113 research outputs found

    Comments on: Accuracy of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Calibration and its Applicability to Long-Term Measurements

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    In a recent publication, LeBlanc and McDermid proposed a hybrid calibration technique for Raman water vapor lidar involving a tungsten lamp and radiosondes. Measurements made with the lidar telescope viewing the calibration lamp were used to stabilize the lidar calibration determined by comparison with radiosonde. The technique provided a significantly more stable calibration constant than radiosondes used alone. The technique involves the use of a calibration lamp in a fixed position in front of the lidar receiver aperture. We examine this configuration and find that such a configuration likely does not properly sample the full lidar system optical efficiency. While the technique is a useful addition to the use of radiosondes alone for lidar calibration, it is important to understand the scenarios under which it will not provide an accurate quantification of system optical efficiency changes. We offer examples of these scenarios

    The influence of maternal glucocorticoids on offspring phenotype in high-and low-risk environments

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    Elevated maternal glucocorticoid levels during gestation can lead to phenotypic changes in offspring via maternal effects. Although such effects have traditionally been considered maladaptive, maternally derived glucocorticoids may adaptively prepare offspring for their future environment depending upon the correlation between maternal and offspring environments. Nevertheless, relatively few studies test the effects of prenatal glucocorticoid exposure across multiple environments. We tested the potential for ecologically relevant increases in maternal glucocorticoids in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) to induce adaptive phenotypic changes in offspring exposed to high or low densities of an invasive fire ant predator. Maternal treatment had limited effects on offspring morphology and behavior at hatching, but by 10 days of age, we found maternal treatment interacted with offspring environment to alter anti-predator behaviors. We did not detect differences in early-life survival based on maternal treatment or offspring environment. Opposing selection on anti-predator behaviors from historic and novel invasive predators may confound the potential of maternal glucocorticoids to adaptively influence offspring behavior. Our test of the phenotypic outcomes of transgenerational glucocorticoid effects across risk environments provides important insight into the context-specific nature of this phenomenon and the importance of understanding both current and historic evolutionary pressures

    Methods to Minimize Confounding Effects of Hematocrit and Hemoglobin when using Dried Blood Spots

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    Dried blood spots (DBS) are an alternative method of collecting venous blood samples that can be used to measure blood biomarkers. Two confounding factors, hemoglobin and hematocrit, limit the validity of DBS in comparison to the gold standard serum sample. The saturation of biomarkers on DBS filter paper is affected by the sample’s hematocrit and hemoglobin. Also hemoglobin contamination is known to confounder for antibody binding in assay systems. The purpose of this study was two-fold: 1) to evaluate a DBS punching technique designed to limit the effects of hematocrit whilst minimizing sample volume and 2) to evaluate a novel device designed to remove hemoglobin from plasma during DBS collection (Seraform™). A bead-based multiplex assay of nine cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) biomarkers (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, L-selectin, Haptoglobin, serum amyloid protein, von Willebrand factor, adipsin, α2-macroglobulin, and α1-acid glycoprotein) was measured and compared using the various DBS treatments. Outcomes were compared using linear regression analysis examining the R2 change with hematocrit and hemoglobin as covariates. Significance was set at

    Assessing the Temperature Dependence of Narrow-Band Raman Water Vapor Lidar Measurements: A Practical Approach

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    Narrow-band detection of the Raman water vapor spectrum using the lidar technique introduces a concern over the temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum. Various groups have addressed this issue either by trying to minimize the temperature dependence to the point where it can be ignored or by correcting for whatever degree of temperature dependence exists. The traditional technique for performing either of these entails accurately measuring both the laser output wavelength and the water vapor spectral passband with combined uncertainty of approximately 0.01 nm. However, uncertainty in interference filter center wavelengths and laser output wavelengths can be this large or larger. These combined uncertainties translate into uncertainties in the magnitude of the temperature dependence of the Raman lidar water vapor measurement of 3% or more. We present here an alternate approach for accurately determining the temperature dependence of the Raman lidar water vapor measurement. This alternate approach entails acquiring sequential atmospheric profiles using the lidar while scanning the channel passband across portions of the Raman water vapor Q-branch. This scanning is accomplished either by tilt-tuning an interference filter or by scanning the output of a spectrometer. Through this process a peak in the transmitted intensity can be discerned in a manner that defines the spectral location of the channel passband with respect to the laser output wavelength to much higher accuracy than that achieved with standard laboratory techniques. Given the peak of the water vapor signal intensity curve, determined using the techniques described here, and an approximate knowledge of atmospheric temperature, the temperature dependence of a given Raman lidar profile can be determined with accuracy of 0.5% or better. A Mathematica notebook that demonstrates the calculations used here is available from the lead author

    Sex Differences in Change in Skin Temperature When Exercising in a Hot, Humid Environment

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    The risk for heat-related illness is increased when exercising in a hot, humid environment. In an effort to protect the athlete, body temperature is measured continuously while exercising in extreme environments. Currently, researchers and laboratory personnel employ the use of mean skin temperature to monitor athlete safety; however, this measurement fails to consider localized changes in temperature that may arise as a function of sex and exercise time. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine potential sex differences in the change in skin temperature at 17 different upper body locations while exercising in a hot, humid environment. Young men and women were recruited and completed a 60-min walk/jog interval protocol in a hot (34.1 ± 1 °C), humid (64 ± 8%) environment while skin temperature was continuously measured. To account for differences that may have arisen due to differing workloads between men and women, energy expenditure and metabolic heat production were calculated after the completion of exercise. Data was analyzed either a repeated-measures ANOVA (change in skin temperature) or t-test­ (energy expenditure and metabolic heat production). Location of interaction effects was determined using a Fisher’s Least Significant Difference test. Significance was set a p\u3c0.05 for all statistical testing. There was no difference between men and women in total energy expenditure; however, men were found to have a higher metabolic heat production. Women had a higher change in skin temperature at three locations on the back (left upper, right upper, and right mid-back). Conversely, there were no differences at any time point between men and women in the change in core temperature from baseline measurements. This study highlights the need to further investigate sex differences in cooling mechanisms while exercising in a hot, humid environment

    Differing Lectin Binding Profiles among Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Derivatives Aid in the Isolation of Neural Progenitor Cells

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and their differentiated progeny allow for investigation of important changes/events during normal embryonic development. Currently most of the research is focused on proteinacous changes occurring as a result of differentiation of stem cells and little is known about changes in cell surface glycosylation patterns. Identification of cell lineage specific glycans can help in understanding their role in maintenance, proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, these glycans can serve as markers for isolation of homogenous populations of cells. Using a panel of eight biotinylated lectins, the glycan expression of hESCs, hESCs-derived human neural progenitors (hNP) cells, and hESCs-derived mesenchymal progenitor (hMP) cells was investigated. Our goal was to identify glycans that are unique for hNP cells and use the corresponding lectins for cell isolation. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry were used to determine expression and localization of glycans, respectively, in each cell type. These results show that the glycan expression changes upon differentiation of hESCs and is different for neural and mesenchymal lineage. For example, binding of PHA-L lectin is low in hESCs (14±4.4%) but significantly higher in differentiated hNP cells (99±0.4%) and hMP cells (90±3%). Three lectins: VVA, DBA and LTL have low binding in hESCs and hMP cells, but significantly higher binding in hNP cells. Finally, VVA lectin binding was used to isolate hNP cells from a mixed population of hESCs, hNP cells and hMP cells. This is the first report that compares glycan expression across these human stem cell lineages and identifies significant differences. Also, this is the first study that uses VVA lectin for isolation for human neural progenitor cells

    Consumption of a high-fat meal increased monocyte adhesion molecule expression and oxLDL phagocytosis: implications for cardiovascular disease risk?

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    Macrophage-derived foam cells are the predominant component of arterial plaques in the early stages of atherosclerosis. The deposition of arterial plaques is effected by several factors that are influenced by a person’s daily nutritional habits. One factor that poses a major risk for plaque development is high levels of plasma LDL resulting from the consumption of a high-fat meal. In order to understand how an individuals’ diet effects arterial plaque deposition via the process of foam cell formation, we measured the acute response in circulating monocyte activity after consuming a high-fat meal. Samples were acquired on a FlowSight (EMD Millipore) equipped with 405, 488, 642, and 785 nm lasers. Samples were analyzed in IDEAS software to identify pro-inflammatory (CD14+/16+) and classic (CD14+/16-) monocytes. We measured monocyte concentration, adhesion molecule expression, scavenger R expression, and oxLDL phagocytosis for 5 h postprandial. We found that consuming a high-fat meal caused an increase in pro-inflammatory monocyte concentration, adhesion molecule expression, monocyte phagocytosis of oxLDL, and CD36 expression in pro-inflammatory monocytes. These results suggest that consuming a high-fat meal increases the potential of monocytes to become foam cells for at least 5 h postprandial

    Behavioral Responses of a Parasitoid Fly to Rapidly Evolving Host Signals

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    Animals eavesdrop on signals and cues generated by prey, predators, hosts, parasites, competing species, and conspecifics, and the conspicuousness of sexual signals makes them particularly susceptible. Yet, when sexual signals evolve, most attention is paid to impacts on intended receivers (potential mates) rather than fitness consequences for eavesdroppers. Using the rapidly evolving interaction between the Pacific field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, and the parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea, we asked how parasitoids initially respond to novel changes in host signals. We recently discovered a novel sexual signal, purring song, in Hawaiian populations of T. oceanicus that appears to have evolved because it protects the cricket from the parasitoid while still allowing males to attract female crickets for mating. In Hawaii, there are no known alternative hosts for the parasitoid, so we would expect flies to be under selection to detect and attend to the new purring song. We used complementary field and laboratory phonotaxis experiments to test fly responses to purring songs that varied in many dimensions, as well as to ancestral song. We found that flies strongly prefer ancestral song over purring songs in both the field and the lab, but we caught more flies to purring songs in the field than reported in previous work, indicating that flies may be exerting some selective pressure on the novel song. When played at realistic amplitudes, we found no preferences–flies responded equally to all purrs that varied in frequency, broadbandedness, and temporal measures. However, our lab experiment did reveal the first evidence of preference for purring song amplitude, as flies were more attracted to purrs played at amplitudes greater than naturally occurring purring songs. As purring becomes more common throughout Hawaii, flies that can use purring song to locate hosts should be favored by selection and increase in frequency

    Airborne and Ground-Based Measurements Using a High-Performance Raman Lidar

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    The same RASL hardware as described in part I was installed in a ground-based mobile trailer and used in a water vapor lidar intercomparison campaign, hosted at Table Mountain, CA, under the auspices of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). The converted RASL hardware demonstrated high sensitivity to lower stratospheric water vapor indicating that profiling water vapor at those altitudes with sufficient accuracy to monitor climate change is possible. The measurements from Table Mountain also were used to explain the reason, and correct , for sub-optimal airborne aerosol extinction performance during the flight campaign

    Reduced Inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers following oral supplementation with bioavailable curcumin

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    This article seeks to determine the effects of oral curcumin supplementation on muscle and activities of daily living soreness, creatine kinase, and inflammatory cytokines following exercise-induced muscle damage
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