682 research outputs found

    Ecology and comparativism: planetary space between dwelling and displacement in contemporary French and English poetics

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    This thesis looks at the poetry and conceptual apparatus of four poets working in French and English during the past several decades who develop distinct poetic epistemes following precepts of natural and cultural ecology and comparativism. It questions how their poetics merges the comparative practice of analogy with ecological discourse to highlight an intersection of the politics and aesthetics of a planetary space under threat, simultaneously, from destructive treatment of the Earth and globalisation’s exclusive representations and effacements of difference. Surveying the emergence of literary ecocriticism, recent cultural or philosophical ecologies, and their imbrication with current debates in comparative literature, I argue that the formation of a materialist ecology of separation based on poiesis helps make conceptual distinctions within the Earth’s space, as relies on the advocation neither of absolute interconnection – dwelling – nor radical distancing – displacement. Accordingly, a specific poetic identity of subjective creation measures different scalar expressions of planetary existence as paradoxes of what I describe as the groundless dwelling of ecological comparativism. Crossing questions of difference, finitude, equivalence, and necessity and contingency, poetry’s analogy, metaphor, image, and figure subsequently reflect ideas from spatial topology, ecological sciences, post-colonial theory, and contemporary philosophy to form a speculative poetic thinking intersecting natural and cultural ecology and creative and critical comparativism. Comprising of any relation that is theoretically self-other, poetry’s comparison helps form identity in planetary space through ecology’s premise of interconnection and interdependence. However, reflecting meaning’s relativism and its production, circulation, and reception, a materialist ecology of separation inverts interconnection to form non-dialectical relations maintaining difference modelled on poetry’s analogical apparatus. Arguing that any ecological epistemology must be simultaneously comparative, this is read in a series of self-other relations – space, place, language, and alterity itself – in Kenneth White’s geopoetics, Édouard Glissant’s poetics of Relation, Pierre Joris’ nomadic poetics, and Michel Deguy’s poetic ecology

    Identification des propriétés mécaniques d’enroulements supraconducteurs d’un aimant d’IRM

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    Cette étude propose une méthodologie expérimentale afin d’identifier les propriétés mécanique élastiques d’anneaux supraconducteurs. Des essais de traction diamétrale associés à une technique de mesure champs de déplacements ont été effectués sur des échantillons. Les champs de déformations ont ensuite été obtenus à partir des champs de déplacements par différentiation numérique. Enfin, les quatre modules élastiques orthotropes dans le plan des enroulements ont été identifiées à l’aide la méthode des champs virtuels.National audienceCette étude propose une méthodologie expérimentale afin d’identifier les propriétés mécanique élastiques d’anneaux supraconducteurs. Des essais de traction diamétrale associés à une technique de mesure champs de déplacements ont été effectués sur des échantillons. Les champs de déformations ont ensuite été obtenus à partir des champs de déplacements par différentiation numérique. Enfin, les quatre modules élastiques orthotropes dans le plan des enroulements ont été identifiées à l’aide la méthode des champs virtuels

    Pancreatic Metastasis from Prostate Cancer

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    The pancreas is an unusual location for metastases from other primary cancers. Rarely, pancreatic metastases from kidney or colorectal cancers have been reported. However, a variety of other cancers may also spread to the pancreas. We report an exceptional case of pancreatic metastasis from prostate cancer. Differences in management between primary and secondary pancreatic tumors make recognition of metastases to the pancreas an objective of first importance. Knowledge of unusual locations for metastatic spread will reduce diagnostic delay and lead to a timely delivery of an appropriate treatment

    Experimental identification of the overall elastic rigidities of superconducting windings

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    This study deals with of the experimental methodology developed in order to identify the elastic properties of superconducting ring-shaped windings. Mechanical tensile tests were conducted on specimens associated to a full-field displacement measurement technique. Strain fields were then obtained from the measured displacement fields by numerical differentiation. Finally, the four in-plane orthotropic stiffnesses of the windings were determined using the Virtual Fields Method.Iseult/INUMA

    Compliance with recommendations of clinical practice in the management of venous thromboembolism in cancer: the CARMEN study

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    Cancer is associated with venous thromboembolism in 20% of patients. In such patients, thrombosis is difficult to treat, associated with bleeding, recurrence, and death. Specific treatments for venous thromboembolism in cancer are recommended. Guidelines have been implemented in many countries and international guidelines have been recently developed. We evaluated the adhesion to national French guidelines via a survey of cancer patients treated for venous thromboembolism. METHODS: A national cross-sectional observational study evaluated the adhesion to guidelines in hospitalized patients. Good clinical practice was defined as initial 10-day treatment with injectable molecules followed by long-term treatment with low molecular weight heparin for at least 3 months. Demographic data, cancer type, stage, treatment, risk factors and type of thrombosis, were recorded. RESULTS: Five patients were included in 47 centers. Overall adhesion to guidelines was present in 59% (55-63%) of patients (295/500). During initial treatment, adhesion was high (487/496; 98%) but dropped (296/486; 62%) during the long-term maintenance. In patients with renal insufficiency, only a fourth of them received the adequate treatment. A majority of patients had metastatic disease (64%). Cancer sites were gastro-intestinal (25%), gynecologic (23%), pulmonary (21%), hematological (14%), urologic (10%), or other (8%). Lung and hematological malignancies were significantly associated with the highest and lowest rates of adhesion. CONCLUSION: Adhesion to national guidelines for treatment of venous thromboembolism in cancer is not optimal. Good compliance is observed during initial treatment, but drops after 10 days, underlying the need for further education to achieve a better implementation on a national level