23 research outputs found

    Dynamic curricular concepts for research orientated programs in optics and photonics

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    Teaching and learning concepts that are adapted to the constantly evolving requirements due to rapid technological progress are essential for teaching in media photonics technology. After the development of a concept for research-oriented education in optics and photonics, the next step will be a conceptual restructuring and redesign of the entire curriculum for education in media photonics technology. By including typical research activities as essential components of the learning process, a broad platform for practical projects and applied research can be created, offering a variety of new development opportunities

    Caractérisation de la vision des couleurs par spectrométrie et nanotechnologie : Application à la photonique des médias

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    Les dispositifs d’affichage et de visualisation sont les interfaces les plus importantes entre l’information numérique et la perception humaine. Cette recherche examine et établit une corrélation entre, d’une part, la perception des couleurs par les observateurs humains et, d’autre part, les écrans LCD renforcés par des boîtes quantiques. L’accent est mis sur la perception visuelle du spectre produit par des nanoparticules en interaction avec le rétroéclairage de l’écran. Un plan de recherche comprenant des expériences colorimétriques a été élaboré pour traiter spécifiquement cette question, et un environnement de recherche approprié a été créé à cet effet. Les expériences colorimétriques comprennent, tout d’abord, des comparaisons de performance de différents dispositifs de calibrage d’écran. Une évaluation comparative des performances de quatre écrans sera effectuée, avant que ces derniers ne soient utilisés pour des expériences de comparaison des couleurs avec des observateurs individuels.Display and visualization devices are the most important interfaces between digital information and human perception. This research discusses and correlates the color perception of human observers and QD-enhanced LCDs. The focus is on the visual perception of the spectrum produced by these nanoparticles in interaction with the display backlight. A research design with colorimetric experiments was developed to specifically address this issue, and a suitable research environment was created for this purpose. The colorimetric experiments include firstly, performance comparisons of different display calibration devices. A performance benchmarking of four selected QD-enhanced LCDs is performed before they are used for color matching experiments with individual observers

    Caractérisation de la vision des couleurs par spectrométrie et nanotechnologie : Application à la photonique des médias

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    Display and visualization devices are the most important interfaces between digital information and human perception. This research discusses and correlates the color perception of human observers and QD-enhanced LCDs. The focus is on the visual perception of the spectrum produced by these nanoparticles in interaction with the display backlight. A research design with colorimetric experiments was developed to specifically address this issue, and a suitable research environment was created for this purpose. The colorimetric experiments include firstly, performance comparisons of different display calibration devices. A performance benchmarking of four selected QD-enhanced LCDs is performed before they are used for color matching experiments with individual observers.Les dispositifs d’affichage et de visualisation sont les interfaces les plus importantes entre l’information numérique et la perception humaine. Cette recherche examine et établit une corrélation entre, d’une part, la perception des couleurs par les observateurs humains et, d’autre part, les écrans LCD renforcés par des boîtes quantiques. L’accent est mis sur la perception visuelle du spectre produit par des nanoparticules en interaction avec le rétroéclairage de l’écran. Un plan de recherche comprenant des expériences colorimétriques a été élaboré pour traiter spécifiquement cette question, et un environnement de recherche approprié a été créé à cet effet. Les expériences colorimétriques comprennent, tout d’abord, des comparaisons de performance de différents dispositifs de calibrage d’écran. Une évaluation comparative des performances de quatre écrans sera effectuée, avant que ces derniers ne soient utilisés pour des expériences de comparaison des couleurs avec des observateurs individuels

    Caractérisation de la vision des couleurs par spectrométrie et nanotechnologie : Application à la photonique des médias

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    Display and visualization devices are the most important interfaces between digital information and human perception. This research discusses and correlates the color perception of human observers and QD-enhanced LCDs. The focus is on the visual perception of the spectrum produced by these nanoparticles in interaction with the display backlight. A research design with colorimetric experiments was developed to specifically address this issue, and a suitable research environment was created for this purpose. The colorimetric experiments include firstly, performance comparisons of different display calibration devices. A performance benchmarking of four selected QD-enhanced LCDs is performed before they are used for color matching experiments with individual observers.Les dispositifs d’affichage et de visualisation sont les interfaces les plus importantes entre l’information numérique et la perception humaine. Cette recherche examine et établit une corrélation entre, d’une part, la perception des couleurs par les observateurs humains et, d’autre part, les écrans LCD renforcés par des boîtes quantiques. L’accent est mis sur la perception visuelle du spectre produit par des nanoparticules en interaction avec le rétroéclairage de l’écran. Un plan de recherche comprenant des expériences colorimétriques a été élaboré pour traiter spécifiquement cette question, et un environnement de recherche approprié a été créé à cet effet. Les expériences colorimétriques comprennent, tout d’abord, des comparaisons de performance de différents dispositifs de calibrage d’écran. Une évaluation comparative des performances de quatre écrans sera effectuée, avant que ces derniers ne soient utilisés pour des expériences de comparaison des couleurs avec des observateurs individuels

    Gamification in der Produktion – Anforderungen und Potenziale

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    Gamification, die spielerische Anreicherung von Tätigkeiten, erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Insbesondere in den Bereichen Gesundheit (Exergames) oder Lernen (Serious Games, Edutainment) gibt es eine Vielzahl erfolgreicher Anwendungen. Weniger verbreitet ist Gamification dagegen bislang bei Arbeitsprozessen. Zwar gibt es erfolgreiche Ansätze im Bereich Dienstleistung und Service (z. B. bei Callcentern), der Bereich der industriellen Produktion wurde jedoch bis vor wenigen Jahren nicht adressiert. Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Überblick der Entwicklung von Gamification und zeigt den Stand der Technik. Wir leiten allgemeine Anforderungen für Gamification im Produktionsumfeld ab und stellen zwei neue Ansätze aus der aktuellen Forschung vor. Diese werden in einer Studie mit Trainern aus der Automobilbranche auf Akzeptanz untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine insgesamt positive Haltung zur Gamifizierung der Produktion und eine sehr hohe Akzeptanz insbesondere des Pyramiden-Designs

    Jones matrices and photography

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    The authors set the focus in this paper on the description of polarization with the help of the Jones calculus and the application of polarization in photography. Furthermore, the effect of the circular polarization filter is described by using the Jones calculus. Also, an enhancement of artistic and creative possibilities in photography through quantization or parametrization by the Jones matrices is presented

    VR-based implementation of interactive laboratory experiments in optics and photonics education

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    Within the framework of a developed blended learning concept, a lot of experience has already been gained with a mixture of theoretical lectures and hands-on activities, combined with the advantages of modern digital media. Here, visualizations using videos, animations and augmented reality have proven to be effective tools to convey learning content in a sustainable way. In the next step, ideas and concepts were developed to implement hands-on laboratory experiments in a virtual environment. The main focus is on the realization of virtual experiments and environments that give the students a deep insight into selected subfields of optics and photonics

    The usage of immersive technologies in learning environments

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    Currently, immersive technologies are enjoying great popularity. This trend is reflected in technological advances and the emergence of new products for the mass market, such as augmented reality glasses. The range of applications for immersive technologies is growing with more efficient and affordable technologies and student adoption. Especially in education, the use will improve existing learning methods. Immersive application use visual, audio and haptic sensors to fully engage the user in a virtual environment. This impression is reinforced with the help of realistic visualizations and the opportunity for interaction. In particular, Augmented reality is characterized by a high degree of integration between reality and the inserted virtual objects. An augmented interactive simulation for the determination of the specific charge of an electron will be used as an example to demonstrate how such immersion can be created for users. A virtual Helmholtz coil is used to measure and calculate the e/m constant. The voltage at the cathode for generating the electron beam, but also the voltage of the homogeneous magnetic field for deflecting the electron beam, can be variably controlled by haptic user input. Based on these voltages, an immersive virtual electron beam is calculated and visualized. In this paper, the authors present the conceptual steps of this immersive application and address the challenges associated with designing and developing an augmented and interactive simulation

    International Day of Light (IDL): a new forum for interdisciplinary learning concepts in optics and photonics

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    After the successful International Year of Light 2015, the idea of sustainability became increasingly imminent. After a preparatory year on 16 May 2018, the International Day of Light was launched for the first time. This event was celebrated with a public celebration in Paris at the UNESCO headquarters. In this paper we will present our projects dedicated to the International Day of Light in Paris. Together with a group of students from our university, we had the special opportunity to be integrated in the program of the opening ceremony at UNESCO in Paris. With our interdisciplinary projects we have tried to build a bridge between optics, photonics, art and media installations