43 research outputs found

    Study of etiological factors of Kashtartava (dysmenorrhea) in urban population

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    The lifestyle of today’s women is getting changed due to modernization and sedentary life style. This has resulted in increase in number of diseases alarmingly like infertility, abortions, miscarriages, early menopause, breast cancers, cervical and ovarian cancers and many more gynaecological disorders. Such kind of unhealthy lifestyle, food habits, and psychological factors has affected the offspring also. Kashtartava is a broad term which covers all the problems and ailments that a woman may suffer from during or around menstruation. It includes both primary and secondary types of dysmenorrhea. Thus, 200 patients in the age-group of 12-25 years suffering from dysmenorrhea were registered for the survey study. Assessments of patients were done by scale based on symptoms of Kashtartava and assessment of Ahara-Vihar and Manashetus. In survey study it was found that, the Hetus and Lakshana found in patients of Kashtartava were nearly similar but the severity and number of Hetus and Lakshana in urban population were on higher side

    Evaluation of Antiulcer Activity of Ethanol Extract of Leaves of Lactuca sativa

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    In this modern era, gastrointestinal disorders are the universal problem. Peptic ulcer is one of the major diseases affecting the human population. It develops due to the imbalance between aggressive factors like acid, pepsin, H. pylori and bile salts and defensive factors like mucous, bicarbonate, blood flow, epithelial cell restoration and prostaglandins. The anti-ulcer activity of Ethanol extract of leaves of Lactuca sativa (EELS) was estimated using the experimental models of acute gastric lesions induced by ethanol, pylorus ligation and cold restraint stress in Wistar albino rats. Animals pre-treated with doses of 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg of EELS were statistically analyzed and compared to the standard and control group with the parameters like volume of gastric secretion, total acidity and ulcer index. The results suggested that EELS significantly decreased volume of gastric acid secretion, total acidity and ulcer index in comparison with standard drug Omeprazole. EELS shown significant reduction in lesion index, total affected area and percentage of lesion in comparison with control group in Ethanol induced ulcer in experimental models. The gastric mucosal protective effect of EELS is brought by inhibiting the gastric secretion, which shows it may act like a proton pump inhibitor. Thus the present study indicates that EELS has anti-ulcerogenic potency in Ethanol induced, pylorus ligation and cold restraint stress induced ulcers in rats. Keywords: Antiulcer, ulcer index, cold stress, peptic ulcer, pylorus ligatio


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    Background: Covid-19 booster vaccination was launched in India on 15 July 2022. Medical and paramedical students play a pivotal role in motivating the general public in a given locality towards a Nation's vaccination drive. The present study aimed to evaluate the student's perspective towards the COVID-19 booster vaccination. Objective: To assess medical and paramedical students' knowledge, attitude, and awareness of COVID-19 booster vaccination. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out between 14 August 2022 to 12 September 2022 among medical and paramedical students through an online survey questionnaire. The data obtained was tabulated in Microsoft Excel. Study variables were expressed as frequencies/ percentages and graphically represented. Result: Our study revealed that MBBS (99.5%), Nursing (98.6%), and DMLT (94.8 %) students have good knowledge about the availability of booster vaccination. 97.4% of MBBS, 100% of nursing, and 90.9% of DMLT students want to motivate the general population towards immunization. At the same time 29.1% MBBS, 54.1% nursing, and 24.7% DMLT students were apprehensive about possible adverse effects of the booster vaccination. 56.7% of MBBS, 27% of nursing, and 48.1 % of DMLT students are unaware of the safety of booster doses in pregnancy and lactation. Conclusion: Awareness of booster vaccination was found to be adequate among the majority of participants. Most were confident with regard to motivating the general public towards vaccination. However, the hesitancy for the same observed towards the vulnerable population could be attributed to the paucity of information about the long-term safety, and efficacy of the booster vaccination. Recommendation: Messaging around boosters and vaccines needs to emphasize they are safe and convenient to take and that both are important

    A fundamental special-relativistic theory valid for all real-valued speeds

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    This paper constitutes a fundamental rederivation of special relativity based on the c-invariance postulate but independent of the assumption ds′2=±ds2 (Einstein [1], Kittel et al [2], Recami [3]), the equivalence principle, homogeneity of space-time, isotropy of space, group properties and linearity of space-time transformations or the coincidence of the origins of inertial space-time frames. The mathematical formalism is simpler than Einstein's [4] and Recami's [3]. Whilst Einstein's subluminal and Recami's superluminal theories are rederived in this paper by further assuming the equivalence principle and mathematical inverses [4,3], this paper derives (independent of these assumptions) with physico-mathematical motivation an alternate singularity-free special-relativistic theory which replaces Einstein's factor [1/(1−V2/c2)]12 and Recami's extended-relativistic factor [1/(V2/c2−1)]12 by [(1−(V2/c2)n)/(1−V2/c2)]12, where n equals the value of (m(V)/m0)2 as |V|→c. In this theory both Newton's and Einstein's subluminal theories are experimentally valid on account of negligible terms. This theory implies that non-zero rest mass luxons will not be detected as ordinary non-zero rest mass bradyons because of spatial collapse, and non-zero rest mass tachyons are undetectable because they exist in another cosmos, resulting in a supercosmos of matter, with the possibility of infinitely many such supercosmoses, all moving forward in time. Furthermore this theory is not based on any assumption giving rise to the twin paradox controversy. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of this theory for general relativity

    Cox Selective Antiinflammatory Drugs And Its Development

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    Cyclooxygenases (COXs) catalyze the complex reaction of conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins and thromboxanes, which play important role as chemical messengers in many physiological and pathophysiological responses. It exists in two distinct isoform first one is constitutive form (COX-1) and another is inducible form (COX-2). COX-1 andCOX-2 share the same substrates, and catalyze the similar kind of reactions using identical catalytic mechanisms.In this review, inflammation and role of COX-1, and COX-2 first described in order to highlight the therapeutic interest of designing such compounds. Various types of structural families of selective COX-2, equally binding tendency to both COX-1 & COX-2 active site and dual inhibitors are illustrated

    Setting-out works

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    Setting-out of a building – Marking of a building position, size and shape in terrain


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    In this thesis we present an optimal time parallel solution to the problem of first order linear recurrence. Given a system of n first order equations, the proposed parallel algorithm solves it in time O(n/p + logp) on a multiprocessor system with p processors. The multiprocessor system may be operating in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Our solution is not very restrictive in its requirement of processor interconnection. It requires only that certain processors be able to communicate with certain other processors as compared to some of the previous solutions which require a shared memory model of a parallel machine and require up to n simultaneous requests to memory to be serviced in 0(1) (constant) time. We map this algorithm on models of parallel machines such as the hypercube, a single bus connected system, a linear array of processors and a d-dimensional mesh

    Predicting Intraday cryptocurrency returns – A Sparse Signals approach

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    We test for the existence of sparse and short-lived signals in minute-by-minute cryptocurrency returns. Using a large set of linear as well as non linear predictors and a machine learning technique called the LASSO, we generate 1-minute ahead out of sample return forecasts for ten major cryptocurrencies. The forecasts obtained from the LASSO are statistically superior to those generated by the benchmark models. The LASSO based estimation selects predictors that are sparse and quite short lived

    Integrative approach to species delimitation in Rhizophydiales: novel species of Angulomyces, Gorgonomyces, and Terramyces from northern Thailand.

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    Final trimmed and concatenated alignment (ITS-LSU) used in the article and resulting trees of "Integrative approach to species delimitation in Rhizophydiales: novel species of Angulomyces, Gorgonomyces, and Terramyces from northern Thailand."</p

    Preponderance of Bioactive Medicinal Compounds and ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy of Coriander and Mustard Floral Honey from <i>Apis mellifera</i>

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    The physicochemical, total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity were evaluated for biochemical characterization of coriander and mustard floral honey. The total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity were analyzed using UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to evaluate the chemical characteristic of coriander and mustard floral honey. The total phenolics content was ranged from 294 to 462 mg gallic acid equivalent kg-1 of honey. The total flavonoid content was ranged from 43 to 53 mg quercetin equivalent kg-1 of honey. Antioxidant activity results were expressed as inhibitory concentration (IC50) value ranged from 4.58 to 5.54 mg mL-1. FT-IR spectra showed the presence of alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters, ethers, phenols, and amines in both floral honey samples. This study discovered that coriander floral honey is more affluent than mustard floral honey in nutritional as well as medicinal aspects. At a glance the processing of honey by heating did not affect the phenolics, flavonoid, and antioxidants of honey; even processed honey contains higher phenols and antioxidants. The FT-IR spectra showed the similarity in both kinds of honey refers to chemical constituents. This study will help the researcher and honey consumer to find out the higher bioactive medicinal compounds containing honey