456 research outputs found

    La violence sexuelle contre les femmes dans les pays en guerre et vivant des conflits ethniques : défis pour la pratique

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    Des 27 millions de personnes rĂ©fugiĂ©es et dĂ©placĂ©es dans le monde aujourd’hui, 80 % sont des femmes et des enfants. Entre les annĂ©es 1992 et 2001, 116 709 femmes ont demandĂ© l’asile au Canada. La violence sexuelle contre les femmes dans un contexte de guerre et de conflits ethniques est considĂ©rĂ©e comme une violation des droits humains depuis les annĂ©es 90. Cette problĂ©matique interpelle la communautĂ© internationale et toutes les praticiennes. À leur arrivĂ©e, les femmes rĂ©fugiĂ©es victimes de violence sexuelle n’ont pas accĂšs Ă  des services sociaux adĂ©quats, adaptĂ©s Ă  leurs besoins. Cet article explore les dimensions du viol de guerre et de la victimisation de femmes qui peuvent Ă©prouver des problĂšmes d’intĂ©gration lors de leur installation au pays Ă  cause de leur grande vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et des sĂ©quelles des violences subies. De plus, notre conception occidentale des secteurs « privé » et « public » soulĂšve d’importantes questions sur nos approches d’intervention qui ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement appropriĂ©es aux besoins de ces femmes

    Survival, disabilities in activities of daily living, and physical and cognitive functioning among the oldest-old in China: a cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The oldest-old (those aged ≄80 years) are the most rapidly growing age group globally, and are most in need of health care and assistance. We aimed to assess changes in mortality, disability in activities of daily living, and physical and cognitive functioning among oldest-old individuals between 1998 and 2008. METHODS: We used data from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Study. Three pairs of cohorts aged 80-89 years, 90-99 years, and 100-105 years (in total, 19 528 oldest-old participants) were examined; the two cohorts in each pair were born 10 years apart, with the same age at the time of the assessment in the 1998 and 2008 surveys. Four health outcomes were investigated: annual death rate, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), physical performance in three tests and cognitive function measured by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). We used different tests and multivariate regression analyses to examine the cohort differences. FINDINGS: Controlling for various confounding factors, we noted that annual mortality among oldest-old individuals was substantially reduced between 0·2% and 1·3% in 1998-2008 compared with individuals of the same age born 10 years previously, and that disability according to activities of daily living had significantly reduced annually between 0·8% and 2·8%. However, cognitive impairment in the later cohorts increased annually between 0·7% and 2·2% and objective physical performance capacity (standing up from a chair, picking up a book from the floor, and turning around 360°) decreased anually between 0·4% and 3·8%. We also noted that female mortality was substantially lower than male mortality among the oldest-old, but that women's functional capacities in activities of daily living, cognition, and physical performance were worse than their male counterparts. INTERPRETATION: Advances in medications, lifestyle, and socioeconomics might compress activities of daily living disability, that is, benefits of success, but lifespan extension might expand disability of physical and cognitive functioning as more frail, elderly individuals survive with health problems, that is, costs of success. FUNDING: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health, United Nations Funds for Population Activities

    Quantifying Economic Dependency

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    In this paper we compare several types of economic dependency ratios for a selection of European countries. These dependency ratios take into account not only the demographic structure of the population, but also the differences in age-specific economic behaviour such as labour market activity, income and consumption as well as age-specific public transfers. In selected simulations where we combine patterns of age-specific economic behaviour and transfers with population projections, we show that in all countries population ageing would lead to a pronounced increase in dependency ratios if present age-specific patterns were not to change. Our analysis of cross-country differences in economic dependency demonstrates that these differences are driven by both differences in age-specific economic behaviour and in the age composition of the populations. The choice of which dependency ratio to use in a specific policy context is determined by the nature of the question to be answered. The comparison of our various dependency ratios across countries gives insights into which strategies might be effective in mitigating the expected increase in economic dependency due to demographic change

    A frailty model for (interval) censored family survival data, applied to the age at onset of non-physical problems

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    Family survival data can be used to estimate the degree of genetic and environmental contributions to the age at onset of a disease or of a specific event in life. The data can be modeled with a correlated frailty model in which the frailty variable accounts for the degree of kinship within the family. The heritability (degree of heredity) of the age at a specific event in life (or the onset of a disease) is usually defined as the proportion of variance of the survival age that is associated with genetic effects. If the survival age is (interval) censored, heritability as usually defined cannot be estimated. Instead, it is defined as the proportion of variance of the frailty associated with genetic effects. In this paper we describe a correlated frailty model to estimate the heritability and the degree of environmental effects on the age at which individuals contact a social worker for the first time and to test whether there is a difference between the survival functions of this age for twins and non-twins. © 2009 The Author(s)

    A set of indicators for decomposing the secular increase of life expectancy

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The ongoing increase in life expectancy in developed countries is associated with changes in the shape of the survival curve. These changes can be characterized by two main, distinct components: (i) the decline in premature mortality, i.e., the concentration of deaths around some high value of the mean age at death, also termed rectangularization of the survival curve; and (ii) the increase of this mean age at death, i.e., longevity, which directly reflects the reduction of mortality at advanced ages. Several recent observations suggest that both mechanisms are simultaneously taking place. METHODS: We propose a set of indicators aiming to quantify, disentangle, and compare the respective contribution of rectangularization and longevity increase to the secular increase of life expectancy. These indicators, based on a nonparametric approach, are easy to implement. RESULTS: We illustrate the method with the evolution of the Swiss mortality data between 1876 and 2006. Using our approach, we are able to say that the increase in longevity and rectangularization explain each about 50% of the secular increase of life expectancy. CONCLUSION: Our method may provide a useful tool to assess whether the contribution of rectangularization to the secular increase of life expectancy will remain around 50% or whether it will be increasing in the next few years, and thus whether concentration of mortality will eventually take place against some ultimate biological limit

    Doubling of World Population Unlikely

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    Most national and international agencies producing population projections explicitly avoid addressing the issue of uncertainty. Typically, they provide either a single projection or a set of low, medium, and high variants, and only very rarely do they give these projections a probabilistic interpretation. Probabilistic population projections have been developed for specific industrialized countries, mostly the United States, and are based largely on time-series analysis. On a global level, time-series analysis is not applicable because there is a lack of appropriate data, and for conceptual reasons such as the structural discontinuity caused by the demographic transition. Here we report on a new probabilistic approach that makes use of expert opinion on trends in fertility, and on the 90% uncertainty range of those trends in different parts of the world. We have used simulation techniques to derive probability distributions of population sizes and age structures for 13 regions of the world up to the year 2100. Among other things, there is a probability of two-thirds that the world's population will not double in the twenty-first century

    COMADRE: A global data base of animal demography

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: The data associated with this manuscript can be accessed at www.comadre-db.orgThe open-data scientific philosophy is being widely adopted and proving to promote considerable progress in ecology and evolution. Open-data global data bases now exist on animal migration, species distribution, conservation status, etc. However, a gap exists for data on population dynamics spanning the rich diversity of the animal kingdom world-wide. This information is fundamental to our understanding of the conditions that have shaped variation in animal life histories and their relationships with the environment, as well as the determinants of invasion and extinction. Matrix population models (MPMs) are among the most widely used demographic tools by animal ecologists. MPMs project population dynamics based on the reproduction, survival and development of individuals in a population over their life cycle. The outputs from MPMs have direct biological interpretations, facilitating comparisons among animal species as different as Caenorhabditis elegans, Loxodonta africana and Homo sapiens. Thousands of animal demographic records exist in the form of MPMs, but they are dispersed throughout the literature, rendering comparative analyses difficult. Here, we introduce the COMADRE Animal Matrix Database, an open-data online repository, which in its version 1.0.0 contains data on 345 species world-wide, from 402 studies with a total of 1625 population projection matrices. COMADRE also contains ancillary information (e.g. ecoregion, taxonomy, biogeography, etc.) that facilitates interpretation of the numerous demographic metrics that can be derived from its MPMs. We provide R code to some of these examples. Synthesis: We introduce the COMADRE Animal Matrix Database, a resource for animal demography. Its open-data nature, together with its ancillary information, will facilitate comparative analysis, as will the growing availability of databases focusing on other aspects of the rich animal diversity, and tools to query and combine them. Through future frequent updates of COMADRE, and its integration with other online resources, we encourage animal ecologists to tackle global ecological and evolutionary questions with unprecedented sample size.Australian Research Council (ARC)Evolutionary Demography Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Matrix models and sensitivity analysis of populations classified by age and stage : a vec-permutation matrix approach

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Theoretical Ecology 5 (2012): 403-417, doi:10.1007/s12080-011-0132-2.Matrix population models in which individuals are classified by both age and stage can be constructed using the vec-permutation matrix. The resulting age-stage models can be used to derive the age-specific consequences of a stage-specific life history or to describe populations in which the vital rates respond to both age and stage. I derive a general formula for the sensitivity of any output (scalar, vector, or matrix-valued) of the model, to any vector of parameters, using matrix calculus. The matrices describing age-stage dynamics are almost always reducible; I present results giving conditions under which population growth is ergodic from any initial condition. As an example, I analyze a published stage-specific model of Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), an invasive perennial shrub. Sensitivity analysis of the population growth rate finds that the selection gradients on adult survival do not always decrease with age but may increase over a range of ages. This may have implications for the evolution of senescence in stage-classified populations. I also derive and analyze the joint distribution of age and stage at death and present a sensitivity analysis of this distribution and of the marginal distribution of age at death.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB-0816514 and by a Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
