19 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the diet of adult predatory fish (pikeperch, perch, pike, and catfish) that inhabit the Bovan reservoir and determine their impact on the ecological stability of the reservoir. The results showed that predators most often used planktivorous fish species in their diet, including bleak, roach, and perch. These species are dominant prey to predators, and at the same time important links in food chains. By feeding on planktivorous fish, predatory fish can contribute to the reduction of the eutrophication of the reservoir and keep this ecosystem stable.Publishe

    The first observation of the presence of microplastics in wild common bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) and standardization of extraction protocols

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    The presence of microplastics (MPs) in the gastrointestinal tract, muscle, and whole-body samples of common bleak Alburnus alburnus L. from Gruža Reservoir (Central Serbia) was studied for the first time. Different protocols for MPs extraction were applied to determine the most efficient one. The study aimed to modify existing protocols to be cost-effective, efficient in digestion, and with no detrimental effect on potentially present MPs polymers. In this study, the digestion with 10% KOH during 48 h at 40°C was efficient for the gastrointestinal tract and muscle. Digestion with 10% KOH during 72 h at 40°C was the most efficient for whole-body samples. The usage of NaClO proved successful in digestion of the gastrointestinal tract overnight at room temperature. Fibers detected in the samples are assumed to be of plastic origin. The general goal was to establish a protocol for extracting MPs from fish tissue in wild populations to obtain results and determine the degree of pollution.Publishe


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    Pharmacovigilance or collecting, monitoring, research, assessment and evaluation of information obtained from the manufacturer, health workers and patients about the adverses of the drugs, biological products, traditional medicines, with the aim to detect new information on the dangers of the drugs as well as prevention of new adverse side-effects harmful for the patients which is obligatory for the regulatory agencies, authorized by the authorities in almost every country. Modern trends of treating the patients in connection with rising number of new drugs in all pharmaceutical forms on the market demand continued improvement of the pharmacovigilance system with the accent on the feedback information towards the final consumers and doctors who prescribe them. One of very efficient communication tools between the regulation agency and final consumers/prescribers is created and implemented by Food and Drug Administration in the USA (FDA) called “boxed warning” – “black box”. “Black box” warnings are the most serious warnings of FDA on the drugs, which point out potentially fatal, life threatening risks, or disabling side-effects of the drugs. It is named for the black border surrounding the text of the warning. The border was designed to draw attention on the warning and to emphasize it in relation to other information as a part of the drug packing. Looking into the studies monitoring the way the drugs with this kind of warning were used showed that explicit, well-publicized warning can change the prescribing habits of doctors and influence the patients to be more careful in using specific drugs or even classes of drugs

    Congenital heart defect repair with ADAPT tissue engineered pericardium scaffold: An early-stage health economic model.

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    OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of tissue engineered bovine tissue pericardium scaffold (CardioCel) for the repair of congenital heart defects in comparison with surgery using xenogeneic, autologous, and synthetic patches over a 40-year time horizon from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. METHODS:A six-state Markov state-transition model to model natural history of disease and difference in the interventional effect of surgeries depending on patch type implanted. Patches differed regarding their probability of re-operation due to patch calcification, based on a systematic literature review. Transition probabilities were based on the published literature, other clinical inputs were based on UK registry data, and cost data were based on UK sources and the published literature. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was determined as incremental costs per quality adjusted life years (QALY) gained. We used a 40-year analytic time-horizon and adopted the payer perspective. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS:According to the model predictions, CardioCel was associated with reduced incidence of re-operation, increased QALY, and costs savings compared to all other patches. Cost savings were greatest compared to synthetic patches. Estimated cost savings associated with CardioCel were greatest within atrioventricular septal defect repair and lowest for ventricular septal defect repair. Based on our model, CardioCel relative risk for re-operations is 0.938, 0.956and 0.902 relative to xenogeneic, autologous, and synthetic patches, respectively. CONCLUSION:CardioCel was estimated to increase health benefits and save cost when used during surgery for congenital heart defects instead of other patches


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    The aim of the paper was to determine the frequency of gynecological examinations among the female university students in Serbia as well as a potential association with certain habits and lifestyles. The research was conducted at the three Serbian state universities in the period January-June in the academic year 2008/09 and included 1.164 female university students using a method of random sampling. In total, 18% of female university students said that they had never visited the gynecologist. The least concerned about their health when making the choice of food they eat and the least physically active were the females who had never visited the gynecologist. The females who had visited the gynecologist less than two times estimated themselves as healthier (p<0.05) as well as the girls who had the first gynecological examination before the age of 20. The girls who visited the gynecologist for the first time before they reached 20 years of age used condoms more consistently. Planning and organization of a broad spectrum of activities arranged at the faculties should focus the students' attention on the gynecological healthcare and adequately solve them


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    In the recent years, there have been considerable discussion and concern about the possible hazards of RF/MW radiation. More recently, the growth and development in personal mobile communications have focused attention on the frequencies associated with this technology. A number of studies have examined the health effects of RF/MW electromagnetic fields (EMFs), originating from occupational exposure, hobbies, or residence near the radio or television transmitters. Particularly controversial are the biophysical mechanisms by which these RF fields may affect biological systems. General health effects reviews explore possible carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects. Health effects by exposure source have been observed in radar traffic devices, wireless communications with cellular phones, radio transmission, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Several epidemiological surveys have suggested associations with non-specific complaints such as headache, tiredness, sleep disturbance, loss of memory, and dizziness. These findings, which echo reports of illness associated with other types of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, relate not only to the use of mobile phones, but also to residence near the mobile phone base stations and other settings involving occupational exposure. The biological effects suggest that some precautions are necessary, and preventive approaches are highly recommended. Further researches are required to give more information about the effects of microwave radiation on our health, especially in occupational setting and professionally exposed workers

    The importance of detailed hydrobiological research of rivers for the detection and conservation of originally preserved habitats

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    Due to multiple modern stressors, there are rapid changes in inland water habitats and irreversible biodiversity loss. Hence, in order to detect parts of rivers or basins with originally preserved habitat and biodiversity, detailed hydrobiological research of inland waters (simultaneous research of basic abiotic parameters and hydrobiocenosis) are necessary. The aim is to detect habitats' biological and ecological values, which are important for the permanent preservation of genetic and species diversity and the stability and functionality of the entire ecosystem or catchment area. In terms of ecology and conservation, these habitats have the same importance for inland waters and catchment areas as the hot-spot areas for preserving global biodiversity. The importance of these areas in this work is presented on the example of the Veliki Rzav River (Serbia). In order to support the program of declaring the river as a protected area, the research was conducted in 2021. In the Veliki Rzav River, many biological values such as preserved and high biodiversity of algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish were detected. For the first time in Serbia, new species of algae were detected, along with the significant presence of sensitive taxa in the macroinvertebrate community and a stable brown trout population with the detection of the new haplotype

    The importance of detailed hydrobiological research of rivers for the detection and conservation of originally preserved habitats

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    Due to multiple modern stressors, there are rapid changes in inland water habitats and irreversible biodiversity loss. Hence, in order to detect parts of rivers or basins with originally preserved habitat and biodiversity, detailed hydrobiological research of inland waters (simultaneous research of basic abiotic parameters and hydrobiocenosis) are necessary. The aim is to detect habitats' biological and ecological values, which are important for the permanent preservation of genetic and species diversity and the stability and functionality of the entire ecosystem or catchment area. In terms of ecology and conservation, these habitats have the same importance for inland waters and catchment areas as the hot-spot areas for preserving global biodiversity. The importance of these areas in this work is presented on the example of the Veliki Rzav River (Serbia). In order to support the program of declaring the river as a protected area, the research was conducted in 2021. In the Veliki Rzav River, many biological values such as preserved and high biodiversity of algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish were detected. For the first time in Serbia, new species of algae were detected, along with the significant presence of sensitive taxa in the macroinvertebrate community and a stable brown trout population with the detection of the new haplotype

    Population Characteristics of Spirlin <i>Alburnoides bipunctatus</i> (Bloch, 1782) in Serbia (Central Balkans): Implications for Conservation

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the population characteristics of spirlin, Alburnoides bipunctatus, in Serbia, since this small fish species is facing a severe decline in its abundance and its natural habitats in Europe. We investigated the spirlin population dynamics, including size, age structure, growth pattern, mortality, and exploitation rate. Additionally, we used the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection approach with the Decision Tree algorithm to investigate the influence of different environmental parameters on the population parameters to unveil which factors shape the abundance and distribution of spirlin. The results showed that the highest values of production, abundance, and biomass were estimated in sites with low temperature, optimal pH, and well-oxygenated water, even though we found them in heavily polluted waters with extremely high values of conductivity. Moreover, we observed a pattern of migratory behavior, in which spirlin migrate upstream to sites at a higher altitude in early summer and autumn. Despite the putative vulnerability and high sensitivity of spirlin populations, our results showed that the species was abundant, occurring in altered habitats (due to pollution, climate change, anthropogenic pressure, etc.)