187 research outputs found

    Systematics and phylogeography of the genus Tigriopus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Harpacticidae) in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El género de copépodos Tigriopus Norman, 1869 se distribuye en todo el mundo en piscinas costeras de rocas y actualmente se considera que incluye 15 especies válidas. Tigriopus fulvus (Fischer, 1860), con su subespecie Tigriopus fulvus adriaticus Van Douwe 1913 y Tigriopus fulvus algiricus Monard 1935, actualmente se informa que ocurren en el área mediterránea, pero actualmente se desconoce la diversidad real del género. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la identidad real de las poblaciones mediterráneas de Tigriopus y dilucidar su taxonomía y patrón de diversidad genética. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, utilizamos dos enfoques diferentes. El primero, basado en la morfología, donde las posibles diferencias morfológicas entre muestras topotípicas de Tigriopus fulvus s.s. y muestras topotípicas de las dos subespecies fueron investigadas. Un segundo, sobre una base molecular, donde se secuenciaron fragmentos de dos genes de ADN mitocondrial (subunidad I de citocromo c oxidasa, COI y subunidad de ARN ribosómico pequeño, 12S) y un gen de ADN nuclear (28S) para ser usados como marcador de referencia. En este marco, se utilizaron enfoques taxonómicos moleculares, como el descubrimiento automático de brechas de código de barras (ABGD), bPTP (procesos de árbol de Poisson bayesianos) y la relación K / ¿, para investigar la existencia de las supuestas subespecies de Tigriopus a través de la identificación de Operacional Unidades Taxonómicas (OTU). Nuestros datos sugieren la presencia de una sola especie caracterizada por una notable estructura genética basada en la geografía en toda el área de estudio. El patrón de diversidad observado se atribuye tentativamente aquí a una fuerte monopolización de los estanques de rocas por parte de los primeros inmigrantes que los alcanzan. Sin embargo, tal monopolización se ve interrumpida periódicamente por los eventos de extinción locales, que son frecuentes en los hábitats intrínsecamente inestables de las piscinas de rocas Aquí proponemos para este patrón el nombre de "monopolización periódica" ("Clockwork monopolization").[CA] El género de copépodos Tigriopus Norman, 1869 se distribuix en tot el mon en piscines costeres de roques i actualment se considera que inclou 15 especies valides. Tigriopus fulvus (Fischer, 1860), en la seua subespecie Tigriopus fulvus adriaticus Van Douwe 1913 i Tigriopus fulvus algiricus Monard 1935, actualment s'informa que ocorren en l'area mediterranea, pero actualment se desconeix la diversitat real del género. Nostre objectiu fon evaluar l'identitat real de les poblacions mediterranees de Tigriopus i dilucidar la seua taxonomia i patrón de diversitat genetica. Per a alcançar estos objectius, utilisem dos enfocaments diferents. El primer, basat en la morfologia, a on les possibles diferencies morfologiques entre mostres topotípicas de Tigriopus fulvus s.s. i mostres topotípicas dels dos subespecies foren investigades. Un segon, sobre una base molecular, a on se secuenciaron fragments de dos gens d'adn mitocondrial (subunidad i de citocromo c oxidasa, coi i subunidad d'arn ribosómico menut, 12s) i un gen d'adn nuclear (28s) per a ser amprats com marcador de referencia. En este marc, s'utilisaren enfocaments taxonomics moleculars, com el descobriment automatic de breches de codic de barres (ABGD), bPTP (processos d'arbre de poisson bayesianos) i la relacio K/¿, per a investigar l'existencia de les supostes subespecies de Tigriopus a través de l'identificacio d'operacional unitats taxonomiques (OTU). Nostres senyes sugerixen la presencia d'una sola especie caracterisada per una notable estructura genetica basada en la geografia en tota l'area d'estudi. El patrón de diversitat observat s'atribuix tentativament aci a una forta monopolisacio dels safarejos de roques per part dels primers immigrants que els alcancen. No obstant, tal monopolisacio se veu interrompuda periodicament pels events d'extincio locals, que son freqüents en els hábitats intrinsecament inestables de les piscines de roques aci proponem per a este patrón el nom de "Monopolisacio Periodica" ("Clockwork Monopolization").[EN] The copepod genus Tigriopus Norman, 1869 is distributed worldwide in coastal rock-pools and it is currently considered to include 15 valid species. Tigriopus fulvus (Fischer, 1860), with its subspecies Tigriopus fulvus adriaticus Van Douwe, 1913 and Tigriopus fulvus algiricus Monard, 1935, are currently reported to occur in the Mediterranean area, but the actual diversity of the genus is currently unknown. We aimed to assess the actual identity of Mediterranean Tigriopus populations and to elucidate their taxonomy and pattern of genetic diversity. In order to reach these goals, we use two different approaches. The first, based on morphology, where the possible morphological differences among topotypical samples of Tigriopus fulvus s.s. and topotypical samples of the two subspecies were investigated. A second, on a molecular basis, where fragments of two mitochondrial DNA genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI and small ribosomal RNA subunit, 12S) and a nuclear DNA gene (28S) were sequenced to be used as a reference marker. In this frame, molecular taxonomical approaches, such as Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), bPTP (bayesian Poisson Tree Processes) and K/¿ ratio, were used in order to investigate the existences of the alleged subspecies of Tigriopus through the identification of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). Our data suggest the presence of a single species characterized by a noteworthy geographically-based genetic structure in the whole study area. The observed diversity pattern is tentatively ascribed here to a strong monopolization of the rock pools by the first immigrants that reach them. However, such a monopolization is periodically disrupted by local extinction events, which are frequent in the intrinsically unstable rock pool habitats. We propose the name "clockwork monopolization" for this pattern.Vecchioni, L. (2020). Systematics and phylogeography of the genus Tigriopus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Harpacticidae) in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/144122TESISCompendi

    Gender-based violence in armed conflicts and the recognition of the refugee status

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    La definición clásica de refugiado ha sido puesta a prueba por los eventos de un mundo en constante cambio frente a la necesidad de protección internacional cuando aquella proporcionada por el Estado de nacionalidad o de residencia habitual no resulta efectiva. Los desplazamientos masivos de población originados por conflictos armados, pusieron a prueba el estatuto de refugiado a partir de interpretaciones regionales que amplían los supuestos de protección internacional. Sumado a ello, encontramos el desarrollo sobre violencia basada en el género de las teorías feministas en dichos contextos. En este trabajo analizamos la complementariedad del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario a la luz del Derecho Internacional de los Refugiados, estableciendo la plena e irrestricta vigencia de la protección internacional en los casos de mujeres forzadas a desplazarse de sus países de origen, como consecuencia de una situación de conflicto armado.The common definition of refugee has been put to test by the events of a world which is in constant change, with regards to the need for international protection when that provided by the State of nationality or habitual residence is not effective. Mass displacement of people caused by armed conflicts put the refugee status to the test on the basis of regional interpretations that broaden the scope of international protection. In addition, we must consider the developments on gender-based violence of feminist theories during armed conflicts. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the complementarity of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law and their relation with International Refugee Law, in order to establish the full and unrestricted validity of international protection in cases of displaced women, as a consequence of armed conflict

    An account on the taxonomy and molecular diversity of a marine rock-pool dweller, Tigriopus fulvus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida)

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    The copepod genus Tigriopus Norman, 1869 is distributed worldwide in coastal rock pools and it is currently considered to include 14 valid species. Tigriopus fulvus (Fischer 1860), with its subspecies Tigriopus fulvus adriaticus Van Douwe 1913 and Tigriopus fulvusalgiricus Monard 1935, and Tigriopus minutus Bozic 1960 are currently reported to occur in the Mediterranean area, but the actual diversity of the genus is currently unknown. We aimed to assess the actual identity of Mediterranean Tigriopus populations and to elucidate their taxonomy and pattern of genetic diversity. In order to reach these goals, a fragment of a mitochondrial DNA gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI) was sequenced to be used as a reference marker. Our data suggest the presence of a single species characterized by a noteworthy geographi-cally based genetic structure in the whole study area. The observed diversity pattern is tentatively ascribed here to a strong monopolization of the rock pools by the first immigrants that reached them. However, such a monopolization is periodically disrupted by local extinction events, which are frequent in the intrinsically unstable rock pool habitats. We propose the name “clockwork monopolization” for this pattern.El género de copépodos Tigriopus Norman, 1869 se distribuye en todo el mundo en charcas de rocas costeras y se considera que actualmente incluye 14 especies válidas. Tigriopus fulvus (Fischer 1860), con sus subespecies Tigriopus fulvus adriaticus Van Douwe 1913 y Tigriopus fulvus algiricus Monard 1935, y Tigriopus minutus Bozic 1960 han sido descritos para el área del Mediterráneo, pero la diversidad real del género es desconocida actualmente. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la identidad real de las poblaciones mediterráneas de Tigriopus y dilucidar su taxonomía y patrón de diversidad genética. Con este fin, se secuenció un fragmento del gen de ADN mitocondrial (citocromo c oxidasa subunidad I, COI) como marcador de referencia. Los resultados sugieren la presencia de una sola especie caracterizada por una estructuración genética con una notable base geográfica en toda el área de estudio. El patrón de diversidad observado aquí se atribuye tentativamente a una fuerte monopolización de las charcas de las costas rocosas por parte de los primeros inmigrantes que las alcanzan. Sin embargo, tal monopolización se interrumpe periódicamente por los eventos de extinción local, los cuales son frecuentes en los hábitats de charcas de rocas que son intrínsecamente inestables. Aquí proponemos para este patrón el nombre de “monopolización periódica” (“clockwork monopolization”)

    On the occurrence and distribution of Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Pseudodiaptomidae) in Sicily, Italy, with some notes on coexistence and species replacement in calanoid copepods

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    The only population of the pseudodiaptomid copepod Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 to date reported to occur in Sicily disappeared at the beginning of the XXI century due to deep environmental changes which affected the single site (Lake Biviere di Gela) known for this species on the island. In that site C. aquaedulcis is now replaced by Copidodiaptomus numidicus (Gurney, 1909), a diaptomid copepod whose distribution has been greatly increasing since the second half of the last century. In the present note, the occurrence of C. aquaedulcis in 12 novel water bodies spread throughout Sicily is reported, and some environmental data on the sites where the species was collected are provided. Moreover, in a few sites C. aquaedulcis was found to co-occur with Copidodiaptomus numidicus. The recorded co-occurrence of these two species and the replacement of C. aquaedulcis with C. numidicus in Lake Biviere di Gela are briefly discussed

    Molecular data attest to the occurrence of autochthonous daphnia pulex (Crustacea, branchiopoda) populations in Sicily, Italy

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    Biological invasions are known to be among the most important threats to the long-term conservation of native biota, and their effects might be even more difficult to contrast when they are cryptic, i.e., when the non-native invaders cannot be easily recognised based on morphology, and can thus be confused with native taxa. Such cryptic invasions are known to widely occur in the cladoceran genus Daphnia O.F. Müller, 1785, so that the actual distribution and status of most species and lineages need to be checked with a genetic approach. In the frame of this work, we investigated if the Sicilian populations of D. (Daphnia) pulex Leydig, 1860 belonged to the allochthonous North American lineage, which is known to occur in several regions of the Palearctic and Afrotropical biogeographical regions, or rather to the autochthonous European lineage of the species. The molecular results obtained, based on a fragment of the mitochondrial gene encoding for NADH subunit dehydrogenase 5 (ND5), allowed us to rule out the allochthonous status of the species, confirming the presence of autochthonous relictual lineages of D. pulex in Sicily. The native status of these populations is in agreement with their local distribution, limited to natural and poorly-impacted water bodies mostly located in wooded areas at medium and high altitudes. The current local distribution of D. pulex in Sicily is possibly linked to the end of the last glacial maximum and the onset of warmer climatic conditions in the early Holocene, which led the species to take refuge in colder microthermal refugia located at high altitudes, determining their current relictual distribution. se only

    First record of arctodiaptomus wierzejskii (Richard, 1888) (Copepoda Calanoida Diaptomidae) from Malta

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    Diaptomid copepods belonging to the genus Arctodiaptomus Kiefer, 1932 were collected in two temporary water bodies in Malta. The morphological identification of the collected specimens proved that they belong to Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii (Richard, 1888) even if a morphological peculiarity pertaining to the morphology of the male right antennule of the Maltese populations was observed and here briefly discussed. This finding constitutes the first record of a calanoid copepod from the inland waters of the Maltese Islands

    Psychopathy and criminal acts: free will or determinism?

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    openLa psicopatia vista sotto l'ipotesi del libero arbitrio e sotto quella deterministic

    The routes of the Mediterranean Sea circulation

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    The Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed basin connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the narrow and shallow Strait of Gibraltar and further subdivided in two different sub-basins, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Mediterranean, connected through the Stait of Sicily. On annual basis, a net heat budget of −7 W/m2, combined with exceeding evaporation over precipation and runoff together with wind stress, is responsible for the antiestuarine character of the zonal thermoaline circulation. The outflow at Gibraltar Strait is mainly composed of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) and deep water masses formed in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this thesis is to validate and quantitatively assess the main routes of water masses composing the ouflow at Gibraltar Strait, using for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea a lagrangian interpretation of the eulerian velocity field produced from an eddy-resolving reanalysis dataset, spanning from 2000 to 2012. A lagrangian model named Ariane is used to map out three-dimensional trajectories in order to describe the pathways of water mass transport from the Strait of Sicily, the Gulf of Lyon and the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea to the Gibraltar Strait. Numerical experiments were carried out by seeding millions of particles in the Strait of Gibraltar and following them backwards in time to track the origins of water masses and transport exchanged between the different sections of the Mediterranean. Finally, the main routes of the intermediate and deep water masses are reconstructed from virtual particles trajectories, which highlight the role of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW) as the main contributor to the Gibraltar Strait outflow. For the first time, the quantitative description of the flow of water masses coming from the Eastern Mediterranean towards the Gibraltar Strait is provided and a new route that directly links the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea to Gibralatr Strait has been detected

    On the occurrence of the invasive Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) in Sicilian inland waters

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    - The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896 is included among the worst invasive alien species in the Mediterranean Sea. Here we report the finding of the species in two Sicilian rivers, the Irminio and the Imera Meridionale, where it was collected up to 6 km distant from the river mouths. Although several records of the species are already available from Italy, this is the first evidence of the occurrence of this invasive crab this far from the coastline throughout the Country. In the light of the well-known impact of the Atlantic blue crab on the invaded water bodies, the monitoring of the species and appropriate mitigation strategies should be implemented in order to protect the threatened native biota of the Sicilian inland waters