447 research outputs found

    Recent Cases - Domestic Relations

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    Modulation of HD-ZIP III activity by ZPR1/2 and possible role in shoot apical meristem development

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    Oxygen depleted tissues can be found in flooded plants, but are also common in metabolically active regions embedded in the plant body. Oxygen sensing occurs through an oxygen-dependent modification of cysteine placed in second position of ERF-VII transcription factors, which sends these proteins to proteasomal degradation. In animals hypoxia has been correlated to the maintenance of an undifferentiated state in stem cells. To investigate potential oxygen-dependent regulations of stem cells in plants, we studied the structure and expression of two little zipper proteins (ZPR1/2), which are characterized by a conserved N-terminal cysteine residue. We especially focused on their role in the regulation of HD-ZIP III, a family of transcription factors involved in shoot apical meristem development. We found that ZPR1/2 are expressed in the meristem and are able to regulate transcriptional activity of three out of five HD-ZIP III on selected targets. We propose that ZPR1/2 are stabilized in an hypoxic niche inside the meristem, where they downregulate HD-ZIP III activity and therefore confine it to the external layers. Further roles in other contexts are also proposed

    Confronti storiografici sull'anarchismo spagnolo

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    L’anarchismo spagnolo comprende una molteplicità di strutture: organizzazioni di fabbrica e federazioni sindacali locali, comitati di autodifesa delle strutture e centri di solidarietà con i detenuti, gruppi di affinità dediti alla propaganda e alla lotta, scuole razionaliste e circoli culturali e altri organismi creati di volta in volta. Il tutto è poi ripartito in una varietà di tendenze politiche, di strategie d'azione, di correnti ideologiche. Secondo Tavera, l'unità di base e di misura del movimento, nella sua versione più politica, è il gruppo, un insieme abbastanza ridotto di militanti che può funzionare con il meccanismo decisionale dell'unanimità e che accoglie individui consapevoli e decisi, "votati alla Causa" secondo il modello bakuniniano. In questo modo sorge, nel 1927, la Federaci6n Anarquista Ibérica, l'organizzazione specifica di attivisti, che intende essere una sorta di avanguardia cosciente delle masse dei lavoratori aderenti alla Confederaci6n Nacional del Trabajo, il sindacato nato nel l910, dedito alle rivendicazioni operaie con un esplicito obbiettivo rivoluzionario

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pendataan Dan Monitoring Reklame Berbasis Android

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    This study aims to (1) create an Android-based geographic information system to make it easier for field officers of the Regional Revenue Agency to collect billboards and monitor the status of billboard permits installed in their area, (2) to make designs that are attractive and easy to use by users. This study uses the waterfall method which is part of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) software development method which consists of 5 stages, namely planning, design, implementation, testing, operation and maintenance. The result of this study is a geographic information system for data collection and monitoring of advertisements based on Android which was developed specifically for the implementation of data collection and monitoring of advertisements. System testing is done by the Black-Box Testing method which is a software testing method from the aspect of functional specifications. From the test results, the participants stated that the functional aspects of the application had met the specifications required by the user. Furthermore, trials were also carried out involving 5 Android smartphones with different specifications. The results of this test are that the display of the billboard data collection and monitoring application is different on each smartphone, the difference in the display is in the level of color brightness. Then the difference in application performance is also found on the type of smartphone with an Android version that is quite old

    The Future of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory

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    This study wants to examine effects of job insecurity on several work-related outcomes (perceived work-related symptoms, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions) by developing a moderated mediation model. The model emphasizes the role played by the quality of leader-member exchange (LMX) in mediating the relation between perceived job insecurity and outcomes related to work, and the moderating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in influencing the mediation. Survey data from 510 workers at Italian organizations were collected, and regression was used to evaluate the hypotheses. After age, gender, education, and organizational tenure were controlled, results showed that perceived quality of LMX carried the effect of job insecurity on all outcomes, and that this relationship was stronger for employees who reported higher levels of POS. This study makes important theoretical and practical contributions to job insecurity, LMX, and POS research, underlining the importance of promoting the leader-member relationships quality in an ethical and supportive work environment

    FOXE1 (forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2))

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    Review on FOXE1 (forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Associations of Job Insecurity With Perceived Work-Related Symptoms, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and the Moderating Role of Organizational Support

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    This study wants to examine effects of job insecurity on several work-related outcomes (perceived work-related symptoms, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions) by developing a moderated mediation model. The model emphasizes the role played by the quality of leader–member exchange (LMX) in mediating the relation between perceived job insecurity and outcomes related to work, and the moderating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in influencing the mediation. Survey data from 510 workers at Italian organizations were collected, and regression was used to evaluate the hypotheses. After age, gender, education, and organizational tenure were controlled, results showed that perceived quality of LMX carried the effect of job insecurity on all outcomes, and that this relationship was stronger for employees who reported higher levels of POS. This study makes important theoretical and practical contributions to job insecurity, LMX, and POS research, underlining the importance of promoting the leader–member relationship’s quality in an ethical and supportive work environment

    Lo split payment: da sperimentazione nel settore B2G a deroga alle ordinarie modalit\ue0 di versamento dell\u2019IVA

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    Il 30 giugno 2020 \ue8 in scadenza l\u2019autorizzazione accordata all\u2019Italia dal Consiglio dell\u2019Unione Europea a prorogare l\u2019applicazione del regime di deroga alle ordinarie regole di versamento dell\u2019IVA, noto come scissione dei pagamenti o split payment. L\u2019istituto trova la propria iniziale platea di riferimento nel settore B2G, individuato dal legislatore italiano come l\u2019avamposto di quella rivoluzione digitale, che a partire dal 1\ub0 gennaio 2019, ha riguardato l\u2019intero sistema di fatturazione interna: la fattura elettronica. In vista di questa scadenza e di una possibile ulteriore richiesta di proroga, il contributo analizza le caratteristiche del meccanismo di versamento, alla luce della sua interpretazione da parte di giurisprudenza, prassi e dottrina.On June 30th 2020, the authorization granted to Italy by the Council of the European Union to extend the application of the derogation regime to the ordinary VAT payment rules, known as split payment, is going to expire. This regime has as its initial scope the B2G sector, which was also the outpost of the digital revolution that, starting from January 1st 2019, concerned the entire domestic invoicing system: the e-invoicing. Considering this deadline and a possible further request to extend it, this contribution analyzes the characteristics of such VAT payment derogation, in the light of its interpretation by jurisprudence, practice and doctrine

    Sleep bruxism and sdb in albanian growing subjects: A cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to evaluate a possible correlation between sleep bruxism and risk factors of developing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in a sample of growing subjects and to assess parental awareness about sleep bruxism in their children. Methods: The sample was composed of 310 subjects (173 females and 137 males), with a mean age of 8.9 years, attending "Ndre Mjeda" school of Tirana (Albania). All parents of the children participating in the study were asked to fill in a questionnaire manually or via a digital version. The questionnaire was composed of three sections: personal data, sleep quality data, and OSAS risk factors, and it was filled out by both parents. Results: Of our samples, 41.3% presented with bruxism, and 16.5% of the parents ground their teeth. Oral breathing was reported in 11.9% of the subjects, and among these, 40% of the subjects were affected by bruxism (p > 0.05). Of the subjects, 18.7% snore overnight. Comparing it with sleep bruxism, the two phenomena are often related (p = 0.00). Conclusions: Heredity, night-sweating, nycturia, oral breathing, and snoring seem to have a significant correlation with bruxism
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