19,190 research outputs found

    Lack of consensus in social systems

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    We propose an exactly solvable model for the dynamics of voters in a two-party system. The opinion formation process is modeled on a random network of agents. The dynamical nature of interpersonal relations is also reflected in the model, as the connections in the network evolve with the dynamics of the voters. In the infinite time limit, an exact solution predicts the emergence of consensus, for arbitrary initial conditions. However, before consensus is reached, two different metastable states can persist for exponentially long times. One state reflects a perfect balancing of opinions, the other reflects a completely static situation. An estimate of the associated lifetimes suggests that lack of consensus is typical for large systems.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates

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    We explore how heterogeneity in the intensity of interactions between people affects epidemic spreading. For that, we study the susceptible-infected-susceptible model on a complex network, where a link connecting individuals ii and jj is endowed with an infection rate ÎČij=λwij\beta_{ij} = \lambda w_{ij} proportional to the intensity of their contact wijw_{ij}, with a distribution P(wij)P(w_{ij}) taken from face-to-face experiments analyzed in Cattuto et  al.et\;al. (PLoS ONE 5, e11596, 2010). We find an extremely slow decay of the fraction of infected individuals, for a wide range of the control parameter λ\lambda. Using a distribution of width aa we identify two large regions in the a−λa-\lambda space with anomalous behaviors, which are reminiscent of rare region effects (Griffiths phases) found in models with quenched disorder. We show that the slow approach to extinction is caused by isolated small groups of highly interacting individuals, which keep epidemic alive for very long times. A mean-field approximation and a percolation approach capture with very good accuracy the absorbing-active transition line for weak (small aa) and strong (large aa) disorder, respectively

    Statistics of Core Lifetimes in Numerical Simulations of Turbulent, Magnetically Supercritical Molecular Clouds

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    We present measurements of the mean dense core lifetimes in numerical simulations of magnetically supercritical, turbulent, isothermal molecular clouds, in order to compare with observational determinations. "Prestellar" lifetimes (given as a function of the mean density within the cores, which in turn is determined by the density threshold n_thr used to define them) are consistent with observationally reported values, ranging from a few to several free-fall times. We also present estimates of the fraction of cores in the "prestellar", "stellar'', and "failed" (those cores that redisperse back into the environment) stages as a function of n_thr. The number ratios are measured indirectly in the simulations due to their resolution limitations. Our approach contains one free parameter, the lifetime of a protostellar object t_yso (Class 0 + Class I stages), which is outside the realm of the simulations. Assuming a value t_yso = 0.46 Myr, we obtain number ratios of starless to stellar cores ranging from 4-5 at n_thr = 1.5 x 10^4 cm^-3 to 1 at n_thr = 1.2 x 10^5 cm^-3, again in good agreement with observational determinations. We also find that the mass in the failed cores is comparable to that in stellar cores at n_thr = 1.5 x 10^4 cm^-3, but becomes negligible at n_thr = 1.2 x 10^5 cm^-3, in agreement with recent observational suggestions that at the latter densities the cores are in general gravitationally dominated. We conclude by noting that the timescale for core contraction and collapse is virtually the same in the subcritical, ambipolar diffusion-mediated model of star formation, in the model of star formation in turbulent supercritical clouds, and in a model intermediate between the previous two, for currently accepted values of the clouds' magnetic criticality.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, ApJ accepted. Fig.1 animation is at http://www.astrosmo.unam.mx/~e.vazquez/turbulence/movies/Galvan_etal07/Galvan_etal07.htm

    Turbulent dissipation in the ISM: the coexistence of forced and decaying regimes and implications for galaxy formation and evolution

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    We discuss the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy Ek in the global ISM by means of 2-D, MHD, non-isothermal simulations in the presence of model radiative heating and cooling. We argue that dissipation in 2D is representative of that in three dimensions as long as it is dominated by shocks rather than by a turbulent cascade. Energy is injected at a few isolated sites in space, over relatively small scales, and over short time periods. This leads to the coexistence of forced and decaying regimes in the same flow. We find that the ISM-like flow dissipates its turbulent energy rapidly. In simulations with forcing, the input parameters are the radius l_f of the forcing region, the total kinetic energy e_k each source deposits into the flow, and the rate of formation of those regions, sfr_OB. The global dissipation time t_d depends mainly on l_f. In terms of measurable properties of the ISM, t_d >= Sigma_g u_rms^2/(e_k sfr_OB), where Sigma_g is the average gas surface density and u_rms is the rms velocity dispersion. For the solar neighborhood, t_d >= 1.5x10^7 yr. The global dissipation time is consistently smaller than the crossing time of the largest energy-containing scales. In decaying simulations, Ek decreases with time as t^-n, where n~0.8-0.9. This suggests a decay with distance d as Ek\propto d^{-2n/(2-n)} in the mixed forced+decaying case. If applicable to the vertical direction, our results support models of galaxy evolution in which stellar energy injection provides significant support for the gas disk thickness, but not models of galaxy formation in which this energy injection is supposed to reheat an intra-halo medium at distances of up to 10-20 times the optical galaxy size, as the dissipation occurs on distances comparable to the disk height.Comment: 23 pages, including figures. To appear in ApJ. Abstract abridge

    The Structure of Liquid and Amorphous Hafnia.

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    Understanding the atomic structure of amorphous solids is important in predicting and tuning their macroscopic behavior. Here, we use a combination of high-energy X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and molecular dynamics simulations to benchmark the atomic interactions in the high temperature stable liquid and low-density amorphous solid states of hafnia. The diffraction results reveal an average Hf-O coordination number of ~7 exists in both the liquid and amorphous nanoparticle forms studied. The measured pair distribution functions are compared to those generated from several simulation models in the literature. We have also performed ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations that show density has a strong effect on the polyhedral connectivity. The liquid shows a broad distribution of Hf-Hf interactions, while the formation of low-density amorphous nanoclusters can reproduce the sharp split peak in the Hf-Hf partial pair distribution function observed in experiment. The agglomeration of amorphous nanoparticles condensed from the gas phase is associated with the formation of both edge-sharing and corner-sharing HfO6,7 polyhedra resembling that observed in the monoclinic phase

    Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT): Validity evidence from Brazil and Portugal

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    The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) is gaining increased attention as a sound and innovative instrument in its conceptualization of burnout. BAT has been adapted by several countries, revealing promising validity evidence. This paper aims to present the psychometric properties of the Brazilian and Portuguese versions of the BAT in both the 23-item and 12-item versions. BAT’s validity evidence based on the internal structure (dimensionality, reliability, and measurement invariance) and validity evidence based on the relations to other variables are the focus of research. A cross-sectional study was conducted with two non-probabilistic convenience samples from two countries (N = 3103) one from Brazil (nBrazil = 2217) and one from Portugal (nPortugal = 886). BAT’s original structure was confirmed, and it achieved measurement invariance across countries. Using both classic test theory and item response theory as frameworks, the BAT presented good validity evidence based on the internal structure. Furthermore, the BAT showed good convergent evidence (i.e., work engagement, co-worker support, role clarity, work overload, and negative change). In conclusion, the psychometric properties of the BAT make this freely available instrument a promising way to measure and compare burnout levels of Portuguese and Brazilian workers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is Thermal Instability Significant in Turbulent Galactic Gas?

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    We investigate numerically the role of thermal instability (TI) as a generator of density structures in the interstellar medium (ISM), both by itself and in the context of a globally turbulent medium. Simulations of the instability alone show that the condenstion process which forms a dense phase (``clouds'') is highly dynamical, and that the boundaries of the clouds are accretion shocks, rather than static density discontinuities. The density histograms (PDFs) of these runs exhibit either bimodal shapes or a single peak at low densities plus a slope change at high densities. Final static situations may be established, but the equilibrium is very fragile: small density fluctuations in the warm phase require large variations in the density of the cold phase, probably inducing shocks into the clouds. This result suggests that such configurations are highly unlikely. Simulations including turbulent forcing show that large- scale forcing is incapable of erasing the signature of the TI in the density PDFs, but small-scale, stellar-like forcing causes erasure of the signature of the instability. However, these simulations do not reach stationary regimes, TI driving an ever-increasing star formation rate. Simulations including magnetic fields, self-gravity and the Coriolis force show no significant difference between the PDFs of stable and unstable cases, and reach stationary regimes, suggesting that the combination of the stellar forcing and the extra effective pressure provided by the magnetic field and the Coriolis force overwhelm TI as a density-structure generator in the ISM. We emphasize that a multi-modal temperature PDF is not necessarily an indication of a multi-phase medium, which must contain clearly distinct thermal equilibrium phases.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Formation and Collapse of Quiescent Cloud Cores Induced by Dynamic Compressions

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    (Abridged) We present numerical hydrodynamical simulations of the formation, evolution and gravitational collapse of isothermal molecular cloud cores. A compressive wave is set up in a constant sub-Jeans density distribution of radius r = 1 pc. As the wave travels through the simulation grid, a shock-bounded spherical shell is formed. The inner shock of this shell reaches and bounces off the center, leaving behind a central core with an initially almost uniform density distribution, surrounded by an envelope consisting of the material in the shock-bounded shell, with a power-law density profile that at late times approaches a logarithmic slope of -2 even in non-collapsing cases. The resulting density structure resembles a quiescent core of radius < 0.1 pc, with a Bonnor-Ebert-like (BE-like) profile, although it has significant dynamical differences: it is initially non-self-gravitating and confined by the ram pressure of the infalling material, and consequently, growing continuously in mass and size. With the appropriate parameters, the core mass eventually reaches an effective Jeans mass, at which time the core begins to collapse. Thus, there is necessarily a time delay between the appearance of the core and the onset of its collapse, but this is not due to the dissipation of its internal turbulence as it is often believed. These results suggest that pre-stellar cores may approximate Bonnor-Ebert structures which are however of variable mass and may or may not experience gravitational collapse, in qualitative agreement with the large observed frequency of cores with BE-like profiles.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Associated mpeg files can be found in http://www.astrosmo.unam.mx/~g.gomez/publica.htm

    The Probability Distribution Function of Column Density in Molecular Clouds

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    (Abridged) We discuss the probability distribution function (PDF) of column density resulting from density fields with lognormal PDFs, applicable to isothermal gas (e.g., probably molecular clouds). We suggest that a ``decorrelation length'' can be defined as the distance over which the density auto-correlation function has decayed to, for example, 10% of its zero-lag value, so that the density ``events'' along a line of sight can be assumed to be independent over distances larger than this, and the Central Limit Theorem should be applicable. However, using random realizations of lognormal fields, we show that the convergence to a Gaussian is extremely slow in the high- density tail. Thus, the column density PDF is not expected to exhibit a unique functional shape, but to transit instead from a lognormal to a Gaussian form as the ratio η\eta of the column length to the decorrelation length increases. Simultaneously, the PDF's variance decreases. For intermediate values of η\eta, the column density PDF assumes a nearly exponential decay. We then discuss the density power spectrum and the expected value of η\eta in actual molecular clouds. Observationally, our results suggest that η\eta may be inferred from the shape and width of the column density PDF in optically-thin-line or extinction studies. Our results should also hold for gas with finite-extent power-law underlying density PDFs, which should be characteristic of the diffuse, non-isothermal neutral medium (temperatures ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand degrees). Finally, we note that for η≳100\eta \gtrsim 100, the dynamic range in column density is small (â‰Č\lesssim a factor of 10), but this is only an averaging effect, with no implication on the dynamic range of the underlying density distribution.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures (10 postscript files). Accepted in ApJ. Eliminated implication that ratio of column length to correlation length necessarily increases with resolution, and thus that 3D simulations are unresolved. Added discussion of dependence of autocorrelation function with parameters of the turbulenc
