543 research outputs found


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    Tendencias de cambio en los valores europeos

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    A strategy for achieving manufacturing statistical process control within a highly complex aerospace environment

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    This paper presents a strategy to achieve process control and overcome the previously mentioned industry constraints by changing the company focus to the process as opposed to the product. The strategy strives to achieve process control by identifying and controlling the process parameters that influence process capability followed by the implementation of a process control framework that marries statistical methods with lean business process and change management principles. The reliability of the proposed strategy is appraised using case study methodology in a state of the art manufacturing facility on Multi-axis CNC machine tools

    La cultura del trabajo y el cambio de valores

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    [Abstract] The focus of this paper are work values. The analysis of the data froni ten coun.. tries shows that the work value ranks second or third place in il1iportance after the fa111ily and friendship. However, this centrality of work is losing importance and its l1ieaning is shifting, according to the individualization hypothesis. Individualization il1iplies that the work value is chan.ging in a double sense: most of the people appro.. ves the individualization of inconies and acknowledges work as a self..expressive value or as a personal and rational choice[Resumen] El tenia principal de este artículo es el valor social del trabajo. El análisis de los datos de diez países muestra que el trabajo sigue siendo el segundo o tercer valor en importancia, después de la faluilia y la amistad. Esta centralidad del trabajo, sin elubargo, está perdiendo importancia relativa y calubiando su significación social, de acuerdo con la hipótesis de la individualización. Esta individualización se luanifies.. ta en el trabajo en un doble sentido: una aceptación aluplia de la individualización salarial y una concepción del trabajo basada en aspectos expresivos (el trabajo como luedio de autorrealización personal) y de cálculo (el trabajo COlno transacción individual de intereses )

    Improving Cancer Classification With Domain Adaptation Techniques

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    Background: As the quantity and complexity of oncological data continue to increase, machine learning (ML) has become an important tool in helping clinicians better understand malignancies and provide personalized care. Diagnostic image analysis, in particular, has benefited from the advent of ML methods to improve image classification and generate prognostic information from imaging collected in routine clinical practice [1-3]. Deep learning, a subset of ML, has especially achieved remarkable performance in medical imaging, including segmentation [4, 5], object detection, classification [6], and diagnosis [7]. Despite the notable success of deep learning computer vision models on oncologic imaging data, recent studies have identified notable weaknesses in deep learning models used on diagnostic images. Specifically, deep learning models have difficulty generalizing to data that was not well represented during training. One potential solution is the use of domain adaptation (DA) techniques, which improve the generalizability of a deep learning model trained on one domain to better generalize to data of a target domain. Techniques: In this study, we explain the efficacy of four common DA techniques – MMD, CORAL, iDANN, and AdaBN - used on deep learning models trained on common diagnostic imaging modalities in oncology. We used two datasets of mammographic imaging and CT scans to test the prediction accuracy of models using each of these DA techniques and compared them to the performance of transfer learning. Results: In the mammographic imaging data, MMD, CORAL, and iDANN increased the target test accuracy for all four domains. MMD increased target accuracies by 3.6 - 45%, CORAL by 4- 48%, and iDANN by 1.5-49.4%. For the CT scan dataset, MMD, CORAL, and iDANN increased the target test accuracy for all domains. MMD increased the target accuracy by 2.0 – 13.9%, CORAL by 2.4 - 15.8%, and iDANN by 2.0 – 11.1%. in both the mammographic imaging data and the CT scans, AdaBN performed worse or comparably to transfer learning. Conclusion: We found that DA techniques significantly improve model performance and generalizability. These findings suggest that there’s potential to further study how multiple DA techniques can work together and that these can potentially help us create more robust, generalizable models

    Estudio observacional del tipo de pie en jugadores de fútbol

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    [Resumen] Objetivos: Clasificación de la posición del pie, a través del Foot Posture Index (FPI), en jugadores de fútbol comprendidos entre 5 y 16 años de edad. Métodos: El análisis se llevó a cabo en 156 niños varones jugadores de fútbol en el Club Orillamar S.D. en la ciudad de La Coruña. Las mediciones fueron realizadas por tres observadoras empleando el Foot Posture Index (FPI) como clasificación de la posición del pie. Se recogieron también datos antropométricos como la talla y el peso de los jugadores . Resultados: El IMC medio de la población estudiada fue de 18,2, y la mediana 17,9. En la puntuación del FPI la mayoría de los jugadores han presentado una posición neutra. No se ha podido establecer una relación directa entre la edad de los jugadores y la posición del pie. Tampoco ha sido posible relacionar la posición con el IMC, P>0.005. Conclusión: Teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de los sujetos se encuentran en el normopeso y presentan una posición neutra. Se apuntaría que entre 5 y 16 años dentro del normopeso en jugadores de fútbol la posición del pie es neutra.[Abstract] Objective: Classifying foot posture using the Foot Posture Index (FPI), among football players from 5 to 16 years of age. Methods: Clinical performance was carried out by three observers with a sample of 156 male football players members of the Orillamar S.D Football in La Coruña. The Foot Posture Index (FPI) was used to determine foot position. Also height and weight were registered in order to calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index). Results: The average BMI among the studied population was 18,2 and 17,9 the median. The FPI’s score was neutral for most of soccer players involved in the study. It has not been possible to establish a direct connection between age and foot posture; neither between BMI and foot posture, P>0.005. Conclusion: Most of the subjects were at a normal weight and scored a neutral foot posture. It has not been possible to establish connections between foot posture and non-overweight children from 5 to 16 years of age, but it can be concluded that for soccer players at a normal weight foot posture is neutral.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2013/201

    Detection of emerging enteric viruses in mollusc and clinical samples

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    The present doctoral thesis brings novel information on the study of Aichi virus and Hepatitis E virus, both emerging enteric viruses causing acute gastroenteritis and hepatitis worldwide. This investigation was focused on the prevalence, quantification and genetic diversity observed in Galicia, Spain. With this purpose, collected shellfish samples from harvesting areas in the rías were employed, as well as clinical stool samples of people suffering acute gastroenteritis in the metropolitan area of A Coruña. Results reveal a significant presence of HEV and, at a lesser extent, AiV in Galician harvesting areas and population. All these results reinforce the urgency of adequate viral controls for shellfish and harvesting areas not only based on bacterial indicators

    La formación dentro de la empresa : análisis del reciclaje

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Educación, Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, leída el 27-11-1991Hipótesis empíricas: demostrar que los sujetos con mayor nivel educativo obtienen mejores resultados y son mas receptivos, menos resistencia al cambio y se adaptan mejor a las exigencias del reciclaje. La Educación como Sistema abierto bajo el enfoque cibernético; su planificación. Estudio sobre la relación educativa formal-no formal, alcances. Relación entre el Sistema Productivo y el Sistema Educativo Superior. Innovación tecnológica: el cambio. Coste beneficio y concepto de productividad relacionados con la formación. Orientacion para el trabajo: la Formacion Profesional como adaptación a la vida empresarial y al cambio tecnológico. La FP reglada y ocupacional. La Formación dentro de la empresa, el reciclaje: diseño de un Plan de Formación. Diferentes análisis de Cursos de Reciclaje; investigación en ASTANO, S.A. y UNION-FENOSA, S.A. ..Depto. de Estudios EducativosFac. de EducaciónTRUEpu

    Late careers in Hungary : coping with the transformation from a socialist to a market economy

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    The chapter is for private use onlyIn this chapter, we first outline how macro-economic developments and the institutional context have influenced the Hungarian labor market during the period of economic and social transformation. We describe the main labor market trends, the changes of retirement policies, and the role of the educational system. In the following section, we present our hypotheses on how these macro-economic and institutional changes have influenced the late careers of Hungarian workers, and its consequences on pension income. Then, we describe the statistical methods used in our analyses. In the empirical part, we provide estimates from event history models predicting the risk of unemployment and the likelihood of early exit from the labor force via normal retirement or disability pension. We also provide estimates from a linear regression model examining the determinants of pension income. In our analyses, we use data from the Household Monitor Survey conducted by the TÁRKI Social Research Center in 2003. This is the most appropriate data source available, and provides the necessary information for the period between 1988 and 200