49 research outputs found

    \u27Muškarac koji mrzi žene posle mene postat ćeš ti\u27: A Queer Feminist Analysis of Turbofolk

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    This paper explores the politics of turbofolk through the lens of gender and sexuality. As a phenomenon, turbofolk has been tied to politics since its birth in the gloomy 1990s making it a controversial music genre. This paper offers a historical overview of the development of the genre and deals with various criticisms leveled at it. The main body of the paper analyzes gender dynamics, representations of sexuality and the subversive potential of turbofolk

    Measuring Environmental Performance for Automobile Industry - Business Plan

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    Idea: Due to the change in government regulation and consumer behaviour caused by the awareness of global warming, many organisations and sectors are given stringent targets to reduce the carbon emission and undertake environmental friendly processes. Automobile sector is one of the sectors that are highly affected due to these changes in the external environment. The academic as well as the personal research conducted suggest that, at present companies are moving in the direction by implementing process changes and measuring the changes using excel, access, spreadsheet etc. However, these tools are in-efficient and are not suitable for long term objective of the organisation. This has developed a niche market for the software that caters to the specific requirements of the automobile sector. As part of this proposal, I propose to built this software and fulfil the genuine requirement of the companies. The document covers the business plan associated with the idea mentioned above

    Compression and information entropy of binary strings from the collision history of three hard balls

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    We investigate how to measure and define the entropy of a simple chaotic system, three hard spheres on a ring. A novel approach is presented, which does not assume the ergodic hypothesis. It consists of transforming the particles collision history into a sequence of binary digits. We then investigate three approaches which should demonstrate the non-randomness of these collision-generated strings compared with random number generator created strings: Shannon entropy, diehard randomness tests and compression percentage. We show that the Shannon information entropy is unable to distinguish random from deterministic strings. The Diehard test performs better, but for certain mass-ratios the collision-generated strings are misidentified as random with high confidence. The zlib and bz2 compression algorithms are efficient at detecting non-randomness and low information content, with compression efficiencies that tend to 100% in the limit of infinite strings. Thus compression algorithm entropy is non-extensive for this the chaotic system, in marked contrast to the extensive entropy determined from phase-space integrals by assuming ergodicity.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics Communication

    Sustaining an ethical digital learning environment: Perceptions of student privacy among faculty, librarians, and instructional designers

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    Despite educators’ eagerness to return to “normal,” the pandemic has demonstrated the importance and usefulness of online learning and its accompanying technologies, especially in times of crisis. No one wants to re-experience the chaos of the Spring 2020 transition to online learning, so taking care to plan ahead and make deliberate choices is important. In the rush to convert courses to the online format, the increased student privacy risks that result from online learning technologies were likely not at the forefront of educators’ minds. But with time to reflect and make rational decisions, educators can consider their values about student privacy and whether or not their instructional choices reflect these values. Just as the pandemic was beginning, our team surveyed instructors from a variety of disciplines and institutions in the United States. We found that educators highly valued student privacy. Although privacy can be defined in many ways, most defined personal privacy and student privacy in the same way, generally with a focus on limiting information access. Instructors’ discipline, rank, and personal demographics did not influence their views of student privacy. We are currently interviewing instructors, librarians, and instructional designers to provide context for the survey findings and to explore how these groups can productively discuss student privacy issues and make informed decisions. By sharing the results of the ongoing project, our aim is to stimulate conversation among library and information science educators about our student privacy values and actions, and to discuss how we prepare future academic librarians to support faculty in ethical decision-making about student privacy

    Measuring Environmental Performance for Automobile Industry - Research Work

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    At present the companies across the world are pressurised by the Governments to control their environmental impact – Carbon reduction, waste disposal, water utilization, recycling etc. Many governments such as UK, Japan, and Australia have signed Kyoto agreement and have accepted challenging targets. To ensure that the companies follow the targets governments are not only tightening the regulations but also incentivising the industries towards carbon reduction. Also various reports suggest that the consumers in developed countries are becoming socially responsible. They understand the importance of purchasing the goods from environmentally responsible company. The changes in government regulation and consumer’s taste have impacted many industries significantly. Automobile sector is one of the most impacted sectors due to these changes in the external environment. To guide organisational environmental agenda, many researchers have developed various frameworks. However, these tools are generic and provide scattered set of tools for calculating GHG emission and other impacts such as waste, energy, water etc. Also, these tools are not industry specific. Although, the companies in automobile industry have taken steps towards reducing their environmental impact and publishing it in their annual reports, at present they are not supported by comprehensive framework and tools to manage their efforts. This report attempts to provide a solution to this need. To come up with set of suggestions and to advice sector specific tools, the report takes systematic approach towards resolution of the problem. To begin with, the report provides a literature review on the research topic. Moving ahead, it tries to understand why metrics is important for company’s strategic progress and how it can be helpful. The report also analyses some of the environmental matrices developed by various researchers. Further it dwells specific into Indian automobile industry to analyse how Indian government regulations have impacted the entire industry. The report also analyses some of the important companies in Indian automobile industry (Tata, Maruti, Hero Honda, BMW India etc). and their environmental initiatives. With one hand on the academia and the other on industry needs, the report attempts to develop a GHG Protocol based solution that can be utilised by the automobile industry. Word Count: 831

    Vascular Disease Patient Information Page: Livedoid vasculopathy

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    What is livedoid vasculopathy (LV)? Livedoid vasculopathy, or LV, is a chronic skin condition characterized by small, painful sores that come and go over the legs and feet. ‘Livedoid’ refers to the bluish skin discoloration that often accompanies these sores. ‘Vasculopathy’ means a disease of the blood vessels. LV has been called different names such as livedoid vasculitis and atrophie blanche. LV is a rare disease, occurring in less than one in 100,000 people per year

    Livedoid vasculopathy: A review with focus on terminology and pathogenesis

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    Livedoid vasculopathy (LV) is a rare thrombotic vasculopathy of the dermis characterized by painful, relapsing ulcers over the lower extremities. Diagnosis is challenging due to the overlap in clinical appearance and nomenclature with other skin disorders. Treatment selection is complicated by poor understanding of the pathogenesis of LV and lack of robust clinical trials evaluating therapy efficacy. The terminology and pathophysiology of LV are reviewed here, along with its epidemiology, clinical and histologic features, and treatment options. A diagnostic pathway is suggested to guide providers in evaluating for comorbidities, referring to appropriate specialists, and choosing from the available classes of therapy

    Exploring Casual COVID-19 Data Visualizations on Twitter: Topics and Challenges

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    Social networking sites such as Twitter have been a popular choice for people to express their opinions, report real-life events, and provide a perspective on what is happening around the world. In the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have used Twitter to spontaneously share data visualizations from news outlets and government agencies and to post casual data visualizations that they individually crafted. We conducted a Twitter crawl of 5409 visualizations (from the period between 14 April 2020 and 9 May 2020) to capture what people are posting. Our study explores what people are posting, what they retweet the most, and the challenges that may arise when interpreting COVID-19 data visualization on Twitter. Our findings show that multiple factors, such as the source of the data, who created the chart (individual vs. organization), the type of visualization, and the variables on the chart influence the retweet count of the original post. We identify and discuss five challenges that arise when interpreting these casual data visualizations, and discuss recommendations that should be considered by Twitter users while designing COVID-19 data visualizations to facilitate data interpretation and to avoid the spread of misconceptions and confusion

    Project time management

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    Svaki ozbiljan projekt mora imati dobro utvrđene resurse, ali isto tako i dobro određeno vrijeme trajanja. Upravljanje vremenom na projektu je ključno za realizaciju i uspješnost projekta. Upravljanje vremenom na projektu kao proces koristi se kako bi se osiguralo pravovremeno dovršenje projekta

    Ground behaviour with regard to engineering and natural processes

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    Ponašanje tla je reakcija tla na antropogene i prirodne procese koji se javljaju na ili u tlu. Prirodni procesi djeluju kontinuirano odnosno duži niz godina pa ih je samim time i teže predvidjeti, dok antropogeni procesi završavaju odmah nakon prestanka radova. U globalu, inženjerski procesi su mnogo opasniji od prirodnih, jer se javljaju naglo i velikog su intenziteta. Najčešći odgovor tla na ove procese su: slijeganje, urušavanje, klizanje, pojava inducirane seizmičnosti i drugo. Da bi se izbjegle negativne posljedice, moraju se napraviti adekvatni istražni radovi s različitih područja znanosti poput geologije, geofizike, geodezije, hidrologije i drugo