643 research outputs found

    Joint mobility in trunk forward flexion: methods and evaluation

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    The effect of teacher behaviour on students motivation and learning outcomes: a review

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    The aim of the current paper is to bring together insights from research on teacher behaviour related with student's motivation and learning in physical education. Teacher behaviour is analysed in terms of two independent behaviour dimensions called teacher interpersonal behaviour and teaching styles (methods). The analysis is based on self-determination theory. More specifically, the effect of the autonomy supportive and controlling teacher on student's motivation and learning outcome in physical education context are discussed. Also, a brief review of the instruments to measure controlling and autonomy supportive teacher's behaviour is presented

    The archaeology of terror. Archaeological excavations of mass-murder sites in the Soviet Union

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    Assessing Institutional Determinants of MP Behaviour: Survey Data from the Baltic States

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    To what extent do electoral & legislative institutions affect the behaviour of parliamentarians in new democracies? This article examines this question on the basis of a wide-ranging survey of MPs in the Baltic states from January 2000. Given substantial differences in the types of institutions existing in the three states, the research tests whether these differences are reflected in MPs' responses to key questions about their relationship to & interaction with (1) parliamentary work, (2) their party & faction, (3) individual voters, (4) the interests of their district or constituency, & (5) interest groups. The results corroborate a number of existing theoretical postulates, while leaving unconfirmed others

    Emergency Vehicle Warning System for Automotives’ Navigational Systems

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk oli uurida erinevaid võimalusi, kuidas teavitada juhte lähenavast alarmsõidukist ja luua sellise süsteemi prototüüp. Rakendus koosneb kahest osast: serverist ja iOS mobiilirakendusest. Mobiilirakenduse kasutajatel on võimalik rakendust kasutada navigeerimiseks, kus lisaks juhistele kuvatakse ka lähedal olevate alarmsõidukite teekonnad ja nendega ristuvad punktid või kattuvad osad.The purpose of this thesis was to examine different ways how to inform drivers about nearby emergency vehicles and build a prototype of such a system. The system consists of a server and an iOS mobile application. The clients of the mobile application can use it for navigation. In addition to the directions, the routes of nearby emergency vehicles, intersections and overlapping parts are also displayed

    Chapter 7 The development of political systems in post-communist countries

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    This book focuses on social transformations as one of the central topics in the social sciences. The study of European social transformations is very valuable in the context of universal discussions within social sciences: explaining invariable, universal attributes of societies and examining changing attributes. The book consists of 20 chapters on European social transformations, written from the perspectives of distinguished scholars from such disciplines as economics, political science, educational science, geography, media and communication studies, public management and administration, social psychology and sociology. The temporal and spatial range of the book is wide, including such global changes as time-space compression, focusing particularly on change processes in Europe during the last two decades. The book consists of four main parts, beginning with an overview of the theoretical and methodological approaches, and then focusing separately on post-communist transformations, institutional drivers of social transformations in the European Union, and European transformations in the context of global processes. The book presents current theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches that complement the scientific literature on social transformations. This book is both an invaluable resource for scholars and an indispensable teaching tool for use in the classroom and will be of interest to students, academics, and policy-makers studying how this diverse region has changed over recent years

    In Vitro And In Vivo Studies Of Cassia Surattensis Flower Against Aspergillus Niger

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    Infectious disease is one of the commonest health problems in developing countries with the rise of antibiotic resistance. Invasive aspergillosis is causing high mortality and morbidity rate among immunosuppressed patients. Therefore, there is an urgent need for novel antifungal therapy to control the fatality rate in the population. Opting on medicinal plants has become the current trend amongst scientific investigators as plants are rich with biological activities. Cassia surattensis flower was studied to identify this organ as a potential antifungal agent. Screening of selected pathogenic microorganisms which were inclusive of Gram positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Micrococcus sp and Staphylococcus aureus, Gram negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Salmonella sp and fungi Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus sp against the flower extract revealed this flower to possess antimicrobial properties. The zone of inhibition for microorganisms from disc diffusion assay ranged from 13 ± 0.04 mm to 18 ± 0.00 mm. Microorganisms that were weak against the flower extract were further evaluated with Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) assay to determine the flower extract activity against the microorganisms in a dose dependent manner. MIC values for both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria ranged from 3.125 mg/mL to 25.00 mg/mL. For fungi, the MIC value ranged from 3.125 mg/mL to 6.25 mg/mL. The presence of antifungal agent in the flower extract caused damage to the hyphae and conidiophores of A. nige

    Temporal relationship between intrinsic motivations in physical education and in a leisure-time context

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    This study examined the temporal relationships between intrinsic motivation in physical education and in leisure time context over two year period. The stability, stationary and cross-lagged effects of the relationship between these variables over the two-year period was tested. Participants, 94 students (37 boys and 57 girls) aged 14–16 years (M14.9±0.90) at the beginning of the study, completed measures of intrinsic motivation in both contexts. The model indicated to the existence of significant impact from intrinsic motivation in physical education on intrinsic motivation in a leisure-time context but not in vice verse. The results showed that the degree of stability in intrinsic motivation in physical education was higher than in leisure time context over two year period. Additionally, the existence of stationary of the relationship between these variables was followed on both timepoints. This study demonstrated that intrinsic motivation in physical education is not affected by the previous intrinsic motivation in leisure time context

    Veresoonte uuringud kompuutertomograafia ja magnetresonantstomograafia abil

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    Eesti raviasutustes on viimastel aastatel kasutusele võetud mitmed uued mitteinvasiivsed veresoonte uurimise meetodid. Artiklis on antud ülevaade kompuutertomograafia ja magnetresonantstomograafia abil tehtavate veresoonte-uuringute näidustustest ning nende meetodite diagnostilisest usaldusväärsusest võrreldes digitaalse subtraktsioonangiograafiaga. Andmeid on illustreeritud TÜ Kliinikumi andmebaasidest pärinevate näidetega. Eesti Arst 2007; 86(9):627-63