439 research outputs found

    The Impact of Innovation into the Economic Growth

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    Competition between companies differentiates a lot nowadays compared to many years before. They compete in "nicety" that are so small but so important. Companies are trying to achieve competitive advantage in order to help them obtain a better and a stable position in the marketplace. The best way for companies to achieve a competitive advantage is through innovation. This paper addresses the meaning of innovation what does innovation present, types of innovation specifically discussing the right way of usage. In order for companies to get the as more innovations as possible it is necessary for them to be familiar with the process of innovation and its principles which innovation was found on. There are several types of innovation or ways in which companies can achieve innovation in a level of whole organization. This paper discusses the ways how that can be achieved, starting from their products and services, ways of selling, supply ect. Innovation is essential for sustainable growth and economic development. Several core conditions enable innovation and encourage economic growth. In the modern economy, innovation is crucial for value creation, growth and employment and innovation processes take place at the enterprise, regional and national level. Innovation will lead to new businesses as well as to the increased competitiveness of existing enterprises. In this paper are not covered all the characteristics of innovation but it presents a very good basis for a proper usage of innovation and ways of transforming it in competitive advantage for companies. Also this paper identifies the impact that innovation has on economic growth.innovation, competition, economic growth

    The Regulation of DNA Methylation in Mammalian Development and Cancer

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    DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic modification in mammals, as it plays important regulatory roles in multiple biological processes, such as gene transcription, maintenance of chromosomal structure and genomic stability, genomic imprinting, retrotransposon silencing, and X-chromosome inactivation. Dysregulation of DNA methylation is associated with various human diseases. For example, cancer cells usually show global hypomethylation and regional hypermenthylation, which have been implicated in genomic instability and tumor suppressor silencing, respectively. Although great progress has been made in elucidating the biological functions of DNA methylation over the last several decades, how DNA methylation patterns and levels are regulated and dysregulated is not well understood. This dissertation focuses on the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of DNA methylation during mammalian development and in cancer. Using mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), an ideal model system for studying DNA methylation, I have discovered novel regulatory mechanisms that play important roles in de novo and maintenance DNA methylation. In one project, I show that Dnmt3L, a key regulator of de novo methylation, facilitates Dnmt3a-mediated methylation by stabilizing Dnmt3a2, the major Dnmt3a isoform in mESCs, thus uncovering a new role for Dnmt3L and providing a plausible explanation for the functional specificity of Dnmt3L. In a separate project, I demonstrate that PRMT6, an arginine methyltransferase responsible for asymmetric dimethylation of histone H3 arginine 2 (H3R2me2a), negatively regulates maintenance DNA methylation by impairing the recruitment of the Dnmt1-Uhrf1 complex to chromatin, thereby identifying a novel crosstalk between histone arginine methylation and DNA methylation. Moreover, I show that PRMT6 upregulation contributes to global DNA hypomethylation in cancer. Lastly, my work results in the identification of an intestine-specific Dnmt1 protein product that originates from a proteolytic cleavage event, which could shed light on the regulation of DNA methylation in intestinal stem cells (ISCs). In summary, the research work in this dissertation advances our understanding of the regulatory network that controls DNA methylation changes in normal developmental processes and pathological conditions

    A Study of Leadership Dispositions of Transformational Leaders in Georgia High School

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    Education reform has reached new levels of urgency and accountability over the last decade. The role a principal plays in leading the direction of a school is of vital importance. Leadership theories suggest that transformational leadership is the best way to achieve the goals of schools in the 21st century. Educational leadership programs try to emphasize transformational leadership skill, but these schools need to identify transformational leaders before they enter into school leadership. Dispositions are innate qualities and not necessarily a skill that can be taught by educational leadership programs. The purpose of this study is to identify dispositions of transformational leaders in Georgia high schools. A total of eight interviews have been completed of transformational high school principals in the state of Georgia. This qualitative study highlights several dispositions that may be assessed prior to admittance into educational leadership programs

    Natural and Unnatural Disasters: Responding with Respect for Indigenous Rights and Knowledges

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    A key challenge for contemporary democratic societies is how to respond to disasters in ways that foster just and sustainable outcomes that build resilience, respect human rights, and foster economic, social, and cultural well-being in reasonable timeframes and at reasonable costs. In many places experiencing rapid environmental change, indigenous people continue to exercise some level of self-governance and autonomy, but they also face the burden of rapid social change and hostile or ambiguous policy settings. Drawing largely on experience in northern Australia, this paper argues that state policies can compound and contribute to vulnerability of indigenous groups to both natural and policy-driven disasters in many places. State-sponsored programmes that fail to respect indig- enous rights and fail to acknowledge the relevance of indigenous knowledge to both social and environmental recovery entrench patterns of racialised disadvan- tage and marginalisation and set in train future vulnerabilities and disasters. The paper advocates an approach to risk assessment, preparation, and recovery that prioritises partnerships based on recognition, respect, and explicit commitment to justice. The alternatives are to continue prioritising short-term expediencies and opportunistic pursuit of integration, or subverting indigenous rights and the knowledge systems that underpin them. This paper argues such alternatives are not only unethical, but also ineffective

    The effect of perceived convenience and perceived value on intention to repurchase in online shopping: the mediating effect of e-WOM and trust

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    This article investigated the effect of perceived convenience and perceived value on intention to repurchase in online shopping. We also assessed trust and e-WOM as mediators between perceived value and repurchase intention. During March-July 2022, a sample of 298 responses were collected from consumers that use online shopping in North Macedonia. We analysed the research model using PLS structural equation modelling (SEM) and used bootstrapping technique for testing the hypotheses. The findings showed that all independent variables (perceived value, and perceived convenience, trust, and e-WOM) affected repurchase intention. Moreover, the findings revealed that trust and e-WOM mediate the relationship perceived value in its relationship with repurchase intention. Perceived convenience and value contributed significantly to repurchase intention during online shopping, and perceived value had greater impact on e-WOM. Results provide some theoretical and practical implications regarding the effects of factors that impact repurchase intention during online shopping in North Macedonia

    Kols, angst og dyspné. Hvordan bidra til å redusere opplevelse av angst ved dyspné hos pasienter med langtkommen kols?

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    Bacheloroppgave 2019Problemformulering: Hvordan kan sykepleiere bidra til å redusere opplevelse av angst ved dyspne hos pasienter med langtkommen kols? Metode: Oppgaven er en litteraturstudie som jeg har ved bruk av faglitteratur og forskningsstudier belyst og drøftet oppgavens problemstilling. Jeg har inkludert egne erfaringer Funn: Sammenheng mellom kols, angst og dyspne. Økt kunnskap og erfaring kan medføre tidlig kartlegging og håndtering av angst. Drøfting: Drøftingen fokuserer på sykepleiers rolle til å bidra med å redusere angst hos pasienter gjennom kunnskap, erfaring og relasjon. Tiltak og tilnærmingsmåter vil bli drøftet med forskning og teori som baserer seg på sykepleie-pasient relasjonen. Kari Martinsens omsorgsteori vil fremme omsorgsaspektet til pasientgruppen. Konklusjon: Oppgaven viser at ikke eksisterer et fasitsvar på hva som reduserer angst, da det er individuell oppfatning. Kunnskap, erfaring, relasjon og trygge omgivelser er viktige faktorer som kan bidra til økt tillit og trygghet, og igjen kan dempe angstopplevelsen. Perspektiv: Må rettes økt fokus på sykepleiers kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom kols, angst og dyspne

    L’argomento esterno degli aggettivi con suffisso -abile/ ibile

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    Nell’articolo, basato su dati provenienti dal corpus elettronico Repubblica, si cerca di dimostrare, per gli aggettivi derivati in -bile, l’esistenza di un rapporto inverso tra frequenza e uso dell’argomento esterno (SP introdotto dalla preposizione da (parte di)) nonché quella di un effetto inibitore su tale uso del prefisso negativo in-. Viene altresí dimostrato che le due tendenze sono riconducibili al grado di complessità semantica (concetto oggettivato mediante test indipendenti) che presentano i vari aggettivi del tipo in questione

    Entrepreneurship as a transition to the circular economy

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    Given the challenges facing businesses and society in mitigating climate change, creating and supporting sustainable entrepreneurship is critical. However, the influence of National Systems of Entrepreneurship (NSEs) on the circular economy has not yet been studied. Our research studies the impact of NSEs on countries' circular economies while assessing the impact of the digital transition on this relationship. Using dynamic panel econometric techniques and by using various international databases, it was possible to assess the effect of NSEs on the circular economy. Furthermore, our analysis also allowed us to research how the impact of the digital transition may influence the relationship between NSEs and the circular economy. We achieve that countries with advanced NSEs achieve superior grades in their circular economy. We intend to add to the theoretical field by extending the knowledge of the relationship between NSEs and the circular economy. We also intend that the various actors in the surrounding environment who enhance entrepreneurial activities, realize that entrepreneurship is a fundamental component, within the system to which it belongs, for achieving the circular economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Sustainability of global and international business operations during the adversity and hardship

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way business is conducted. The widespread closure of commercial organizations presents opportunities to reset the way business activities are conducted. Regardless of the organization’s size or its status as a domestic or international firm, due diligence is required to find solutions that will allow firms to sustain their business activities in uncertain times. This study addresses this issue and attempts to identify issues that require urgent attention so that organizations can be effective and efficient in their global operations. In this context, the study proposes three imperatives for global/international businesses to sustain their operations in the long term. These imperatives include having a strong reserve fund, access to a local mutual fund, and networking to form alliances in host countries. Other implications are discussed, and we identify areas for future research
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