95 research outputs found

    Morphology and habitat properties of Tortula lingulata in Estonia

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    Tortula lingulata Lindb. is a moss that is rare in Europe and under protection in Estonia. It grows sparsely on sandstone outcrops. Eight localities are known in Estonia. Main morphological characters of the species and environmental parameters were measured at five sites. The moss shoots were longer at sites with higher sandstone moisture, and the nerve of the leaves was wider at sites with higher moisture and conductivity level under the moss patch.

    Pikaajalistele töötutele pakutavate tööturuteenuste tulemuslikkus Võru maakonna näitel

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    Using space-dynamics library OREKIT for optimal satellite contacts planning

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    Alates 7. maist on Eesti kosmoseriik ja meie kosmosemissiooni edukaks opereerimiseks kasutame satelliitsidejaamu, mille juhtimiseks on kasutusel vabavaralisel raamistikul Hummingbird põhinev missioonijuhtimistarkvara (MCS – ingl k. Mission Control Software). Raamistik Hummingbird on laialdase kasutusalaga tarkvaraplatvorm seadmete töö jälgimiseks ja juhtimiseks. Paraku on raamistikust puudu satelliitside jaoks oluline komponent, mis võimaldaks ette planeerida sidekontakte satelliitide ja maajaamade vahel. Minu bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua komponent, mis suudaks ette planeerida sidekontakte satelliitide ja maajaamade vahel. Komponendi eesmärk on arvutada satelliidi operaatori poolt ette antud ajavahemikul kõik kontaktid ja kontakte iseloomustavad parameetrid. Kontakte iseloomustavate parameetrite abil valmistatakse maajaamad ülelennuks valmis – pööratakse paika antennid ja seadistatakse raadiosagedused. Arvutuste tegemiseks kasutan Java teeki OREKIT. OREKIT meetodite abil saab arvutada kontaktide toimumise alguse ning lõpu ajad ja parameetrid. Parameetriteks on näiteks asimuut, elevatsioon, Doppleri nihe, signaali sumbuvus, maajaama ja satelliidi vaheline kaugus ning signaali viivitus. Lisaks kontaktide arvutamisele on operaatorite igapäevaseks väljakutseks piiratud maajaamade ressursside optimaalne kasutamine mitmete satelliitide missioonide läbiviimiseks. Optimeerimist vajavad juhud võib jaotada kolmeks: kui kasutada on üks satelliit ja mitu maajaama, üks maajaam ja mitu satelliiti või mitu maajaama ja mitu satelliiti. Antud töös keskendutakse ühe satelliidi ja mitme maajaama sidekontaktide optimeerimisele, käsitledes teoreetilisi lahendusi, mis võtavad arvesse sideoperaatorite vajadusi.Since 7th of May Estonia is space-country and for successful operating of our space-mission we use satellite ground stations. For operating ground stations we use Mission Control Software MCS, which is based on open-source framework Hummingbird. Hummingbird is infrastructure for building monitoring and control systems for remote assets. Unfortunately framework is missing component, that has the capability to plan contacts between satellites and ground stations. Aim of this thesis is to design and program software, which is able to calculate contact times between satellites and ground stations. Software component has to calculate all possible contacts and parameters for characterizing contact in given time period. Parameters are for ground stations to pre-set antennas and radio frequencies. For calculations is used free Java library OREKIT. Using specific methods from OREKIT it is possible to calculate contact start and end time and parameters. For example parameters are azimuth, elevation, Doppler shift, signal loss, signal delay and distance between satellite and ground station, Besides contact calculation there is another problem for satellite operators. Daily challenges are to optimize using ground stations for different satellites. Different optimization cases are: one satellite and multiple ground stations, multiple satellites and one ground stations and multiple satellites and multiple ground stations. In this thesis the focus is on one satellite and multiple ground stations optimization problem

    Revised Red Data List of Estonian bryophytes

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    All Estonian bryophyte species (597) that had written records up to 2018 were evaluated against IUCN criteria. More than half of the species belong to the least concern category, but almost one fourth (158) is evaluated as threatened, and one tenth (65) as near threatened. Eleven species are data deficient and 15 species are considered to be regionally extinct from Estonia. To achieve adequate assessment results for a small country, some criteria were adjusted. Changes compared to the previous red list and threats to the species are discussed.  This version replaces the version of the same paper from 2018-08-14

    The Economic Analysis of Forest Management on the Example of Forest Property

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    Käesoleva lõputöö peamine eesmärk oli hinnata Noorma nimelisel metsakinnistul teostatavate metsamajanduslike tegevuste tulukust. Töös antakse kirjanduse põhjal ülevaade erinevatest metsa majandamise tulukuse hindamise võimalustest ja erinevate metsamajanduslike tegevuste mõjust metsa majandamise tulukusele. Töö praktilises osas hinnati kavandatavate raietööde potentsiaalset tulukust ning võrreldi seda reaalse raiejärgse tulemusega. Lisaks koostati edasine metsakinnistu majandamise tegevuskava ning hinnati selle majanduslikku tulukust kasutades MOTTI simulatsiooniprogrammi. Teoreetiliste arvutuste põhjal kujunes võõrandatava raieõiguse hinnaks 70 483€ ja mahuks 2149 tm. Reaalne tulu oli 43 811€, millest on maha arvestatud käibemaks ning tasutud on 1572 tm materjali eest. Simulatsiooniprogrammi tulemuste kohaselt on majanduslikult mõistlik uuendada metsamaa kuuse istutamise teel. Toetudes Eestis läbi viidud uuringutele uuendatakse lage ala nii kuuse kui ka kasega.The main goal of the current bachelor thesis is to analyse the profitability of forest management on the example of Noorma forest property. The work is based on the literature review of the various ways how to rate the profitability of the forest management and how the forest management activities impact the latter. The practical part of the thesis is to assess the potential profitability of the forest management and compare it to the realistic results as well as give a forest owner suggestions for the forecoming forest management activities, using the MOTTI forest management simulation programme. Based on the theoretical calculations the potential profit from the planned fellings should be 70 438€ and the volume of different assortments should be 2149 tm. The real income was 43 811€ from 1572 m3 of the assortments. According to the results of the simulation, it is economically rational to renew the land through planting Norway spruce. Based on the studies carried out in Estonia the renew process will be carried out with two species - Norway spruce and silver birch

    The role of county and municipal party branches in Estonian party structure

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    Political parties as multi-level organizations have become a popular subject for research in recent years (see e.g Thorlakson 2009; Allern ja Saglie 2010; Fabre 2011; Reiser ja Vetter 2011). They are no more exclusively unitary collective actors. Most of them operate at the same time on several power levels – the national level, regional and local level and, within the European Union, the European level as well. (Allern and Saglie 2010, 2). Richard S. Katz has said: „In many cases ( /.../), however, to treat parties as unitary actors would be to dismiss an important – some cases perhaps even the most important – aspect of politics“ (Katz 2005, 87). Secondly, the widespread local presence of parties shows their organizational strength, which is important for democratic consolidation (Tavits 2011). Most of the pointed analyses are in the light of cartel party theory, which states that the relationships between different party faces are more stratarchical than hierarchical. Each face of the party is becoming increasingly autonomous of the others. (Mair 1994, 17) In Estonia we still lack the knowledge about the territorial structure of parties – organizational units, their role and power relationship. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to fill the gap by analysing the role of county and municipal party branches in Estonian party structure and comparing its similarity with particular party model. To achieve the purpose of this work I have set the following research tasks: 1) to propose an analytical framework which is suitable for the Estonian case; 2) to describe the party's organizational structure in different party models by using theoretical literature and to define the main functions among the sub-national party branches within different party types and the power relationship with party elite; 3) to analyse party statutes; 4) to formulate questions and interview party representatives to confirm and specify the results of the party statutes analysis; 5) to make conclusions and consider possible links with certain party models. Reviewing existing literature, analysing party statutes and the data collected by interviews I found that in Estonia county and municipality party branches are chiefly the agents of national party, carrying out party policy at the local level. County party branches co-ordinate the activities of municipal party branches and also function as information channels between the central office of the party and the municipal party branches. Municipal party branches deal with local questions. In particular, the functions of county and municipal party branches are connected with member administration, local elections, nominating candidates to parliamentary elections and collecting the opinions of members. There are no significant differences between parties. The organizational structure is starting to equalize. The activities of county and municipal party branches are important for parties. Looking at the roles of county and municipal party branches we can find links with all the mentioned party types (mass party, catch-all party, cartel party and modern elite party). The roles of county and municipal party branches in Estonia are a combination of these models. It can be explained by the impact of Estonian territorial structure.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2628168~S1*es

    Konfliktide vältimine ja lahendamine koalitsioonivalitsustes: Eesti juhtum

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    Käesoleva magistritöö uurib konfliktide vältimist ja lahendamist koalitsioonivalitsustes, rõhuasetusega konfliktide lahendamisele, Eesti kui Ida-Euroopa riigi kontekstis. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks püstitati järgmised uurimisküsimused: Millised konflikti vältimise ja lahendamise mehhanismid on iseloomulikud Eesti koalitsioonivalitsustele? Mil määral erineb Eesti kui juhtum Lääne-Euroopa riikidest? Mille abil seletada võimalikke variatsioone mehhanismide valiku osas valitsuste lõikes? Millised mehhanismid on efektiivsemad, millised mitte? Allikatena tuginetakse töös projekti „Cabinets in Europe“ raames kogutud ajaleheartiklitele ja läbi viidud intervjuude üleskirjutistele, lisaks tehti täiendavalt kolm intervjuud. Andmekogumismeetoditena kasutatakse kontentanalüüsi ja poolstruktureeritud intervjuud. Käesolev töö tõestab kontekstuaalsete tegurite olulisust koalitsioonivalitsuste uurimisel, täiendades senist Lääne-Euroopa näidetel põhinevat uurimisraamistikku ja tõstatades antud küsimuse põhjalikuma uurimise vajalikkuse. Eesti kui post-kommunistlik ja võrdlemisi noore demokraatiaga riik erineb Lääne-Euroopa stabiilsete demokraatiatega riikidest. Täheldatav on ajaline muutus mehhanismide valiku osas, mis on seletatav demokraatliku poliitilise kultuuri levikuga. Lisaks Lääne-Euroopa riikides kasutatavatele mehhanismidele on Eestis levinud probleemipõhiste komisjonide ja töögruppide moodustamine. Lahendusmehhanismide valik sõltub tugevalt konflikti iseloomust. Omane on muster, mille kohaselt poliitikatega seotud tüliküsimusi arutatakse ad hoc töögruppides/komisjonides, parlamendifraktsioonides ja/või koalitsiooninõukogus. Konkreetsete isikute käitumisest tingitud konfliktid viiakse erakonnatasandile: toimuvad parteijuhtide kohtumised, arutelud erakonna juhtkonnas, valitsuskabineti istungitel.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4412656~S1*es

    New Estonian records: Mosses

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    The number of bryophyte species known from Estonia was 583 in 2011 (Vellak et al., 2011). Seven moss species and one subspecies have been identified and added as new to the Estonian bryoflora during last two years.

    Annotated checklist of Estonian bryophytes

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    The updated list of Estonian bryophytes includes 594 species from all three phyla. Only one species is reported for Estonia according to the literature data, all others have voucher speciemens in herbaria, two of them outside of Estonia. Altogether 242 species are frequent in Estonia, 173 species are rare, and 161 are sporadically distributed. We do not have any recent data for 20 species, and their presence in Estonia is doubtful. In 2008 a new Estonian Red list was compiled and 369 bryophyte species were evaluated against IUCN criteria. Approximately one fifth of the Estonian bryoflora (129 species) is designated to the three threat categories.  Electronic supplement at http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/fce52supplement/FCE52_Vellak_supplement.ht