245 research outputs found

    "Competition policy" and the Doha development agenda. A position paper for the Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology

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    This position paper identifies a range of elements in the international debate on ‘Competition Policy’ that preceded the 2001 Doha Declaration. It is intended as a ‘scene-setter’, as the WTO moves towards its pivotal fifth Ministerial meeting in Mexico in September 2003

    Dry supplementary feeding programmes: an effective short-term strategy in food crisis situations.

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    Malnutrition is frequently a predominant problem in disasters, and supplementary feeding programmes (SFPs) are often set up in food emergencies. This review analyses the effectiveness of such programmes in crisis situations in Liberia, Burundi and Goma (Congo), concluding that it is feasible to enrol large numbers of children in SFPs and achieve proportions of recovery above 75% if these programmes are implemented as a short-term measure in emergency situations. However, satisfactory SFP results do not necessarily indicate improved nutritional status of the whole population

    Plankton DNA extraction from Sterivex filter units

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    The objective of this protocol is to provide a reliable and replicable method for the DNA extraction of lake micro-plankton to be used for downstream DNA analysis. This protocol is one of those proposed by the Eco-AlpsWater consortium to promote the implementation of High Throughput Sequencing (HT S) of environmental DNA (eDNA) in the biomonitoring and ecological assessment of water bodies. The extraction is performed from samples filtered through Sterivex cartridges (Sterivex™ GP 0.22μm) and stored at -20°C, as described in the protocol dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.xn6fmhe, and with the use of the DNeasy® PowerWater Sterivex Kit (QIAGEN) with specific modifications adapted to plankton DNA extraction. The application proposed here, in the context of EcoAlpsWater, aims at comparing DNA inventories to traditional phytoplanktonic inventories and at characterizing more broadly the micro-planktonic diversity through eDNA analysis (including bacteria). This protocol is part of the deliverables provided by the WP1 of the Eco-AlpsWater project. All members of the EcoAlpsWater consortium (http://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/eco-alpswater/en/home) contributed to the optimization of this protocol

    Candida albicans colonization and dissemination from the murine gastrointestinal tract : the influence of morphology and Th17 immunity

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    This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (086558, 080088, 102705), a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (097377) and a studentship from the University of Aberdeen. D.K. was supported by grant 5R01AI083344 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and by a Voelcker Young Investigator Award from the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fungal Chitin Dampens Inflammation through IL-10 Induction Mediated by NOD2 and TLR9 Activation

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    Funding: JW and NARG thank the Wellcome Trust (080088, 086827, 075470), The Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (097377) and the European Union ALLFUN (FP7/2007 2013, HEALTH-2010-260338) for funding. MGN was supported by a Vici grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. AJPB and DMM were funded by STRIFE, ERC-2009-AdG-249793 and AJPB additionally by FINSysB, PITN-GA-2008-214004 and the BBSRC [BB/F00513X/1]. MDL was supported by the MRC (MR/J008230/1). GDB and SV were funded by the Wellcome Trust (086558) and TB and MK were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bi 696/3-1; Bi 696/5-2; Bi 696/10-1). MS was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sch 897/1-3) and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (R01 DE017514-01). TDK and RKSM were funded by the National Institute of Health (AR056296, AI101935) and the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The ambiguous utility of psychometrics for the interpretative foundation of socially relevant avatars

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    Accepted for publication in Theory & PsychologyInternational audienceThe persisting debates that measurement in psychology elicits can be explained by the conflict between two aspiration types. One, the epistemologic aspiration, resting on the search for scientific truth, and two, the social aspiration, resting on the demonstration of a capacity to contribute to psychological assessment problems in particular. Psychometrics answer essentially to psychology's demand for social utility, leading to the quasi-exclusive attribution of importance to quantitative interpretation. For psychology to be considered an empirical science, it has to establish its capacity for the measurement of psychological phenomena, even if this means that it recognizes that these phenomena are essentially qualitative

    Correlation between the Extraordinary Hall Effect and Resistivity

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    We study the contribution of different types of scattering sources to the extraordinary Hall effect. Scattering by magnetic nano-particles embedded in normal-metal matrix, insulating impurities in magnetic matrix, surface scattering and temperature dependent scattering are experimentally tested. Our new data, as well as previously published results on a variety of materials, are fairly interpreted by a simple modification of the skew scattering model

    eDNA metabarcoding biodiversity of freshwater fish in the Alpine area

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) based methods are proving to be a promising tool for freshwater fish biodiversity assessment in Europe within the Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC) especially for large rivers and lakes where current fish monitoring techniques have known shortcomings. Many freshwater fish are experiencing critical population declines with risk of local or global extinction because of intense anthropogenic pressure and this can have serious consequences on freshwater ecosystem functioning and diversity. Within the EU project Eco-AlpsWater, advanced high throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques are used to improve the traditional WFD monitoring approaches by using environmental DNA (eDNA) collected in Alpine waterbodies. An eDNA metabarcoding approach specifically designed to measure freshwater fish biodiversity in Alpine lakes and rivers has been extensively evaluated by using mock samples within an intercalibration test. This eDNA method was validated and used to study fish biodiversity of eight lakes and six rivers of the Alpine region including four EC countries (Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia) and Switzerland. More in detail, this metabarcoding approach, based on HTS sequencing of a section of the 12S rRNA gene, was used to assess freshwater fish biodiversity and their distribution in the different habitats. These data represent the first attempt to provide a comprehensive description of freshwater fish diversity in different ecosystems of the Alpine area confirming the applicability of eDNA metabarcoding analyses for the biomonitoring of fish inhabiting Alpine and perialpine lakes and rivers

    Differential adaptation of Candida albicans in vivo modulates immune recognition by dectin-1

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    Author Summary Dectin-1 is a pattern recognition receptor recognising the fungal cell-wall component, β-glucan, and plays an essential role in controlling C. albicans infections in both mouse and man. Candida albicans is part of the normal human microflora, yet is capable of causing superficial mucosal infections as well as life-threatening invasive diseases, particularly in patients whose immune function is compromised. Here we found that the contribution of Dectin-1 is limited to specific strains of C. albicans ; effects which are due to the differential adaptation of these pathogens during infection. Importantly, C. albicans strains showed variations in both the composition and nature of their cell walls, and it was these differences which influenced the role of Dectin-1. Crucially, we found that we could alter the fungal cell wall, and subsequent interactions with the host, using antifungal drugs. These findings have substantial implications for our understanding of the factors contributing to human susceptibility to infections with C. albicans , but also treatment strategies

    Can HIV self-testing reach first-time testers? A telephone survey among self-test end users in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal

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    BACKGROUND: Coverage of HIV testing remains sub-optimal in West Africa. Between 2019 and 2022, the ATLAS program distributed ~400 000 oral HIV self-tests (HIVST) in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal, prioritising female sex workers (FSW) and men having sex with men (MSM), and relying on secondary redistribution of HIVST to partners, peers and clients to reach individuals not tested through conventional testing. This study assesses the proportion of first-time testers among HIVST users and the associated factors. METHODS: A phone-based survey was implemented among HIVST users recruited using dedicated leaflets inviting them to anonymously call a free phone number. We collected socio-demographics, sexual behaviours, HIV testing history, HIVST use, and satisfaction with HIVST. We reported the proportion of first-time testers and computed associated factors using logistic regression. RESULTS: Between March and June 2021, 2 615 participants were recruited for 50 940 distributed HIVST (participation rate: 5.1%). Among participants, 30% received their HIVST kit through secondary distribution (from a friend, sexual partner, family member, or colleague). The proportion who had never tested for HIV before HIVST (first-time testers) was 41%. The main factors associated with being a first-time tester were sex, age group, education level, condom use, and secondary distribution. A higher proportion was observed among those aged 24 years or less (55% vs 32% for 25-34, aOR: 0.37 [95%CI: 0.30-0.44], and 26% for 35 years or more, aOR: 0.28 [0.21-0.37]); those less educated (48% for none/primary education vs 45% for secondary education, aOR: 0.60 [0.47-0.77], and 29% for higher education, aOR: 0.33 [0.25-0.44]). A lower proportion was observed among women (37% vs 43%, aOR: 0.49 [0.40-0.60]); those reporting always using a condom over the last year (36% vs 51% for those reporting never using them, aOR: 2.02 [1.59-2.56]); and those who received their HISVST kit through primary distribution (39% vs 46% for secondary distribution, aOR: 1.32 [1.08-1.60]). CONCLUSION: ATLAS HIVST strategy, including secondary distribution, successfully reached a significant proportion of first-time testers. HIVST has the potential to reach underserved populations and contribute to the expansion of HIV testing services in West Africa