258 research outputs found

    Studies on the influence of Microcystis aeruginosa on the ecology and fish production of carp culture ponds

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    In many fish ponds, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) constitute the greater part of the phytoplankton. Of the blue-green algae common in fish ponds, Microcystis aeruginosa is said to be a noxious species. Itsometimes forms spectacular water blooms, often with harmful consequences such as depletion of oxygen, poor growth of fish and even mass mortality among the fish. The present study was aimed atinvestigating the influence of different levels of M. aeruginosa on the water quality and fish production of carp culture ponds. For the present study, three carp culture ponds with high, moderate and low levels ofM. aeruginosa were selected. In the three ponds, physico-chemical parameters of water, phyto- and zooplankton and fish production were studied. The results indicated that the fish yield was low withconcomitant fish mortalities in the pond with high levels of M. aeruginosa compared to the other two ponds. The influence of the different levels of M. aeruginosa on other planktonic groups and in turn their effect on fish production were analyzed and discussed in the light of the existing literature

    Erythrocyte profile in cordblood of newborns to diabetic and non-diabetic mothers

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    Background: Diabetes, an endocrinal disorder causing morbidity and mortality has its effect on gestational diabetes. Intrapartum stress, maternal hyperglycemia leads to fetal hyperglycemia. The maternal glycaemic status has influence on neonates erythrocyte profile.Methods: Cord blood of neonates born to 40 diabetic (known to be diabetic at pregnancy) and 40 non-diabetic mothers were selected. A fully automated hematology analyzer ABXMICROsot was used to analyze whole blood collected in EDTA tubes. The diabetic group was subdivided into D1 and D2. D1 as 100-150 mg/dcl, D2 as above 150 mg/dcl.Results: Hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, RDW were significantly higher, RBC count were comparatively insignificant. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were significantly higher in D2 than D1 group. The prognosis for the child of a pregnant diabetic is related to the degree of control of mother’s glycemic status, reflected as higher indices in D2 than D1.Conclusions: Neonatal immune system depends on maternal immune system i.e, all the immunological properties are practically under the control of interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. Interleukin-6 potentiates the action of interleukin-1 synergistically, such action of interleukin converts noncommitted stem cells to committed stem cells. Immunosuppressant status in diabetic mother (i.e., non-priming of neonatal interleukin-6 by immunosuppressant diabetic mother`s interleukin-6, the main cause for these altered count). By modulating neonatal interleukin-6 it decreases hematopoietic potential in the neonates, on the other hand ECF in infants of diabetic mother is reduced leading to hemoconcentration and increase in cell counts. Giving a picture as if polycythemia at birth in neonates of diabetic mothers.

    Leukocyte profile in cord blood of newborns to diabetic and non-diabetic mothers

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    Background: Increasing incidence of diabetes due to strees inducing life-style, involves dearrangement of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism characterized by hyperglycemia, hyperlipidimia and negative nitrogen balance respectively. Causing morbidity and mortality, effects gestational diabetes. Pregnancy, capacity to secrete insulin increases with gestational age, has effect in last trimester of pregnancy. Maternal glycemic-status influences neonates leucocyte profile.Methods: Fully automated haematology analyzer ABXMICROsot used to analyze cord blood of neonates born to 40 diabetic (known to be diabetic at pregnancy) and 40 non-diabetic mothers, collected in EDTA tubes. Diabetic group was sub divided into D1 and D2. D1 as 100-150 mg/dcl, D2 as above 150 mg/dcl. Statistical treatment of Levene's test of equality of variances applied to the data.Results: WBC count, granulocyte percent and monocyte percent were significantly lower, lymphocyte percent was higher in neonates to diabetic mothers. Significantly higher in D2 then D1group. The prognosis for the child of a pregnant diabetic is related to the degree of control of mother’s glycemic status, reflected higher indices in D2 then D1.Conclusions: Neonates immune system depends on the mother's immune system i.e.; immunological properties are practically under control of interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. Interleukin-6 potentiates action of interleukin-1 synergistically, such action of interleukin converts non-committed stem cells to committed stem cells. Immunosuppressant status in diabetic mother (i.e.; non-priming of neonatal interleukin-6 by immunosuppressant diabetic mother’s interleukin-6, main cause for altered counts) modulating neonatal interleukin-6 it decreases haematopoietic potential in the neonates, ECF in infants of diabetic mother is reduced leading to haemo-concentration, increasing cell count. Pictures as increase cell count at birth in neonates of diabetic mother

    Human Pathogenic Mycotoxins: Current Research and Emerging Trends

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    Fish utilization has been growing worldwide, primarily due to the availability, access, and price in relevance different style of meat consumption, such as grouse, pork, and poultry. Therefore, some problems begin to return back forward, primarily regarding the quality of fish on the market among the market. Fish health management is one all told the foremost vital problems among the assembly of cultivation species. Associate in nursing integer of studies has been conducted to acknowledge new procedures for reducing health problem of usually farmed species. Residues may be gift in any product of animal origin reason cost-effective losses and putt into a hazard human and animal welfare. Foodstuff contamination by mycotoxins may be a risk to human and animal health, and its in command of vital economic losses. Scenery phytotoxin laws are a flowery activity that involves interested parties and several other factors, each of a scientific and socio-economic nature might influence the institution of plant toxin limits and rules. The many countries had developed definite limits for mycotoxins in foodstuffs and feedstuffs, and therefore the number persists to grow, but the residual acceptable of mycotoxins within the fish remains nonexistent. Poison formation in agriculture foodstuffs happens in hot and wet weather, and inadequate or deficient storage facilities. In recent years, aflatoxins (AFs) and its environmental effects area unit mentioned in cultivation. This review is concentrated on effects of AFs in development

    Brze titrimetrijske i spektrofometrijske metode za određivanje salbutamol sulfata koristeći N-bromsukcinimid

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    One titrimetric and two spectrophotometric methods which are simple, sensitive and rapid are described for the assay of salbutamol sulphate (SBS) in bulk drug and in tablet dosage forms using N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) and two dyes, rhodamine-B and methylene blue, as reagents. In titrimetry, aqueous solution of salbutamol sulphate is treated with a measured excess of NBS in acetic acid medium and after the oxidation of SBS is complete, the unreacted oxidant is determined iodometrically. Spectrophotometric methods entail addition of a known excess of NBS in acid medium followed by the determination of residual oxidant by reacting with a fixed amount of either rhodamine B and measuring the absorbance at 555 nm (method A) or methylene blue and measuring the absorbance at 665 nm (method B). In all methods, the amount of NBS reacting corresponds to the amount of SBS content. Titrimetric method is applicable over 1.74 × 10-4 – 8.68 × 10-4 mol L-1 range and the reaction stoichiometry is found to be 1:6 (SBS:NBS). In spectrophotometric methods, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with the concentration of SBS, which is corroborated by the correlation of coefficients of 0.9993 and 0.9988 for method A and method B, respectively. The systems obey Beer’s law for 0.251.75 g mL-1 (method A) and 0.55.0 g mL-1 (method B). The calculated apparent molar absorptivity values were found to be 2.10 × 105 and 6.16 × 104 L mol-1 cm-1, for method A and method B, respectively. The limits of detection and quantification are also reported for both spectrophotometric methods. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy for the developed methods were evaluated. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of SBS in tablet and capsule formulations and the results were statistically compared with those of a reference method. No interference was observed from common tablet adjuvants. The accuracy and reliability of the methods were further ascertained by recovery experiments via the standard-addition technique.U radu su opisane jedna titrimetrijska i dvije spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje salbutamol sulfata (SBS) čiste tvari i u tabletama. Opisane metode su jednostavne, osjetljive i brze, a kao reagense koriste N-bromsukcinimid (NBS) i dva bojila, rodamin-B i metilensko modrilo. U titrimetrijskoj metodi, vodenoj otopini salbutamol sulfata dodana je otopina NBS-a u octenoj kiselini u suvišku, te je nakon potpune oksidacije SBS-a jodometrijski određena količina neizreagiranog oksidansa. U spektrofotometrijskim metodama dodaje se poznati suvišak NBS-a u kiselom mediju nakon čega se neizreagirani suvišak oksidansa određuje nakon reakcije s rodaminom-B mjereći apsorbanciju na 555 nm (metoda A) ili metilenskim modrilom mjereći apsorbanciju na 665 nm (metoda B). U svim metodama, količina NBS-a koji reagira ekvivalentna je sadržaju SBS-a. Titrimetrijska metoda je primjenjiva u rasponu koncentracija od 1,74 × 10-4 do 8,68 × 10-4 mol L-1. SBS i NBS reagiraju u stehiometrijskom omjeru 1:6. U spektrofotometrijskim metodama apsorbancija linearno raste s koncentracijom SBS-a, što je potvrđeno koeficijentima korelacije od 0,9993 za metodu A te 0,9988 za metodu B. Sustavi slijede Beer-ov zakon unutar koncentracija 0,251,75 g mL-1 (metoda A) i 0,55,0 g mL-1 (metoda B). Izračunate vrijednosti molarnog apsorpcijskog koeficijenta iznose 2,10 × 105 za metodu A i 6,16 × 104 L mol-1 cm-1 za metodu B. Granice detekcije i kvantifikacije, ispravnost i preciznost (ponovljivost i intermedijarska preciznost) procijenjene su za obje spektrofotometrijske metode. Metode su uspješno primijenjene za analizu SBS-a u tabletama i kapsulama, a rezultati su statistički uspoređeni s referentnom metodom. Uobičajene pomoćne tvari u tabletama nisu interferirale tijekom određivanja. Ispravnost metoda potvrđena je i metodom standardne adicije

    Uso de cloramina-T e de dois corantes na determinação sensível de estavudina em medicamentos

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    Three new methods are described for the assay of stavudine (STV) in bulk drug and in dosage forms using chloramine-T (CAT) and two dyes, methyl orange and indigocarmine, as reagents. Titrimetry involves treating STV with a measured excess of CAT in hydrochloric acid medium, and after the oxidation of STV is judged to be complete, the unreacted oxidant is determined iodometrically. Spectrophotometric methods entail the addition of a known excess of CAT to STV in hydrochloric acid medium followed by determination of residual oxidant by reacting with a fixed amount of either methyl orange and measuring the absorbance at 520 nm (Method A) or indigo carmine and measuring the absorbance at 610 nm (Method B). In all the methods, the amount of CAT reacted corresponds to the amount of STV. In titrimetric method, the reaction follows 1:1 stoichiometry (STV: CAT), and is applicable over the range 1.5-10 mg of STV. In spectrophotometric methods, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with concentration of STV. The systems obey Beer's law for 0.2-2.0 and 1.0-10.0 mg/mL for method A and method B, respectively. The apparent molar absorptivities are calculated to be 5.7x10(4) and 1.5x10(4) L/mol/cm for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding Sandell sensitivity values are 0.004 and 0.015 µg/cm². The limits of detection and quantification are reported for both methods. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the developed methods were evaluated as per the current ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of STV in tablet and capsule formulations and the results were compared with those of a reference method by applying Student's t-test and F-test. No interference was observed from common tablet adjuvants. The accuracy and reliability of the methods were further ascertained by performing recovery experiments via standard-addition method.Descrevem-se três novos métodos para o ensaio de estavudina (STV) na matéria-prima e nas formulações utilizando-se clroamina-T (CAT) e dois corantes, alaranjado de metila e índigo carmim como reagentes. A titulação envolve o tratamento de STV com excesso medido de CAT em meio de ácido clorídrico, e, quando a oxidação se completar, o oxidante que não reagiu é determinado iodometricamente. Os métodos espectrofotométricos compreendem a adição de excesso conhecido de CAT ao STV em ácido clorídrico, seguida da determinação do oxidante residual por meio da reação com quantidade fixada de alaranjado de metila, medindo-se a absorvância a 520 nm (Método A) ou índigo carmim, medindo-se a absorvância a 610 nm (Método B). Em todos os métodos, a quantidade de CAT que reagiu corresponde à quantidade de STV. No método titulométrico, a reação segue a estequiometria 1:1 (STV:CAT) e é aplicável na faixa de 1,5 a 10 mg de STV. Nos métodos espectrofotométricos, a absorvância aumenta linearmente com a concentração de STV. Os sistemas obedecem a lei de Beer nos intervalos de 0,2 a 2,0 mg/mL e 1,0 a 10,00 mg/mL para os métodos A e B, respectivamente, e os valores de sensibilidade de Sandell correspondentes são 0,004 e 0,015 µg/cm². Os limites de detecção e de quantificação são apresentados para ambos os métodos. A precisão e a exatidão intra-dia e inter-dia dos métodos desenvolvidos são avaliadas de acordo com as normas ICH. Os métodos foram aplicados com êxito aos ensaios de STV em comprimidos e em cápsulas e os resultados foram comparáveis com aqueles obtidos com o método de referência, utilizando-se o teste t de Student e o teste F. Não se observou interferência dos adjuvantes comuns em comprimidos. A exatidão e a confiabilidade dos métodos foram ajustadas por meio de experimentos de recuperação via método de adição de padrão

    "Performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi comparison with WiMAX Networks"

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    Wireless networking has become an important area of research in academic and industry. The main objectives of this paper is to gain in-depth knowledge about the Wi-Fi- WiMAX technology and how it works and understand the problems about the WiFi- WiMAX technology in maintaining and deployment. The challenges in wireless networks include issues like security, seamless handover, location and emergency services, cooperation, and QoS.The performance of the WiMAX is better than the Wi-Fi and also it provide the good response in the access. It's evaluated the Quality of Service (Qos) in Wi-Fi compare with WiMAX and provides the various kinds of security Mechanisms. Authentication to verify the identity of the authorized communicating client stations. Confidentiality (Privacy) to secure that the wirelessly conveyed information will remain private and protected. Take necessary actions and configurations that are needed in order to deploy Wi-Fi -WiMAX with increased levels of security and privacyComment:

    RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Estimation of Related Substances of Acetaminophen in Acetaminophen, Phenylephrine Hcl and Dextromethorphanhbr Soft Gelatin Capsules.

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    Analytical chemistry is measurement science consisting of a set of powerful ideas and methods that are useful in all fields of science and method. it is used to study the chemical composition, structure and behavior of compounds. The purpose of chemical analysis is together and interpret chemical information that will be the value of society in a wide range of contexts. involves the application of a range of techniques and methodologies to obtain and assess qualitative, quantitative and structural information on the nature of components. the aim of present work, the RP-HPLC method was developed to estimate the related substances of acetaminophen in acetaminophen, phenylephrine Hcl and dextromethorphan HBr in soft gelatin capsules. From the result of validation parameters obtained, it was observed that the developed method was proven to be specific, precise, linear, accurate, rugged and robust and is suitable for its intended purpose. Hence it was concluded that this method could be used for the routine estimation of related substances of acetaminophen in acetaminophen, phenylephrine Hcl, dextromethorphan HBr in soft gelatin capsules

    Uporaba cerijevog amonijevog sulfata i dviju boja, metiloranža i indigo karmina, u određivanju lansoprazola u farmaceutskim pripravcima

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    Two spectrophotometric methods are proposed for the assay of lansoprazole (LPZ) in bulk drug and in dosage forms using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS) and two dyes, methyl orange and indigo carmine, as reagents. The methods involve addition of a known excess of CAS to LPZ in acid medium, followed by determination of residual CAS by reacting with a fixed amount of either methyl orange, measuring the absorbance at 520 nm (method A), or indigo carmine, measuring the absorbance at 610 nm (method B). In both methods, the amount of CAS reacted corresponds to the amount of LPZ and the measured absorbance was found to increase linearly with the concentration of LPZ, which is corroborated by the correlation coefficients of 0.9979 and 0.9954 for methods A and B, respectively. The systems obey Beer’s law for 0.5–7.0 g mL-1 and 0.25–3.0 g mL-1 for methods A and B, respectively. The apparent molar absorptivities were calculated to be 3.0 104 and 4.4 104 L mol-1 cm-1 for methods A and B, respectively. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) are calculated to be 0.08 and 0.25 g mL-1 for method A, and 0.09 and 0.27 g mL-1 for method B, respectively. The intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the methods were evaluated according to the current ICH guidelines. Both methods were of comparable accuracy (er ≤ 2%). Also, both methods are equally precise as shown by the relative standard deviation values < 1.5%. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical adjuvants. The accuracy of the methods was further ascertained by performing recovery studies using the standard addition method. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of LPZ in capsule preparations and the results were statistically compared with those of the literature UV-spectrophotometric method by applying Student’s t-test and F-test.Predložene su dvije spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje lansoprazola (LPZ) kao čiste supstancije i u doziranim ljekovitim pripravcima koristeći cerijev amonijev sulfat (CAS) i dvije boje, metiloranž i indigo karmin. Metode uključuju dodatak suviška CAS-a u otopinu LPZ u kiselom mediju, nakon čega višak reagensa reagira s poznatom količinom metiloranža (metoda A, mjerenje apsorbancije na 520 nm) ili indigo karminom (metoda B, mjerenje apsorbancije na 610 nm). U obje metode, količina CAS-a koja reagira odgovara količini LPZ i izmjerena apsorbancija linearno ovisi o koncentraciji LPZ-a, uz koeficijent korelacije 0,9979 i 0,9954 za metodu A, odnosno B. Oba sustava slijede Beerov zakon u koncentracijskom rasponu 0,5–7,0 g mL-1, odnosno 0,25–3,0 mikrog mL-1. Molarni apsorpcijski koeficijent određen metodom A iznosio je 3,0 × 104, a metodom B 4,4 × 104 L mol1 cm-1. Granica detekcije (LOD) i kvantifikacije (LOQ) bile su 0,08 i 0,25 mikrog mL-1 za metodu A, te 0,09 i 0,27 mikrog mL-1 za metodu B. Intermedijarska preciznost i ispravnost metoda procijenjena je prem važećim ICH smjernicama. Obje metode su podjednako ispravne (er ≤ 2%) i precizne (RSD < 1,5%). Nije primjećena interferencija s uobičajenim pomoćnim tvarima. Ispravnost je procijenjena i metodom standardne adicije. Rezultati su statistički uspoređeni s referentnom UV-spektrofotometrijskom metodom pomoću Studentovog t-testa i F-testa

    Diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas in intra-abdominal desmoid tumors: A case report and literature review

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    AbstractIntroductionIntra-abdominal desmoid tumors (DTs) are a rare and anatomically diverse group of locally-aggressive, benign neoplasms. They are often difficult to diagnose, even in patients who possess risk factors for the disease. Even after a diagnosis has been reached, the optimal therapy is often not well-defined.Presentation of caseThe case discussed of a 33-year old male with a giant intra-abdominal desmoid is an example of both the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas that arise when confronted with a patient with a DT. Initial confusion over diagnosis led to ineffective therapy, but once the correct diagnosis was made, the patient went on to definitive surgical resection.DiscussionThe differential diagnosis of DTs is broad, and the diagnosis is often delayed due to nonspecific presentations. Immunohistochemistry is crucial in the accurate histological diagnosis, which guides treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation have a role in the management of both primary and recurrent lesions, but surgical resection remains the cornerstone of treatment.ConclusionDTs present a clinical challenge in their diagnosis and management, and despite providing standard medical and surgical treatment, recurrence rates are high and continued surveillance is crucial
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