651 research outputs found

    Measurements of ozone in the Antarctic region during August and September of 1987

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    Mixing ratios are presented for ozone in the austral polar atmosphere during Aug. and Sept. of 1987. Since the mid-1970's, there has been a continuing decrease in the total column abundance of ozone over Antarctica during the late winter and early spring. This reduction now amounts to about one-half of the historical October mean. The results presented are derived from an ultraviolet ozone photometer. The ER-2 aircraft carrying 14 instruments participated in a major effort to penetrate the region of depletion. Data were gathered between altitudes of 53 deg and 72 deg S at pressure altitudes up to 21 km in a series of 12 flights. Additional data were obtained between latitudes of 37 deg N and 53 deg S on the 3 flight legs required to reach Punta Arenas from Moffett Field, CA, and on the same return legs to Moffett Field. The observed ozone mixing ratios indicate the effects of chemistry as well as the effects of the stratospheric polar vortex. Examples of the distributions of ozone mixing ratios as a function of altitude, latitude, or a time and the relationships to temperature and other trace gases are presented

    Ames ER-2 ozone measurements

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    The objective of this research is to study ozone (O3) in the stratosphere. Measurements of the ozone mixing ratio at 1 s intervals are obtained with an ultraviolet photometer which flies on the ER-2 aircraft. The photometer determines the amount of ozone in air by measuring the transmission of ultraviolet light through a fixed path with and without ambient O3 present

    Transport into the south polar vortex in early spring

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    Estimates of the mean circulation and diffusive transport of ozone and other species into the Antarctic polar vortex during the spring of 1987 are made using data from the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment. Measurements of long-lived tracers of tropospheric origin remained relatively constant at the levels of the maximum rate of decline of ozone during September. At lower levels in the stratosphere some evidence exists to support intrusions of tropospheric or low latitude air. Given the distribution in latitude and height of these tracers measured from the ER-2 aircraft, it can be inferred that the Lagrangian or diabatic mean circulation was zero or downward over Antarctica during the period of the ozone decline. The observation of a decline in ozone therefore requires a photochemical sink for ozone. The magnitude of the required photochemical sink must be sufficient to offset the transport of ozone into the polar region and produce the observed decline. Quasi-isentropic mixing and downward motion are coupled and are difficult to estimate from a single tracer. The full suite of measured tracers and auxiliary information are brought together to provide an estimate of the rate at which air is cycled through the polar vortex during spring. Estimates of large scale transport of potential vorticity and ozone from previous years are generally consistent with the data from the airborne experiment in suggesting a relatively slow rate of mass flow through the polar vortex in the lower stratosphere during September

    Cues, context, and long-term memory: the role of the retrosplenial cortex in spatial cognition

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    Spatial navigation requires representations of landmarks and other navigation cues. The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is anatomically positioned between limbic areas important for memory formation, such as the hippocampus and the anterior thalamus, and cortical regions along the dorsal stream known to contribute importantly to long-term spatial representation, such as the posterior parietal cortex. Damage to the RSC severely impairs allocentric representations of the environment, including the ability to derive navigational information from landmarks. The specific deficits seen in tests of human and rodent navigation suggest that the RSC supports allocentric representation by processing the stable features of the environment and the spatial relationships among them. In addition to spatial cognition, the RSC plays a key role in contextual and episodic memory. The RSC also contributes importantly to the acquisition and consolidation of long-term spatial and contextual memory through its interactions with the hippocampus. Within this framework, the RSC plays a dual role as part of the feedforward network providing sensory and mnemonic input to the hippocampus and as a target of the hippocampal-dependent systems consolidation of long-term memory

    The micrometeoroid complex and evolution of the lunar regolith

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    The interaction of the micrometeoroid complex with the lunar surface is evidenced by numerous glass-lined microcraters on virtually every lunar surface exposed to space. Such craters range in size from less than .1 micron to approximately 2 sq cm diameter. Using small scale laboratory cratering experiments for calibration, the observed crater-sized frequency distributions may be converted into micrometeoroid mass distributions. These lunar mass distributions are in essential agreement with satellite data. Some physical properties of micrometeoroids may be deduced by comparing lunar crater geometries with those obtained in laboratory experiments. The proponderance of circular outlines of lunar microcraters necessitates equidimensional, if not spherical, micrometeoroids

    Polygyny and extra-pair paternity enhance the opportunity for sexual selection in blue tits

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    Polygyny and extra-pair paternity are generally thought to enhance sexual selection. However, the extent to which these phenomena increase variance in male reproductive success will depend on the covariance between success at these two strategies. We analysed these patterns over four breeding seasons in facultatively polygynous blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. We found that both polygyny and extra-pair paternity increased variance in male reproductive success and that standardised variance in annual number of genetic fledglings was 2.6 times higher than standardised variance in apparent success when assuming strict monogamy. Nevertheless, male success at securing within-pair paternity was unrelated to success at gaining extra-pair paternity and, when considering the positive effect of age on extra-pair success and attracting a second female, polygynous males were no more likely to sire extra-pair fledglings. Overall, polygynous males fledged more genetic offspring than monogamous males, but first-year polygynous males lost a greater share of within-pair paternity. A literature review suggests that this adverse effect of polygyny on within-pair paternity is frequent among birds, inconsistent with the prediction that females engage in extra-pair copulation with successful males to obtain good genes. Furthermore, a male's share of paternity was repeatable between years, and among females of polygynous males within years, such that a compatibility function of extra-pair copulations was likewise unsupported. Instead, we suggest that the observed patterns are most consistent with a fertility insurance role for extra-pair copulations, which does not exclude the greater opportunity for sexual selection through differential ability of males to gain paternity

    Trace gas measurements from whole air samples collected over the Antarctic continent

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    Whole air samples collected aboard the NASA DC-8 and ER-2 aircraft as part of the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE) were analyzed in a field laboratory set up at Punta Arenas, Chile, in August and September, 1987. Mixing ratios obtained from gas chromatographic analyses of these samples are presented for N2O, CFCl3, CFCl2, C2F3Cl3, CH3CCl3, CH4, and CO. Variations in the mixing ratios of these gases along the individual flight paths of the aircraft are used as tracers to indicate the history of air masses over and near the Antarctic continent

    Clues on black hole feedback from simulated and observed X-ray properties of elliptical galaxies

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    The centers of elliptical galaxies host supermassive black holes that significantly affect the surrounding interstellar medium through feedback resulting from the accretion process. The evolution of this gas and of the nuclear emission during the galaxies' lifetime has been studied recently with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. These included gas cooling and heating specific for an average AGN spectral energy distribution, a radiative efficiency declining at low mass accretion rates, and mechanical coupling between the hot gas and AGN winds. Here we present a short summary of the observational properties resulting from the simulations, focussing on 1) the nuclear luminosity; 2) the global luminosity and temperature of the hot gas; 3) its temperature profile and X-ray brightness profile. These properties are compared with those of galaxies of the local universe, pointing out the successes of the adopted feedback and the needs for new input in the simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc