186 research outputs found

    Povezanost između novih SNP-a u egzonu 10 gena receptora hormona rasta i pokazatelja rasta u indijskih pasmina ovaca

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    The growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene encodes the type I cytokine receptor that helps in joining the growth hormone to this receptor, thus promoting receptor-dimerization, leading to up-regulating growth. The ovine GHR gene located on chromosome 16, which consists of 10 exons and 9 introns, along with untranslated regions on either side, comprise a total size of 178.09 kb. However, earlier reports about polymorphism have mainly dealt with exon 10 which is also a larger fragment of this gene comprising 1102 bp. Hence, this study was carried out to detect polymorphism in exon 10 of the GHR gene and its association with growth traits. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples of Madras Red and Mecheri sheep breeds from India. Part of exon 10 (895 bp) of the GHR gene was amplified and sent for sequencing. The sequence analysis revealed transition of nucleotide G>A at loci G177624A and G177878A in both sheep breeds. Populations were screened by Tetra-primer ARMS-PCR. The genotype frequencies of GG, GA and AA were 0.276, 0.519 and 0.205 at 177624 G>A, and 0.307, 0.444 and 0.149 at 177878 G>A in Madras Red sheep; whereas in Mecheri they were 0.476, 0.372 and 0.152 at 177624 G>A, and 0.629, 0.314 and 0.057 at 177878 G>A, respectively. Likewise the estimated allele frequencies of G and A were 0.5355 and 0.4645 at 177624 G>A, and 0.5790 and 0.4210 at 177878 G>A in Madras Red sheep; whereas in Mecheri they were 0.6620 and 0.3380 at 177624 G>A, and 0.7860 and 0.2140 at 177878 G>A, respectively. The effect of sex was significant for birth, six and nine month weight; but non-significant for three and 12 month weight in Mecheri sheep. However, in the Madras Red breed the effect of sex was significant for all body weights except weaning weight. The effect of variations on growth traits, viz., birth weight, weight at weaning, and weight at six, nine and twelve months in both breeds were analysed for their association, and they were found non-significant. Since these SNPs are salient findings of GHR gene polymorphism in Indian sheep breeds, further investigation is required into the significant effects of these novel SNPs, which could be useful for genetic improvement based on marker assisted selection.Gen receptora hormona rasta (GHR) kodira tip I citokinskog receptora koji pomaže u vezanju hormona rasta na ovaj receptor, promovirajući dimerizaciju receptora i time regulirajući rast. Ovčji gen GHR, lociran na kromosomu 16, sadržava 10 egzona i 9 introna s netranslatirajućim regijama s obje strane, tvoreći ukupnu veličinu od 178,09 kb. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da se polimorfizam nalazi većinom u egzonu 10, koji je ujedno veći fragment ovoga gena i sadržava 1102 bp. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se otkrio polimorfizam u egzonu 10 gena GHR i njegova povezanost s pokazateljima rasta. Genomska DNA izolirana je iz uzoraka krvi ovaca pasmina Madras Red i Mecheri iz Indije. Dio egzona 10 (895 bp) gena GHR je umnožen i poslan na sekvenciranje koje je u obje pasmine ovaca pokazalo tranziciju nukleotida G > A na lokusima G177624A i G177878A. Probir populacija učinjen je pomoću Tetra-primer ARMS-PCR-a. Učestalost genotipa GG bila je 0,276, genotipa GA 0,519, a genotipa AA 0,205 na 177624 G>A, te 0,307, 0,444 i 0,149 na 177878 G>A u pasmine Madras Red. U pasmine Mecheri učestalost genotipa GG bila je 0,476, učestalost genotipa GA 0,372, a genotipa AA 0,152 na 177624 G > A, te 0,629, 0,314 i 0,057 na 177878 G > A. Učestalost alela G i A, koja je bila 0,5355 i 0,4645 na 177624 G > A, te 0,5790 i 0,4210 na 177878 G>A u ovaca Madras Red, dok je u pasmine Mecheri bila 0,6620 i 0,3380 na 177624 G>A, te 0,7860 i 0,2140 na 177878 G>A. Spol je znakovito utjecao na tjelesnu masu pri janjenju te u dobi od 6 i 9 mjeseci, no nije bilo znakovitog utjecaja u dobi od 3 i 12 mjeseci u pasmine Mecheri. S druge strane, u pasmine Madras Red spol je znakovito utjecao na tjelesnu masu u svim fazama rasta osim pri odbiću. Analizirana je povezanost varijacija s tjelesnom masom pri janjenju, odbiću te u dobi od 6, 9 i 12 mjeseci u obje pasmine, koja nije bila znakovita. Budući da su otkrića ovih SNP-a važna u proučavanju gena GHR u indijskih pasmina ovaca, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja njihova učinka koja bi mogla biti korisna u genetskom poboljšanju populaciju primjenom markerima potpomognute selekcije

    Two-Nucleon Scattering without partial waves using a momentum space Argonne V18 interaction

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    We test the operator form of the Fourier transform of the Argonne V18 potential by computing selected scattering observables and all Wolfenstein parameters for a variety of energies. These are compared to the GW-DAC database and to partial wave calculations. We represent the interaction and transition operators as expansions in a spin-momentum basis. In this representation the Lippmann-Schwinger equation becomes a six channel integral equation in two variables. Our calculations use different numbers of spin-momentum basis elements to represent the on- and off-shell transition operators. This is because different numbers of independent spin-momentum basis elements are required to expand the on- and off-shell transition operators. The choice of on and off-shell spin-momentum basis elements is made so that the coefficients of the on-shell spin-momentum basis vectors are simply related to the corresponding off-shell coefficients.Comment: 14 pages, 8 Figures, typos correcte

    Extracellular Vesicles: Mechanisms in Human Health and Disease

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) are now considered veritable entities for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutics. These structures are able to interact with target cells and modify their phenotype and function. Recent Advances: Since composition of EVs depends on the cell type of origin and the stimulation that leads to their release, the analysis of EV content remains an important input to understand the potential effects of EVs on target cells. CRITICAL ISSUES: Here, we review recent data related to the mechanisms involved in the formation of EVs and the methods allowing specific EV isolation and identification. Also, we analyze the potential use of EVs as biomarkers in different pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. Besides, their role in these diseases is discussed. Finally, we consider EVs enriched in microRNA or drugs as potential therapeutic cargo able to deliver desirable information to target cells/tissues. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: We underline the importance of the homogenization of the parameters of isolation of EVs and their characterization, which allow considering EVs as excellent biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis

    Unlocking the in vitroanti- inflammatory and antidiabetic potential of Polygonum maritimum

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    Context: Several Polygonum species (Polygonaceae) are used in traditional medicine in Asia, Europe and Africa to treat inflammation and diabetes. Objective: Evaluate the in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic potential of methanol and dichloromethane extracts of leaves and roots of the halophyte Polygonum maritimum L. Material and methods: Antioxidant activity was determined (up to 1mg/mL) as radical-scavenging activity (RSA) of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), copper (CCA) and iron (ICA) chelating activities and iron reducing power (FRAP). NO production was measured in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages for 24 h at concentrations up to 100 mu g/mL and antidiabetic potential was assessed by alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibition (up to 10 g/mL) assays. The phytochemical composition of the extracts was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results: The methanol leaf extract had the highest activity against DPPH center dot (IC50 = 26 mu g/mL) and ABTS1(+)center dot (IC50 = 140 mu g FRAP (IC50 = 48 mu g/mL) and CCA (IC50 = 770 mu g/mL). Only the dichloromethane leaf extract (LDCM) showed anti-inflammatory activity (IC50 = 48 mu g/mL). The methanol root (IC50 = 19 mu g/mL) and leaf (IC50 = 29 mu g/mL) extracts strongly inhibited baker's yeast alpha-glucosidase, but LDCM had higher rat's alpha-glucosidase inhibition (IC50 = 2527 mu g/mL) than acarbose (IC50 = 4638 mu g/mL). GC-MS analysis identified beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, 1-octacosanol and linolenic acid as possible molecules responsible for the observed bioactivities. Conclusions: Our findings suggest P. maritimum as a source of high-value health promoting commodities for alleviating symptoms associated with oxidative and inflammatory diseases, including diabetes.XtremeBio project - Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/MAR-EST/4346/2012]; Portuguese National Budget; FCT [CCMAR/Multi/04326/ 2013, IF/00049/2012, SFRH/BPD/86071/2012, UID/Multi/00612/2013

    Association of CYP27B1 gene polymorphisms with pulmonary tuberculosis and vitamin D levels

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    Background and Objectives: Genetic factors are reported to be connected with tuberculosis (TB) infection. Studies have shown that genetic variations in genes involved in the vitamin D pathway influence the levels of vitamin D found in the bloodstream (serum). Cyp27b1 (1α-hydroxylase) is an enzyme that activates the synthesis of bioactive vitamin D3 by hydroxylation of 25(OH)D3. The in vitro studies reported rare gene variants of Cyp27b1 such as rs118204011 and rs118204012, associated with loss of Cyp27b1 function and lower serum vitamin D levels. Globally, a critical gap exists in understanding the link between these gene variants with TB and vitamin D levels. Hence, the study objective is to comprehend the association of Cyp27b1 rs118204009 (G/A), rs118204011 (C/T), and rs118204012 (A/G) with tuberculosis susceptibility/protection and to assess the influence of gene variants on vitamin D levels in both healthy controls (HCs) and those with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in South India

    Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction: A Typical/Concise Review

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    Nearly a recent century of work is divided to Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) interaction issue. We review some overall perspectives of NN interaction with a brief discussion about deuteron, general structure and symmetries of NN Lagrangian as well as equations of motion and solutions. Meanwhile, the main NN interaction models, as frameworks to build NN potentials, are reviewed concisely. We try to include and study almost all well-known potentials in a similar way, discuss more on various commonly used plain forms for two-nucleon interaction with an emphasis on the phenomenological and meson-exchange potentials as well as the constituent-quark potentials and new ones based on chiral effective field theory and working in coordinate-space mostly. The potentials are constructed in a way that fit NN scattering data, phase shifts, and are also compared in this way usually. An extra goal of this study is to start comparing various potentials forms in a unified manner. So, we also comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the models and potentials partly with reference to some relevant works and probable future studies.Comment: 85 pages, 5 figures, than the previous v3 edition, minor changes, and typos fixe

    A spectroscopic study of the structure of amorphous hydrogenated carbon

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    A range of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) samples have been studied using inelastic neutron spectroscopy (INS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Using these complementary techniques, the bonding environments of both carbon and hydrogen can be probed in some detail, with the INS data providing not only qualitative but also quantitative information. By comparing the data from each of the samples we have been able to examine the effects of different deposition conditions, i.e. precursor gas, deposition energy and deposition method, on the atomic-scale structure of a-C:H