injury in the guinea pig model.

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    The diagnosis of Chagas disease in humans is generally limited to the detection of specific antibodies. Detection of T. cruzi antigens in urine has been reported previously, but is not used in the diagnosis. In this study, soluble T. cruzi antigens and DNA were detected in urine samples and were associated with kidney injury and systemic detection of the parasite. We used 72 guinea pigs infected with T. cruzi Y strain and 18 non-infected guinea pigs. Blood, kidney, heart and urine samples were collected during the acute phase and chronic phase. Urine samples were concentrated by ultrafiltration. Antigens were detected by Western Blot using a polyclonal antibody against trypomastigote excretory-secretory antigen (TESA). T. cruzi DNA was detected by PCR using primers 121/122 and TcZ1/TcZ2. Levels of T. cruzi DNA in blood, heart and kidney were determined by quantitative PCR. T. cruzi antigens (75 kDa, 80 kDa, 120 kDa, 150 kDa) were detected in the acute phase (67.5%) and the chronic phase (45%). Parasite DNA in urine was detected only in the acute phase (45%). Kidney injury was characterized by high levels of proteinuria, kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) and urea, and some histopathological changes such as inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis and scarce parasites. The detection of antigens and DNA in urine was associated with the presence of parasite DNA in blood and heart and with high levels of parasite DNA in blood, but not with the presence of parasite in kidney or kidney injury. These results suggest that the detection of T. cruzi in urine could be improved to be a valuable method for the diagnosis of Chagas disease, particularly in congenital Chagas disease and in immunocompromised patients

    Distribution of collagen isotypes in cardiac tissue of guinea pig infected with <i>T. cruzi</i>.

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    <p>Deposition of collagen I (A), collagen III (B) and collagen IV (C) during the course of infection. Moderate increase of interstitial collagen I, at 365 dpi, 400× (D). Increase of perivascular collagen I, at 365 dpi, 400× (E). Severe increase of interstitial collagen III and moderate inflammation, at 365 dpi, 400× (F). Increase of collagen III near epicardial adipose tissue at 165 dpi, 400× (G). Detection of collagen IV in non-infected guinea pig (H). Increase of collagen IV in the basement of cardiac fibers, at 365 dpi, 400× (I). Acute phase (20–25 dpi): n = 12, late acute phase (40–55 dpi): n = 11, early chronic phase (115–165 dpi): n = 11 and chronic phase (365 dpi): n = 6.</p

    Histopathological changes in kidney tissue of guinea pigs infected with <i>T. cruzi</i>.

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    <p>Hematoxylin-eosin stain: A). Amastigote nests (arrows) and tubular necrosis, 25 dpi (500x). B). Focal and mild periglomerular and interstitial inflammation (arrows), 25 dpi (100x). C). Glomerulus of non-infected guinea pig. Note the number of nucleus (1 to 3) in the mesangium (1000x). D). Mesangial hypercellularity and congestion (arrows), 365 dpi (400x). E). Dilatation of proximal tubules (arrows) and periglomerular inflammation, 40 dpi, (200x). <b>Masson’s Trichromic stain:</b> F). Kidney tissue of non-infected guinea pig (400x). G). Mild increase in interstitial collagen, 365 dpi (400x). H). Moderate increase in interstitial collagen and tubular atrophy, 25 dpi (200x).</p

    Levels of <i>T. cruzi</i> DNA in blood, heart and kidney during the course of infection.

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    <p>Levels of copy number of <i>T. cruzi</i> DNA were detected by quantitative PCR. Values represent means and bars represent the standard deviation. Levels of DNA were calculated per ml and mg in blood and tissue, respectively. Eight animals were evaluated in each time point.</p

    Serum levels of PICP and PIIINP in guinea pig infected with <i>T. cruzi</i>.

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    <p>A. Serum levels of procollagen type I carboxy-terminal propeptide (PICP) were significantly higher in guinea pigs with cardiac fibrosis than those without fibrosis: * p = 0.019. ** p = 0.022. Fibrotic cases were considered those with more than 15% of microscopic fields with collagen I deposition. B. Serum levels of procollagen type III amino-terminal propeptide (PIIINP) significantly higher in guinea pigs with cardiac fibrosis than those without fibrosis: * p = 0.028. Fibrotic cases were considered those with more than 15% of microscopic fields with collagen III deposition. Acute phase: n = 12, late acute phase: n = 11, early chronic phase: n = 11 and chronic phase: n = 6. The bars and error bars represent mean ± standard deviation. T-test with unequal variances.</p

    Levels of serum creatinine, serum urea, urine protein and urine KIM-1 in guinea pigs.

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    <p>Bars represent mean values per group; lines on the bars represent the standard deviation * Statistically significant (p<0.05). Number of animals in infected group: 5 days = 8, 15 days = 8, 20 days = 8, 25 days = 8, 40–55 days = 16, 115–365 days = 19. Number of animals in non-infected group: 5 days = 2, 15 days = 2, 20 days = 2, 25 days = 2, 40–55 days = 4, 115–365 days = 6.</p

    Detection of <i>T. cruzi</i> antigen and DNA in urine samples and kidney injury during infection.

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    a<p>Corresponds to the detection of bands of 75, 80, 120 and/or 150 kDa.</p>b<p>Parasites in kidney were detected by H&E stain or PCR. In order to be considered positive one or more parasites had to be observed in two entire tissue sections.</p>c<p>Observation of three or more of the following histopathological changes: inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis, vasculitis, congestion, fibrosis and mesangial hypercellularity.</p>d<p>Increase in level of two or more biochemical parameters: serum urea, urine proteins and urine KIM-1.</p>e<p>Acute phase: n = 40 samples analyzed.</p>f<p>Chronic phase: n = 19 samples analyzed.</p>g<p>Results obtained using primers TcZ1/TcZ2.</p