761 research outputs found

    Regional expression of tourism development

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of tourism to strengthen the capacities of the different regions and their resources. With this goal in mind an empirical study was conducted in a tourist destination located in the inner part of Portugal (Beira Interior), which aimed to measure the satisfaction obtained by tourists and also to identify the elements of the supply that the demand considers more important to choose this destination. The research stated that the symbolic aspects related to the specific resources of the region were the most important elements that help tourists to choose their destination and the same elements are also those that make tourists more satisfied. Assuming that the symbolic contents are in fact the underlying identity of the region, one can conclude that the more the identity of the region is reinforced, the more the difference is motivating and the more this identity is a key factor of its attractivenessregional development, differentiation, specific resources, tourist destination, demand-oriented assessment

    Windows Vista media center controlled by speech

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentado à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 200

    O meme como recurso tradutório: uma análise das dublagens brasileiras das séries animadas big mouth e (des)encanto

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Este trabalho apresenta uma análise, embasada na linguística sistêmico-funcional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), sobre os memes como um recurso tradutório utilizado nas dublagens do inglês e do português brasileiro das séries animadas Big Mouth e (Des)Encanto. Foi produzido um corpus com as transcrições da dublagem dos dois idiomas. Em seguida, foi feita uma análise com base nas metafunções interpessoal, ideacional e textual. Por fim, os dados foram submetidos a uma análise estatística multivariada com o objetivo de estabelecer relações entre as orações anotadas e suas equivalências. Os resultados evidenciam que nas séries animadas os memes operam como equivalentes no nível semântico para a construção do humor

    Reconstrução papilar associada à reabilitação protética

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    Increasingly society emphasizes the need for a favorable aesthetic, patients seek cosmetic treatments to improve the aesthetics of the smile but, beyond the teeth, the gingiva is a fundamental factor in the composition of a harmonious smile. Among the problems that affect gingival aesthetics, the recession is the main one. It affects the vestibular and interproximal areas with consequent functional and aesthetic discomfort. In turn, the success of papilla reconstructions is directly related to the level of insertion loss in these areas. Objective: The objective of this study was to present a clinical case where papillary reconstruction was performed associated with crowns rehabilitations. Materials and Methods: Patient with black space in the upper central incisor region, aesthetic discomfort and gingival recession Type 1 (Cairo classification). There was also a low insertion of the Upper Lip Fraenum. Thus, the proposed treatment was a Frenectomy associated with connective tissue graft in the region of the papilla and posterior prosthetic rehabilitation of the teeth. Results: After the postoperative period, the volume of the interdental papilla was increased, which made it possible to make the desired prosthesis. Conclusion: Provided that the requirements regarding classification, surgical and prosthetic technique are met, it is possible to obtain papillary reconstruction, with consequent optimization of gingival aesthetics.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Cada vez mais a sociedade enfatiza a necessidade de uma estética favorável, pacientes procuram por tratamentos cosméticos a fim de melhorar a estética do sorriso, porém além dos dentes a gengiva é fator fundamental na composição de um sorriso harmônico. Dentre os problemas que acometem a estética gengival, a recessão é o principal, afeta as áreas vestibulares e interproximais com consequente desconforto funcional e estético. Por sua vez, o sucesso das reconstruções das papilas está diretamente relacionado com o nível da perda de inserção nessas áreas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um caso clínico em que se realizou a reconstrução papilar associada à confecção de próteses fixas. Materiais e Métodos: Paciente portador de “Black space” na região dos incisivos centrais superiores, desconforto estético e recessão gengival Tipo 1 (Classificação de Cairo). Observou-se também inserção baixa do Freio Labial Superior. Dessa forma, o tratamento proposto foi uma frenectomia conjunta a enxerto mucoso (EM) na região da elevação da papila e posterior reabilitação protética dos dentes. Resultado: Transcorrido o período pós-operatório foi obtido o aumento do volume da papila interdental, fato que viabilizou a confecção da prótese desejada. Conclusão: Desde que atendidos os requisitos referentes à classificação técnica cirúrgica e protética, é possível obter a reconstrução papilar com consequente otimização da estética gengival

    Quality Index Method for fish quality control: Understanding the applications, the appointed limits and the upcoming trends

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    Background: The Quality Index Method (QIM) is a widely used approach for fish sensory grading, based on a structured scaling for freshness measurements, providing information concerning the fish freshness status, as a prediction of the remaining shelf-life for specific species or products. However, its tendency to be used in an oversimplified way and other common misapplications could lead to discredit of a methodology with great potential. Scope and approach: Review the principles of QIM methodology, discussing its concept, applications, and un derstand their limits, as a useful strategy to propose improvements, reinforce its predictive power and consequent acceptability. Key findings and conclusions: QIM methodology is based on a compromise between the number of fish samples necessary and the number of attributes, with sensory relevance in fish spoilage, that allows verifying if quality requirements are fulfilled. However, the assumptions inherent to the method, undermine the reliability of the shelf-life predictions. Determination of the variability associated with assessors, product, and correct structure of datasets for statistical analysis, will improve the predictive power of the method. However, it could lead to an increase in the method complexity that would drive it away from the industry’s needs for fast and easily implemented methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Freshness assessment and shelf-life prediction for Seriola dumerili from aquaculture based on the quality index method

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    Fish and fish-based products are easily perishable foods due to different factors, including fragile organization, abundant endo-enzymes, psychrophilic bacteria, and impact of pre-harvest operations, that contribute to reducing its value. Therefore, a timely effective method for fish freshness and shelf-life evaluation is important. In this context, this study aimed to develop a sensory scheme based on the Quality Index Method (QIM) (sensory table and point system) for freshness monitorization and shelf-life prediction for Seriola dumerili from aquaculture in Madeira Island. Evaluation of appearance, texture, eyes, and gills was performed during 20 days of storage on ice (0 ± 1 ◦C). The shelf-life prediction was supported by the analysis of microorganisms (total viable colonies, TVC, counts), texture (Torrymeter), and production of trimethylamine (TMA), evaluated by HS-SPME–GC–MS and validated according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists AOAC guidelines. The result is a QIM scheme with 25 demerit points, where zero indicates total freshness. From the integration of sensory analysis, microbial growth at the time of rejection (TVC, 108 cfu/cm2 and H2S producers, 107 cfu/cm2 ), texture (Torrymeter value 12.5 mg/100 g), shelf-life was estimated as 12 days (±0.5 days). The obtained results show the high-throughput potential of the developed method for fish freshness assessment and shelf-life prediction. This QIM scheme is a secure way to measure quality and provide users with a reliable standardized fish freshness measure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From aquaculture production to consumption: freshness, safety, traceability and authentication, the four pillars of quality

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    Farmed aquatic products are among the most widely traded commodities and one of the sectors with the fastest growth in the last years. However, aquaculture is still affected by negative connotations in comparison with other agroindustry sectors. Markets, consumer preferences and concerns about food safety and sustainability are influencing the growth of the sector and are forcing the implementation of quality management systems. Modern management systems help to minimize the environmental impacts and the distribution of unsafe or poor-quality products, thereby reducing the potential for bad image, liability and recalls. This article presents a compre hensive overview of the status, relevance, and impact of the quality management systems in the development of marine aquaculture, with the focus on four of the most important criteria associated with these systems: freshness, safety, traceability, and authenticity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychology in Education and Health- Proceedings of the II Leipzig-Évora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    This ebook contains several papers on the application applied psychology in education, health and well-being, personality,family interactions and emotional and epistemological development.The aim of this volume is to inform the scientific community on the research on Psychology mainly made at Évora and Leipzig Universities, but also in other contexts like Mexico or Brazil.FC