434 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic, obstetric and psychological determinants of obesity among women in early to mid-pregnancy in South India

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    Background: Worldwide, the occurrence of obesity has markedly increased over the past decades with serious public health consequences. Obese pregnant women are more likely to develop hypertension, pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, resulting in obstetric complications which in turn may contribute to an increase in adverse child outcomes and maternal mortality. The present study was done to determine the prevalence of obesity and its association with socio-demographic variables, obstetric history and mental health. Methods: This study was nested within an ongoing cohort study, CASCADE, in a public hospital in Bangalore. The study participants comprised of 280 pregnant women who were 18 years of age and above, with a gestational age of less than 24 weeks, enrolled between a period of August 1st, 2017 until April 30th, 2018. Weight and height were measured using calibrated devices to calculate the body mass index. Results: The prevalence of obesity was observed to be 33.9% among the pregnant mothers. Obesity was found to be significantly associated with age, history of abortion, gravidity on multivariate logistic regression. No association was found with depression and anxiety. Conclusions: Obesity is an important health concern among urban pregnant women in the region of South India. The prevalence is much higher than that reported in other studies. Increasing age, multigravidity and past history of abortion were significantly associated with maternal obesity.</ns4:p

    Transactivation and signaling functions of Tat are not correlated: biological and immunological characterization of HIV-1 subtype-C Tat protein

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    BACKGROUND: Of the diverse subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1), subtype-C strains cause a large majority of infections worldwide. The reasons for the global dominance of HIV-1 subtype-C infections are not completely understood. Tat, being critical for viral infectivity and pathogenesis, may differentially modulate pathogenic properties of the viral subtypes. Biochemical studies on Tat are hampered by the limitations of the current purification protocols. Tat purified using standard protocols often is competent for transactivation activity but defective for a variety of other biological functions. Keeping this limitation in view, we developed an efficient protein purification strategy for Tat. RESULTS: Tat proteins obtained using the novel strategy described here were free of contaminants and retained biological functions as evaluated in a range of assays including the induction of cytokines, upregulation of chemokine coreceptor, transactivation of the viral promoter and rescue of a Tat-defective virus. Given the highly unstable nature of Tat, we evaluated the effect of the storage conditions on the biological function of Tat following purification. Tat stored in a lyophilized form retained complete biological activity regardless of the storage temperature. To understand if variations in the primary structure of Tat could influence the secondary structure of the protein and consequently its biological functions, we determined the CD spectra of subtype-C and -B Tat proteins. We demonstrate that subtype-C Tat may have a relatively higher ordered structure and be less flexible than subtype-B Tat. We show that subtype-C Tat as a protein, but not as a DNA expression vector, was consistently inferior to subtype-B Tat in a variety of biological assays. Furthermore, using ELISA, we evaluated the anti-Tat antibody titers in a large number of primary clinical samples (n = 200) collected from all four southern Indian states. Our analysis of the Indian populations demonstrated that Tat is non-immunodominant and that a large variation exists in the antigen-specific antibody titers. CONCLUSION: Our report not only describes a simple protein purification strategy for Tat but also demonstrates important structural and functional differences between subtype-B and -C Tat proteins. Furthermore, this is the first report of protein purification and characterization of subtype-C Tat

    The prevalence and determinants of pregnancy-related anxiety amongst pregnant women at less than 24 weeks of pregnancy in Bangalore, Southern India.

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    Background: A pregnant woman undergoes physiological as well as psychological changes during this phase of life during which anxiety is a commonly faced mental condition. There is sufficient evidence on the association of pregnancy specific anxiety with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Studies on anxiety during pregnancy from low and middle income countries are limited. Methods: This study included 380 pregnant women, having a confirmed pregnancy of less than 24 weeks without any obstetric complication, who were availing of antenatal care at a public sector hospital in Bangalore city. Pregnancy-related thoughts (PRT) scale was used to screen for anxiety. Details pertaining to sociodemographic data, obstetric history, psychosocial factors including social support, marital discord, domestic violence, consanguinity, history of catastrophic events, history of mental illness, current presence of depression and anxiety was obtained by means of electronic data capture using an Android-based App. Results: Out of 380 pregnant women, 195 (55.7%) were found to have pregnancy-related anxiety. Lower socioeconomic status, low social support and depression emerged as significant determinants of anxiety. Conclusion: The prevalence of anxiety was fairly high in the study population and isp therefore an important public health concern. Pregnancy-related anxiety must be identified early during routine antenatal care to prevent any untoward pregnancy outcomes

    Prenatal Depression and Its Associated Risk Factors Among Pregnant Women in Bangalore: A Hospital Based Prevalence Study

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    BACKGROUND The most common psychological problem that affects a woman during her perinatal period worldwide is depression. The risk of prenatal depression increases significantly as pregnancy progresses and clinically significant depressive symptoms are common in mid and late trimesters. Studies from various countries around the world have shown a prevalence rate ranging from as low as 4% to as high as 81%. The prevalence of depression in India is shown to vary from 9.18% in one study to 36.75 % reported in another. There is paucity of research on depression during the prenatal period, especially in India. Given this background, the present study aimed to assess the prevalence of prenatal depression and its associated risk factors among pregnant women in Bangalore, Southern India. METHODS: The study was nested within an on-going cohort study. The study participants comprised of pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic at Jaya Nagar General Hospital (Sanjay Gandhi Hospital) in Bangalore. The data was collected using standardised questionnaires. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Scale (MSPSS), Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, The Modified Conflict Tactics scale, Modified Kuppuswamy socio economic scale, Pregnancy related anxiety Scales were used. RESULTS: Of the 280 pregnant mothers, the proportion of them who screened positive for prenatal depression was 35.7%. Presence of domestic violence was found to impose a five times higher and highly significant risk of developing prenatal depression among the respondents. Pregnancy related anxiety was also found to be a positive predictor of prenatal depression. Presence of catastrophic events in the past one year was found to impose a two times higher and significant risk of developing prenatal depression among the respondents. CONCLUSION: The present study showed a higher prevalence of prenatal depression among the study participants which is suggestive of the public health importance in the study region. Health care plans therefore can include screening and diagnosis of prenatal depression in the antenatal care along with other health care facilities provided

    Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds: Virus Evolution in a Multihost Ecosystem.

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    Wild ducks and gulls are the major reservoirs for avian influenza A viruses (AIVs). The mechanisms that drive AIV evolution are complex at sites where various duck and gull species from multiple flyways breed, winter, or stage. The Republic of Georgia is located at the intersection of three migratory flyways: the Central Asian flyway, the East Africa/West Asia flyway, and the Black Sea/Mediterranean flyway. For six complete study years (2010 to 2016), we collected AIV samples from various duck and gull species that breed, migrate, and overwinter in Georgia. We found a substantial subtype diversity of viruses that varied in prevalence from year to year. Low-pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) subtypes included H1N1, H2N3, H2N5, H2N7, H3N8, H4N2, H6N2, H7N3, H7N7, H9N1, H9N3, H10N4, H10N7, H11N1, H13N2, H13N6, H13N8, and H16N3, and two highly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs) belonging to clade, H5N5 and H5N8, were found. Whole-genome phylogenetic trees showed significant host species lineage restriction for nearly all gene segments and significant differences in observed reassortment rates, as defined by quantification of phylogenetic incongruence, and in nucleotide sequence diversity for LPAIVs among different host species. Hemagglutinin clade H5N8 viruses, which circulated in Eurasia during 2014 and 2015, did not reassort, but analysis after their subsequent dissemination during 2016 and 2017 revealed reassortment in all gene segments except NP and NS. Some virus lineages appeared to be unrelated to AIVs in wild bird populations in other regions, with maintenance of local AIVs in Georgia, whereas other lineages showed considerable genetic interrelationships with viruses circulating in other parts of Eurasia and Africa, despite relative undersampling in the area.IMPORTANCE Waterbirds (e.g., gulls and ducks) are natural reservoirs of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) and have been shown to mediate the dispersal of AIVs at intercontinental scales during seasonal migration. The segmented genome of influenza viruses enables viral RNA from different lineages to mix or reassort when two viruses infect the same host. Such reassortant viruses have been identified in most major human influenza pandemics and several poultry outbreaks. Despite their importance, we have only recently begun to understand AIV evolution and reassortment in their natural host reservoirs. This comprehensive study illustrates AIV evolutionary dynamics within a multihost ecosystem at a stopover site where three major migratory flyways intersect. Our analysis of this ecosystem over a 6-year period provides a snapshot of how these viruses are linked to global AIV populations. Understanding the evolution of AIVs in the natural host is imperative to mitigating both the risk of incursion into domestic poultry and the potential risk to mammalian hosts, including humans

    A mutation in the endonuclease domain of mouse MLH3 reveals novel roles for MutLγ during crossover formation in meiotic prophase I

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    During meiotic prophase I, double-strand breaks (DSBs) initiate homologous recombination leading to non-crossovers (NCOs) and crossovers (COs). In mouse, 10% of DSBs are designated to become COs, primarily through a pathway dependent on the MLH1-MLH3 heterodimer (MutLγ). Mlh3 contains an endonuclease domain that is critical for resolving COs in yeast. We generated a mouse (Mlh3DN/DN) harboring a mutation within this conserved domain that is predicted to generate a protein that is catalytically inert. Mlh3DN/DN males, like fully null Mlh3-/- males, have no spermatozoa and are infertile, yet spermatocytes have grossly normal DSBs and synapsis events in early prophase I. Unlike Mlh3-/- males, mutation of the endonuclease domain within MLH3 permits normal loading and frequency of MutLγ in pachynema. However, key DSB repair factors (RAD51) and mediators of CO pathway choice (BLM helicase) persist into pachynema in Mlh3DN/DN males, indicating a temporal delay in repair events and revealing a mechanism by which alternative DSB repair pathways may be selected. While Mlh3DN/DN spermatocytes retain only 22% of wildtype chiasmata counts, this frequency is greater than observed in Mlh3-/- males (10%), suggesting that the allele may permit partial endonuclease activity, or that other pathways can generate COs from these MutLγ-defined repair intermediates in Mlh3DN/DN males. Double mutant mice homozygous for the Mlh3DN/DN and Mus81-/- mutations show losses in chiasmata close to those observed in Mlh3-/- males, indicating that the MUS81-EME1-regulated crossover pathway can only partially account for the increased residual chiasmata in Mlh3DN/DN spermatocytes. Our data demonstrate that mouse spermatocytes bearing the MLH1-MLH3DN/DN complex display the proper loading of factors essential for CO resolution (MutSγ, CDK2, HEI10, MutLγ). Despite these functions, mice bearing the Mlh3DN/DN allele show defects in the repair of meiotic recombination intermediates and a loss of most chiasmata

    Toksični učinci olova u profesionalno izložene indijske obitelji

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    This article describes an entire family manufacturing lead acid batteries who all suffered from lead poisoning. The family of five lived in a house, part of which had been used for various stages of battery production for 14 years. Open space was used for drying batteries. They all drank water from a well located on the premises. Evaluation of biomarkers of lead exposure and/or effect revealed alarming blood lead levels [(3.92±0.94) µmol L-1], 50 % reduction in the activity of δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase [(24.67±5.12) U L-1] and an increase in zinc protoporphyrin [(1228±480) µg L-1]. Liver function tests showed an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase [(170.41±41.82) U L-1]. All other liver function test parameters were normal. Renal function tests showed an increase in serum uric acid [(515.81±86.29) µmol L-1] while urea and creatinine were normal. Serum calcium was low [(1.90±0.42) mmol L-1 in women and (2.09±0.12) mmol L-1 in men], while blood pressure was high in the head of the family and his wife and normal in children. Lead concentration in well water was estimated to 180 µg L-1. The family was referred to the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India, were they were received treatment and were informed about the hazards of lead poisoning. A follow up three months later showed a slight decrease in blood lead levels and a significant increase in haemoglobin. These findings can be attributed to behavioural changes adopted by the family, even though they continued producing lead batteries.Olovo je sveprisutni metal s mnogo namjena, a čovječanstvo ga rabi već više od 6000 godina. Danas je olovo među najrasprostranjenijim toksinima u okolišu, a drugi je na popisu toksičnih metala, odmah iza arsena. Mnogi još nisu svjesni njegova toksičnoga djelovanja te se i dalje izlažu olovu. Ovdje je opisana obitelj koja proizvodi olovne akumulatore i koja je pretrpjela trovanje olovom zahvaljujući svojoj neobaviještenosti. Ova peteročlana obitelj živjela je u jednome kućanstvu čiji je dio namijenjen različitim fazama proizvodnje akumulatora već 14 godina. Akumulatori su se sušili na otvorenome. Na imanju je bio i bunar s pitkom vodom. Mjerenja biopokazatelja izloženosti olovu i njegova djelovanja u svih pet članova obitelji dovela su do alarmantnoga saznanja o razinama olova u krvi [(3,92±0,94) µmol L-1], 50 %-tnom padu aktivnosti dehidrataze δ-aminolevulinske kiseline [(24,67±5,12) U L-1] te povišenom cinkovu protoporfirinu [(1228±480) µg L-1]. Jetrene probe otkrile su povišene razine alkalne fosfataze u serumu [(170,41±41,82) U L-1]. Ostali su parametri jetrene funkcije bili normalni. Testovi funkcije bubrega otkrili su povišene razine mokraćne kiseline u serumu [(515,81±86,29) µmol L-1], dok su razine ureje i kreatinina bile normalne. Također je zabilježen pad razina kalcija u serumu [(1,90±0,42) mmol L-1 u žena te (2,09±0,12) mmol L-1 u muškaraca]. Povišeni krvni tlak zamijećen je u glave obitelji i njegove supruge, dok je u djece bio normalan. Koncentracija olova u bunarskoj vodi bila je izrazito visoka, prema procjeni 180 µg L-1. Obitelj je upućena u indijski Državni referalni centar za otrovanje olovom (National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning) gdje je primila lijekove i bila upoznata s činjenicama vezanim uz otrovanje olovom. Tromjesečno je praćenje pokazalo blagi pad razina olova u krvi te značajan porast hemoglobina. Ovi se nalazi mogu pripisati promjenama u ponašanju obitelji, bez obzira na to što je nastavila proizvoditi akumulatore

    Antioxidants of Edible Mushrooms

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    Oxidative stress caused by an imbalanced metabolism and an excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS) lead to a range of health disorders in humans. Our endogenous antioxidant defense mechanisms and our dietary intake of antioxidants potentially regulate our oxidative homeostasis. Numerous synthetic antioxidants can effectively improve defense mechanisms, but because of their adverse toxic effects under certain conditions, preference is given to natural compounds. Consequently, the requirements for natural, alternative sources of antioxidant foods identified in edible mushrooms, as well as the mechanistic action involved in their antioxidant properties, have increased rapidly. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of mushrooms have been intensively studied. Edible mushrooms might be used directly in enhancement of antioxidant defenses through dietary supplementation to reduce the level of oxidative stress. Wild or cultivated, they have been related to significant antioxidant properties due to their bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, vitamins, carotenoids and minerals. Antioxidant and health benefits, observed in edible mushrooms, seem an additional reason for their traditional use as a popular delicacy food. This review discusses the consumption of edible mushrooms as a powerful instrument in maintaining health, longevity and life quality