2,038 research outputs found
The cohomology ring of the 12-dimensional Fomin-Kirillov algebra
The -dimensional Fomin-Kirillov algebra is defined as the
quadratic algebra with generators , and which satisfy the relations
and . By a result of A. Milinski and H.-J.
Schneider, this algebra is isomorphic to the Nichols algebra associated to the
Yetter-Drinfeld module , over the symmetric group ,
corresponding to the conjugacy class of all transpositions and the sign
representation. Exploiting this identification, we compute the cohomology ring
, showing that it is a polynomial ring with
coefficients in the symmetric braided algebra of . As an application we also
compute the cohomology rings of the bosonization and
of its dual, which are -dimensional ordinary Hopf algebras.Comment: v3: Final version, accepted for publication in Advances in
Improved holder protects crystal during high acceleration and impact
A plastic holder, which retains a crystal blank with standard silvered contacts sandwiched between two copper contacts, protects the crystal against vibration during high acceleration and impact
Verma and simple modules for quantum groups at non-abelian groups
The Drinfeld double D of the bosonization of a finite-dimensional Nichols
algebra B(V) over a finite non-abelian group G is called a quantum group at a
non-abelian group. We introduce Verma modules over such a quantum group D and
prove that a Verma module has simple head and simple socle. This provides two
bijective correspondences between the set of simple modules over D and the set
of simple modules over the Drinfeld double D(G). As an example, we describe the
lattice of submodules of the Verma modules over the quantum group at the
symmetric group S3 attached to the 12-dimensional Fomin-Kirillov algebra,
computing all the simple modules and calculating their dimensions.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures v2: final version. Main changes: Theorem 5 is new
and Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.5 were improve
Representations of copointed Hopf algebras arising from the tetrahedron rack
We study the copointed Hopf algebras attached to the Nichols algebra of the
affine rack \Aff(\F_4,\omega), also known as tetrahedron rack, and the
2-cocycle -1. We investigate the so-called Verma modules and classify all the
simple modules. We conclude that these algebras are of wild representation type
and not quasitriangular, also we analyze when these are spherical
Detailed analysis of the effects of stencil spatial variations with arbitrary high-order finite-difference Maxwell solver
Due to discretization effects and truncation to finite domains, many
electromagnetic simulations present non-physical modifications of Maxwell's
equations in space that may generate spurious signals affecting the overall
accuracy of the result. Such modifications for instance occur when Perfectly
Matched Layers (PMLs) are used at simulation domain boundaries to simulate open
media. Another example is the use of arbitrary order Maxwell solver with domain
decomposition technique that may under some condition involve stencil
truncations at subdomain boundaries, resulting in small spurious errors that do
eventually build up. In each case, a careful evaluation of the characteristics
and magnitude of the errors resulting from these approximations, and their
impact at any frequency and angle, requires detailed analytical and numerical
studies. To this end, we present a general analytical approach that enables the
evaluation of numerical discretization errors of fully three-dimensional
arbitrary order finite-difference Maxwell solver, with arbitrary modification
of the local stencil in the simulation domain. The analytical model is
validated against simulations of domain decomposition technique and PMLs, when
these are used with very high-order Maxwell solver, as well as in the infinite
order limit of pseudo-spectral solvers. Results confirm that the new analytical
approach enables exact predictions in each case. It also confirms that the
domain decomposition technique can be used with very high-order Maxwell solver
and a reasonably low number of guard cells with negligible effects on the whole
accuracy of the simulation.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure
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