558 research outputs found

    Self-perceived oral health assessment of institutionalized elderly of Viseu

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    Background: Self-perception of oral health is a multidimensional measure that, reflects the subjective experience of individuals about their physical and psychosocial well-being, determines the search for prevention and dental treatments.Objective: The assessment of the self-perception of oral health status of institutionalized elderly through the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) and the verification of the association between the GOHAI and the various socio-demographic variables and oral health behaviors analyzed. Participants and methods: With this study we intended to conduct a cross-sectional observational epidemiological study with institutionalized elderly. Data were collected from a sample of 56 institutionalized elderly of the Mariana Seixas Foundation and the Viscondessa São Caetano Nursing Home in Viseu, Portugal. For this we used a questionnaire that allows to evaluate the self-perception of oral health, the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Results: It was found that the elderly generally favorably assessed their oral health, with 42.9% of the participants having a high self-perception of their oral health (values between 34-36); 28.6% have a moderate perception (values between 30-33) and the same percentage of individuals (28.6%) have a low perception (values below 30) of their oral health. The GOHAI scores obtained are associated with gender, educational level and oral health behaviors. Conclusion: Literacy can influence the level of self-perception of oral health. Therefore, the development of measures to assess oral health status is essential for the evolution of scientific knowledge based on geriatric dentistry in order to determine oral health promotion strategies among the institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Curso superior de tecnologia (CST), no Brasil, é um tipo de graduação de curta duração, com carga horária mínima de 1.600 a 2.400 horas, dependendo da área, que se insere na categoria de cursos de nível superior na área da educação profissional e tecnológica e confere diploma de tecnólogo. Tomamos como objeto de análise os determinantes sociais, políticos e econômicos do processo de implantação e desenvolvimento deste tipo de curso superior no Brasil. Nosso objetivo é explicitar o papel dos CST na divisão do trabalho educacional do país. Com base em fontes bibliográficas primárias e secundárias, a análise nos evidenciou que este tipo de curso de graduação tem características especiais, pois distinguem-se dos bacharelados e das licenciaturas por serem estruturados para atender diversos setores da economia, abrangendo áreas especializadas, de modo focado no atendimento imediato de demandas do mercado. Assim, esses cursos buscam formar competências profissionais para: a) aplicação, desenvolvimento, pesquisa aplicada e inovação tecnológica, bem como difusão de tecnologias; b) gestão de processos de produção de bens e serviços; e c) desenvolvimento da capacidade empreendedora. Trata-se, portanto, da consolidação definitiva de CST de duração reduzida para formar tecnólogos mais adaptados às condições flexíveis da produção capitalista contemporânea. Esta modalidade de curso de graduação foi implantada a partir do Decreto no 2.208/1997, do Governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Não obstante, é durante o Governo Lula da Silva que a oferta desse tipo de curso se estende para praticamente toda as redes de educação profissional e tecnológica, sejam elas federal ou estaduais, em decorrência do Decreto no 5.154/2004 e da Lei no 11.892/2008. Concluímos que, ao final dos anos 2000, os CST passaram a ser uma realidade consolidada, tanto nas redes públicas de educação profissional e tecnológica, quanto na rede privada de ensino superior do Brasil.Curso Superior de Tecnología (CST), en Brasil, es un tipo de graduación de corta duración, con carga horaria mínima de 1.600 a 2.400 horas, dependiendo del área, que se inserta en la categoría de cursos de nivel superior en el área de la educación profesional y tecnológica y confiere diploma de tecnólogo. Tomamos como objeto de análisis los determinantes sociales, políticos y económicos del proceso de implantación y desarrollo de este tipo de curso superior en Brasil. Nuestro objetivo es explicitar el papel de los CST en la división del trabajo educativo del país. Con base en fuentes bibliográficas primarias y secundarias, el análisis nos evidenció que este tipo de curso de graduación tiene características especiales, pues se distinguen de los bachilleratos y de las licenciaturas por ser estructurados para atender diversos sectores de la economía, abarcando áreas especializadas, de modo enfocado en la atención inmediata de demandas del mercado. Así, estos cursos buscan formar competencias profesionales para: a) aplicación, desarrollo, investigación aplicada e innovación tecnológica, así como difusión de tecnologías; b) gestión de procesos de producción de bienes y servicios; y c) desarrollo de la capacidad emprendedora. Se trata, por lo tanto, de la consolidación definitiva de cursos superiores de duración reducida para formar tecnólogos más adaptados a las condiciones flexibles de la producción capitalista contemporánea. Esta modalidad de curso de graduación fue implantada a partir del Decreto no 2.208/1997, del Gobierno Fernando Henrique Cardoso. No obstante, es durante el Gobierno de Lula da Silva que la oferta de ese tipo de curso se extiende a prácticamente todas las redes de educación profesional y tecnológica, ya sean federal o estatal, en virtud del Decreto no 5.154/2004 y de la Ley no 11.892/2008. Concluimos que, al final de los años 2000, los CST pasaron a ser una realidad consolidada, tanto en las redes públicas de educación profesional y tecnológica, como en la red privada de enseñanza superior de Brasil.Technology Higher Course (THC) in Brazil is a type of short-term graduation, with a minimum workload of 1,600 to 2,400 hours, depending on the area, which falls within the category of higher level courses in the area of vocational and technological education. This type of course confers the technologist diploma. We take as object of analysis the social, political and economic determinants of the process of implementation and development of this type of higher education in Brazil. Our purpose is to make explicit the role of this THC in the division of educational work in the country. Based on primary and secondary bibliographic sources, the analysis showed us that this type of undergraduate course has special characteristics, since they are distinguished from other undergraduate degrees because they are structured to serve different sectors of the economy, covering specialized areas, in a focused way in the immediate response to market demands. Thus, these courses seek to form professional skills to: a) application, development, applied research and technological innovation, as well as diffusion of technologies; b) processes management of production of goods and services; and c) development of entrepreneurial capacity. Therefore, it is a definite consolidation of short-term higher education courses to train technologists who are more suited to the flexible conditions of capitalist production in contemporary times. This type of undergraduate course was implemented as of Decree 2.208/1997, from the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Government. Nevertheless, it is during the Lula da Silva Government that the provision of this type of course extends to practically all professional and technological education networks, be they federal or state, as a result of Decree 5.154/2004 and Law 11.892/2008. We conclude that, at the end of the 2000s, THC became a consolidated reality, both in the public networks of professional and technological education, and in the private higher education network in Brazil

    Real-world preventative drug management of Chronic Migraine among Spanish Neurologists

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    O42 Background: In migraine, the therapeutic preventive drug arsenal is varied. Whenprescribing both Guidelines and patient characteristics are taken intoaccount. In Spain, the use of preventive therapies seems to beheterogeneous.The objective of this study was to evaluate real-life clinical prescribingpractice amongst neurologists in Spain Methods: Observational descriptive study done with a survey by Neurologistsof the Spanish Neurological Society (SEN). Neurologists who participatedwere divided into Headache Specialists or not. The followingdata was collected: socio-demographic data, ; preventive treatmentand choices different migraine sub-types, and their personal perceptionof efficacy and tolerability to different drugs. Results: We analyzed 152 surveys from neurologists around our country.From them: 43.4% were female, 53.3% <40 years, and 34.9% were interestedin headache .In regards to preventive treatment choice; in chronic migraine topiramate(57%) amytriptiline (17.9%) and beta-blockers (14.6%), whereasin episodic migraine the preferred drugs were beta-blockers (47.7%), topiramate (21.5%) and amytriptiline (13.4%).Regarding perceived efficacy, topiramate was considered the bestoption in chronic migraine (42.7%) followed by onabotulinumtoxinA(25.5%) and amitryptiline (22.4%). In episodic migraine, neurologistpreferred topiramate (43.7%) and beta-blockers (30.3%).Regarding the duration of preventive therapy when improvementwas achieved, when treating episodic migraine 43.5% of the surveyedneurologists recommended 3 months and 39.5% preferred 6months. When they treated chronic migraine, 20.4% of neurologistsrecommended 3 months, 42.1% 6 months, 12.5% 9 months and22.4% preferred to maintain treatment during 12 months.When considering onabotulinumtoxinA treatment, the number ofprior therapeutical failures was cero in 7.2% of surveyed, one in5.9%, two in 44.1%, three in 30.9%, and four or more in 11.9%. Theincrease of OnabotulinumtoxinA dose up to 195 UI was consideredby 51% of neurologists after a first ineffective procedure, by 42.2% after two injections, and by 83% after a third infiltration. Surveyedcolleagues admitted to take into account in their decisions mainlypatient comorbidities (70.2%) rather than guidelines (13.9%). Conclusions: Initial management of Migraine among Spanish Neurologists is madewith the preventative drugs which are considered as first choices inmost of the guidelines. Management of episodic migraine differedfrom chronic migraine, both in the order or drugs and the perceptionof the most effective therapy

    IRIS: A new tool for suicide risk assessment

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    Na introdução os autores procedem a uma revisão histórica e conceptual dos instrumentos psicométricos que têm como objectivo a avaliação do risco de suicídio em indivíduos que apenas verbalizam ideação suicida. Nas secções seguintes é apresentado todo o processo de desenvolvimento do IRIS (Índice de Risco de Suicídio) - um novo índice com o mesmo objectivo de avaliação mas construído utilizando metodologias que proporcionam avanços qualitativos em relação aos índices existentes, bem como uma melhor adequação a contingências e características da realidade portuguesa. The introduction contains a historical and conceptual review of psychometric tools that aim at assessing the risk of suicide in individuals presenting suicidal ideation. In the following sections the whole process of development of IRIS (“Índice de Risco de Suicídio” – Suicide Risk Index) is presented - a new tool with the same objective but built using methods that provide qualitative advances over existing indexes, while better accounting for the contingencies and characteristics of the Portuguese reality

    Physiological, morphological characteristics and blood profile of female elite Brazilian soccer players according to position

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    The main goal of this study was to identify the performance parameters and blood profile found among female soccer players. The second aim was to examine if there were any systematic differences between players assigned to different playing positions. Thirty-six players (age: 23.7 ± 3.5 y; weight: 61.9 ± 5.7 kg; height: 165.7± 6.2 cm) underwent a set of laboratory tests (cardiopulmonary exercise test, skinfold measurements, Wingate test, sit-and-reach test, and blood biochemical tests). The following results were verified: maximal oxygen uptake (53±3.9 mL.kg-1.min-1), second ventilatory threshold (11.5 ± 0.8 km.h-1), body fat (14.1 ± 2.9%), Wingate anaerobic test (peak power: 9.5 ± 0.8 w.kg-1; mean power: 7.3 ± 0.4 w.kg-1 and fatigue index: 55.5 ± 4.9%),  flexibility test [sit-and-reach]  (18.1 ± 2.9 cm) and biochemical parameters of blood (Hb:13.9 ± 0.3 g.dL-1; iron: 85.2 ± 12.6 µ.dL-1; calcium: 9.2±0.5 mg.dL-1;  total cholesterol: 204.7 ± 34.7 mg.dL-1; HDL-c: 50.7± 3.6 mg.dL-1; LDL-c: 125.8± 23.3 mg.dL-1; triglycerides: 96.8±18.5 mg.dL-1). In conclusion, the current results indicate that present elite players' physiological characteristics are similar to those previously shown, despite the rapid changes of the female soccer game worldwide. However, data showed that different playing positions had different physiological and anthropometrics differences.

    Atividade alelopática de substâncias químicas isoladas do capim-marandu e suas variações em função do pH.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivos isolar, identificar e caracterizar a atividade alelopática de substâncias químicas produzidas pela Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e determinar as variações na atividade dessas substâncias em função da variação do pH da solução. A atividade alelopática foi realizada em bioensaios de germinação e desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, utilizando as plantas daninhas malícia (Mimosa pudica) e mata-pasto (Senna obtusifolia) como receptoras. Os efeitos do pH foram analisados na faixa de 3,0 a 9,0. Os triterpenos pentacíclicos friedelina e epifriedelinol isolados da parte aérea de B. brizantha apresentaram baixa atividade inibitória na germinação de sementes e no desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo das duas plantas daninhas. As duas substâncias apresentaram comportamento diferenciado em relação à variação do pH da solução, com inibições mais marcantes em relação à planta daninha mata-pasto.Disponível também on-line

    PrevenBox: Evaluation of concomitant use of preventive medications with OnabotulinumtoxinA in migraine

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    P114 Background: OnabotulinumtoxinA is an effective, tolerable and safepreventive treatment for chronic migraine (CM). Other than a reduc-tion in headache frequency or disability, in CM the withdrawal ofconcomitant preventive medication indicates treatment effectivenessand quality of life improvement. Objective: To characterize the change in the use of oral preventivemedication after treatment with OnabotulinumtoxinA in patientswith migraine. Methods: This is a multicentre study. We consecutively included pa-tients with migraine (ICHD-3) that were on preventive treatment withOnabotulinumtoxinA. We retrospectively collected demographic data, diagnosis of migraine, frequency and intensity changes, number ofcycle and OnabotulinumtoxinA dose. In addition, we listed the initialand current preventive treatment (number of drugs and group) andthe number and cycle of medications withdrawn. We performed aunivariate and logistic regression analysis. Results: We included 542 patients: 87.6% women, mean age 47.6 ±11.7 years. A 89.3% had chronic migraine and 10.8% had high fre-quency episodic migraine. The mean reduction in frequency aftertreatment was 13.4±8.2 headache days/month. At baseline, a 91.3%took other preventives and during treatment with Onabotulinumtox-inA a 58.6% withdrew at least one drug, 25.8% stopped completelyall oral preventive drugs. Factors associated with withdrawal were:being male, having >50% response in frequency and intensity, thenumber of infiltrations and a shorter chronification period until thefirst OnabotulinumtoxinA administration (p <0.05). The multivariateanalysis showed that a better response in intensity (OR:1.8 [1.4-2.2], p<0.001), a greater number of infiltrations (OR:1.1 [1.0-1.2], p<0.001)and a shorter chronification period (OR:0.994 [0.992-0.997], p<0.001)were predictors of withdrawal. The ROC curve, showed that 6 Onabo-tulinumtoxinA cycles was the cut-off point that better predicted oralpreventive medication withdrawal (p <0.001). Conclusions: Treatment with OnabotulinumtoxinA reduces the use ofother preventive medications for migraine. The highest probability ofwithdrawal occurs after 6 cycles of treatment

    Polymerase Chain Reaction Screening for Fungemia and/or Invasive Fungal Infections in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies

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    INTRODUCTION: Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a life-threatening complication in patients with hematologic malignancies, mainly in acute leukemia patients, following chemotherapy. IFI incidence is increasing, and associated mortality remains high due to unreliable diagnosis. Antifungal drugs are often limited by inadequate antimicrobial spectrum and side effects. Thus, the detection of circulating fungal DNA has been advocated as a rapid, more sensitive diagnostic tool. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between June 01 and January 03, weekly blood samples (1,311) were screened from 193 patients undergoing intensive myelosuppressive or immunosuppressive therapy. IFI cases were classified according to European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group criteria. Fungal DNA was extracted from whole blood and amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) published primers that bind to the conserved regions of the fungal 18S rRNA gene sequence. In our study, two or more consecutive positive samples were always associated with fungal disease. RESULTS: PCR screening predicted the development of IFI to be 17 days (median). This test had a specificity of 91.1% and a sensitivity of 75%. IFI incidence was 7.8%. DISCUSSION: Therefore, our results confirm the potential usefulness of PCR serial screening and the clinical applicability in everyday routine. PCR screening offers a noninvasive repeatable aid to the diagnosis of IFI