35 research outputs found

    Study Of Grain Growth In Single-Phase Polycrystals

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    Materials with random microstructure are characterized by additional thermodynamic parameters, entropy and temperature of microstructure. It has been argued that there is one more law of thermodynamics: entropy of microstructure decays in isolated systems. This assertion has been checked experimentally for the process of grain growth which showed that entropy of grain structure decays indeed as expected. The equation of state for microstructure entropy has also been studied. In general, entropy of grain microstructure is expected to be a function of grain structure energy and the average grain size. Our experiments suggest that in fact, the equation of state degenerates and microstructure entropy becomes a function of either grain energy or grain volume. This follows from an unexpected by-product of the experiments, a seemingly universal relationship between grain volume and grain area, at least at the stage of self-similar grain growth. In addition, a statistical model containing two new characteristics of grain structure in pure metals and alloys is suggested. Non-equiaxed geometry of grains and grain structure are quantified by using new statistical characteristics. The equations for the probability distribution of grain sizes are derived in terms of these parameters. It describes the previously obtained experimental data reasonably well. Evolution of grain size distribution and the above mentioned parameters have been studied during grain growth

    #19 - Testing USDA Certified Organic Soy Noodles for Genetic Modifications

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    Screening USDA Certified Organic Soy noodles for genetic modifications using various DNA and protein analysis tools like DNA isolation, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Nano-drop, and ELISA

    CO2 sequestration potential in Indian basalts

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    India currently produces 7 – 8% of annual global CO2 emissions, with energy production accounting for 69% of India’s emissions. As such there is growing interest in the potential for emissions reductions through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Vishal et al., (2021) estimated the theoretical storage capacity of India. However, many large emission sources are located distant from sedimentary basin settings where CO2 storage may conventionally be considered. Continental flood basalts of the Deccan Traps cover an estimated 500,000 km3 in west-central India, and have been identified for potential CO2 storage. The concept of CO2 storage in basalt relies on CCS by mineralisation (CCSM) as basalt can act as a ready source of divalent cations such as Mg2+ and Ca2+. These can combine with carbonate, CO32-, from dissolved CO2, to produce carbonate minerals such as Magnesite (MgCO3). The CarbFix project in Iceland is a successful example of CCSM in basalt. CO2 is captured from the industrial emission site and piped to the CarbFix operation, where CO2 gas is dissolved in water to produce carbonated water and injected into the basalt (Matter and Kelemen, 2009). A key point to note is that a successful basalt storage scheme requires a target formation with sufficient porosity and permeability to sustain the required injection rates. We present an experimental study focused on characterising basalt of the Ambenali and Poladpur formations sampled from the Killari-1 borehole to assess the storage potential of Deccan Trap basalts. A density log for the Killari-1 borehole is shown in Figure 1, illustrating significant physical property variations throughout the site. Rubbly flow tops and vesicular layers which may be considered as potential injection intervals can be identified from the density log. Higher density layers may act as low permeability top seals. X-ray computed tomography (CT) was performed on six selected core samples (c. 120 mm in length and 54 mm in diameter) using a Geotek rotating X-ray computed tomography (RXCT) core scanner at the British Geological Survey’s (BGS) Core Scanning Facility (CSF). Sample depths are shown on Figure 1. Total and connected porosity was calculated using digital rock analysis (PerGeos by ThermoFisher). Figure 2 illustrates the porosity network for sample KIL-110 taken from a low-density zone at a depth of 231 m. The left image (blue) shows total porosity, while the right image (purple) shows total connected porosity which is 15.57%. For comparison, KIL-123, at a depth of 168 m has no porosity and is therefore unlikely to contribute to fluid flow unless open fractures or joint networks are present. Previous geochemical experiments carried out on Deccan Trap samples have indicated that major dissolution of primary carbonates and precipitation of secondary minerals such as siderite occurs during CO2 exposure. This confirms the potential for mineral trapping of CO2. Using samples from the Killari-1 borehole, a new series of experiments has been initiated to explore these geochemical processes more fully, including the reaction rates and implications for CO2 storage. An ongoing series of batch experiments using powdered basalt samples at a range of temperatures is currently underway, with regular fluid sampling and monitoring to provide valuable information on reaction rates. The experiments are conducted under 100 bar CO2 headspace and at temperatures of 50°C, 100°C and 150°C. As well as providing some relatively high temperature data points where reactions will progress more rapidly, the selected temperature range reflects the significant variation in geothermal gradient across the Deccan Volcanic Province. SEM and XRD reacted solids will provide information on changes from pre to post experiment. The experiments will be complemented by additional batch experiments conducted at similar conditions using cut, rather than powdered sample material. As well as generating more realistic data on reaction rates, this approach will enable detailed characterisation of the reacted material surfaces through a before and after comparison of specific surface sites via SEM. A subsequent suite of flow-through experiments will be conducted on core samples to investigate the impact of flowing water with a high dissolved CO2 content through the basalt. These experiments will enable the assessment of the dissolution and precipitation potential of porous basalt systems, and, therefore, the potential impacts on flow within a representative flow zone. Effluent chemistry will be monitored to assess directions and rates of reaction within the system, allowing an assessment of the storage potential of Deccan Trap basalts. The experiments will be conducted under pressure and temperature appropriate to potential storage depths. Acknowledgements The research was part of the BGS International NC programme ‘Geoscience to tackle Global Environmental Challenges’, NERC reference NE/X006255/1. Nimisha Vedanti acknowledges ECCSEL-ERIC for supporting transnational access to ECCSEL research infrastructure at the British Geological Survey. The Director, NGRI is acknowledged for permission to conduct research on NGRI Basalt samples. The extended abstract is published by permission of the Director of the British geological Survey. References Gupta, H.K., Srinivasan, R., Rao, R.U.M., Rao, G.V., Reddy, G.K. and others. 2003. Borehole investigations in the surface rupture zone of the 1993 Latur SCR earthquake, Maharashtra, India: Overview of results. Memoir of the Geological Society of India, 54, 1–22. Matter, J., Kelemen, P. 2009. Permanent storage of carbon dioxide in geological reservoirs by mineral carbonation. Nature Geosci 2, 837–841. Vishal, V., Verma, Y., Chandra, D. and Ashok, D. 2021. A systematic capacity assessment and classification of geologic CO2 storage systems in India. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 111, 103458

    Relevansi Nilai Ritual Tolak Bala Lanting Bamban pada Pencegahan Dampak Pandemi COVID-19

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    WHO declares COVID-19 as global endemic disease and impact to people around the world. It is causes complexity impact on human being and needs people awareness to take in hand it together, as well as Hindu religion society. Based on it  phenomenon, this research is using descriptive qualitative method, to find the relevance value of The Ritual Tolak Bala Lanting Bamban to prevent the impact of COVID-19 endemic, that is; 1) the honest sacrifice value as a relevant value to build the action of social care on society, and 2) the value of reality of life based on Hinduism philosophy to build spiritual awareness and help calmness mind to face up the COVID-19 epidemic.WHO mendeklarasikan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi global dan berdampak bagi masyarakat dunia. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dirasa kompleks, membutuhkan kepedulian dan peran serta semua lapisan masyarakat, tidak terkecuali umat Hindu untuk pencegahan hingga penanganannya. Menggunakan metode desktiptif kualitatif, meneliti Ritual Tolak Bala Lanting Bamban sehingga menghasilkan relevansi nilai terhadap pencegahan dampak pandemi COVID-19, yaitu; 1) nilai pengorbanan tulus ikhlas yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan sikap peduli kepada sesama manusia dan lingkungan sekitar, dan 2) nilai hakikat kehidupan yang didasari filsafat agama Hindu, dapat meningkatkan kesadaran spiritual dan ketenangan umat Hindu dalam menghadapi pandemi ini


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    Radicalism is a violent that act commited in an attempt to instill a certain understanding or against the government. Radicalism has adverse effect on humans till nature. Radicalism also violates human rights, as well as ini acts that use dangerous weapons, radicalism causes natural destruction. Based on fact that radicalism is extremely dangerous, the prevention of radicalism is the responsibility of all parties. In the Hindu religion community, there is a known by existence of religious counselor of Hindu. The Hindu counselor is someone who proclaimed the Vedic scriptures to the Hindus. Relevant to the goal of Hindu religion, which is to achieve a happy life for all creatures, the Hindu religious instructors are required to convey the teaching of Hindu religion that is useful to solve various problems of human life. Similiarly, in the prevention of radicalism. The participation of Hindu counselors are expected to form the character of anti-radicalism by practicing the practical teaching of Hinduism as a guide of life. Moreover, the participation of Hindu counselors are as well as a carrier of knowledge and national insight to enhance the love of the country


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    One of the processions in the Wara Ritual, knowns as Riek Liau, is often identified as gambling by people in North Barito Regency, even though it is clear in the Criminal Code article 303 that gambling is not justified in any form. Gambling on the Wara Ritual is a phenomenon that has generated controversy in society. One of the contributing factors is the general public's lack of understanding of Riek Liau's philosophy. Based on this phenomenon, further research related to Riek Liau's philosophy is important to do. This research was conducted in Lahei District with qualitative methods with a research time of 6 (six) months using observation and interview techniques, as well as using supporting data from related literature sources. This research then finds Riek Liau's mythology, implementation and philosophy of the gambling phenomenon in the Wara Ritual, that gambling is accordance to Riek Liau's philosophy as a game of holy spirits. Likewise, the Wara Ritual is a sacred death ritual for Hindu Kaharingan people and a symbol of belief in Almighty God.Salah satu prosesi dalam Ritual Wara yaitu Riek Liau kerap diidentikkan sebagai perjudian oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Barito Utara kendati telah jelas dalam KUHP pasal 303 bahwa perjudian tidak dibenarkan dalam bentuk apapun. Perjudian pada Ritual Wara tersebut merupakan fenomena yang menimbulkan kontroversi di masyarakat. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat awam tentang filsafat Riek Liau. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, penelitian lebih lanjut terkait filsafat Riek Liau penting dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Lahei dengan metode kualitatif dengan waktu penelitian selama 6 (enam) bulan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara, serta menggunakan data-data penunjang dari sumber pustaka terkait. Penelitian ini kemudian menghasilkan mitologi, pelaksanaan dan filsafat Riek Liau terhadap fenomena perjudian dalam Ritual Wara, bahwa perjudian bertentangan dengan filsafat Riek Liau sebagai permainan arwah yang suci. Demikian halnya Ritual Wara merupakan ritual kematian umat Hindu Kaharingan yang suci dan simbol keyakinan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

    Fractal behavior of electrical properties in oceanic and continental crust

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    273-278The fractal behavior of electrical properties of oceanic and upper continental crust was examined for different lithological units encountered in boreholes of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB), using wavelet transform and Welch averaged periodogram methods. Results obtained from both the sites reveal that the electrical properties in oceanic as well as upper part of continental crust are fractal in nature. The scaling exponent obtained by periodogram analysis has shown variation with lithology and for continental crust it decreases with an increase in depth, which reveals that the electrical crust is more homogeneous at deeper levels than at shallow levels


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    Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of sexes. Known as the women’s movement. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to receive education, etc. It is need participation together to success it. Hindu Kaharingan as the religion of Dayaks has the Panaturan text that contains view of life, law, and also theological view in. The Panaturan as view of life contains the percept of Dayaks community in their society. In connection with feminism, the Panaturan has the Feminism concept of Nyai Endas Bulau Lisan Tingang on chapter 30. That thought couldhelp construct and enrich the feminism and feminist movement to success their purpose

    Literary Review on Application Of Paradi Gunas on Aarogyavardhini Rasa in Pre-Processing, Processing and Therapeutic Stage

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    Background: Ayurveda is a highly evolved and codified system of life and health science based on its own unique and original fundamental concepts and principles. One of them is the Paradi Gunas (properties). Paradi Gunas (properties) are ten in number and have a wide application aiming at the success of treatment in which, choice of medicine and dietary rules play vital role. For success in the treatment understanding the role and action of a medicine is important, and this can be achieved by the use of Paradi Gunas (properties). Objective: To apply the concept of Paradi Gunas (properties) on Aarogyavardhini Rasa, a ployherbo-mineral medicine during different stages of processing. Data Source: This literary review has used the data source from various online portals as well as books in Ayurveda. Conclusion: The use of Paradi Gunas was studied on the pre-processing, processing and the therapeutic stages of Aarogyavardhini Rasa and its applications were noted. This can be a primary step towards deeper understanding of its role in therapeutics