199 research outputs found

    Proposta de ferramenta para o desenvolvimento de nomes de marcas ou produtos apoiado em métodos de design

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design e Expressão Gráfica, Florianópolis, 2017Proveniente do latim nomen, o nome, dentre outras definições, diz respeito a uma palavra ou conjunto delas que objetiva designar pessoas, animais, lugares ou diferentes objetos e fenômenos encontrados ou sentidos na natureza. Desta maneira, em meio a um mundo composto por heterogeneidades e semelhanças, cabe principalmente ao nome gerar um rótulo de identificação social, responsável por relacionar marcas de individualidade que caracterizam o objeto portador de determinada nomenclatura. Apesar do ato de distinguir objetos e pessoas remontar os primórdios da história da humanidade, foi com a evolução da linguagem que o homem se permitiu nomear, designando conceitos as mais diferentes coisas, sejam elas físicas ou abstratas. Seguindo este raciocínio e a necessidade humana de individualizar e distinguir que, com a evolução do mercado, foi também necessária a nomeação de marcas e produtos, processo conhecido no âmbito do design como Naming. Assim sendo, a pesquisa em questão busca investigar a importância da escolha de um nome em relação a aspectos relevantes referentes a percepção, competitividade, diferenciação e posicionamento de uma marca, objetivando a formulação de uma ferramenta para a construção de nomes, para empresas ou produtos, que reforcem a essência fundamental destas marcas, seu ?DNA?. Tal pesquisa está enquadrada como aplicada e exploratória, uma vez que objetiva a geração de conhecimentos para a aplicação prática e dirigida às soluções de problemas específicos, sendo fundamentada principalmente por pesquisas bibliográficas. Como metodologia de aplicação da pesquisa, definiu-se o uso da Design-based Research (DBR), em português, Pesquisa Baseada em Design (PBD), um processo com foco acadêmico e científico que apresenta como propósito uma avalição sistemática por meio de cinco etapas melhores explicadas durante o decorrer da pesquisa. Durante a aplicação da PBD, foram realizados 5 ciclos experienciais, envolvendo projetos de nomes para marcas e produtos junto a empresas da região e projetos relacionados a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Ao todo, os ciclos de trabalho envolveram mais de 70 participantes, gerando cerca de 700 sugestões de nomes, servindo como base conceitual e prática para a criação de uma ferramenta e seu modo de aplicação para futuros projetos de naming. A ferramenta foi estruturada em 13 etapas que combinam momentos presenciais de prática efetiva e momentos remotos de verificações de cunho técnico e legal, combinando momentos de criação individual e coletiva em busca da maximização do potencial criativo dos envolvidos.Abstract : Coming from the Latin nomen, the name, among other definitions, refers to a word or set of them that aims to designate people, animals, places or different objects and phenomena found or sensed in nature. In this way, in the midst of a world composed of heterogeneities and similarities, it is mainly the name to generate a label of social identification, responsible for relating marks of individuality that characterize the object bearing a certain nomenclature. Although the act of distinguishing objects and persons traces the beginnings of the history of humanity, it was with the evolution of language that man allowed himself to be named, designating concepts the most different things, be they physical or abstract. Following this reasoning and the human need to individualize and distinguish that, with the evolution of the market, it was also necessary to appoint brands and products, a process known in the scope of design as Naming. Therefore, the research in question seeks to investigate the importance of choosing a name in relation to relevant aspects regarding the perception, competitiveness, differentiation and positioning of a brand, aiming at the formulation of a tool for the construction of names, for companies or products , That reinforce the fundamental essence of these marks, their "DNA". Such research is framed as applied and exploratory, since it aims to generate knowledge for the practical application and directed to the solutions of specific problems, being based mainly by bibliographical researches. As a methodology for the application of the research, we defined the use of Design-based Research (DBR) in Portuguese, Design-Based Research (PBD), a process with an academic and scientific focus that proposes a systematic evaluation through five Explained during the course of the research. During the implementation of the PBD, 5 experiential cycles were carried out, involving projects for brand names and products with companies from the region and projects related to the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In all, the work cycles involved more than 70 participants, generating about 700 suggestions of names, serving as conceptual and practical basis for creating a tool and its way of applying for future naming projects. The tool was structured in 13 stages that combine effective moments of practice and remote moments of technical and legal checks, combining moments of individual and collective creation in order to maximize the creative potential of those involved

    Simplified stress analysis of hybrid (bolted/bonded) joints

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    The load transfer in hybrid (bolted/bonded) – denoted HBB – single-lap joints is complicated due to the association of two different transfer modes (discrete and continuous) through elements with different stiffnesses. The Finite Element (FE) method can be used to address the stress analysis of those joints. However, analyses based on FE models are computationally expensive and it would be profitable to use simplified approaches enabling extensive parametric studies. Two among the authors of this paper participated in the development of a dedicated 1D-beam approach (Paroissien 2007). This paper presents an extension of this framework enabling (i) the analysis of HBB joints made of dissimilar laminated or monolithic adherends, and (ii) the introduction of non linear material behaviour for both the adhesive layer and the fasteners. The output data are the distributions of displacements and forces in the adherends and fasteners, as well as those of adhesive shear and peeling stresses, allowing for a fast assessment of the material behaviour and strength prediction of HBB joints. The use of this model is illustrated in the identification of the failure mechanisms of HBB joints under quasistatic loadings, based on experimental and numerical tests on single-lap HBB joint. It is worth mentioning that the model can support pure bonded and pure bolted configurations. It can be used during the presizing phase at the design office (possibly independently on commercial software), to obtain quickly mechanical performances and to help in decision making. Moreover, it was shown that the judicious choice of the adhesive material allows for a significant increase of the static and fatigue strength compared to pure bolted or bonded corresponding configurations (Kelly 2006) (Paroissien 2006). The model can then be used to formulate at best adhesive materials to optimize the mechanical performance of HBB joints according to work specifications

    Interaction with human plasminogen system turns on proteolytic activity in Streptococcus agalactiae and enhances its virulence in a mouse model

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    Interactions of several microbial pathogens with the plasminogen system increase their invasive potential. In this study, we show that Streptococcus agalactiae binds human plasminogen which can be subsequently activated to plasmin, thus generating a proteolytic bacterium. S. agalactiae binds plasminogen via the direct pathway, using plasminogen receptors, and via the indirect pathway through fibrinogen receptors. The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is one If the S. agalactiae proteins that bind plasminogen. Presence of exogenous activators such as uPA and tPA are required to activate bound plasminogen. Results from competitive inhibition assays indicate that binding is partially mediated through the lysine binding sites of plasminogen. Following plasminogen binding and activation, S. agalactiae is able to degrade in vitro fibronectin, one of the host extracellular matrix proteins. Moreover, incubation of S. agalactiae with either plasminogen alone, or plasminogen plus fibrinogen, in the presence of tPA enhanced its virulence in C57BL/6 mice, suggesting that acquisition of plasmin-like activity by the bacteria increase their invasiveness

    Interaction with human plasminogen system turns on proteolytic activity in Streptococcus agalactiae and enhances its virulence in a mouse model

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    Interactions of several microbial pathogens with the plasminogen system increase their invasive potential. In this study, we show that Streptococcus agalactiae binds human plasminogen which can be subsequently activated to plasmin, thus generating a proteolytic bacterium. S. agalactiae binds plasminogen via the direct pathway, using plasminogen receptors, and via the indirect pathway through fibrinogen receptors. The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is one If the S. agalactiae proteins that bind plasminogen. Presence of exogenous activators such as uPA and tPA are required to activate bound plasminogen. Results from competitive inhibition assays indicate that binding is partially mediated through the lysine binding sites of plasminogen. Following plasminogen binding and activation, S. agalactiae is able to degrade in vitro fibronectin, one of the host extracellular matrix proteins. Moreover, incubation of S. agalactiae with either plasminogen alone, or plasminogen plus fibrinogen, in the presence of tPA enhanced its virulence in C57BL/6 mice, suggesting that acquisition of plasmin-like activity by the bacteria increase their invasiveness


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    O presente trabalho tem como tema a resolução de um estágio, visando a observação e entrevista com um psicólogo na sua área de trabalho no Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS), que consiste em fazer acompanhamento e visitas domiciliares há famílias em estado de vulnerabilidade social, entendendo sua forma de atuar e métodos utilizados. Se justificando pelo fato da possibilidade de entender o modo com que o psicólogo reage e age em seu cotidiano profissional,  modificando e ajudando no bem-estar de seus pacientes, tendo como objetivo principal, entender como atua um psicólogo social na busca de um contributo aos pesquisadores para a evolução acadêmica.  Palavras chaves: Atuação. Observação. Psicologia Social. 


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    Human gut metatranscriptome changes induced by a fermented milk product are associated with improved tolerance to a flatulogenic diet

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    Healthy plant-based diets rich in fermentable residues may induce gas-related symptoms, possibly mediated by the gut microbiota. We previously showed that consumption of a fermented milk product (FMP) containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis CNCM I-2494 and lactic acid bacteria improved gastrointestinal (GI) comfort in response to a flatulogenic dietary challenge in healthy individuals. To study the effects of the FMP on gut microbiota activity from those participants, we conducted a metatranscriptomic analysis of fecal samples (n = 262), which were collected during the ingestion of a habitual diet and two series of a 3-day high-residue challenge diet, before and following 28-days of FMP consumption. Most of the FMP species were detected or found enriched upon consumption of the product. FMP mitigated the effect of a flatulogenic diet on gas-related symptoms in several ways. First, FMP consumption was associated with the depletion of gas-producing bacteria and increased hydrogen to methane conversion. It also led to the upregulation of activities such as replication and downregulation of functions related to motility and chemotaxis. Furthermore, upon FMP intake, metabolic activities such as carbohydrate metabolism, attributed to B. animalis and S. thermophilus, were enriched; these activities were coincidentally found to be negatively associated with several GI symptoms. Finally, a more connected microbial ecosystem or mutualistic relationship among microbes was found in responders to the FMP intervention. Taken together, these findings suggest that consumption of the FMP improved the tolerance of a flatulogenic diet through active interactions with the resident gut microbiota.This research was supported by a grant from Danone Nutricia Research. Danone Nutricia Research authors participated in the study design, interpretation of the data and in the writing of the report. Francisca Yáñez was supported by a fellowship from ANID, BECAS Chile, No. 72190278. Zixuan Xie received a fellowship from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action, Innovative Training Network: FunHoMic; grant number 812969. CIBERHED is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III


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    The genus Urospatha Schott, an aquatic and perennial herb occurring in “várzea” and “igapó” areas. Describe the inflorescence morpho-anatomy of the species found in the state of Amapá, to identify the present types of secretory structures and to verify the chemical nature of the secretion. Adult and fertile Urospatha specimens were collected in the Bailique Archipelago; in the municipalities of Calçoene; Mazagão; Porto Grande and Macapá. There were performed morpho-anatomical studies, using scanning electron microscopy techniques and also histochemical tests. Urospatha species present terminal inflorescence with flowering throughout the whole year; the spadix has hermaphrodite, tetramerous flowers. The tepals have uniseriate and heterodimensional epidermis, with thick-walled cells with thin and striated cuticle, secretory papillae and stomata. The androecium in adaxial and abaxial regions and right below epidermis occurs in parenchymal cells, and in lower regions occurs the presence of idioblasts carriers of raphides and druses that are more typical in the region close to the anthers. The ovary has/ an uniseriate epidermis with two or three anatropous ovules. The stigma has simple epidermis, papillose and parenchyma with raphides idioblasts. In the adaxial region of the spathe occurs uniseriate epidermis with heterodimensional cells with lignified walls and thin cuticle, and uniseriate hypodermis. The peduncle presents an uniseriate epidermis with lignified walls, thin cuticle, lenticels, stomata, and collenchyma just below the epidermis, with collateral vascular bundless and aerenchyma. The results of this work, especially the morphological and anatomical data, cannot differentiate Urospatha species found in the state of Amapá, because they present the same morpho-anatomical pattern for their floral structure.Keywords: Araceae, anatomy, inflorescence, morphology, Urospatha.O gênero Urospatha Schott é uma erva aquática e perene que ocorre nas áreas de várzea e igapó. O trabalho descreve a morfoanatomia da inflorescência das espécies encontradas no estado do Amapá, identifica os tipos atuais de estruturas secretoras e verifica a natureza química da secreção. Amostras de Urospatha adultas e férteis foram coletadas no arquipélago do Bailique; nos municípios de Calçoene; Mazagão; Porto Grande e Macapá. Foram realizados estudos morfoanatômicos, utilizando técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e também testes histoquímicos. As espécies de Urospatha apresentam inflorescência terminal com floração durante todo o ano; a espadice tem flores hermafroditas e tetrâmeras. Os tépals têm epiderme unisseriada e heterodimensional, com células de paredes espessas, com cutícula fina e estriada, papilas secretórias e estômatos. O androceu nas regiões adaxial e abaxial e logo abaixo da epiderme ocorre nas células parenquimatosas, e nas regiões inferiores ocorre a presença de idiosblastos portadores de ráfides e drusas mais típicos da região próxima às anteras. O ovário tem uma epiderme unisseriada com dois ou três óvulos anátropos. O estigma tem epiderme simples, papilose e parênquima com ráfides idiosblastos. Na região adaxial da espata ocorre epiderme unisseriada com células heterodimensionais, com paredes lignificadas e cutícula fina e hipoderme unisseriada. O pedúnculo apresenta uma epiderme unisseriada com paredes lignificadas, cutícula fina, lenticelas, estômatos e colênquima logo abaixo da epiderme, com bundless vascular colateral e aerênquima. Os resultados deste trabalho, principalmente os dados morfológicos e anatômicos, não conseguem diferenciar as espécies de Urospatha encontradas no estado do Amapá, pois apresentam o mesmo padrão morfo-anatômico para sua estrutura floral.Palavras-chave: Araceae, anatomia, inflorescência, morfologia, Urospatha