19 research outputs found

    Parents’ mobile relational maintenance in resource-constrained contexts: Barriers and facilitating access conditions

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    Mobile phones have become central to family members’ daily communication. This study investigates the material and skills access barriers that parents of adolescents in resource-constrained contexts face for mobile relational maintenance. Following an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, interviews with parents in Bogotá, Colombia, explored how they managed to keep in touch with their children despite facing access barriers and how these barriers still affected their parent–child mobile interactions. A survey was conducted in the quantitative phase to confirm the relationship patterns suggested by qualitative findings. Financial, cognitive, and environmental resources constituted access barriers. Despite gaining material access through alternative social and environmental resources, the barriers they faced still influenced the nature and frequency of their parent–child mobile interactions. Findings also showed that cognitive barriers, observed as parents’ low levels of perceived capability to learn how to use mobile phones, affected parents’ text messaging through their acquisition of skills

    Facilitating Social Media and Offline Political Engagement During Electoral Cycles: Using Social Cognitive Theory to Explain Political Action Among Hispanics and Latinos

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Mass Communication and Society on July 9th, 2018, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/15205436.2018.1484489.Two interacting forces are subtly shifting the nature of American democracy—the public’s increased use of social media for political information and meaningful changes in the demographic characteristics of the country. This study specifically examined ways in which social media use for political purposes could leverage greater offline political participation among Hispanics and Latinos—a rapidly growing segment of the population. Using social cognitive theory, this study evaluated features of users’ social media network and social media behaviors that can facilitate greater political participation both online and offline. Results indicate that individuals’ social media network expression and social media political expression experiences influence users’ social media political efficacy, social media political expression, and eventually their offline political engagement. Special attention is given to the role of social media political efficacy in promoting broad forms of social media political expression and offline engagement for Hispanics and Latinos

    Scoping review of studies on food marketing in Latin America : summary of existing evidence and research gaps

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    Q3Q2OBJECTIVE: To document the evidence about marketing of ultra-processed foods and “non-alcoholic” beverages in Latin America. METHODS: We performed a structured search of quantitative and qualitative studies in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS, published between January 2000 and May 2017 and conducted in Latin America. We conducted a quality assessment following a standardized tool and a thematic analysis to identify key typologies of marketing across studies RESULTS: Out of 521 studies screened by title and abstract, we included 36 in this review; 27 of them analyzed television advertisement. Other marketing channels studied were food packaging, point of sale and outdoor advertisement. Studies found television advertises foods and beverages that are mostly ultraprocessed foods and have low nutritional value, particularly those promoted during children’s programming. We also observed children have a literal interpretation of images printed on food packaging, so this can be deceiving. Several studies also found proximity to unhealthy foods may increase their consumption. Finally, the thematic analysis identified the following typologies of food marketing: a) television advertisement, b) food packaging marketing, c) marketing strategies at points of sale and d) other marketing strategies. We found almost no advertisements for unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fruits and vegetables. We did not find any studies on digital marketing conducted in the region. CONCLUSIONS: This review found that the main channel of food marketing was television advertising. This synthesis provides insights to the challenges unhealthy eating represents to the public health of Latin America and identifies knowledge gaps to guide future research.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7343-8260https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1834-3012Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Ethnic Minorities’ Social Media Political Use: How Ingroup Identification, Selective Exposure, and Collective Efficacy Shape Social Media Political Expression

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    Latinos represent a large ethnic minority group in the United States, but their political participation, including on social media, is low compared to other groups. Guided by social identity and social cognitive theories, this study examines the influence of two dimensions of ingroup identification (i.e., group self-definition, group self-investment) on Latinos(as)’ political expression about immigration and Latino culture on social media, the mediating role of pro-attitudinal selective exposure to media content related to these topics, and the moderating role of collective efficacy. Results suggest a positive and consistent association between group self-definition and social media political expression (SMPE) about both topics. Further, pro-attitudinal selective exposure was found to mediate the relationship between group self-definition and expression about both topics. Finally, collective efficacy moderated the relationship between group self-definition and SMPE about immigration

    Estimulación de la capacidad creadora de problemas por variación, sobre proporcionalidad, en docentes de matemática de las carreras de comunicaciones de una universidad privada de Lima.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar si la estrategia Episodio, Problema Pre y Problema Pos (EPP) de Malaspina (2017), estimula la capacidad de crear problemas por variación sobre proporcionalidad, en un grupo de docentes de las carreras de comunicaciones de una universidad privada en Lima. Esta investigación, se justifica debido a que existen diversos trabajos nacionales e internacionales que anteceden al nuestro abordando la creación de problemas, en particular, la creación de problemas por variación. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se implementó un taller de creación de problemas en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Para ordenar la información presentada en esta investigación, se sigue las fases contempladas en la Metodología Cualitativa de Latorre (1996). Consideramos como sujetos de estudio a dos docentes asistentes a todas las secuencias de actividades propuestas en el taller. Además, para entender y analizar los problemas creados por estos docentes, se recurre a entrevistas y al análisis de su producción mediante rúbricas adaptada de los trabajos de Matínez (2015) y Aguilar (2018), teniendo en cuenta la flexibilidad, originalidad y fluidez según lo trabajado en Malaspina (2014). Para identificar si la estrategia EPP cumple con el objetivo planteado, se examinó las rúbricas de una prueba diagnóstica, de un episodio de clase y una prueba de salida aplicados antes, durante y después del taller respectivamente. De esta manera, se logra evidenciar cambios favorables en los problemas creados por los docentes. Finalmente, se concluye que la estrategia EPP logra estimular la capacidad de crear problemas por variación sobre proporcionalidad en los sujetos de estudio de esta investigación.The present research work has the general objective of analyzing whether the Episode, Pre problem and Pos problem (EPP) strategy of Malaspina (2017), stimulates the ability to problems posing by variation on proportionality, in a group teachers of the communications degrees from a private university in Lima. This research is justified due to the fact that there are various national and international works that precede ours, addressing the problem posing, in particular, the problem posing by variation. To achieve the proposed objective, a problem posing workshop was implemented at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). To order the information presented in this investigation, the phases contemplated in the Qualitative Methodology of Latorre (1996) are followed. We consider as study subjects two teachers attending all the sequences of activities proposed in the workshop. In addition, to understand and analyze the problem posing by these teachers, interviews and analysis of their production are used through headings adapted from the work of Matínez (2015) and Aguilar (2018), taking into account flexibility, originality and fluidity according to what worked in Malaspina (2014). To identify if the EPP strategy meets the stated objective, we examined the rubrics of a diagnostic test, a class episode and an exit test applied before, during and after the workshop respectively. In this way, it is possible to show favorable changes in the problems created by teachers. Finally, it is concluded that the EPP strategy manages to stimulate the ability to problem posing by variation over proportionality in the study subjects of this research.Tesi

    Scoping review of studies on food marketing in Latin America: Summary of existing evidence and research gaps

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    OBJECTIVE: To document the evidence about marketing of ultra-processed foods and “non-alcoholic” beverages in Latin America. METHODS: We performed a structured search of quantitative and qualitative studies in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS, published between January 2000 and May 2017 and conducted in Latin America. We conducted a quality assessment following a standardized tool and a thematic analysis to identify key typologies of marketing across studies RESULTS: Out of 521 studies screened by title and abstract, we included 36 in this review; 27 of them analyzed television advertisement. Other marketing channels studied were food packaging, point of sale and outdoor advertisement. Studies found television advertises foods and beverages that are mostly ultraprocessed foods and have low nutritional value, particularly those promoted during children’s programming. We also observed children have a literal interpretation of images printed on food packaging, so this can be deceiving. Several studies also found proximity to unhealthy foods may increase their consumption. Finally, the thematic analysis identified the following typologies of food marketing: a) television advertisement, b) food packaging marketing, c) marketing strategies at points of sale and d) other marketing strategies. We found almost no advertisements for unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fruits and vegetables. We did not find any studies on digital marketing conducted in the region. CONCLUSIONS: This review found that the main channel of food marketing was television advertising. This synthesis provides insights to the challenges unhealthy eating represents to the public health of Latin America and identifies knowledge gaps to guide future research

    Scoping review of studies on food marketing in Latin America: Summary of existing evidence and research gaps

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    OBJECTIVE: To document the evidence about marketing of ultra-processed foods and “non-alcoholic” beverages in Latin America. METHODS: We performed a structured search of quantitative and qualitative studies in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS, published between January 2000 and May 2017 and conducted in Latin America. We conducted a quality assessment following a standardized tool and a thematic analysis to identify key typologies of marketing across studies RESULTS: Out of 521 studies screened by title and abstract, we included 36 in this review; 27 of them analyzed television advertisement. Other marketing channels studied were food packaging, point of sale and outdoor advertisement. Studies found television advertises foods and beverages that are mostly ultraprocessed foods and have low nutritional value, particularly those promoted during children’s programming. We also observed children have a literal interpretation of images printed on food packaging, so this can be deceiving. Several studies also found proximity to unhealthy foods may increase their consumption. Finally, the thematic analysis identified the following typologies of food marketing: a) television advertisement, b) food packaging marketing, c) marketing strategies at points of sale and d) other marketing strategies. We found almost no advertisements for unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fruits and vegetables. We did not find any studies on digital marketing conducted in the region. CONCLUSIONS: This review found that the main channel of food marketing was television advertising. This synthesis provides insights to the challenges unhealthy eating represents to the public health of Latin America and identifies knowledge gaps to guide future research


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    Despite their relative low cost, access to and use of mobiles and smart phones does not necessarily mean that individuals do face different adoption barriers, especially in constrained resource contexts. This study asks about parents’ development of local strategies for access to mobile communication technologies for intrafamilial communication in a resource constrained context. Intrafamilial communication is an important socialization source, and represents for many the first resource for emotional support.Categorical differences in the social position of individuals within a social system produces an unequal distribution of the resources. Unequal resources influence unequal access to communication technologies.Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted to parents of children between the ages of twelve and eighteen years-old in Bogotá, Colombia, in order to learn about the different hurdles they face in order to get access to mobile technologies when trying to communicate with their children. Rarely, these barriers translated into no communication with family members. During the interviews, individuals also described the way in which they used alternative resources that acted as facilitating conditions for access.While important access gaps are present, due to differences in the resources individuals can count on, it seems that in circumstances of high access motivation, like in the case of intrafamilial communication, individuals develop local strategies through alternative resources that facilitate access conditions to the technologies that will allow them to achieve their intrafamilial communication objectives

    Political Expression on Social Media: The Role of Communication Competence and Expected Outcomes

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    The use of social media sites for political expression has added a new layer to the study of political discussion. In this type of user-generated content applications, interpersonal and mass-mediated types of communication converge in one medium. Therefore, in this study, we bring together insights from interpersonal communication theories and mass communication models that predict online expression, adding explanatory power to this form of political participation. Specifically, we contribute to the understanding of social media political expression by examining the influence of communication competence and expected outcomes on expressive behaviors. Results of a representative survey of the adult urban population of Colombian Facebook ( n  = 598) and Twitter ( n  = 185) users, suggest that social media communication competence and expected status, novelty, and social outcomes influence political expression on social media. Furthermore, users’ social media political expression expected outcomes through Facebook and Twitter differ. This study illustrates the important role that interpersonal communication factors have for social media political discussion, and the difference between users’ expectations when they express their political views through different social media platforms