1,475 research outputs found

    Situación y perspectivas de la truficultura en España

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    En este trabajo se presenta un panorama de la situación de la truficultura en España, desde sus comienzos en los años 50 a la actualidad, y sus perspectivas de futuro. Se destacan la actividad científica y técnica, desarrolladas en Centros de Investigación y Universidades españolas, en aspectos diversos: micorrización en vivero, certificación de planta micorrizada, ecología de la trufa, recuperación de truferas naturales, cultivo y seguimiento de plantaciones truferas, taxonomía química, control de las especies de trufa, reforestación y selvicultura trufera. Se aprecia un aumento en el apoyo que se le da al sector desde las Administraciones Públicas, tanto desde la perspectiva forestal, la agraria o la, ya indicada, de la investigación. Se aportan datos de produccion, precios, áreas de recogida, mercados, investigación, plantaciones truferas. Se da un breve resumen de las perspectivas del sector trufero en España. SUMMARY The objective of this work is to provide a overview of truffle cultivation in Spain from its beginnings in the 1950s to the present, and its prospects for the future. At the moment, truffle cultivation in Spain is a reality. There is a great deal of activity on the part of farmers as well as on the part of scientific researchers in universities and specialised centres who are investigating a wide range of aspects on the subject: mycorrhization in nurseries, mycorrhized plant certification, ecology, recuperation of wild truffle stands, monitoring of truffle plantations, chemical taxonomy, control of truffle species, and reforestation and truffle cultivation. A growing support for the truffle sector from the Public Administration can be observed, as much from the agrarian and forestry perspective as from the mentioned research perspective. Data on production, prices, collection areas, markets, publications, truffle plantations and research are given. Finally, we give a brief summary of future prospects for the truffle sector in Spain

    Metodología de estudio del aprendizaje de niños con parálisis cerebral en el uso de un ratón por movimientos de cabeza

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    This paper presents a methodology designed to evaluate the learning process for people with cerebral palsy (CP) who are asked to control a computer through an inertial interface. The interface allows users to control the mouse pointer and click with head movements. The metric proposed in order to objectively measure the process of learning is the “throughput”. This parameter has been widely used for the evaluation of pointing devices and is now applied for the first time to people with CP. The results obtained show that the metric can be used to quantify how the user is learning and therefore to assess the usability of the inertial device.[EN]Este artículo presenta un estudio piloto que introduce una metodología para valorar el aprendizaje de una persona con parálisis cerebral (PC) en el manejo del computador con una interfaz inercial, que permite el control del cursor y el clic mediante movimientos de cabeza. Se propone el uso de una métrica denominada rendimiento para medir objetivamente el proceso de aprendizaje. La métrica, ampliamente utilizada para la evaluación de dispositivos apuntadores, se aplica por primera vez en usuarios con PC. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo la métrica propuesta permite cuantificar el proceso de aprendizaje del usuario con PC, con lo que puede ser empleada para valorar la usabilidad del dispositivo inercial.[ES]Peer reviewe

    Estado de micorrización de árboles truferos en función de su carácter productivo y su edad. Primeros resultados del Subproyecto 1 del Plan de Desarrollo Integral de la Truficultura de Teruel

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    La truficultura es una actividad con clara dimensión forestal, entre otras razones porque las especies implicadas, tanto el hongo como su árbol simbionte, son de gran valor silvícola. Además, la truficultura y la selvicultura trufera son prácticas que contribuyen a la recuperación de masas forestales y zonas potencialmente boscosas, con el valor añadido de la obtención de las trufas, de modo, en la mayor parte de las ocasiones, totalmente ecológico. El Plan Específico para Teruel (PET) integra varias actuaciones promovidas por el Gobierno Español entre las que se encuentra la ejecución de un Proyecto de Investigación denominado “Desarrollo Integral de la Truficultura de Teruel”, financiado por INIA, en el que se pretende apoyar al sector trufero turolense mediante el conocimiento y la mejora de sus técnicas de cultivo, producción y comercialización. La presente comunicación resume los primeros resultados obtenidos en uno de los 7 subproyectos que lo integran y que afecta al estudio del cortejo micorrícico de los árboles de las plantaciones, productoras o no, y su relación con la producción. La composición micorrícica de los árboles truferos es un factor esencial para realizar predicciones sobre la producción futura. Tanto la ausencia de micorrizas de trufa negra como la detección de otras, capaces de desplazar a la primera de las raíces de los árboles, puede permitir el diagnóstico precoz de fracasos de plantaciones y por lo tanto el ahorro de muchos años de cuidados a la espera de las primeras recolecciones. Para el estudio, se han seleccionado 3 grupos de plantaciones por edad, con 2 localizaciones distintas. Se está desarrollando un inventario periódico de las micorrizas presentes en un total de 48 árboles. Se propone una clasificación de las mismas en función de su capacidad para comprometer la producción de trufa negra, factor que se ha determinado en base al carácter productor o no productor de cada árbol

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spinodal Decomposition in Three-Dimensional Binary Fluids

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    Using large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of a two-component Lennard-Jones model in three dimensions, we show that the late-time dynamics of spinodal decomposition in concentrated binary fluids reaches a viscous scaling regime with a growth exponent n=1n=1, in agreement with experiments and a theoretical analysis for viscous growth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lattice-Gas Simulations of Minority-Phase Domain Growth in Binary Immiscible and Ternary Amphiphilic Fluid

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    We investigate the growth kinetics of binary immiscible fluids and emulsions in two dimensions using a hydrodynamic lattice-gas model. We perform off-critical quenches in the binary fluid case and find that the domain size within the minority phase grows algebraically with time in accordance with theoretical predictions. In the late time regime we find a growth exponent n = 0.45 over a wide range of concentrations, in good agreement with other simluations. In the early time regime we find no universal growth exponent but a strong dependence on the concentration of the minority phase. In the ternary amphiphilic fluid case the kinetics of self assembly of the droplet phase are studied for the first time. At low surfactant concentrations, we find that, after an early algebraic growth, a nucleation regime dominates the late-time kinetics, which is enhanced by an increasing concentration of surfactant. With a further increase in the concentration of surfactant, we see a crossover to logarithmically slow growth, and finally saturation of the oil droplets, which we fit phenomenologically to a stretched exponential function. Finally, the transition between the droplet and the sponge phase is studied.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Resonant Raman-active localized vibrational modes in AlyGa{1-y}NxAs{1-x} alloys: Experiment and firstprinciples calculations

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    The localized vibrational modes associated with substitutional aluminium and nitrogen atoms in AlyGa1−yNxAs1−x have been studied within first-principles density functional theory using a supercell approach. Localized vibrational modes related to N-AlmGa4−m (1≤m≥4) complexes have been identified, which reveal the formation of N-Al4 units well above random abundance, in qualitative agreement with a large calculated value (391 meV) of the Al-N bond formation energy. We determine the resonant Raman-active modes from the selection rule obtained by calculating the electron-phonon coupling strength and optical transition matrix elements and compare them with resonant Raman spectroscopy measurements. The localized modes from Raman scattering measurements with frequencies around 325, 385, 400, 450, 500, and 540 cm−1 are found to be in good agreement with the calculated modes (326, 364, 384, 410, 456, 507, and 556 cm−1). The modes are classified as follows: the two modes at 326 and 556 cm−1 belong to the N-AlGa3 configuration; there are three modes which belong to N-Al2Ga2 with frequencies at 326, 364, and 507 cm−1; the N-Al3Ga configuration gives rise to modes whose frequencies are 384 and 456 cm−1; and the mode at a frequency of 410 cm−1 belongs to the N-Al4 complex. The comparison of line intensities from samples before and after rapid thermal annealing allows us to experimentally distinguish vibrational modes associated with different clusters, in agreement with the theoretical assignments

    Endothelin receptor B antagonists decrease glioma cell viability independently of their cognate receptor

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    Background: Endothelin receptor antagonists inhibit the progression of many cancers, but research into their influence on glioma has been limited. Methods: We treated glioma cell lines, LN-229 and SW1088, and melanoma cell lines, A375 and WM35, with two endothelin receptor type B (ETRB)-specific antagonists, A-192621 and BQ788, and quantified viable cells by the capacity of their intracellular esterases to convert non-fluorescent calcein AM into green-fluorescent calcein. We assessed cell proliferation by labeling cells with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester and quantifying the fluorescence by FACS analysis. We also examined the cell cycle status using BrdU/propidium iodide double staining and FACS analysis. We evaluated changes in gene expression by microarray analysis following treatment with A-192621 in glioma cells. We examined the role of ETRB by reducing its expression level using small interfering RNA (siRNA). Results: We report that two ETRB-specific antagonists, A-192621 and BQ788, reduce the number of viable cells in two glioma cell lines in a dose- and time-dependent manner. We describe similar results for two melanoma cell lines. The more potent of the two antagonists, A-192621, decreases the mean number of cell divisions at least in part by inducing a G2/M arrest and apoptosis. Microarray analysis of the effects of A-192621 treatment reveals up-regulation of several DNA damage-inducible genes. These results were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR. Importantly, reducing expression of ETRB with siRNAs does not abrogate the effects of either A-192621 or BQ788 in glioma or melanoma cells. Furthermore, BQ123, an endothelin receptor type A (ETRA)-specific antagonist, has no effect on cell viability in any of these cell lines, indicating that the ETRB-independent effects on cell viability exhibited by A-192621 and BQ788 are not a result of ETRA inhibition. Conclusion: While ETRB antagonists reduce the viability of glioma cells in vitro, it appears unlikely that this effect is mediated by ETRB inhibition or cross-reaction with ETRA. Instead, we present evidence that A-192621 affects glioma and melanoma viability by activating stress/DNA damage response pathways, which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. This is the first evidence linking ETRB antagonist treatment to enhanced expression of DNA damage-inducible genes

    Medición de parámetros fisicos, biológicos y químicos en el tramo estuarino del río Ebro

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    En este artículo se describen las campañas de campo CYTMAR I y II realizadas en la primavera y el verano de 1997, con el fin de estudiar los procesos y los flujos físicos, biológicos y químicos en la zona del Delta del Ebro, tanto en el tramo estuarino del río como en la pluma de agua dulce que se forma en las cercanías de la desembocadura. Aquí el estudio se ha centrado en la zona estuarina, presentando algunos resultados preliminares y analizando las diferencias estacionales observadas

    Lattice-gas simulations of Domain Growth, Saturation and Self-Assembly in Immiscible Fluids and Microemulsions

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    We investigate the dynamical behavior of both binary fluid and ternary microemulsion systems in two dimensions using a recently introduced hydrodynamic lattice-gas model of microemulsions. We find that the presence of amphiphile in our simulations reduces the usual oil-water interfacial tension in accord with experiment and consequently affects the non-equilibrium growth of oil and water domains. As the density of surfactant is increased we observe a crossover from the usual two-dimensional binary fluid scaling laws to a growth that is {\it slow}, and we find that this slow growth can be characterized by a logarithmic time scale. With sufficient surfactant in the system we observe that the domains cease to grow beyond a certain point and we find that this final characteristic domain size is inversely proportional to the interfacial surfactant concentration in the system.Comment: 28 pages, latex, embedded .eps figures, one figure is in colour, all in one uuencoded gzip compressed tar file, submitted to Physical Review

    Cartografía de la Flora Navarra

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    Aportaciones del Departamento de Botánica de la Universidad de Navarra a las X Jornadas de Fitosociología: Cartografía vegetal, Granada, 1990, Vol.