53 research outputs found

    Suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens as food source for the green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

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    Diversification of crops with species that provide suitable pollen for predators may reduce pest population on crops by enhancing predator effectiveness. In this paper we evaluated the suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens to the predatory green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen). The predator is commonly found in coffee agroecosystems and the plant species tested were pigeon pea and sunn hemp, which are used in organic coffee systems. Newly emerged females and males of C. externa were reared on diets containing pollen of pigeon pea, sunn hemp, or castor bean, used as a control. The reproductive success of C. externa was evaluated when females fed the pollen species and when honey was added to the diets, to verify the predator need for an extra carbohydrate source. Similar intrinsic growth rates were found for females fed on pigeon pea pollen and on sunn hemp pollen but these rates increased significantly when honey was added to the diets. Females fed with pigeon pea pollen plus honey and with sunn hemp pollen plus honey had higher intrinsic growth rates than those fed with castor bean pollen plus honey. Females fed on castor bean pollen only or on honey only, did not oviposit. Leguminous pollen species were equally suitable for C. externa especially when they were complemented with honey. The results suggest that to successfully enhance predator effectiveness, organic coffee plantation should be diversified with plant providing pollen in combination with plant providing nectar

    Eficacia Del Caldo Sulfocálcico En El Control De Los Ácaros Tetranychus Evansi Baker & Pritchard Y Tetranychus Urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    La concentración letal (CL) es usada para estimar la toxicidad de plaguicidas a artrópodos. Sin embargo, la CL es una medida incompleta de los efectos de los productos sobre poblaciones, pues analiza solamente la mortalidad como parámetro de toxicidad. Se sabe que individuos que sobreviven a la exposición a plaguicidas pueden sufrir efectos subletales. Objetivo: En este trabajo fue estudiado en laboratorio los efectos letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico en el crecimiento poblacional de los ácaros T. evansi y T. urticae. Metodología: Los efectos letales fueron estimados a través de test de toxicidad aguda con obtención de curvas dosisrespuesta y sus respectivas concentraciones letales, y los efectos subletales a través de la estimativa de la tasa instantánea de crecimiento poblacional (ri). Resultados: Las concentraciones letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico para T. evansi fueron 0,2 y 1,03% del producto, respectivamente, mientras que para T. urticae fueron 5,68 y 23,44% del producto. Conclusiones: El caldo sulfocálcico se presenta como una alternativa para el control de T. evansi, mientras que para T. urticae no es viable económicamente su utilización.AbstractThe lethal concentration (CL) is used to estimate the toxicity of pesticides for arthropods. However, the CL is an incomplete measurement of the effects of products on populations because it analyzes only mortality as a parameter of toxicity. It is known that individuals that survive to exposure of pesticides may suffer sublethal effects. Objective: The lethal and sublethal effects of lime sulfur on the population growth of dust mites T. evansi and T. urticae were studied in laboratory conditions,. Methodology: Lethal effects 63 Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas were estimated by using acute toxicity tests to obtain dosageresponse curves and their respective lethal concentrations and sublethal effects were estimated by means of the instantaneous population growth rate (ri). Results: The lethal and sub-lethal concentrations of lime sulphur against T. evansi were 0.2 and 1.03%, respectively, whereas for T. urticae, concentrations were 5.68 and 23.44%. Conclusions: Lime sulfur represents a valuable alternativefor T. evansi control; while for T. urticae is not a viable economically option to be recommended. La concentración letal (CL) es usada para estimar la toxicidad de plaguicidas a artrópodos. Sin embargo, la CL es una medida incompleta de los efectos de los productos sobre poblaciones, pues analiza solamente la mortalidad como parámetro de toxicidad. Se sabe que individuos que sobreviven a la exposición a plaguicidas pueden sufrir efectos subletales. Objetivo: En este trabajo fue estudiado en laboratorio los efectos letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico en el crecimiento poblacional de los ácaros T. evansi y T. urticae. Metodología: Los efectos letales fueron estimados a través de test de toxicidad aguda con obtención de curvas dosisrespuesta y sus respectivas concentraciones letales, y los efectos subletales a través de la estimativa de la tasa instantánea de crecimiento poblacional (ri). Resultados: Las concentraciones letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico para T. evansi fueron 0,2 y 1,03% del producto, respectivamente, mientras que para T. urticae fueron 5,68 y 23,44% del producto. Conclusiones: El caldo sulfocálcico se presenta como una alternativa para el control de T. evansi, mientras que para T. urticae no es viable económicamente su utilización.AbstractThe lethal concentration (CL) is used to estimate the toxicity of pesticides for arthropods. However, the CL is an incomplete measurement of the effects of products on populations because it analyzes only mortality as a parameter of toxicity. It is known that individuals that survive to exposure of pesticides may suffer sublethal effects. Objective: The lethal and sublethal effects of lime sulfur on the population growth of dust mites T. evansi and T. urticae were studied in laboratory conditions,. Methodology: Lethal effects 63 Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas were estimated by using acute toxicity tests to obtain dosageresponse curves and their respective lethal concentrations and sublethal effects were estimated by means of the instantaneous population growth rate (ri). Results: The lethal and sub-lethal concentrations of lime sulphur against T. evansi were 0.2 and 1.03%, respectively, whereas for T. urticae, concentrations were 5.68 and 23.44%. Conclusions: Lime sulfur represents a valuable alternativefor T. evansi control; while for T. urticae is not a viable economically option to be recommended.

    Predação por coccinelídeos e crisopídeo influenciada pela teia de Tetranychus evansi

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the webbing produced by Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) on the predation efficiency of Cycloneda sanguinea and Eriopis connexa coccinellids and of the Chrysoperla externa chrysopid. The predation efficiency on T. evansi females with and without webbing on tomato leaf discs was evaluated for each juvenile stage of the different predator species tested. There was a negative effect of T. evansi webbing on the predation efficiency of the second and third C. externa juvenile stages. Regarding E. connexa, only the predation by the oldest juvenile stage was negatively affected by the webbing. The predation efficiency of the first and the third juvenile stages of C. sanguinea was lower in the presence of webbing, but the opposite was observed for the fourth stage. The defensive role of T. evansi webbing varies according to the predator species and their developmental stage.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da teia produzida por Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) na eficiência de predação por coccinelídeos Cycloneda sanguinea e Eriopis connexa e pelo crisopídeo Chrysoperla externa. A eficiência em predar as fêmeas de T. evansi na presença e na ausência de sua teia em discos de folhas de tomateiro com ácaros foi avaliada para cada instar das diferentes espécies de predadores. Foi observado efeito negativo da teia produzida por T. evansi na eficiência de predação do segundo e do terceiro instar de C. externa. Quanto à E. connexa, somente a predação pelo último instar foi influenciada negativamente pela presença da teia. A predação pelas larvas de primeiro e terceiro instar de C. sanguinea foi significativamente menor na presença da teia; no entanto, o resultado foi contrário para o quarto instar. O efeito da teia de T. evansi como mecanismo de defesa varia conforme a espécie e o estágio de desenvolvimento do predador

    Suitability of Leguminous Cover Crop Pollens as Food Source for the

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    Adequação do Pólen de Leguminosas Utilizadas em Adubação Verde como Fonte de Alimento para Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) RESUMO ABSTRACT -Diversification of crops with species that provide suitable pollen for predators may reduce pest population on crops by enhancing predator effectiveness. In this paper we evaluated the suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens to the predatory green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen). The predator is commonly found in coffee agroecosystems and the plant species tested were pigeon pea and sunn hemp, which are used in organic coffee systems. Newly emerged females and males of C. externa were reared on diets containing pollen of pigeon pea, sunn hemp, or castor bean, used as a control. The reproductive success of C. externa was evaluated when females fed the pollen species and when honey was added to the diets, to verify the predator need for an extra carbohydrate source. Similar intrinsic growth rates were found for females fed on pigeon pea pollen and on sunn hemp pollen but these rates increased significantly when honey was added to the diets. Females fed with pigeon pea pollen plus honey and with sunn hemp pollen plus honey had higher intrinsic growth rates than those fed with castor bean pollen plus honey. Females fed on castor bean pollen only or on honey only, did not oviposit. Leguminous pollen species were equally suitable for C. externa especially when they were complemented with honey. The results suggest that to successfully enhance predator effectiveness, organic coffee plantation should be diversified with plant providing pollen in combination with plant providing nectar

    Demandas e perspectivas para a Acarologia no Brasil

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    Scientific papers about research demands and perspectives on acarology in Brazil are scarce. This article aims to prospect and characterize former developed research, as well as identify actual and future demands on research in acarology in Brazil. To achieve these goals, a bibliographic review of papers published between 1996 and 2006 was done and the First Brazilian Symposium of Acarologia was organized. Studies about mites of medicalveterinarian and agricultural represent the majority of the reviewed papers, and the families Ixodidae, Tetranychidae and Phytoseiidae were the most studied. These studies were developed chiefly in the Brazilian Southeast region. Among the main research demands, especial attention was given to the training of taxonomists to identify new important agricultural and medical-veterinary species, the survey of new predatory mites species for biological control, the role of the mites in the nutrients cycling in ecosystems, and the mitigation of the negative impacts cause by synthetic acaricides. Key words: acari, science, technology, research, education.São escassos os relatos científicos sobre demandas de pesquisa e perspectivas para a Acarologia no Brasil. Nesse trabalho, objetivou-se prospectar e caracterizar os estudos em acarologia já realizados e identificar as principais demandas presentes e futuras em pesquisas em acarologia no Brasil. Para alcançar tais objetivos, realizaram-se revisões bibliográficas das obras publicadas entre 1996 a 2006 e organizou-se o I Simpósio Brasileiro de Acarologia. Os estudos com ácaros de interesse médico-veterinário e agrícola compõem o maior número de artigos publicados, com destaque para as famílias Ixodidae, Tetranychidae e Phytoseiidae. Esses estudos foram realizados, principalmente, na região Sudeste do Brasil. Dentre as principais demandas levantadas, destacaram-se o treinamento de taxonomistas para identificação de espécies de importância agrícola e médico-veterinária, o levantamentos de novas espécies de ácaros predadores para emprego no controle biológico aplicado, o estudo do papel dos ácaros na ciclagem de nutrientes em ecossistemas e a mitigação dos impactos negativos advindos do uso de acaricidas sintéticos. Palavras-chave: ácaros, ciência, tecnologia, pesquisa, ensino

    Demandas e perspectivas para a Acarologia no Brasil

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    Scientific papers about research demands and perspectives on acarology in Brazil are scarce. This article aims to prospect and characterize former developed research, as well as identify actual and future demands on research in acarology in Brazil. To achieve these goals, a bibliographic review of papers published between 1996 and 2006 was done and the First Brazilian Symposium of Acarologia was organized. Studies about mites of medicalveterinarian and agricultural represent the majority of the reviewed papers, and the families Ixodidae, Tetranychidae and Phytoseiidae were the most studied. These studies were developed chiefly in the Brazilian Southeast region. Among the main research demands, especial attention was given to the training of taxonomists to identify new important agricultural and medical-veterinary species, the survey of new predatory mites species for biological control, the role of the mites in the nutrients cycling in ecosystems, and the mitigation of the negative impacts cause by synthetic acaricides. Key words: acari, science, technology, research, education.São escassos os relatos científicos sobre demandas de pesquisa e perspectivas para a Acarologia no Brasil. Nesse trabalho, objetivou-se prospectar e caracterizar os estudos em acarologia já realizados e identificar as principais demandas presentes e futuras em pesquisas em acarologia no Brasil. Para alcançar tais objetivos, realizaram-se revisões bibliográficas das obras publicadas entre 1996 a 2006 e organizou-se o I Simpósio Brasileiro de Acarologia. Os estudos com ácaros de interesse médico-veterinário e agrícola compõem o maior número de artigos publicados, com destaque para as famílias Ixodidae, Tetranychidae e Phytoseiidae. Esses estudos foram realizados, principalmente, na região Sudeste do Brasil. Dentre as principais demandas levantadas, destacaram-se o treinamento de taxonomistas para identificação de espécies de importância agrícola e médico-veterinária, o levantamentos de novas espécies de ácaros predadores para emprego no controle biológico aplicado, o estudo do papel dos ácaros na ciclagem de nutrientes em ecossistemas e a mitigação dos impactos negativos advindos do uso de acaricidas sintéticos. Palavras-chave: ácaros, ciência, tecnologia, pesquisa, ensino

    Toxicidade de produtos compatíveis com a agricultura orgânica ao bicho‑mineiro do cafeeiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the toxicity of organic farming‑compatible products to the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella. Lime sulphur, enriched Bordeaux mixture (Viça Café Plus), and the “supermagro” biofertilizer were first tested in laboratory. The most promising product was tested afterwards under field conditions. In laboratory, different concentrations of each product were applied on L. coffeella eggs and on infested coffee‑mined leaves. Only lime sulphur had ovicidal effects at an acceptable concentration (1.6%) for field applications, but no significant effect on larvae mortality was found. Enriched Bordeaux mixture and the “supermagro” biofertilizer had no effect on L. coffeella eggs and larvae. In the field trial, biweekly or monthly sprayings of lime sulphur at different concentrations caused population decrease after 30 days; however, this effect was not significant after 60 or 90 days.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de produtos compatíveis com a agricultura orgânica ao bicho‑mineiro Leucoptera coffeella. A calda sulfocálcica, a calda Viçosa comercial (Viça Café Plus) e biofertilizante supermagro foram testados inicialmente em laboratório. O produto mais eficaz foi posteriormente testado em condições de campo. Em laboratório, diferentes concentrações de cada produto foram aplicadas sobre ovos de L. coffeella e sobre folhas de café infestadas com o bicho‑mineiro. Apenas a calda sulfocálcica teve efeito ovicida a uma concentração (1,6%), viável para aplicação no campo; porém, sem nenhum efeito significativo sobre a mortalidade das larvas. A calda Viçosa comercial e o biofertilizante supermagro não tiveram efeito sobre ovos e larvas de L. coffeella. No experimento de campo, a pulverização quinzenal ou mensal de diferentes concentrações da calda causou a redução da população 30 dias após a aplicação; no entanto, esse efeito não foi significativo após 60 ou 90 dias

    Toxicidade de produtos compatíveis com a agricultura orgânica ao bicho‑mineiro do cafeeiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the toxicity of organic farming‑compatible products to the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella. Lime sulphur, enriched Bordeaux mixture (Viça Café Plus), and the “supermagro” biofertilizer were first tested in laboratory. The most promising product was tested afterwards under field conditions. In laboratory, different concentrations of each product were applied on L. coffeella eggs and on infested coffee‑mined leaves. Only lime sulphur had ovicidal effects at an acceptable concentration (1.6%) for field applications, but no significant effect on larvae mortality was found. Enriched Bordeaux mixture and the “supermagro” biofertilizer had no effect on L. coffeella eggs and larvae. In the field trial, biweekly or monthly sprayings of lime sulphur at different concentrations caused population decrease after 30 days; however, this effect was not significant after 60 or 90 days.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade de produtos compatíveis com a agricultura orgânica ao bicho‑mineiro Leucoptera coffeella. A calda sulfocálcica, a calda Viçosa comercial (Viça Café Plus) e biofertilizante supermagro foram testados inicialmente em laboratório. O produto mais eficaz foi posteriormente testado em condições de campo. Em laboratório, diferentes concentrações de cada produto foram aplicadas sobre ovos de L. coffeella e sobre folhas de café infestadas com o bicho‑mineiro. Apenas a calda sulfocálcica teve efeito ovicida a uma concentração (1,6%), viável para aplicação no campo; porém, sem nenhum efeito significativo sobre a mortalidade das larvas. A calda Viçosa comercial e o biofertilizante supermagro não tiveram efeito sobre ovos e larvas de L. coffeella. No experimento de campo, a pulverização quinzenal ou mensal de diferentes concentrações da calda causou a redução da população 30 dias após a aplicação; no entanto, esse efeito não foi significativo após 60 ou 90 dias