386 research outputs found

    Effect of short-term hazelnut consumption on DNA damage and oxidized LDL in children and adolescents with primary hyperlipidemia : a randomized controlled trial

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    Children with primary hyperlipidemia are prone to develop premature atherosclerosis, possibly associated with increased oxidative stress. Nutritional therapy is the primary strategy in the treatment of hyperlipidemia and associated conditions. Dietary interventions with bioactive-rich foods, such as nuts, may contribute to the modulation of both lipid profile and the oxidative/antioxidant status. Our study aimed to assess the impact of a dietary intervention with hazelnuts on selected oxidative stress markers in children and adolescents with primary hyperlipidemia. A single-blind, 8-week, randomized, controlled, three-arm, parallel-group study was performed. Children and adolescents diagnosed with primary hyperlipidemia (n=60) received dietary guidelines and were randomized into three groups: group 1 received hazelnuts with skin (HZN+S), and group 2 hazelnuts without skin (HZN-S), at equivalent doses (15-30 g/day, based on body weight); group 3 (controls) received only dietary recommendations (no nuts). At baseline and after 8 weeks, plasma oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) concentrations, oxidative levels of DNA damage in PBMCs and potential correlation with changes in serum lipids were examined. A reduction of endogenous DNA damage by 18.9%\ub151.3% (P=.002) and 23.1%\ub147.9% (P=.007) was observed after HZN+S and HZN-S, respectively. Oxidatively induced DNA strand breaks decreased by 16.0%\ub138.2% (P=.02) following HZN+S treatment. Ox-LDL levels did not change after HZN+S intervention but positively correlated with total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. A short-term hazelnut intervention improves cell DNA protection and resistance against oxidative stress but not ox-LDL in hyperlipidemic pediatric patients. The trial was registered at ISRCTN.com, ID no. ISRCTN12261900

    Espectrometria de infravermelho próximo na predição da textura de solos desenvolvidos de basalto.

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    A textura dos solos tem sido determinada através de métodos analíticos que muitas vezes são caros e lentos. Ademais, em solos muito argilosos, a dispersão química e mecânica nem sempre é eficiente em separar a fração silte da fração argila, superestimando o conteúdo de silte dos solos. O objetivo do trabalho foi testar a espectroscopia de reflectância de infravermelho próximo (NIRS) na avaliação da textura de solos de basalto. Foram coletadas 214 amostras de terra na região Norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil, nos municípios de Bela Vista do Paraíso e Londrina, em áreas com predominância de Latossolos, Nitossolos e Neossolos, classificados. As amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-20 cm e 60-80 cm. Foi realizada análise textural pela dispersão química e mecânica e em seguida as amostras foram escaneadas em um espectrômetro modelo FOSS NIRS SYSTENS XDS, na banda de reflectância entre 400 e 2500 nm. Os dados espectrais foram analisados e comparados aos resultados obtidos com o método da pipeta, através do software WinISI III v. 1.61e. Foi possível verificar que na camada 60-80 cm os teores de argila foram superiores aos da camada 0-20 cm, em função de pequenas translocações de argila verificadas nesses solos. Em relação à predição da textura pelo NIRS, não foi possível obter boa acurácia para nenhuma das frações granulométricas analisadas, uma vez que os coeficientes de correlação da calibração foram apenas 0,55; 0,55 e 0,53 para argila, silte e areia, respectivamente. Nesta situação o indicado seria testar novos métodos de análise de referência e novos tratamentos estatísticos para se ter um melhor indicativo do potencial de uso da técnica

    Targeting Beta-Blocker Drug–Drug Interactions with Fibrinogen Blood Plasma Protein: A Computational and Experimental Study

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    In this work, one of the most prevalent polypharmacology drug–drug interaction events that occurs between two widely used beta-blocker drugs—i.e., acebutolol and propranolol—with the most abundant blood plasma fibrinogen protein was evaluated. Towards that end, molecular docking and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were used as complementary tools. A fibrinogen crystallographic validation for the three best ranked binding-sites shows 100% of conformationally favored residues with total absence of restricted flexibility. From those three sites, results on both the binding-site druggability and ligand transport analysis-based free energy trajectories pointed out the most preferred biophysical environment site for drug–drug interactions. Furthermore, the total affinity for the stabilization of the drug–drug complexes was mostly influenced by steric energy contributions, based mainly on multiple hydrophobic contacts with critical residues (THR22: P and SER50: Q) in such best-ranked site. Additionally, the DFT calculations revealed that the beta-blocker drug–drug complexes have a spontaneous thermodynamic stabilization following the same affinity order obtained in the docking simulations, without covalent-bond formation between both interacting beta-blockers in the best-ranked site. Lastly, experimental ultrasound density and velocity measurements were performed and allowed us to validate and corroborate the computational obtained resultsThis research was funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds (Michael González-Durruthy, Riccardo Concu, and M. Natália D.S. Cordeiro), grant UID/QUI/50006/2020, as well as by Xunta de Galicia (Juan M. Ruso), grant ED41E2018/08S

    Effect of a wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) drink intervention on markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial function in humans with cardiovascular risk factors

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    Purpose Wild blueberries (WB) (Vaccinium angustifolium) are rich sources of polyphenols, such as flavonols, phenolic acids and anthocyanins (ACNs), reported to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. This study investigated the effect of regular consumption of a WB or a placebo (PL) drink on markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial function in subjects with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Methods Eighteen male volunteers (ages 47.8 ? 9.7 years; body mass index 24.8 ? 2.6 kg/m2) received according to a cross-over design, a WB (25 g freeze-dried powder, providing 375 mg of ACNs) or a PL drink for 6 weeks, spaced by a 6-week wash-out. Endogenous and oxidatively induced DNA damage in blood mononuclear cells, serum interleukin levels, reactive hyperemia index, nitric oxide, soluble vascular adhesion molecule concentration and other variables were analyzed. In conclusion, the consumption of the WB drink for 6 weeks significantly reduced the levels of oxidized DNA bases and increased the resistance to oxidatively induced DNA damage. Future studies should address in greater detail the role of WB in endothelial functio

    Six-Week Consumption of a Wild Blueberry Powder Drink Increases Bifidobacteria in the Human Gut

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    Wild blueberries are a rich source of polyphenols and other compounds that are highly metabolized by the intestinal microbiota and may, at the same time, affect the intestinal environment itself. A repeated-measure, crossover dietary intervention on human volunteers was designed to study the effect of six week consumption of a wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) drink, versus a placebo drink, in modulating the intestinal microbiota. Relative to total eubacteria, Bifidobacterium spp. significantly increased following blueberry treatment (P 65 0.05), while Lactobacillus acidophilus increased after both treatments (P 65 0.05). No significant differences were observed for Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., Enterococcus spp., and Clostridium coccoides. Bifidobacteria, which have been largely proposed to be of benefit for the host, appeared to be selectively favored suggesting an important role for the polyphenols and fiber present in wild blueberries. Results obtained suggest that regular consumption of a wild blueberry drink can positively modulate the composition of the intestinal microbiota

    "Nutrizione e Rischio Cardiovascolare"

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    Wild blueberries are rich sources of polyphenols such as anthocyanins capable of counteracting oxidative stress, influencing vasomotor tone and modulating gene expression associated with disease processes such as cardiovascular disease

    Berry Fruit Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of risk factors which often includes central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, as well as a pro-inflammatory, pro-oxidant, and pro-thrombotic environment. This leads to a dramatically increased risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death both in the United States and worldwide. Increasing evidence suggests that berry fruit consumption has a significant potential in the prevention and treatment of most risk factors associated with Metabolic Syndrome and its cardiovascular complications in the human population. This is likely due to the presence of polyphenols with known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, such as anthocyanins and/or phenolic acids. The present review summarizes the findings of recent dietary interventions with berry fruits on human subjects with or at risk of Metabolic Syndrome. It also discusses the potential role of berries as part of a dietary strategy which could greatly reduce the need for pharmacotherapy, associated with potentially deleterious side effects and constituting a considerable financial burden

    Anaplasma marginale infection in cattle from southwestern Amazonia.

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    study provides the first epidemiological data regarding infection by Anaplasma marginale in cattle reared in south-western Brazilian Amazonia. One simple procedure was adapted for the extraction of DNA from blood clots collected in seven microregions of Rondônia State and two mesoregions of Acre State. PCR method was used to asses the frequency of A. marginale infections in 4 to12-month-old cattle. The cattle infection was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the specific primer ?msp5? for A. marginale. The DNA amplifications revealed that the mean frequency of A. marginale infection was 98.6% (1,627/1,650) in samples from Rondonia, and 92.87% (208/225) in samples from Acre. The high frequency of A. marginale infections in 4 to 12- month-old cattle indicate a situation of enzootic stability in the studied areas and are comparable to those detected by immunodiagnosis in different endemic regions in Brazil. The DNA extraction of clotted blood method described here can be used for epidemiological studies on anaplasmosis and other bovine hemoparasites

    Human natural killer cells mediate adaptive immunity to viral antigens

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    Adaptive immune responses are defined as antigen sensitization–dependent and antigen-specific responses leading to establishment of long-lived immunological memory. Although natural killer (NK) cells have traditionally been considered cells of the innate immune system, mounting evidence in mice and nonhuman primates warrants reconsideration of the existing paradigm that B and T cells are the sole mediators of adaptive immunity. However, it is currently unknown whether human NK cells can exhibit adaptive immune responses. We therefore tested whether human NK cells mediate adaptive immunity to virally encoded antigens using humanized mice and human volunteers. We found that human NK cells displayed vaccination-dependent, antigen-specific recall responses in vitro, when isolated from livers of humanized mice previously vaccinated with HIV-encoded envelope protein. Furthermore, we discovered that large numbers of cytotoxic NK cells with a tissue-resident phenotype were recruited to sites of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) skin test antigen challenge in VZV-experienced human volunteers. These NK-mediated recall responses in humans occurred decades after initial VZV exposure, demonstrating that NK memory in humans is long-lived. Our data demonstrate that human NK cells exhibit adaptive immune responses upon vaccination or infection. The existence of human memory NK cells may allow for the development of vaccination-based approaches capable of establishing potent NK-mediated memory functions contributing to host protection