3,975 research outputs found

    Natureza e turismo : um equilíbrio possível?

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.Abril/2010: início do projecto de 3 anos MOST (Aplicação de um modelo de turismo sustentável a áreas da rede Natura 2000 nos Açores), financiado pela FCT e com o apoio do DB/UAc

    A sustainable tourism in the Azores implies the environmental awareness of both

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    2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science (SICSS 2011) 17-20 August.A set of nine “Islands’ Parks” has been created throughout the Azorean archipelago, an outmost region of the EU located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Within these parks we find the areas delimited by Natura 2000, a network based on 2 EU Directives: Habitats and Birds directives. Since these regions aim to protect Europe’s remaining natural areas, in remote and isolated islands like the Azores, this is a critical issue for they are much more susceptible to all sorts of environmental degradation (e.g. introduction of exotic species, habitat loss, pollution). At the same time they are devoted to the practice of nature based tourist activities, and nature based tourism is in Portugal among the top ten products on touristy offer, as defined in the Strategic National Plan for Tourism (SNPT). In the last two decades, Azores has registered an increase in the number of tourists that come in search of a natural experience. This is putting a growing pressure on the local ecosystems, in terms of environmental impacts resulting from the tourist activities practiced in these protected areas, both terrestrial and underwater. In order to evaluate, prevent and minimize the impacts resultant from the tourist activity in the Azores, a research project financed by FCT has been launched in the beginning of 2010 named, “Application of a model of sustainable tourism to areas of Natura 2000 in the Azores”. The project uses two islands as a case-study, S. Miguel and Flores, which differ in terms of area, population density and tourist demand. So far the preliminary surveys conducted on the environmental perception of both tourists and nature based tourism enterprises, show that some work has to be done on both sides in terms of environmental education, to prevent future environmental degradation that may compromise the fate of this kind of economic income.FCT e programa COMPET

    Pedestrianismo : uma actividade com futuro nos Açores

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.O turismo de natureza (TN) e uma das actividades mais promissoras para integrar um modelo de desenvolvimento turístico para os Acores. Mas este tipo de turismo (e.g. ecoturismo, turismo de aventura) necessita de áreas protegidas (AP) para o seu pleno desenvolvimento. Cerca de 22% do território Açoriano possui um estatuto legal de protecção (DLR 26/2010/A; 12 de Ag.), tornando esta região numa séria candidata à implementação de actividades de TN. Mas é necessário aferir a compatibilidade entre turismo e conservação da natureza se queremos manter na região um turismo sustentável. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conception of a good-practices guide to the nature based tourism in the Azores (Portugal)

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    2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science (SICSS 2011) 17-20 August.Azorean archipelago, located in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, is packed with natural treasures well known in most parts of the world. In order to preserve them, the Portuguese government has set up a net of protected areas in all nine islands of the archipelago, known as “Island Parks”. Within these protected landscape we find Natura 2000 network, built upon two EC Directives: the Habitats and Birds Directives. Apart from a strict conservation objective, Natura 2000 is supposed to provide some sort of income to local communities, a goal that can be achieved through tourism. But tourism and conservation can collide unless the activities practiced in those areas, follow a set of rules aimed at its preservation. Because tourism usually has impacts upon the environment where it is practiced (e.g. soil erosion, habitat destruction, pollution), more and more tourists become sensitive to environmental protection. Tourism of Nature and Ecotourism are growing sectors within Azorean tourism. Thus, our main concern is to build a field guide of good-practices, to the touristy activities practiced in the protected areas of the Azores. We will present, in pocket guidebooks, all out-door activities that can be practiced on the islands, and where they may occur within each island. According to location, rules and good practices will be explained. A parallel will be established between them and biodiversity conservation. As a result, tourists will be informed about potential dangers to endemic fauna and flora, and be aware of how to protect them by respecting those rules. Two different guides will focus marine and terrestrial activities. The marine guidebook will refer to ludic fishing, snorkeling and scuba-diving, while the terrestrial one will resume the existing trails, speleology, bicycle and climbing.FCT e programa COMPET

    Perigos de introduções em ecossistemas insulares : o caso da ilha das Flores (Açores)

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    XIII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores e Corvo 2007.No decurso da XIII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores à ilha das Flores, que ocorreu entre 16 e 26 de Julho de 2008, equipas dedicadas a diversos aspectos salientaram existir um bom estado de conservação do ambiente desta ilha do grupo ocidental do Arquipélago dos Açores. O impacte visual da ilha é excelente, com paisagens de rara beleza e abundantes recursos hídricos, visíveis não só nas inúmeras lagoas e ribeiras, como também nas numerosas cascatas presentes ao longo da orla costeira. Neste ecossistema aparentemente perfeito, a presença de algumas espécies pode ser considerada preocupante, como é o caso de alguns roedores (e.g. Rattus rattus L.) e lagomorfos como o coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.). São predadores naturais do coelho, para além dos humanos que o caçam todo o ano, o furão (Mustela putorius furo L.), o bufo pequeno (Asio otus L.) e o próprio rato (Rattus rattus L.) (Carvalho & Almeida, 1990)

    Biogeographic origin of the common green lacewings (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) of the Azores archipelago, through morphology analysis

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    Due to a great dispersal ability and small size, insects are probably among the first island colonisers. Chrysoperla carnea sensu lato was for long considered the sole member of the Chrysopidae family in the Azores (Portugal) since it has been regarded as a complex of sibling species in Europe and North America. Its separation into different morphotypes is based on a set of pre-determined morphological traits. Their analysis leads to appraise Azorean Chrysopidae origin, comparing insular and mainland populations. Two outside “carnea complex” species, namely the Nearctic C. rufilabris and the Neotropical C. externa, were also examined to validate the method. Data analysis resulted in grouping separately the two out-group species as expected, and clearly joins insular and Palaearctic specimens of C. lucasina. Chrysoperla agilis, although known to be present in the Azores through courtship song analysis, is morphologically similar to the two other Palaearctic species, which confirms the continental Palaearctic origin of the common green lacewings in the Azores. Madeira has probably served as a stepping-stone to the Azorean colonisation

    Caracterização e avaliação dos percursos pedestres da ilha de Santa Maria

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    XIV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Santa Maria 2009.Na Expedição Científica à ilha de Santa Maria realizada entre 12 e 19 de Julho de 2009, foram caracterizados e avaliados os 3 trilhos pedestres classificados da ilha: Entre a Serra e o Mar - PRC3 SMA, Santo Espírito e a Maia - PR4 SMA e Pico Alto e Anjos - PR2 SMA. Do levantamento efectuado ressaltaram aspectos importantes, tais como: os trilhos encontram-se no geral bem preservados, ainda que existam situações pontuais de falta de informação e/ou segurança para os visitantes; o património natural e cultural da ilha de Santa Maria é vasto, e tem um elevado potencial para a prática de actividades turísticas relacionadas com a natureza. A baixa densidade populacional da ilha (57,5 habitantes/km ), e a vigilância atenta de associações ecológicas, como os “Amigos dos Açores”, terão decerto um papel importante na preservação e manutenção dos trilhos pedestres. Ainda assim, verificou-se no trilho PR4 SMA alguma deposição de resíduos, sobretudo no troço que desce até à antiga fábrica da baleia, provavelmente da responsabilidade dos locais que aí se deslocam para a prática de pesca desportiva; no trilho PR2 SMA, o Barreiro da Faneca é palco de actividades lúdicas TT potencialmente nefastas para o ambiente local, e é difícil, a partir do último troço do percurso, encontrar a melhor direcção para o lugar dos Anjos

    Sustentabilidade em destinos turísticos insulares: o projecto Azores Green Islands Tourism

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    1st International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies, Algarve 26-29 October 2011.A presente investigação se enquadra no Projecto Azores Green Islands Tourism, que é uma parceria da Universidade dos Açores com a ARENA, com apoio da FCT e do MIT. O objectivo é identificar e avaliar como os operadores turísticos dos Açores, vêem o ecoturismo e a adopção de práticas sustentáveis como forma de agregar valor ao destino. O projecto está sendo realizado nas nove ilhas do Arquipélago e possui a duração de um ano. A selecção da população investigada foi realizada através do registo oficial das empresas cadastradas na Direcção Regional de Turismo e o levantamento dos dados através da implementação de inquérito. Como principais resultados e contributos espera-se: elaborar um banco de dados das empresas com informações sobre a adopção de boas práticas; identificar a percepção dos operadores sobre o ecoturismo; identificar e avaliar como os operadores vêem a adopção de práticas sustentáveis como forma de agregar valor ao destino; elaborar um diagnóstico da actividade; e contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a importância das práticas sustentáveis. Dessa forma, espera-se identificar quais estratégias são necessárias para estimular a adopção destas práticas, culminando na elaboração de um plano de acção direccionando um planeamento futuro a ser tomado para o turismo sustentável no Arquipélago

    Up-scale challenges on biopolymer production from waste streams by Purple Phototrophic Bacteria mixed cultures: A critical review

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    Financial support from the Regional Government of Madrid through the project S2018/EMT-4344 BIOTRES-CM is gratefully acknowledged. D. Puyol wishes to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy for the Ramon y Cajal grant. J. FThe increasing volume of waste streams require new biological technologies that can address pollution concerns while offering sustainable products. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are very versatile organisms that present a unique metabolism that allows them to adapt to a variety of environments, including the most complex waste streams. Their successful adaptation to such demanding conditions is partly the result of internal polymers accumulation which can be stored for electron/energy balance or as carbon and nutrients reserves for deprivation periods. Polyhydroxyalkanoates, glycogen, sulphur and polyphosphate are examples of polymers produced by PPB that can be economically explored due to their applications in the plastic, energy and fertilizers sectors. Their large-scale production implies the outdoor operation of PPB systems which brings new challenges, identified in this review. An overview of the current PPB polymer producing technologies and prospects for their future development is also provided.publishersversionpublishe

    Local adjuvants in surgical management of bone metastases.

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    Curettage is one of the most common method for surgical treatment of bone metastasis. Local adjuvant improve most commonly used for improving the effect of curettage in local cancer surgery may exerted their effects either chemically either physically; in Orthopedic Oncology the most common are phenol, liquid nitrogen, laser, and cement. This article reviewed the main characteristics of the most common chemical and physical agents used in bone oncology, emphasizing the toxic effects of some of them, especially phenol and liquid nitrogen