118 research outputs found

    Photometric and kinematical study of nearby groups of galaxies around IC 65 and NGC 6962

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    We discuss the structure, galaxy content and kinematics of a sparse, probably collapsing group around IC 65 and an evolved rich group around NGC 6962Comment: Poster contribution on 2 pages with 2 figures to be published in ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, J. Borissov

    Structure and Star Formation in NGC 925

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    We present the results from an optical study of the stellar & star formation properties of NGC 925 using the WIYN 3.5m telescope. Images in B,V,R, & H-alpha reveal a galaxy that is fraught with asymmetries. From isophote fits we discover that the bar center is not coincident with the center of the outer isophotes nor with the dynamical center (from Pisano et al. 1998). Cuts across the spiral arms reveal that the northern arms are distinctly different from the southern arm. The southern arm not only appears more coherent, but the peaks in stellar and H-alpha emission are found to be coincident with those of the HI distribution, while no such consistency is present in the northern disk. We also examine the gas surface density criterion for massive star formation in NGC 925, and find that its behavior is more consistent with that for irregular galaxies, than with late-type spirals. In particular, star formation persists beyond the radius at which the gas surface density falls below the predicted critical value for star formation for late-type spirals. Such properties are characteristic of Magellanic spirals, but are present at a less dramatic level in NGC 925, a late-type spiral.Comment: accepted for publication in the August 2000 Astronomical Journal 12 pages, 3 tables, 14 figure

    Spectroscopic and photometric studies of low-metallicity star-forming dwarf galaxies. I. SBS 1129+576

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    Spectroscopy and V,I CCD photometry of the dwarf irregular galaxy SBS 1129+576 are presented for the first time. The CCD images reveal a chain of compact H II regions within the elongated low-surface-brightness (LSB) component of the galaxy. Star formation takes place mainly in two high-surface-brightness H II regions. The mean (V-I) colour of the LSB component in the surface brightness interval between 23 and 26 mag/sq.arcsec is relatively blue ~0.56+/-0.03 mag, as compared to the (V-I)~0.9-1.0 for the majority of known dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies. Spectroscopy shows that the galaxy is among the most metal-deficient galaxies with an oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H)= 7.36+/-0.10 in the brightest H II region and 7.48+/-0.12 in the second brightest H II region, or 1/36 and 1/28 of the solar value, respectively. Hbeta and Halpha emission lines and Hdelta and Hgamma absorption lines are detected in a large part of the LSB component. We use two extinction-insensitive methods based on the equivalent widths of (1) emission and (2) absorption Balmer lines to put constraints on the age of the stellar populations in the galaxy. In addition, we use two extinction-dependent methods based on (3) the spectral energy distribution (SED) and (4) the (V-I) colour. The observed properties of the LSB component can be reproduced by a stellar population forming continuously since 10 Gyr ago, provided that the star formation rate has increased during the last 100 Myr by a factor of 6 to 50 and no extinction is present. However, the observational properties of the LSB component can be reproduced equally well by continuous star formation which started not earlier than 100 Myr ago and stopped at 5 Myr, if some extinction is assumed.(Abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    An Exploration of the Tully-Fisher Relation for Extreme Late-Type Spiral Galaxies

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    This paper explores the adherence of 47 extreme late-type galaxies to the B- and V-band Tully-Fisher relations defined by a sample of local calibrators. In both bands we find the mean luminosity at a given line width for extreme late-type spirals to lie below that predicted by standard Tully-Fisher relations. While many of the extreme late-type spirals do follow the Tully-Fisher relation to within our observational uncertainties, most of these galaxies lie below the normal, linear Tully-Fisher relation, and some are underluminous by more than 2 sigma (i.e. >1.16 magnitudes in V). This suggests a possible downward curvature of the Tully-Fisher relation for some of the smallest and faintest rotationally supported disk galaxies. This may be a consequence of the increasing prevalence of dark matter in these systems. We find the deviation from the Tully-Fisher relation to increase with decreasing luminosity and decreasing optical linear size in our sample, implying that the physically smallest and faintest spirals may be a structurally and kinematically distinct class of objects.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures; to appear in the November A

    Nearby Optical Galaxies: Selection of the Sample and Identification of Groups

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    In this paper we describe the Nearby Optical Galaxy (NOG) sample, which is a complete, distance-limited (cz≀cz\leq6000 km/s) and magnitude-limited (B≀\leq14) sample of ∌\sim7000 optical galaxies. The sample covers 2/3 (8.27 sr) of the sky (∣b∣>20∘|b|>20^{\circ}) and appears to have a good completeness in redshift (98%). We select the sample on the basis of homogenized corrected total blue magnitudes in order to minimize systematic effects in galaxy sampling. We identify the groups in this sample by means of both the hierarchical and the percolation {\it friends of friends} methods. The resulting catalogs of loose groups appear to be similar and are among the largest catalogs of groups presently available. Most of the NOG galaxies (∌\sim60%) are found to be members of galaxy pairs (∌\sim580 pairs for a total of ∌\sim15% of objects) or groups with at least three members (∌\sim500 groups for a total of ∌\sim45% of objects). About 40% of galaxies are left ungrouped (field galaxies). We illustrate the main features of the NOG galaxy distribution. Compared to previous optical and IRAS galaxy samples, the NOG provides a denser sampling of the galaxy distribution in the nearby universe. Given its large sky coverage, the identification of groups, and its high-density sampling, the NOG is suited for the analysis of the galaxy density field of the nearby universe, especially on small scales.Comment: 47 pages including 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Photometric study of the IC 65 group of galaxies

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    We carry out a photometric study of a poor group of late-type galaxies around IC 65, with the aim: (a) to search for new dwarf members and to measure their photometric characteristics; (b) to search for possible effects of mutual interactions on the morphology and star-formation characteristics of luminous and faint group members; (c) to evaluate the evolutionary status of this particular group. We make use of our BRI CCD observations, DPOSS blue and red frames, and the 2MASS JHK frames. In addition, we use the HI imaging data, the far-infrared and radio data from the literature. Search for dwarf galaxies is made using the SExtractor software. Detailed surface photometry is performed with the MIDAS package. Four LSB galaxies were classified as probable dwarf members of the group and the BRI physical and model parameters were derived for the first time for all true and probable group members. Newly found dIrr galaxies around the IC 65 contain a number of H II regions, which show a range of ages and propagating star-formation. Mildly disturbed gaseous and/or stellar morphology is found in several group members. Various structural, dynamical, and star-forming characteristics let us conclude that the IC 65 group is a typical poor assembly of late-type galaxies at an early stage of its dynamical evolution with some evidence of intragroup (tidal) interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to A&

    Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Search Method and Test Sample

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    In this paper we present results of a pilot study to use imaging data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to search for low-surface-brightness (LSB) galaxies. For our pilot study we use a test sample of 92 galaxies from the catalog of Impey et al. (1996) distributed over 93 SDSS fields of the Early Data Release (EDR). Many galaxies from the test sample are either LSB or dwarf galaxies. To deal with the SDSS data most effectively a new photometry software was created, which is described in this paper. We present the results of the selection algorithms applied to these 93 EDR fields. Two galaxies from the Impey et al. test sample are very likely artifacts, as confirmed by follow-up imaging. With our algorithms, we were able to recover 87 of the 90 remaining test sample galaxies, implying a detection rate of ∌\sim96.5%. The three missed galaxies fall too close to very bright stars or galaxies. In addition, 42 new galaxies with parameters similar to the test sample objects were found in these EDR fields (i.e., ∌\sim47% additional galaxies). We present the main photometric parameters of all identified galaxies and carry out first statistical comparisons. We tested the quality of our photometry by comparing the magnitudes for our test sample galaxies and other bright galaxies with values from the literature. All these tests yielded consistent results. We briefly discuss a few unusual galaxies found in our pilot study, including an LSB galaxy with a two-component disk and ten new giant LSB galaxies.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication by AJ, some figures were bitmapped to reduce the siz

    An imaging and spectroscopic study of the very metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxy Tol 1214--277

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    We present a spectrophotometric study based on VLT/FORS I observations of one of the most metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies known, Tol 1214-277 (Z ~ Zsun/25). The data show that roughly half of the total luminosity of the BCD originates from a bright and compact starburst region located at the northeastern tip of a faint dwarf galaxy with cometary appearance. The starburst has ignited less than 4 Myr ago and its emission is powered by several thousands O7V stars and ~ 170 late-type nitrogen Wolf-Rayet stars located within a compact region with < 500 pc in diameter. For the first time in a BCD, a relatively strong [Fe V] 4227 emission line is seen which together with intense He II 4686 emission indicates the presence of a very hard radiation field in Tol 1214-277. We argue that this extraordinarily hard radiation originates from both Wolf--Rayet stars and radiative shocks in the starburst region. The structural properties of the low-surface-brightness (LSB) component underlying the starburst have been investigated by means of surface photometry down to 28 B mag/sq.arcsec. We find that, for a surface brightness level fainter than ~ 24.5 B mag/sq.arcsec, an exponential fitting law provides an adequate approximation to its radial intensity distribution. The broad-band colors in the outskirts of the LSB component of Tol 1214-277 are nearly constant and are consistent with an age below one Gyr. This conclusion is supported by the comparison of the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the LSB host with theoretical SEDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, to appear in Astronomical Journa
