29 research outputs found

    Geomorphology of the Durmitor Mountains and surrounding plateau Jezerska PovrÅ” (Montenegro)

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    The geomorphological map of the northeastern Durmitor Mountains and the plateau Jezerska Povrs. (1: 10,000, 47 km(2), Montenegro, Dinaric Alps) was prepared from an intensive fieldwork campaign and remote sensing analysis, and was compiled within a GIS. The basic components of the legend are (i) processes/genesis, (ii) materials, (iii) morphometry/morphography, (iv) hydrography, (v) vegetation and (vi) anthropogenic features. The geomorphological setting of the area consists of Mesozoic limestones which are physically deformed by Quaternary glacial and periglacial activity and chemically affected during interglacials. Glacial deposits on the plateau of three middle-to-late Pleistocene glacial phases are intersected by a well-developed network of palaeo meltwater channels. In the mountains, Holocene glacier retreat left behind a series of well-preserved recessional moraines. The map serves as a valuable tool for Quaternary research in the Durmitor Mountains, and also in other mountains of the Western Balkans

    Baza podataka riječne mreže Crne Gore

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    The subject of this paper is the systematization and precise identification of the structure of river networks in Montenegro in both planimetric and hypsometric dimensions, using cartometry. This includes the precise determination of the morphometric parameters of river flows, their numerical display, graphical display, and documentation. This allows for a number of analyses, for example, of individual catchments, the mutual relations of individual watercourses within a higher order catchment, and the classification of flows according to river and sea basins and their relationship to the environment. In addition, there is the potential for expanding the database further, with a view to continuous, systematic, scientific and practical follow-up in all or part of the geographic space. The cartometric analysis of the river network in Montenegro has a special scientific, and also a social value. In the geographical structure of all countries, including Montenegro, rivers occupy a central place as individual elements and integral parts of the whole. There is almost no human activity which is not related to river flows, or related phenomena and processes. The river network as part of a geographic space continues to gain in importance, and therefore studying it must connect with the other structural elements within which it functions. These are the basic relief characteristics, climate, and certain hydrographic characteristics. A complete theoretical and methodological approach to this problem forms the basis for a scientific understanding of the significance of the river network of Montenegro.Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je sistematizacija i precizna identifikacija strukture riječne mreže Crne Gore u planimetrijskoj i hipsometrijskoj dimenziji s pomoću kartometrije. To podrazumijeva točno utvrđivanje morfometrijskih parametara riječnih tokova, njihov numerički prikaz, grafički prikaz i dokumentiranje. Time se omogućuju brojne analize, npr. analiza pojedinačnih slivnih cjelina, analiza međusobnih odnosa pojedinih tokova u okviru slivnih cjelina viÅ”eg reda, klasifikacija tokova po riječnim i morskim slivovima i njihov odnos s prirodnim okruženjem, itd. Pored toga, otvara se mogućnost daljnjeg proÅ”irivanja baze podataka s ciljem kontinuiranog i sistematskog, znanstvenog i praktičnog praćenja odnosa u cjelokupnom geoprostoru ili njegovom dijelu. Kartometrijska analiza riječne mreže Crne Gore ima posebnu znanstvenu, ali i druÅ”tvenu vrijednost. U geografskoj strukturi svake zemlje, pa i Crne Gore, riječni tokovi zauzimaju jedno od srediÅ”njih mjesta kao pojedinačni elementi, ali i kao nerazdvojni dijelovi cjeline. Gotovo da nema ljudske djelatnosti koja nekom svojom aktivnoŔću nije vezana za riječne tokove, pojave ili za njih vezane procese. Riječna mreža kao dio geoprostora svakog dana sve viÅ”e dobiva na značaju, pa se samim tim i njezino proučavanje mora povezati s ostalim strukturnim elementima u okviru kojih funkcionira. To su: osnovne reljefne karakteristike, klimatske karakteristike i određene hidrografske karakteristike. Cjelovit teorijsko-metodoloÅ”ki pristup ovom problemu predstavlja osnovu za znanstveno razumijevanje značaja riječne mreže Crne Gore

    The River Network of Montenegro in the GIS Database

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je sistematizacija i precizna identifikacija strukture riječne mreže Crne Gore u planimetrijskoj i hipsometrijskoj dimenziji s pomoću kartometrije. To podrazumijeva točno utvrđivanje morfometrijskih parametara riječnih tokova, njihov numerički prikaz, grafički prikaz i dokumentiranje. Time se omogućuju brojne analize, npr. analiza pojedinačnih slivnih cjelina, analiza međusobnih odnosa pojedinih tokova u okviru slivnih cjelina viÅ”eg reda, klasifikacija tokova po riječnim i morskim slivovima i njihov odnos s prirodnim okruženjem, itd. Pored toga, otvara se mogućnost daljnjeg proÅ”irivanja baze podataka s ciljem kontinuiranog i sistematskog, znanstvenog i praktičnog praćenja odnosa u cjelokupnom geoprostoru ili njegovom dijelu. Kartometrijska analiza riječne mreže Crne Gore ima posebnu znanstvenu, ali i druÅ”tvenu vrijednost. U geografskoj strukturi svake zemlje, pa i Crne Gore, riječni tokovi zauzimaju jedno od srediÅ”njih mjesta kao pojedinačni elementi, ali i kao nerazdvojni dijelovi cjeline. Gotovo da nema ljudske djelatnosti koja nekom svojom aktivnoŔću nije vezana za riječne tokove, pojave ili za njih vezane procese. Riječna mreža kao dio geoprostora svakog dana sve viÅ”e dobiva na značaju, pa se samim tim i njezino proučavanje mora povezati s ostalim strukturnim elementima u okviru kojih funkcionira. To su: osnovne reljefne karakteristike, klimatske karakteristike i određene hidrografske karakteristike. Cjelovit teorijsko-metodoloÅ”ki pristup ovom problemu predstavlja osnovu za znanstveno razumijevanje značaja riječne mreže Crne Gore.The subject of this paper is the systematization and precise identification of the structure of river networks in Montenegro in both planimetric and hypsometric dimensions, using cartometry. This includes the precise determination of the morphometric parameters of river flows, their numerical display, graphical display, and documentation. This allows for a number of analyses, for example, of individual catchments, the mutual relations of individual watercourses within a higher order catchment, and the classification of flows according to river and sea basins and their relationship to the environment. In addition, there is the potential for expanding the database further, with a view to continuous, systematic, scientific and practical follow-up in all or part of the geographic space. The cartometric analysis of the river network in Montenegro has a special scientific, and also a social value. In the geographical structure of all countries, including Montenegro, rivers occupy a central place as individual elements and integral parts of the whole. There is almost no human activity which is not related to river flows, or related phenomena and processes. The river network as part of a geographic space continues to gain in importance, and therefore studying it must connect with the other structural elements within which it functions. These are the basic relief characteristics, climate, and certain hydrographic characteristics. A complete theoretical and methodological approach to this problem forms the basis for a scientific understanding of the significance of the river network of Montenegro

    Structural characteristics of the mixed spruce - fir - beech forests on Mountain Bjelasica in Montenegro

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    Biogradska Gora National Park in Montenegro is part of the Bjelasica Mountain which belongs to the montane region of the Dinaric Alps. Biogradska Gora is one of the largest long-term preserved forests in the Southeast Europe. In this paper there were compared the main structural characteristics of the old-growth mixed forest of spruce (Picea abies L.), fir (Abies alba L.) and beech (Fagus moesiaca (Domin, Maly) Czecz.), from the preserved area of the Biogradska Gora, with similar managed forests from the same mountain. Basic insight into the structural characteristics of forests of spruce, fir and beech was obtained by analyzing tree species composition and two basic structural elements - number of trees and wood volume per unit area. The obtained data provides overview of the structural characteristics of these forests. The results revealed the production potential of the studied mixed forests. The average quantity of standing volume in old-growth forests of Biogradska Gora indicates very valuable and productive forest ecosystems. Presented data shows that forest ecosystems of spruce, fir and beech in the protected area of the National Park Biogradska Gora are characterized by structurally irregular forests with presence of old trees with relevant growing stock and optimal balance of beech and conifer species, while in managed forests on the same mountain, growing stock is very low and with structure which is far from optimal

    Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis

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    The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by locality, by year, by treatments (GƗLxYxT) interaction using AMMI model, to identify maize genotypes with stable number of rows of grains performance in different growing seasons. The trials conducted with seven maize lines/genotypes, four treatments, two years and at the two locations. The results showed that the influence of genotype (G), year (Y), locality (L), and GƗL, GƗT, GƗLƗT, GƗYƗT, GƗYƗLƗT interaction on maize number of rows of grains were significant (p<0.01). The genotype share in the total phenotypic variance for the grains number rows of was 53.50%, and the interaction was 21.15%. The results also show that the sums of the squares of the first and second major components (PC1 and PC2) constitute 100% of the sum of the squares of the interaction GƗL. The first PC1 axis belongs to all 100%, which points to the significance of the genotype in the total variation and significance of the genotype for overall interaction with other observed sources of variability. The highest stability in terms of expression of the grains number of rows had the genotype L-6, followed by the genotypes L-4, L-5 and L-3. The lowest stability was demonstrated by the genotypes L-2 and L-1, which confirmed that these genotypes are not important for further selection in terms of this trait

    Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis

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    The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by locality, by year, by treatments (GxLxYxT) interaction using AMMI model, to identify maize genotypes with stable number of rows of grains performance in different growing seasons. The trials conducted with seven maize lines/genotypes, four treatments, two years and at the two locations. The results showed that the influence of genotype (G), year (Y), locality (L), and GxL, GxT, GxLxT, GxYxT, GxYxLxT interaction on maize number of rows of grains were significant (p lt 0.01). The genotype share in the total phenotypic variance for the grains number rows of was 53.50%, and the interaction was 21.15%. The results also show that the sums of the squares of the first and second major components (PC1 and PC2) constitute 100% of the sum of the squares of the interaction GxL. The first PC1 axis belongs to all 100%, which points to the significance of the genotype in the total variation and significance of the genotype for overall interaction with other observed sources of variability. The highest stability in terms of expression of the grains number of rows had the genotype L-6, followed by the genotypes L-4, L-5 and L-3. The lowest stability was demonstrated by the genotypes L-2 and L-1, which confirmed that these genotypes are not important for further selection in terms of this trait

    Variability of Soil Erosion Intensity Due to Vegetation Cover Changes: Case Study of Orahovacka Rijeka, Montenegro

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    Vegetation cover change in all the river basins leads to the changes of hydrologic response, soil erosion and sediment dynamics characteristics. Those changes are often viewed as main cause of anthropogenic and accelerated erosion rates in short term and one of the main reasons of climate change in long term. The effects of vegetation cover changes on various parts of water balance and hydrological cycle has to be deeply studied because of its important role on mankind future. The aim of present research was therefore to simulate the responses of soil erosion processes by using a process-oriented soil erosion model IntErO, with the different settings of land use for the years 1977, 1987, 1997, 2006 (2007) and 2016 (2017) in Orahovacka Rijeka watershed; a pilot river basin of the Polimlje Region for the northeastern part of Montenegro. For the current state of land use, calculated peak discharge for the Orahovacka Rijeka was 174-175 m(3) s(-1) (the incidence of 100 years) and there is a possibility for large flood waves to appear in the studied basin. Real soil losses, Gyear, were calculated on 2614-2921 m(3) year(-1), specific 229-256 m(3) km(-2) year(-1) (1977-2017). The value of Z coefficient range from 0.444 to 0.478 and indicates that the river basin belongs to III destruction category. The strength of the erosion process is medium, and according to the erosion type, it is surface erosion. According to our analysis the land use changes in the last 40 years influenced the increase of the soil erosion intensity for 11% in the study watershed. Further studies should be focused on the detailed analysis of the land use changes trends with the other river basins at the national level, closely following responses of soil erosion to the changed land use structure. The results and approach also should be used by policymakers in all national natural resources organizations to highlight the role of management

    The Influence of the Application Technique and Amount of Liquid Starter Fertilizer on Corn Yield

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    The aim of this research was to study the impact of application technique and rate of liquid starter fertilizer applied with a novel device on the production of corn. Starter fertilizer was applied in the root system range of freshly germinated plants in the 'belt' and 'point' forms at different quantities (35, 50, 70, and 100 L ha(-1)), which led to intensive plant growth in the initial stages of development. This adapted system was used for sowing and for application of the liquid starter fertilizer at the same time. The field trial was set up at two sites (two different land types), in the conditions of the natural water regime of the soil during the three vegetation seasons in the period 2016-2018. For this purpose, a prototype of the electronic device EUKU-01 was designed. The starter fertilizer was applied at 5 cm laterally from the row where the sowing was performed and 5 cm below the depth at which the corn seeds were sown. Data were statistically analyzed by two-factor analysis of variance, where the influence of mineral fertilizer treatment and the influence of liquid starter fertilizer treatment were observed as factors. The results showed that the optimal choice of the technique of liquid starter fertilizer application can result in fertilizer savings by 30% without reducing yield