788 research outputs found

    La política y las Fuerzas Armadas; análisis crítico a partir de la Revolución Juliana

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    Al responder a las preguntas ¿por qué los militares hemos intervenido en política? ¿Por qué nuestro quehacer se ha visto siempre atravesado por la lucha por el poder?, ha constituido una permanente incitación a desentrañar esos por qué; y a enfrentar las respuestas. Iniciando el trabajo, todos los integrantes sufrían una especie de desdoblamiento que se hacía innumerable de “caminos que se bifurcan”: el ejército, la política, la sociedad o al revés o la política, la sociedad, el ejército. “Todos los caminos conducen a Roma”, no puede ser más sabia una respuesta que esa, así que escogimos el más corto y el más globalizo a la vez, para no perdernos, explicar los fenómenos por la raíz, la sociedad misma, la que en su funcionamiento contradictorio, impone modos, formas en una relación en la que es esa realidad en movimiento. Al abordar el tema hemos tratado de determinar ese “contexto” a partir del estudio de la estructura, así que en una primera parte que va de los inicios de la República hasta la Revolución Liberal; para fines expositivos se ha afrontado el trabajo mediante el análisis económico y social; dividiendo en aportes el hacer politice y el de las Fuerzas Armadas. En la segunda parte que va desde la Revolución Liberal; el acontecimiento con el que se consolida el predominio del sistema capitalista, la relación Fuerzas Armadas y Partidos Políticos es tratado en la perspectiva del análisis de las Fuerzas Sociales en el Estado Capitalista dependiente monoexportador, en un intento de relación didáctica

    Hematoma subperiósteo e compressão orbitária após trauma frontal leve na anemia falciforme: relato de caso

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    We report the case of an 11-year-old girl with sickle cell disease who presented to the emergency room after being hit by a mud pie in the left frontal region. Examination evidenced left eye proptosis, eyelid swelling, reduced visual acuity and afferent pupillary defect, without any inflammatory signs such as fever, hyperemia or tenderness. Computed tomography of the orbits showed a large superomedial subperiosteal hematoma in the left orbit. The patient was treated with canthotomy, cantholysis and surgical draining of the hematoma. Two days after drainage she persisted with a subperiosteal hematoma and low visual acuity. A wide exploration of the orbital roof through a lid crease approach disclosed a thickened superior orbital rim with multiple bone defects along the roof and with continuous bleeding. Hemostasis was accomplished with bone wax. Orbital compression was resolved and the patient recovered her previous normal visual acuity.Relatamos o caso de uma menina de 11 anos com doença falciforme, trazida à sala de emergência após ser atingida por um bloco de barro na região frontal esquerda. Apresentava ao exame proptose do olho esquerdo, edema palpebral, diminuição da acuidade visual e defeito pupilar aferente, sem quaisquer sinais inflamatórios como febre, hiperemia ou aumento de sensibilidade. A tomografia computadorizada de órbitas demonstrou um extenso hematoma subperiósteo superomedial na órbita esquerda. A paciente foi tratada com cantotomia, cantólise e drenagem cirúrgica do hematoma. Dois dias após a drenagem, ela permaneceu com um hematoma subperiósteo e a acuidade visual diminuída. Uma ampla exploração através de incisão no sulco palpebral superior revelou um rebordo orbitário superior espessado, e múltiplos defeitos ósseos ao longo do teto da órbita com sangramento persistente. Foi realizada hemostasia com cera óssea. A compressão orbitária foi resolvida, e a paciente recuperou a acuidade visual normal prévia

    Patologia dos anexos oculares

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    Os principais temas da patologia dos anexos oculares foram revistos, com ênfase nas patologias que pertencem ao campo de atuação da oculoplástica.The main topics of the adnexal ocular pathology were reviewed with emphasis in the pathologic conditions that belong to the oculoplastic field

    Successful strategies implemented towards the elimination of canine rabies in the Western Hemisphere

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    Almost all cases of human rabies result from dog bites, making the elimination of canine rabies a global priority. During recent decades, many countries in the Western Hemisphere have carried out large-scale dog vaccination campaigns, controlled their free-ranging dog populations and enforced legislation for responsible pet ownership. This article reviews progress in eliminating canine rabies from the Western Hemisphere. After briefly summarizing the history of control efforts and describing the approaches listed above, we note that programs in some countries have been hindered by societal attitudes and severe economic disparities, which underlines the need to discuss measures that will be required to complete the elimination of canine rabies throughout the region. We also note that there is a constant threat for dog-maintained epizootics to re-occur, so as long as dog-maintained rabies "hot spots" are still present, free-roaming dog populations remain large, herd immunity becomes low and dog-derived rabies lyssavirus (RABLV) variants continue to circulate in close proximity to rabies-naïve dog populations. The elimination of dog-maintained rabies will be only feasible if both dog-maintained and dog-derived RABLV lineages and variants are permanently eliminated. This may be possible by keeping dog herd immunity above 70% at all times, fostering sustained laboratory-based surveillance through reliable rabies diagnosis and RABLV genetic typing in dogs, domestic animals and wildlife, as well as continuing to educate the population on the risk of rabies transmission, prevention and responsible pet ownership. Complete elimination of canine rabies requires permanent funding, with governments and people committed to make it a reality. An accompanying article reviews the history and epidemiology of canine rabies in the Western Hemisphere, beginning with its introduction during the period of European colonization, and discusses how spillovers of viruses between dogs and various wild carnivores will affect future eradication efforts (Velasco-Villa et al., 2017)

    Quinta Michita

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    Embedded filter bank-based algorithm for ECG compression

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    In this work, two ECG compression schemes are presented using two types of filter banks to decompose the incoming signal: wavelet packets (WP) and nearly-perfect reconstruction cosine modulated filter banks. The conventional embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) algorithm takes advantage of the hierarchical relationship among subband coefficients of the pyramidal wavelet decomposition. Nevertheless, it performs worse when used with WP as the hierarchy becomes more complex. In order to address this problem, we propose a new technique that considers no relationship among coefficients, and is therefore suitable for use with WP. Furthermore, this new approximation makes it possible to apply the quantization method toM-channel maximally decimated filter banks. In this fashion, the proposed algorithm provides two efficient and effective ECG compressors that show better ECG compression performance than the conventional EZW algorithm

    La educación en el conflicto armado desde una perspectiva analógica del semillero Vórtice y el libro Desterrados de Alfredo Molano

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    Este ensayo est´a planificado con base a los objetivos del Semillero Vórtice y al análisis del libro Desterrados, en el cual enmarca las dinámicas y manifestaciones sociales en el conflicto armado interno que han irrumpido el espacio social; de esta manera, se consideran múltiples factores que inciden en la formulación de una educación para la paz en los estudiantes y maestros, entretanto surgen distinciones entre educación y pedagogía, de ahí, planteando una adecuada pedagogía para la paz desde la teoría y la practica en cada uno de los referentes analizados. Al mismo tiempo se observa que cada acción pedagógica tiene un fin política, en este caso el semillero Vórtice fomenta desde la acción pedagógica investigativa la convivencia escolar en los territorios del posconflicto en la educación rural. De igual forma, se logra implantar la importancia de mostrar y analizar los objetivos del ente investigador y el libroDesterrados para darle un acercamiento a las prácticas de la resolución del conflicto interno en las instituciones, con el propósito de instaurar la necesidad relevante en la creación de una pedagogía para la paz, Recreando una importancia inmediata en los procesos de justicia, reparación y construcción de memoria para la necesidad de una paz estable y duradera

    Spectral aerosol radiative forcing and efficiency of the La Palma volcanic plume over the Izaña Observatory

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    On 19 September 2021, a volcanic eruption began on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain). The eruption has allowed the assessment of an unprecedented multidisciplinary study on the effects of the volcanic plume. This work presents the estimation of the spectral direct radiative forcing (∆F) and efficiency (∆F E f f) from solar radiation measurements at the Izaña Observatory (IZO) located on the island of Tenerife (∼140 km from the volcano). During the eruption, the IZO was affected by different types of aerosols: volcanic, Saharan mineral dust, and a mixture of volcanic and dust aerosols. Three case studies were identified using ground based (lidar) data, satellite-based (Sentinel5P Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument, TROPOMI) data, reanalysis data (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2, MERRA-2), and backward trajectories (Flexible Trajectories, FLEXTRA), and subsequently characterised in terms of optical and micro-physical properties using ground based sun-photometry measurements. Despite the ∆F of the volcanic aerosols being greater than that of the dust events (associated with the larger aerosol load present), the ∆F E f f was found to be lower. The spectral ∆F E f f values at 440 nm ranged between −1.9 and −2.6 Wm−2nm−1AOD−1 for the mineral dust and mixed volcanic and dust particles, and between −1.6 and −3.3 Wm−2nm−1AOD−1 for the volcanic aerosols, considering solar zenith angles between 30◦ and 70◦, respectively.The authors also acknowledge the support of ACTRIS, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, through the projects SYNERA: PID2020-118793GA-I00 and RT2018- 097864-B-I00, and Junta de Castilla y León grant N◦. VA227P20