4,198 research outputs found

    Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and International Banking: A Conflict of Interests

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    Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and International Banking: A Conflict of Interests

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    Breeding for resistance to iron chlorosis in soybeans

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    Use of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene from Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment without an accurate previous separation

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    The aim of this work it to develop recycling strategies for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS), coming from plastic WEEE stream, avoiding sorting by type. Self-compatibilization of ABS/HIPS blends, as well as the addition of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) as a compatibilizer to ABS/HIPS blends in order to improve mechanical properties, were studied. In this way, thermal behavior, mechanical performance and morphology of ABS/HIPS physical blends with two different proportions, 80/20 and 50/50, was analyzed comparatively with single ABS to assess self-compatibilization effectiveness. Obtained results indicate that ABS/HIPS self-compatibilization is effective. ABS can tolerate up to 50 wt% of HIPS conserving its properties with a slight improvement in ductility and strength. This allows a wider error in plastic sorting by type within plastic WEEE stream and consequently costs can be reduced. Same blends proportions with the addition of 2 wt% of SBS was also studied in comparison to their physical blends and single ABS. Mechanical properties of SBS-compatibilized blends were notably improved with respect to physical blends and consequently to ABS. Results are very promising for plastic WEEE recycling leading to a sustainable strategy that can promote the reuse of recycled ABS blended with other plastic WEEE instead of single ABS.Fil: Vazquez, Yamila Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Barbosa, Silvia Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; Argentin

    Life histories retold: reconceptualization of school biographies of trainee teachers

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    Hay docentes que dejan en sus alumnos marcas profundas que perduran en el tiempo y que luego se manifiestan de diferentes maneras. Se trata de trazas dibujadas por experiencias que conmueven y perduran, que hacen que el alumno se retire de la clase pensando y sintiendo; nos referimos a las huellas que deja aquella práctica docente aggiornada, compleja y reflexiva, que va más allá de simplemente ofrecer un conjunto de hechos, datos y conceptos ya que tienen un entramado subyacente que les da sentido (Maggio, 2012). El presente artículo se desprende de una investigación de corte cualitativo que adopta un enfoque interpretativo, entendido como un proceso de comprensión de los significados cercanos de los propios actores involucrando también la construcción de una lectura constante e integrando los detalles inmediatos con la teoría relevada. Para explorar las huellas docentes en toda su variedad y complejidad, se adopta una perspectiva narrativa, que nos brinda una forma de co-construir la realidad abordándola desde diferentes planos. De esta manera, y mediante el análisis de los textos de campo la narrativa ofrece una particular reconstrucción de la experiencia, a partir de un proceso reflexivo que resignifica lo sucedido o vivido buscando responder el principal interrogante que motivó la investigación: ¿cuáles son aquellas enseñanzas que han dejado su traza en la construcción del perfil profesional de los alumnos del Profesorado de Inglés de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP)?There are teachers who leave in their students deep marks that reveal themselves in different ways and last over time. These are traces drawn by experiences that move and last, that make the student leave the class thinking and feeling; we are referring to those traces left by updated, complex and reflective teaching practice, which goes beyond the simple fact of offering data and content as they have an underlying framework that gives them meaning (Maggio, 2012). This article follows a qualitative research that adopts an interpretative approach, perceived as a process of understanding the close meanings of the actors themselves, also involving the construction of a constant reading and integrating the immediate details with the relieved theory. To explore the teachers traces in all their variety and complexity, a narrative inquiry perspective is adopted, which gives us a way to co-construct reality by addressing it from different levels. In this way, and through the analysis of field texts, narrative inquiry offers a particular reconstruction of the experience, from a reflective process that resignifies what happened or was lived seeking answers to the main questions that motivated the research: which are those teachings experiences? who have left their trace in the construction of the professional profile of the students of the English Teaching Education Program of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP)?Fil: Brandan, Silvia Antonia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; ArgentinaFil: Porta Vazquez, Luis Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentin

    Building Safe Community Spaces for Immigrant Families, one Library at a Time

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    In today’s political climate, supporting the needs of young children from Latinx immigrant families has become increasingly difficult at the community, institutional, state, and federal levels. This essay is about a group of Latinx families who participated in an innovative early literacy program at a county public library branch in the migration setting of the U.S. Southeast known as the New Latino Diaspora (Hamann, Wortham, Murillo, 2015). We describe the program and its role in building a safe and welcoming environment for Latinx students and their families. We include the voices of the librarian and parents who had never before participated in a family literacy series for Spanish-speaking immigrants. We conclude with a discussion about factors that foster an inclusive community space for educational experiences

    Translation, Minority and National Identity. The Translation/Appropriation of W.B. Yeats in Galicia (1920-1935)

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    Recent developments in translation studies since the 1990s have focused on the ideological implications of translation, seeing the role of the translator as an interventionist and a mediator. This new paradigm overcomes the idea that translation is a mimetic task that consists merely of transferring meaning from one language to another, but rather it is associated with political processes which may involve domination, oppression, submission or resistance amongst social groups and communities. Recognition is given to the capacity of translation to forge social and cultural change. Postcolonial contexts have proven to be particularly fertile for the study of ideological issues related to translation insofar as they reflect a situation of inequality between language communities. In these contexts, translation can be used as a political artefact either to perpetuate colonial domination or to fight against it. As a result, the 1990s have seen the emergence of postcolonial translation theories. These new theories are not only applicable to contexts that are most commonly identified as postcolonial, but to any type of situation where there exists inequality between the two systems in which translation takes place (e.g., in subaltern cultures where the practice of translation can become a means of resistance against a situation of cultural domination and a channel of self-definition). In this regard, the situation of Galicia in the 1920s and 1930s is paradigmatic and it offers invaluable grounds for the study of translation when used as an ideological instrument in the struggle for the search and construction of a national identity. During this period a group of intellectuals, widely known as Xeración Nós, emerged in the region concerned with the articulation of a nationalist discourse based on the cultural and political differentiation of Galicia with regard to the rest of Spain. Their nation-building project was a response to a situation of cultural oppression, long imposed by the Spanish state represented by Castile, and it was based on the concepts of Celticism and Atlanticism. Resorting back to the alleged Galician ancestors, the Celts, they strove to establish affinities with the other so-called Celtic nations of Northern Europe, particularly Ireland, in order to include Galicia within the Celtic mythological tradition and, by extension, within a new Atlantic civilisation opposed to the Mediterranean one which they associated with Spain. Within this well planned ideological agenda, translation of Irish literary texts played an essential role as it was used as a political tool to establish the abovementioned affinity with Ireland. From the selection of the texts to be translated to the actual discourse strategies used by the translators, translation became a process of appropriation and manipulation to support ideological ends. Focusing on the translations of the Irish poet and playwright W.B. Yeats, the most translated Irish writer of the period and profoundly admired by the Galician intelligentsia, this thesis intends to explore how translation was used in a subversive and manipulative way to show Galicia’s distinctiveness and to build a national identity resisting cultural domination. Therefore, I will demonstrate the capacity of translation to shape cultures and to aid and support cultural and social change.

    La educación secundaria: de la crisis de sentido al desafío de la reconfiguración

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    Las ideas sobre la educación secundaria que dan lugar a esta ponencia surgen de un proceso de construcción colectiva de conocimientos desarrollado en los ámbitos de producción político-pedagógica de Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina (CTERA), enriquecido por el aporte de un proyecto de investigación que, bajo mi dirección, se realiza de manera conjunta con la Universidad Nacional de Luján. Esta investigación se sitúa en un particular momento de la política educativa nacional, en el cual la escuela secundaria parece estar en el centro de las preocupaciones y redefiniciones. Intentando superar los diagnósticos acerca de la “crisis” de este nivel del sistema, hoy se rehace necesario un profundo cambio cultural, que fracture los sentidos comunes respecto del valor social de la educación secundaria, y anticipe formas y contenidos de una escolaridad diferente.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Contentious Responses to the Crises in Spain : Emphasis Frames and Public Support for Protest on Twitter and the Press.

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    This research analyzes how different types of frames adopted by news organizations and social media affected the support for protests against austerity measures in Spain. We pay special attention to the individual understandings of the crises based on materialistic grievances and nonmaterialistic accounts of the economic crises. We identified frames using a supervised approach and a data set of 2 million tweets gathered during the major demonstrations of the Indignados Movement between 2011 and 2013. Our second data set included the news-related content published by the top Spanish newspapers, in terms of circulation, during those demonstrations. We found that support for antiausterity protests was conditioned by understandings of the crisis. Frames addressing the political system were negatively related to the support for protests against austerity measures, as compared with those referring to the crisis as an economic matter. In addition, more challenging and controversial frames generated lower acceptance of the protests among the population than those that primed social problems

    Cultivo en maceta de Iris xiphium L. (Iris de Holanda) con diferentes concentraciones de humus de lombriz y sus lixiviados

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    Se evaluaron tres variedades de Iris xiphium L. cultivadas en maceta en cuatro proporciones de humus de lombriz y se aplicaron los lixiviados diluidos como bioabono foliar. El experimento se realizó en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo trifactorial y se midieron ocho variables: longitud de tallo (LT), longitud de botón (LB), longitud de flor (LF), diámetro de botón (DB), diámetro de flor (DF), biomasa (B), área foliar (AF) y días de cosecha (DDC). Los resultados indicaron que la variedad Telstar resultó ser la más precoz. El mejor tratamiento en dicha variedad para las variables LT, LB, B, DF y DDC correspondió a la proporción 30/70 (% lombrihumus / % suelo) y la dilución 1:10 de lixiviado; el segundo mejor tratamiento fue en la variedad Discovery en la proporción 40/60 (%lombrihumus / %suelo) y dilución 1:10 de lixiviado para las variables LT, AF y B. El presente trabajo aporta nueva información en cuanto al uso de sustratos y abono foliar orgánicos para el manejo sustentable, con bajo impacto ambiental, en cultivos florícolas