23 research outputs found
Transfer of Immovable and Systems of Publicity in the Western World: An Economical Approach
This paper aims to analyse the norms pertaining to the transfer and publicity of property rights from an economic perspective. It is a characteristic of this analysis that it puts the rules that regulate these rights in relation with their associated negotiation costs. This offers a new approach to the examination of the definition, content, and transfer of these rights. Legal norms that minimize the problem of conflicts of ownership increase the value of property in the hands of its owners. One of the instruments oriented to reduce uncertainties of this type is the Land Register, which promotes the exchange of rights, and acts in areas that are fundamental to the economic system, such as the delimitation, attribution, and protection of property rights. In Europe, different models for the regulation of the transfer of property rights coexist, along with different models for the registration of property, so although the underlying conflicts of interest are similar throughout Europe, the way in which each legal system attempts to achieve the greatest degree of efficiency possible varies
The Impact of Harmonized European Private Law and the Acquis Communautaire on Spanish Law
Globalisation has seen the development of a body of autono-mous legal rules of international trade that bridge the gap between the two main legal families (common law and civil law). These new rules focus on the function rather than on the dogmatic origin or legal tradition behind a particular norm or principle. In Europe, there are various texts that harmonize private law and which con-form to this model, such as the PECL, the DCFR or the CESL. Within the European Union, this process of informal and decentral-ized rulemaking has not yet resulted in the enactment of a European Civil Code (as even the CESL enactment has failed), but it has in-fluenced national law (the modernization of the German BGB, the Dutch Civil Code, and the reform of the French Civil Code). This direct influence on national law constitutes one of the aims of these harmonizing legal texts as stated in the introduction to the “Draft Common Frame of Reference.”
In Spain, the Civil Code enacted in 1889 has not been modern-ized, although the Supreme Court has seen harmonized European Law as an instrument to integrate national law, especially through the construction of a new system of contractual liability (providing a unitary concept of non-performance and fundamental non-perfor-mance, rules regarding termination of contract, and change of cir-cumstances), recognising that the solutions of the Civil Code are mostly unsuitable for the new social reality.
Otherwise the construction of the acquis communautaire has de-livered a body of norms aimed at the protection of consumers (gen-erally as the result of the transposition of EU legislation). This large volume of special regulations has been gathered together in a single “Consumer Protection Act” in Spain. In a different way, other coun-tries such as Germany or the Netherlands have recently made the decision to incorporate consumer protection regulations into their civil codes
Triazolinedione-'clicked' poly(phosphoester)s : systematic adjustment of thermal properties
The thermal properties of halogen-free flame retardant poly(phosphoester)s from acyclic diene metathesis polycondensation have been optimized by a systematic post-modification using 1,2,4-triazoline- 3,5-dione derivatives. The straightforward modification not only increased their glass transition temperatures significantly but also improved the thermal stability with respect to their char yields
La ruptura de la economía negocial tras el COVID-19 (Un análisis desde el moderno Derecho europeo de contratos).
Nowadays pandemic caused by COVID-19 is affecting many aspects of the economic activity. The financial situation of many individuals and companies is in serious danger with important difficulties in fulfilling their contractual obligations. The question is whether there are remedies in the legal system to deal with this situation, such as the adaptation of the contract or the termination on the basis of the so called in Spanish Law the doctrine of the ?rebus sic stantibus? clause, that has its equivalent in other legal systems in the realm of Comparative law, under other terminology. European countries that have recently modernized their Civil Codes have reserved a special place for this type of legal institution. Today?s reality shows that our modern societies are not exempt from the risk of the emergence of unpredictable and extraordinary elements that can profoundly affect the economy. The standardised application of that legal institution by the courts, with the creation of rigorous case-law body, would contribute to a higher level of legal certainty as well as the reduction of transaction costs in the drafting of long-term contracts
DMSO as solvent on the synthesis of flame-retardant polyether polyols
Polyether polyols with flame-retardant properties are synthesized by using glycerol phosphate
disodium salt as an initiator and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent. The molecular weight
of the polyol decreased when higher solvent to initiator ratios were used, revealing that a larger
amount of salt was activated. In addition, the larger the amount of activated salt was, the higher
the percentage of phosphorous was in the final polyol. Glycerol phosphate disodium salt was still
partially insoluble in the studied proportions of DMSO. Thus, the recovery and reuse of this part
of the salt for the synthesis of new flame-retardant polyols were evaluated. The recovered salt
promoted a shorter induction period because it presented a larger amount of deprotonated
hydroxyl groups. In addition, there were no differences between both synthesized polyols,
indicating that it is possible to use the recovered salt in the same way as it is used commercially
with the advantage of a shorter induction period for polymerization.Se sintetizan polioles de poliéter con propiedades ignífugas utilizando fosfato de glicerol
como iniciador y dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) como disolvente. El peso molecular
del poliol disminuyó cuando se utilizaron mayores proporciones de disolvente e iniciador, lo que revela que se activó una mayor cantidad de sal.
cantidad de sal fue activada. Además, cuanto mayor era la cantidad de sal activada, mayor era el porcentaje de fósforo.
el porcentaje de fósforo en el poliol final. La sal disódica de fosfato de glicerol seguía siendo
parcialmente insoluble en las proporciones estudiadas de DMSO. Así, la recuperación y reutilización de esta parte
de la sal para la síntesis de nuevos polioles ignífugos. La sal recuperada
promovió un periodo de inducción más corto porque presentaba una mayor cantidad de grupos hidroxilos desprotonados.
grupos hidroxilo desprotonados. Además, no hubo diferencias entre ambos polioles sintetizados,
lo que indica que es posible utilizar la sal recuperada de la misma manera que se utiliza comercialmente
con la ventaja de un periodo de inducción más corto para la polimerización
Droplet group production in an AC electro-flow-focusing microdevice
We report the production of droplet groups with a controlled number of drops in a microfluidic electro-flow focusing device under the action of an AC electric field. This regime appears for moderate voltages (500-700 V peak-to-peak) and signal frequencies between 25 and 100 Hz, much smaller than the droplet production rate ( ≈500 Hz). For this experimental conditions the production frequency of a droplet package is twice the signal frequency. Since the continuous phase flow in the microchannel is a Hagen-Poiseuille flow, the smaller droplets of a group move faster than the bigger ones leading to droplet clustering downstream.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-46485-C3-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2014-54539- PJunta de Andalucía P11-FQM-791