15 research outputs found

    Root morphology and seed and leaf ionomic traits in a Brassica napus L. diversity panel show wide phenotypic variation and are characteristic of crop habit

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    Background: Mineral nutrient uptake and utilisation by plants are controlled by many traits relating to root morphology, ion transport, sequestration and translocation. The aims of this study were to determine the phenotypic diversity in root morphology and leaf and seed mineral composition of a polyploid crop species, Brassica napus L., and how these traits relate to crop habit. Traits were quantified in a diversity panel of up to 387 genotypes: 163 winter, 127 spring, and seven semiwinter oilseed rape (OSR) habits, 35 swede, 15 winter fodder, and 40 exotic/unspecified habits. Root traits of 14 d old seedlings were measured in a ‘pouch and wick’ system (n = ~24 replicates per genotype). The mineral composition of 3–6 rosette-stage leaves, and mature seeds, was determined on compost-grown plants from a designed experiment (n = 5) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results: Seed size explained a large proportion of the variation in root length. Winter OSR and fodder habits had longer primary and lateral roots than spring OSR habits, with generally lower mineral concentrations. A comparison of the ratios of elements in leaf and seed parts revealed differences in translocation processes between crop habits, including those likely to be associated with crop-selection for OSR seeds with lower sulphur-containing glucosinolates. Combining root, leaf and seed traits in a discriminant analysis provided the most accurate characterisation of crop habit, illustrating the interdependence of plant tissues. Conclusions: High-throughput morphological and composition phenotyping reveals complex interrelationships between mineral acquisition and accumulation linked to genetic control within and between crop types (habits) in B. napus. Despite its recent genetic ancestry (<10 ky), root morphology, and leaf and seed composition traits could potentially be used in crop improvement, if suitable markers can be identified and if these correspond with suitable agronomy and quality traits

    Hoeveel wiskunde zwemt er achter de eendjes?

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    Afgelopen jaar kwam in de nationale wetenschapsquiz de volgende vraag voor: Vraag 13: Een eend zwemt met haar jongen in een diepe sloot. Een van de kuikens dwaalt af. Moeder eend haalt het kuiken snel in. Wat is het verschil in de hoeken van de V-vormige boeggolven van moeder en jong? A. De hoek die de moedereend maakt is scherper. B. De hoek die de moedereend maakt is stomper. C. Er is geen verschil. Op het eerste gezicht een makkelijke vraag, maar er zit een hoop wiskunde achter. Het belangrijkste feit is hier dat, de eend golven met zulke kleine golflengte maakt, dat we de sloot als oneindig diep kunnen beschouwen. Een zwaan zou bijvoorbeeld al te groot zijn en golven met een grote golflengte maken, zodat we de theorie over de golven in oneindig diep water niet meer kunnen gebruiken. In dit stuk gaan we wat verder dan antwoorden op deze vraag. Op het moment dat we er achter komen of de hoek van de golven van de snelheid afhangt, gaan we dierect kijken naar hoe groot deze hoek eigenlijk is. Dit doen we aan de hand van verschillende methoden, zoals die door verschillende mensen gebruikt zijn. Eerst kijken we naar het algemen idee van Lord Kelvin, beschreven door James Lighthill. Deze gebruikte veel natuurkundige aspecten van verplaatsen van golven. Maar er ontbreekt een bewijs waarom de golven zich voortplanten met de golfsnelheid. Bewijs hiervan geven A.R. Paterson, G.B. Whitham en J.N. Newman door verschillende theorieën toe te passen. Het bewijs van A.R. Paterson geven we direct bij de theorie van Lord Kelvin. G.B. Whitham en J.N. Newman hebben zelf ook een ander bewijs gegeven voor de grootte van de hoek. Deze bewijzen hangen meer van de wiskundige aspecten van de golven af. De laatste methode van J.J. Stoker beschrijft de golven met behulp van de stationary phase. Deze methode heeft Lord Kelvin speciaal voor dit probleem bedacht en aan het eind wordt ze uitgelegd en bewezen zover het noodzakelijk is.

    Drug-Coated Balloon Treatment of Femoropopliteal Lesions for Patients With Intermittent Claudication and Ischemic Rest Pain: 2-Year Results From the IN.PACT Global Study

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    Objectives: The IN.PACT Global Study is the largest prospective, multicenter, independently adjudicated trial to evaluate a paclitaxel drug-coated balloon in patients with lifestyle-limiting claudication and/or ischemic rest pain due to atherosclerotic disease of the femoropopliteal artery and includes complex lesions beyond what are typically included in randomized controlled trials. Background: Randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of drug-coated balloons for the treatment of Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus Document II A and B lesions, but there is a need for large-scale prospective studies to evaluate a broader range of lesions. Methods: The IN.PACT Global Study enrolled 1,535 subjects, and 1,406 (1,773 lesions) were included in the pre-defined clinical cohort analysis. Freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascularization was evaluated at 24 months. The safety composite endpoint was freedom from device- and procedure-related death through 30 days and freedom from target limb major amputation and clinically driven target vessel revascularization within 24 months. Results: Mean lesion length was 12.1 cm, 35.5% were total occlusions, and 18.0% had in-stent restenosis. Freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascularization at 24 months was 83.3%, the composite safety endpoint was met in 81.7%, the 2-year all-cause mortality rate was 7.0%, and the major target limb amputation rate was 0.7%. Increased lesion length and the presence of de novo in-stent restenosis or coronary artery disease were associated with increased risk for clinically driven target lesion revascularization by 24 months. Conclusions: This real-world study of femoropopliteal artery disease treatment with drug-coated balloons confirmed positive findings reported from more strictly designed randomized controlled trials and showed that outcomes are durable in this population up to 2 years after treatment. (IN.PACT Global Clinical Study; NCT01609296

    Three-Year Sustained Clinical Efficacy of Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty in a Real-World Femoropopliteal Cohort

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    Purpose: To report the 36-month outcomes from the prospective, multicenter, single-arm IN.PACT Global Study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01609296) evaluating the performance of the IN.PACT Admiral drug-coated balloon (DCB) in real-world patients with femoropopliteal occlusive disease. Materials and Methods: The IN.PACT Global Study was conducted at 64 international sites and enrolled 1535 patients with complex lesions, which included bilateral disease, multiple lesions, de novo in-stent restenosis, long lesions, and chronic total occlusions. The predefined full clinical cohort included 1406 patients (mean age 68.6 years; 67.8% men) with claudication or rest pain treated with the study DCB. Mean lesion length was 12.09\ub19.54 cm; 18.0% had in-stent restenosis, 35.5% were totally occluded, and 68.7% were calcified. Freedom from clinically-driven target lesion revascularization (CD-TLR) was evaluated through 36 months. The safety composite endpoint was freedom from device- and procedure-related death through 30 days and freedom from major target limb amputation and clinically-driven target vessel revascularization within 36 months. All safety and revascularization events were reviewed by an independent clinical events committee. Results: The Kaplan-Meier estimate of freedom from CD-TLR through 36 months was 76.9%. The composite safety endpoint was achieved in 75.6% of patients. The 36-month all-cause mortality rate was 11.6%, and the major target limb amputation rate was 1.0%. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of freedom from CD-TLR through 36 months was significantly lower in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) compared with claudicants (67.6% vs 78.0%; p=0.003). Lesions affecting both the superficial femoral artery (SFA) and popliteal artery had lower Kaplan-Meier freedom from CD-TLR through 36 months (69.2%) than either isolated SFA (79.7%) or popliteal artery lesions (76.5%; log- rank p&lt;0.001). Predictors of CD-TLR through 36 months included increased lesion length, reference vessel diameter 644.5 mm, in-stent restenosis, bilateral disease, CLTI, and hyperlipidemia. Conclusion: DCB angioplasty with the IN.PACT Admiral DCB for femoropopliteal disease in a diverse and complex real-world population is associated with sustained clinical efficacy and low rates of reinterventions at 3 years after the initial procedure