77 research outputs found

    English denominal conversion verbs and their Estonian equivalents: comparing translations and J. Silvet’s English-Estonian dictionary

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    Conversion is a highly efficient and economical word-formation process. It has enriched the English vocabulary considerably; however, translators and lexicographers are faced with the challenge of finding suitable translation equivalents. The study is based on the analysis of the Estonian translation equivalents of over two hundred English denominal verbs in three novels. The results show that apart from the well-established equivalents that can be found both in translations and in the dictionary, the analysis revealed 53 suitable equivalents that were not covered by the dictionary. Two thirds of them were multi-word equivalents; this indicates that multi-word equivalents deserve more attention when compiling bilingual dictionaries. The analysis also revealed 24 meanings with suitable equivalents, which were not listed in the dictionary.Kokkuvõte. Enn Veldi: Konversiooni abil tuletatud inglise desubstantiivsed verbid ning nende eestikeelsed vasted: tõlgete ja J. Silveti inglise-eesti sõnaraamatu võrdlus. Konversioon on ökonoomne sõnamoodustusprotsess, mis on rikastanud inglise keele sõnavara olulisel määral. Samas on tõlkijate ja leksikograafide ülesanne leida neile sobivad tõlkevasted. Artikkel põhineb üle 200 inglise desubstantiivse verbi tõlkevastete analüüsil, mis esinesid kolmes romaanis. Tulemused näitavad, et lisaks väljakujunenud tõlkevastetele, mis esinevad nii tõlgetes kui sõnaraamatus, leidus tõlgetes 53 sobivat tõlkevastet, mis sõnastikus kajastamist ei leidnud. Kaks kolmandikku neist olid mitmesõnalised vasted, mis näitab, et mitmesõnalised vasted väärivad kakskeelsete sõnaraamatute koostamisel rohkem tähelepanu. Tõlgete analüüs tõi samuti esile 24 tähendust koos sobivate tõlkevastetega, mis sõnastikus kajastamist ei leidnud.Märksõnad: konversioon, inglise keel, eesti keel, tõlkimine, ekvivalentsus, kakskeelne leksikograafi

    Vanemaealiste unehäired

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    Unehäired on vanemaealiste inimeste sagedane kaebus. Need on tingitud paljudest teguritest – une-ärkveloleku ööpäevase rütmi häiretest, samuti une füsioloogiliste mehhanismide muutustest vanemaealistel. Sagedasti kaasuvad unehäired stressile ja depressioonile ning mitmesuguste patoloogilistele seisunditele, mis põhjustavad valu, südamepuudulikkust ja hingamishäireid. Eesti Arst 2003; 82 (3): 198–20

    Obstruktiivne uneapnoe – unelämbustõbi

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    Uneapnoe haiguse all kannatab umbes 4% tööealistest meestest ja 2% naistest. Sagedamini esineb see keskealistel meestel ja postmenopausis naistel. Uneapnoe on sagedaseim päevase unisuse põhjustaja. Enamikul juhtudest on uneapnoe obstruktiivset laadi põhjustatuna ülemiste hingamisteede kollapsist une ajal. Nendele haigetele on iseloomulik norskamine ja apnoeepisoodid une ajal. Haiguse raskusastme täpsemaks hindamiseks on kasutusel polüsomnograafia. Raviks rakendatakse positiivse rõhuga hingamisaparaate (CPAP). Umbes 10%-l juhtudest on efektiivne kirurgiline ravi – nina ja neelu avardavad operatsioonid. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (12): 866–87

    Rahutute jalgade sündroom

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    Rahutute jalgade sündroomi (RLS) iseloomustab tahtmatu jalgade liigutamine une ajal. Sageli põhjustab see une katkemise. Häire esineb kuni 15%-l inimestest. RLS on arstidele seni vähe tuntud, kuid otstarbeka raviga on võimalik selle häirega inimeste vaevusi leevendada. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (3): 207–21

    Une kvaliteet ja sagedasemad unehäired arstiteaduskonna üliõpilastel

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    Töö kajastab üht osa unehäirete epidemioloogilisest uuringust, kus on püütud välja selgitada olulisemate unehäirete esinemissagedus Eesti noorte inimeste seas. 413 uuritust hindas oma une kvaliteeti heaks või pigem heaks 69,2% (286); rahuldavaks 23,7% (98) ning pigem halvaks või halvaks 7,0% (29). Uuritute halba unekvaliteeti iseloomustasid peamiselt uinumisraskused, sagedased öised ärkamised ja päevane unisus, mis on insomnia sagedasemad tunnused

    Le diable dans les nouvelles de Théophile Gautier

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    Polemik Multiplexing Penyiaran Televisi Digital dalam RUU Penyiaran (Analisis Pemberitaan Media dalam Dialog Metro Siang di Metro TV)

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    The digitalization of televisions in 2018 which was discussed by the government sparked polemics in various interest groups. In this situation, the House of Representatives is required to be quick in deciding on the revision of the new broadcasting law in order to clarify the concept of Multiplexing applicable in Indonesia. At the same time, Metro TV sees the concept of Single Mux can damage the media competition and broadcast news that lead to the understanding of the community that the concept of Multi Mux is the most suitable concept applied in Indonesia. This study analyzes the discourse developed by the Metro Siang dialogue and sees the meaning contained within that news show. To understand this, the researcher viewed using the theory of Hierarchy of Influence Shoemaker and D. Reese, then analyzed using Critical Discourse analysis model Teun van Djik, which splits into three elements in the form of text, social cognition, and social analysis. This research is done by using qualitative approach and critical paradigm. The data was collected by analyzing the text from the transcript of news broadcast of Polemic Single & Multi Mux Metro Siang dialogue on Metro TV and interviewed two informants as communication and professional academic in media field. The results showed that the content of news broadcast Metro Siang influenced by the interests of Metro TV as a company that refused the application of Single Mux Concept in the Broadcasting Act. Development process of Metro TV tobuilt discourse by providing rationality to both concepts, but rather tend to one concept more dominant one concept. Moreover, the speakers who supported the rejection of Single Mux concept. Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Multiplexing, Digital Television, Metro Siang Dialogue, Metro T

    Avangard: a forward-looking kolkhoz is seen as part of the past

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    Äksi is a small settlement near Tartu in Estonia. The typical Soviet era blocks of flats overlook Lake Saadjärv and the view is met on the other side by large open fields. Back in the Soviet time it was a kolkhoz known as “Avangard” (or “avant-garde”). The name, of course, symbolised the forward-looking new Estonian Soviet state and its accompanying modernisation of the rural landscape. Today the layers of history in the settlement and the landscape around it are visible in the white brick houses built in the early days of the kolkhoz and in the favoured choice of trees planted in the same period but now all grownup. Some of those houses are not in such a great shape anymore, some continue to be used in a similar way they used to be, after the end of the kolkhoz. For example, the workshop building now hosts a company that makes dolls and the piggery has survived despite the change of owners. There are many stories to be shared by those who were part of it all. To gather those memories, and to understand how the starting of new lives for young adults of that time, interviews were carried out using the go-along technique, where the interviewed subject can recall the memories in greater detail, as they walk down the same streets as some decades ago. Although the landscape has visually changed and over two decades have passed since the ending of the Soviet regime, the mind map in peoples’ heads remains vivid. The interviews revealed particular places, views, activities and memories of young adults who came here to start their independent lives, to build a future for them and for the kolkhoz at the same time at the peak of the Soviet era