96 research outputs found

    Dans les solitudes du Grand Chaco

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    Acções phylacticas não especificas em relação aos venenos ophidicos: tratamento auxiliar dos accidentes ophidicos

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    Dans l'intoxication expérimentale du pigeon avec les venins de Crotalus terrificus, de Lachesis jararaca et de Naya tripudians, nous avons étudié l'action de 12 médicaments, possédant des affinités neurotropes plus ou moins accusées, arrivant aux conclusions suivantes: 1 - Quelques-uns des ces médicaments exercent une action protectrice spéciale contre ces venins, permettant, injectés une heure avant le vénin, d'eviter tout symptôme d'intoxication chez le pigeon. Certains n'agissent qu'injectés em même temps que le vénin. D'autres sont complètement inactifs. Aucun d'êntre eux ne possède de propriétés curatives. 2 - En plus de ce pouvoir protecteur, ou phylactique, un certain nombre d'entre eux possède sur les venins, une action neutralisante "in vitro", s'accentuant après une heure de contact. 3 - Les conditions dans lesquelles s'exercent ces deux actions, protectrice et neutralisante, sont très variables suivant les venins et les médicaments. Sur leur mécanisme très complexe, on ne peut actuellement formuler que des hypothèses. 4 - Au point de vue pratique, certains de ces médicaments, surtout la spartéine et l'adrénaline, peuvent être utilisés avec avantage comme complément du traitement sérotérapique spécifique dans les accidents déterminés par les animaux venimeux

    Voyage d'un naturaliste a l’Araguaya (brésil). - la faune venimeuse

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    Les Araignées Venimeuses de L'Amérique du Sud

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    Les Araignées Venimeuses de L'Amérique du Su

    Le cacao dans les coutumes populaires du Venezuela

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    Vellard J. Le cacao dans les coutumes populaires du Venezuela. In: La Terre et La Vie, Revue d'Histoire naturelle, tome 8, n°4, 1938. pp. 111-118

    Adaptive Evolution of the Venom-Targeted vWF Protein in Opossums that Eat Pitvipers

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    The rapid evolution of venom toxin genes is often explained as the result of a biochemical arms race between venomous animals and their prey. However, it is not clear that an arms race analogy is appropriate in this context because there is no published evidence for rapid evolution in genes that might confer toxin resistance among routinely envenomed species. Here we report such evidence from an unusual predator-prey relationship between opossums (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) and pitvipers (Serpentes: Crotalinae). In particular, we found high ratios of replacement to silent substitutions in the gene encoding von Willebrand Factor (vWF), a venom-targeted hemostatic blood protein, in a clade of opossums known to eat pitvipers and to be resistant to their hemorrhagic venom. Observed amino-acid substitutions in venom-resistant opossums include changes in net charge and hydrophobicity that are hypothesized to weaken the bond between vWF and one of its toxic snake-venom ligands, the C-type lectin-like protein botrocetin. Our results provide the first example of rapid adaptive evolution in any venom-targeted molecule, and they support the notion that an evolutionary arms race might be driving the rapid evolution of snake venoms. However, in the arms race implied by our results, venomous snakes are prey, and their venom has a correspondingly defensive function in addition to its usual trophic role

    Cloning of a gene (SR-A1), encoding for a new member of the human Ser/Arg-rich family of pre-mRNA splicing factors: overexpression in aggressive ovarian cancer

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    By using the positional cloning gene approach, we were able to identify a novel gene encoding for a serine/arginine-rich protein, which appears to be the human homologue of the rat A1 gene. We named this new gene SR-A1. Members of the SR family of proteins have been shown to interact with the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II and participate in pre-mRNA splicing. We have localized the SR-A1 gene between the known genes IRF3 and RRAS on chromosome 19q13.3. The novel gene spans 16.7 kb of genomic sequence and it is formed of 11 exons and 10 intervening introns. The SR-A1 protein is composed of 1312 amino acids, with a molecular mass of 139.3 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 9.31. The SR-A1 protein contains an SR-rich domain as well as a CTD-binding domain present only in a subset of SR-proteins. Through interactions with the pre-mRNA and the CTD domain of the Polymerase II, SR proteins have been shown to regulate alternative splicing. The SR-A1 gene is expressed in all tissues tested, with highest levels found in fetal brain and fetal liver. Our data suggest that this gene is overexpressed in a subset of ovarian cancers which are clinically more aggressive. Studies with the steroid hormone receptor-positive breast and prostate carcinoma cell lines ZR-75-1, BT-474 and LNCaP, respectively, suggest that SR-A1 is constitutively expressed. Furthermore, the mRNA of the SR-A1 gene in these cell lines appears to increase by estrogens, androgens and glucocorticoids, and to a lesser extend by progestins. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Loxoscelismo en Chile: estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales

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    Se presenta un enfoque panorámico de estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales referentes a Loxosceles laeta y loxoscelismo efectuados en 1955-1988 en Santiago, Chile. Se estudiaron 216 casos de loxoscelismo. Los hechos más relevantes fueron: 52,8% correspondió a mujeres; edad entre 7 meses y 78 años; 84,3% fué loxoscelismo cutáneo (LO y 15,7% loxoscelismo cutáneo-visceral (LCV); 73,6% sucedió en época calurosa; en 86,6% el accidente ocurrió en la vivienda, especialmente en dormitorios, mientras la persona dormía o se vestía. La araña fué vista en 60,2% de los casos e identificada en laboratorio como L. laeta en 17,7% (10,6% de los 216 casos). Los sitios más frecuen temente afectados fueron las extremidades con 67,6%, lancetazo urente fué el síntoma inicial más frecuente. Dolor, edema y placa livedoide, la cual posteriormente se transformaría en escara necrótica, fueron las manifestaciones locales predominantes. En LCV hematuria y hemoglobinuria fueron constantes, ictericia, fiebre y compromiso de conciencia se presentaron en la mayoría de los casos. Tratamiento: LC con antihistamínicos o corticoides inyectables, LCV con corti-coides inyectables. La condición de los pacientes en el último control fué: curación completa en 75,5%, curación con secuela cicatrizal en 8,3%, muerte en 3,7% (todos con LCV) y abandono en 12,5%. Adicionalmente, se ha efectuado una serie de estudios experimentales, tanto in vivo como in vitro para esclarecer aspectos básicos sobre el veneno de L. laeta y el tratamiento del loxoscelismo.A panoramic sight of epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies, referring to Loxosceles laeta and loxoscelism, carried out in 1955-1988, in Santiago, Chile is presented. Two-hundred and sixteen cases of loxosce lism were studied. The most relevant features were: 84.3% corresponded to cutaneous loxosce lism (CD and 15.7% to viscerocutaneous loxos celism (VCD; 73.6% ocurred in hot season; in 86.6% of cases the accident happened in the hou se, particularly in bedrooms, while the people were sleeping or dressing. The spider was seen in 60.2%r of cases and identified in the laboratory as L. laeta in 10.69c of all cases. The sites more frequently bitten were the limbs with 67.6% ; a burning stinging was the most frequent initial symptom. Pain, edema and livedoid plaque, which developed later into a necrotic eschar, we re the predominant local manifestations. In VCL, hematuria and hemoglobinuria were cons tant, while jaundice, fever and sensorial involve ment were present in most of the cases. CL patients were parenterally treated with antihistamine drugs or corticoids, while VCL ones were treated with corticoids by injection. The condition of patients in the last follow up was: complete cure in 75.5% , cure with a scarfed sequela in 8.3%, death in 3.7% (all VCL) and abandonment in 12.5%. Additionally, a series of experimental studies, both in vivo and in vitro, has been performed in order to clarify basic aspects on L. laeta venom and the treatment of loxoscelism