117 research outputs found

    Síntesis de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el sector norte de las selvas occidentales

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    48 ref.Incluye mapas, gráficos y tablasFil: Ventura, Beatriz Nina. No especifica.En el año 1985 presentamos un trabajo en el VIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina (Ventura 1985b) y dado que las Actas de dicho Congreso no han sido publicadas, nos consideramos con derecho a volver a un tema planteado allí y actualizar algunas informaciones. Nuestro objetivo es sintetizar el estado delas investigaciones en el Sector Norte de las Selvas Occidentales, plantear algunos problemas, y proponer nuevas formas de encararlos. Este sector norte de las Selvas Occidentales, correspondiente a la Provincia Fitogeográfica de las Yungas (Cabrera 1976) ha sido, desde los inicios de los estudios arqueológicos en nuestro Noroeste, considerado como el corredor o vía de entrada de diversas corrientes culturales que se dispersaron posteriormente hacia el sector meridional de las Selvas Occidentales. Es de esperar una gran diversidad de sitios arqueológicos que den cuenta de los diferentes sistemas que poblaron este amplio sector

    A first approach to funerary practices in the eastern valleys of northern Salta, Argentina

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del rescate de dos inhumaciones conteniendo restos humanos en situación de riesgo en Pueblo Viejo de Rodeo Colorado (PVRC), en el Departamento de Iruya, Salta. El análisis incluyó el estudio bioarqueológico de los restos y de las distintas formas de entierro registradas en los valles orientales del norte de Salta sobre la base de investigaciones previas. Presentamos los primeros fechados radiocarbónicos de PVRC y comparamos las formas de entierro y cronología con otros sitios de la región y extra-regionales, principalmente con la Quebrada de Humahuaca. Los entierros registrados pueden ser incorporados dentro de las prácticas funerarias conocidas para la región, aunque uno de ellos es novedoso ya que corresponde al entierro en urna de un cráneo de adulto. Referimos a la necesidad de trabajar junto con las comunidades locales, principalmente en los aspectos en los que tratamos con restos humanos en nuestras investigaciones.The preliminary results of our work with two human burials that were at risk at Pueblo Viejo de Rodeo Colorado (PVRC) site at Departamento de Iruya, Salta, are presented. They include results from bioarchaeological studies, as well as from the analysis of the different burial practices from the eastern valleys of northern Salta. In addition, results from previous research on these valleys are also considered. The first radiocarbon dates for PVRC and a comparison of burial methods and chronology with other sites from this and other regions, particularly the Quebrada de Humahuaca, are presented. Most cases fit into known funerary practices for the region, but the burial of an adult skull inside an urn is new. We refer to the need of working together with the local communities, especially when dealing with human remains.Fil: Ventura, Beatriz Nina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; ArgentinaFil: Gheggi, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Provincia de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja; Argentin

    Hyalinizing Granuloma: An Unusual Case of a Pulmonary Mass

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    We describe the case of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma in a 34-year-old asymptomatic man who presented with a pulmonary nodule apparent by chest radiography and computed tomography (CT). He had a history of previous treatment for tuberculosis. His laboratory data were normal. Bronchoscopy and CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration cytology were inconclusive. The diagnosis was revealed after the histopathological examination of an open lung biopsy

    Sclerosing Variant of the Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma: Imaging Findings in an Atypical Case

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    Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma remains one of the most enigmatic lung cancers, demonstrating varied growth patterns, mixed histological features, and confusing clinical manifestations. This paper reports a case of an unusual form of presentation: a sclerosing type associated with desmoplastic reaction and cicatrization. A 75-year-old woman was admitted with persistent dry cough and progressive dyspnea. Physical examination showed bilateral inspiratory crackles. A chest radiograph and high-resolution computed tomography demonstrated confluent airspace nodules, forming areas of consolidation in both lungs, with signs of architectural distortion. The lung biopsy revealed a nonmucinous sclerosing bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

    Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: A Case Report with Emphasis on Imaging Findings

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    Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of small calculi in the alveolar space. The authors report a case of a 21-year-old man with a 2-year history of shortness of breath on exertion and dry cough. Physical examination was altered only for crackles at auscultation. Pulmonary function revealed a mild restrictive ventilatory defect and the chest radiograph demonstrated paracardiac confluence of dense micronodular infiltrate. High-resolution CT scan revealed diffuse ground glass attenuation and septal thickening, more pronounced in lower pulmonary regions, with calcifications along the interlobar septa and subpleural regions. A transbronchial lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PAM

    Cavitated Conglomerate Mass in Silicosis Indicating Associated Tuberculosis

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    Silicosis is the most common occupational lung disease worldwide. It leads to respiratory impairment and may have associated infections that decrease pulmonary function. We describe the case of a 55-year-old man with chronic silicosis who presented with hemoptysis and a cavitated conglomerate mass. The final diagnosis was silicotuberculosis

    Spontaneous Pneumothorax as an Atypical Presentation of Pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis: A Case Report with Emphasis on the Imaging Findings

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    We describe the case of a 45-year-old male with pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis and spontaneous pneumothorax. The patient presented to the hospital with sudden and intense chest pain accompanied by dyspnea and had a six-month history of dry cough, weight loss, and progressive dyspnea on exertion. Chest X-ray showed a small right pneumothorax, bilateral nonhomogeneous opacities, and emphysematous areas in the lung base. Chest computed tomography showed consolidation in both lungs, with architectural distortion, nodules, interlobular septal thickening, and emphysema, in addition to the right pneumothorax. A lung biopsy revealed yeast consistent with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. No drainage was needed, and the lung was re-expanded. The patient was treated with antifungal drugs, showed mild improvement, and was referred to outpatient care

    eHealth platforms to promote autonomous life and active aging: A scoping review

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    This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).New technologies, namely eHealth platforms, are being used more than ever before. These platforms enable older people to have a more independent lifestyle, enhance their participation, and improve their well-being. Information and communication technologies are expected to be linked to the triad of aging, social inclusion, and active participation, which is in line with the implementation of Smart Healthy and Age-Friendly Environments. This scoping review aimed to map eHealth platforms designed to promote autonomous life and active aging. The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and the PRISMA-ScR checklist were used. A search was conducted on MEDLINE (via PubMed), CINAHL Complete (via EBSCOhost), Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (via EBSCOhost), SciELO, DART-Europe, CAPES, and MedNar databases. Fourteen studies were included. This scoping review synthesized information on eHealth platforms designed to promote active living, their domains of intervention, and the outcomes assessed in those studies that have implemented and evaluated these eHealth platforms.publishedVersio

    eHealth platforms to promote autonomous life and active aging: A scoping review

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    This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).New technologies, namely eHealth platforms, are being used more than ever before. These platforms enable older people to have a more independent lifestyle, enhance their participation, and improve their well-being. Information and communication technologies are expected to be linked to the triad of aging, social inclusion, and active participation, which is in line with the implementation of Smart Healthy and Age-Friendly Environments. This scoping review aimed to map eHealth platforms designed to promote autonomous life and active aging. The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and the PRISMA-ScR checklist were used. A search was conducted on MEDLINE (via PubMed), CINAHL Complete (via EBSCOhost), Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (via EBSCOhost), SciELO, DART-Europe, CAPES, and MedNar databases. Fourteen studies were included. This scoping review synthesized information on eHealth platforms designed to promote active living, their domains of intervention, and the outcomes assessed in those studies that have implemented and evaluated these eHealth platforms.publishedVersio