11 research outputs found

    Levendegørelse og publikumsdeltagelse

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    Based upon a comparative analysis of two dramatized tours, Lys i Mørket (eng.: Light, The Old Town open-air Museum, Denmark) and the Dungeon (Warwick Castle, England), Vatne discusses dramaturgical strategies in museum communication with a focus on how the visitor-participation contributes to the process of meaning

    Providing safe maternity care under challenging conditions in rural Ethiopia : a qualitative study

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    Background: Women’s health and the reduction in the global maternal mortality rate is a research priority worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural conditions that influence the maternity care provided for women in rural Ethiopia. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted, composed of 28 individual in-depth interviews with midwives and women who had given birth during the past 8 months, and observations of maternity care at health centres and a primary hospital. A thematic analysis was conducted. Results: The midwives do their utmost to save the lives of mothers and prioritise saving lives over providing compassionate care. Inadequate resources, such as equipment, medicine and water, affect the quality of care they provide for the birthing women. This creates a conflict between the midwives’ ideals and what conditions allow them to do. Families and the women’s network play important roles in providing care and support to the women who give birth in health facilities. Conclusions: Structural conditions make it difficult for Ethiopian midwives in rural areas to provide optimal maternity care. In addition to the availability of professional midwifery care, the expectant mothers’ families and networks also tend to provide important support and care. Further studies on how to improve the quality of maternity care from the women’s perspective are needed. Keywords: Maternity care, Childbirth, Structural conditions, Qualitative method, Rural area, Ethiopia.publishedVersio

    Konsten som läranderesurs: syn på lärande, pedagogiska strategier och social inklusion på nordiska konstmuseer

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    Hensigten med bogen er at åbne op for en bredere debat om kunstpædagogik. Forfatternes fælles udgangspunkt tager afsæt i den antagelse, at kunst kan opfattes som en læringsressource, og de ser et behov for at afprøve nye formidlingsformer på kunstmuseerne. Publikationen er en del af et forskningsprojekt, der er lavet i et samarbejde mellem en gruppe nordiske forskere, og den skal formidle projektets væsentligste undersøgelsesresultater. Undersøgelsen har fokus på tre store og repræsentative nationale kunstmuseer: Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Arkitektur og Design, Oslo, Statens Museum for Kunst, København, Moderna Museet, Stockholm samt to mere specialiserede museer: Kiasma, Helsinki og Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Skärhamn. Mens de tre nationale kunstmuseer er genstand for omfattende separate undersøgelser, gøres de to specialmuseerne til genstand for mindre, perspektiverende undersøgelser.

    Researching Experiences: Exploring Processual and Experimental Methods in Cultural Analysis

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    Med bogen Reseaching Experiences – Exploring Processual and Experimental Methods in Cultural Analysis er ti års eksperimenteren med nye metoder til at opfange og forstå erfaringer hos mediebrugere samlet i et værk. Lisa Gjedde og Bruno Ingemann har via de seks projekter, der bliver beskrevet i bogen, fokuseret på hele den kompleksitet som erfaringsdannelse består i. Denne anmeldelse vil relatere sig til en læsning af bogen som et undersøgelsesredskab, et værktøj for videre forskning af erfaringsdannelse hos publikum, hvor erfaring genereres af interaktion

    Dramatiseret museumsformidling. NĂĄr publikums deltagelse fĂĄr betydning

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    Audience participation is playing an important role in museum mediation at living history museums around the world. e aspect of participation is challenging the traditional concept of meaning making, and I will demonstrate the need for new conceptual tools for dealing with the meaning making issue in a way that enhances participation as a method for meaning making in living history museums. Building on the theoretical framework of enunciation theory and the method of participative observation back in 2008–11, when I was researching mediation in the open-air museum Den Gamle By in Aarhus, Denmark, it is my ambition to contribute to the development of the conceptual tools for dealing with the issue of audience participation in a way that emphasizes new goals for mediation

    Mothers’ experiences and perceptions of facility-based delivery care in rural Ethiopia

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    : In Ethiopia, delivery wards are a part of primary healthcare services. However, although the maternal mortality rate is very high, approximately 50% of mothers use skilled birth attendants. This study focused on how women in a rural southern district of Ethiopia experience maternity care offered at the local delivery wards. In this qualitative, exploratory study, 19 women who had given birth in a healthcare facility were interviewed in 2019. Individual in-depth interviews were supplemented with observations conducted at 2 different delivery wards in the same district in 2020. Two main themes emerged from the thematic content analysis: increased awareness and safety were the primary reasons for giving birth at a healthcare facility, and traditions and norms affected women’s birth experiences in public maternity wards. The main shortcomings were a shortage of medicine, ambulance not arriving in time, and lack of care at night. For some women, being assisted by a male midwife could be challenging, and the inability to afford necessary medicine made adequate treatment inaccessible. Providing continuous information gave the women a certain feeling of control. Strong family involvement indicated that collectivistic expectations were key to rural delivery wards. The healthcare system must be structured to meet women’s needs. Moreover, managers and midwives should ensure that birthing women receive high-quality, safe, timely, and respectful care. Keywords: Women, childbirth, primary healthcare, person-centered care, rural, Ethiopia, interviews, observationpublishedVersio

    Mothers’ experiences and perceptions of facility-based delivery care in rural Ethiopia

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    In Ethiopia, delivery wards are a part of primary healthcare services. However, although the maternal mortality rate is very high, approximately 50% of mothers use skilled birth attendants. This study focused on how women in a rural southern district of Ethiopia experience maternity care offered at the local delivery wards. In this qualitative, exploratory study, 19 women who had given birth in a healthcare facility were interviewed in 2019. Individual in-depth interviews were supplemented with observations conducted at 2 different delivery wards in the same district in 2020. Two main themes emerged from the thematic content analysis: increased awareness and safety were the primary reasons for giving birth at a healthcare facility, and traditions and norms affected women’s birth experiences in public maternity wards. The main shortcomings were a shortage of medicine, ambulance not arriving in time, and lack of care at night. For some women, being assisted by a male midwife could be challenging, and the inability to afford necessary medicine made adequate treatment inaccessible. Providing continuous information gave the women a certain feeling of control. Strong family involvement indicated that collectivistic expectations were key to rural delivery wards. The healthcare system must be structured to meet women’s needs. Moreover, managers and midwives should ensure that birthing women receive high-quality, safe, timely, and respectful care.publishedVersio

    Urban pluvial flood modelling with precipitation input from weather radar

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    Ekstreme nedbørhendelser med påfølgende pluviale flommer forårsaker store skader på infrastruktur og bebyggelse. Skadene fører til betydelige samfunnskostnader, og problemet er økende. Avrenningsmodeller kan benyttes for å simulere flomforløpet til en nedbørhendelse, og er et mye brukt verktøy i planlegging, prosjektering, dimensjonering og drift av overvann-systemer. Som inngangsdata i avrenningsmodeller er det vanlig å bruke konstruert nedbør, der det tas utgangspunkt i målinger og statistikk fra nedbørstasjoner basert på lange tidsserier. I denne oppgaven er det undersøkt om inngangsdata fra værradar kan gi et mer realistisk bilde på hvordan pluviale flommer forløper. Oppgavens primære målsetning har vært å finne en metodikk for å benytte data fra værradar i en todimensjonal hydraulisk avrenningsmodell. Det var ønskelig å finne en metode der rådata fra værradaren kunne anvendes direkte i avrenningsmodellen med den oppløsningen i rom og tid de var målt. Dette ble løst ved å bygge en terrengmodell i ustrukturerte trekanter. En slik modell tillater, i motsetning til en terrengmodell på rasterformat, at inngangsdata med ulik romlig oppløsning kan benyttes sammen. Programvare for bygging av terrengmodell og simulering av avrenning er MIKE 21 Flow Model FM levert av DHI. For å kunne si noe om egnetheten til data fra værradar i en avrenningsmodell er nedbørdata fra værradar sammenlignet mot data fra nedbørstasjoner på bakkenivå. Studiet tar utgangspunkt i en nedbørhendelse i Drammen sentrum den 11. juli 2016 i tidsintervallet 12.30–15.40. Nedbørhendelsen var av konvektiv karakter, en nedbørtype som karakteriseres ved høy intensitet, kort varighet og store lokale variasjoner. Resultatene viser at værradaren underestimerer nedbøren for alle intensiteter, og at feilen er økende med økende intensitet. Feilen skyldes i all hovedsak konverteringen av målt radarreflektivitet til nedbørintensitet, samt signaldemping fra annen nedbør mellom radaren og studert nedbørhendelse. Det er benyttet to ulike metoder for å korrigere for feilen i nedbørdataene fra værradaren. Et datasett er korrigert mot syv nedbørstasjoner i Drammen sentrum, heretter kalt korrigert nedbør, og et datasett er basert på én nedbørstasjon som ligger innenfor nedbørfeltet til avrenningsmodellen, heretter kalt lokalkorrigert nedbør. Resultater fra simuleringene viser at valg av korreksjonsmetode har stor innvirkning på avrenningen. Det ble også benyttet en konstruert regnhendelse med tilsvarende intensitet som de korrigerte værradardataene i modellen. Resultatene fra denne sammenligningen viste ingen nevneverdige ulikheter. Det er produsert gjentaksintervallkart med varighet på 10 og 40 minutter for korrigerte nedbør fra værradar. Kartene viser betydelige variasjoner i gjentaksintervall innad i analyseområdet, og belyser verdien av den romlige oppløsningen en værradar kan tilføre nedbørdata. Gjentaksintervallkartene er også sammenlignet mot interpolert gjentaksintervallkart basert på nedbørstasjonene. Sammenligningen viser at nedbørstasjonene ikke fanger opp hendelsens mest nedbørrike områder og videre underestimerer hendelsens omfang. På bakgrunn av resultatene i oppgaven er det diskutert om værradar kan benyttes til varsling av pluviale flommer. For at dette skal bli en realitet må værradardataenes kvantitative kvalitet forbedres samtidig som modellenes simuleringstid må reduseres til en tidsramme som gjør det mulig å iverksette tiltak.Extreme rainfall events with subsequent pluvial floods cause great damage to infrastructure and buildings. Flood damage is a heavy cost to society, and the problem is increasing due to climate changes and urbanization. Pluvial flooding is often simulated using a runoff model, a helpful tool for designing, dimensioning and operating storm water systems. Traditionally, measurements from rain gauges are used to produce design storms for input in the runoff models. Heavy precipitation often occurs with a high spatial variation and over a short period of time. This thesis aims to see whether the input data from weather radars, with its high spatial and temporal variability, can provide a more realistic picture of how pluvial floods progress. The thesis’ primary purpose has been to find a methodology for applying weather radar data in a two-dimensional hydraulic runoff model, using the data’s original spatial and temporal resolution. To achieve this, the model was set up with a digital terrain model built up of small, unstructured triangles in a flexible mesh. In contrast to the classic approach, a structured orthogonal mesh, the flexible mesh allows for an increase of the mesh resolution and allows layers with different resolutions to be used together. The modelling software used in the study was MIKE 21 Flow model FM, delivered by DHI. To analyze radar data’s suitability in runoff models, the radar data has been compared to precipitation data from seven rain gauges. The study is based on an event in the city of Drammen, July 11 2016. This was a convective rainfall, which is characterized by high intensity, short duration and high spatial variability. The results show that the weather radar underestimates the precipitation for all intensities, and that the bias increases with increased intensity. The error is due to the converting of radar reflectivity to precipitation intensity and attenuation of the radar signal from precipitation between the studied rainfall event and the radar station. To increase the quantitative quality, the radar data was adjusted towards the observed values at the gauging stations. Two different adjusted radar datasets were used in the simulations. One dataset was corrected using measurements from all seven gauging stations, while the other was adjusted using data from only one station, located within the modeling area. The result shows that the choice of adjusting method is of great importance for the runoff, as the use of the latter method gives less runoff compared to the first method. The radar simulations were also compared to a simulation of a design storm with the same intensity as the radar dataset adjusted to the seven gauging stations. The comparison showed no significant differences. Maps of the return periods for the most intense 10 and 40 minutes of the adjusted rainfall event were produced and compared to the return periods at the gauging stations. The maps show significant variations within the small area analyzed. The gauging stations fail to catch the most intense rainfall cells, and the maps clearly illustrates the uncertainties in using point measurements when characterizing convective rainfall events. The weather radar data’s spatial and temporal resolution is well suited for use in runoff models. For these models to become useful in forecasting of pluvial floods, the quantitative quality of the rainfall data must be improved, and the computation time of the simulations must be reduced.SINTEF, KSM-V

    Mellem deltagelse og publikumsudvikling - om kvalitative forandringer i kulturinstitutionen

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    Publicly funded cultural institutions are facing two different, albeit interrelated, discourses which challenge the traditional conception of the audience as “passive” recipients of excellent art and culture. The one stems from a general expectation among the public of “participation” in terms of interactivity and co-creation. The other originates from a cultural policy agenda of “audience development” and aims to counter the fact that some groups in society do not attend publicly supported culture. In this article we analyze three cultural projects, which are all part of Aarhus 2017 (Aarhus as a European Capital of Culture). We look at how the three projects are positioned between a broad participation discourse and a narrow audience development discourse by means of interrogating three different dimensions: product- vs. target-led audience development, change in attitude vs. change in action and finally empowerment vs. employability. Even if differently positioned, the three cases point towards a new kind of cultural leadership which focuses on facilitating user participation rather than expert knowledge.De offentligt støttede kulturinstitutioner møder i dag to forskellige, men beslægtede diskurser, der udfordrer dem til at redefinere deres forhold til publikum som ”passive” modtagere af kunst og kultur af høj kvalitet. Den ene kommer fra den generelle kulturelle vending mod ”deltagelse”, der skaber forventninger om interaktivitet og samskaben. Den anden kommer fra den kulturpolitiske dagsorden om publikumsudvikling, der ønsker at modvirke den sociale skævhed i anvendelsen af den offentligt støttede kultur. I artiklen analyserer vi tre forskellige kulturprojekter, der alle er en del af Aarhus 2017 (Aarhus som europæisk kulturhovedstad). Vi undersøger, hvordan de positionerer sig i feltet mellem den brede deltagelsesdiskurs og den snævre publikumsudviklingsdiskurs ved at se på tre forskellige dimensioner: produkt- vs. modtagerorientering, holdnings- vs. handlingsændring og empowerment vs employability. Trods indbyrdes forskelle peger de tre cases på en ny form for kulturelt lederskab, der ikke baserer sig på traditionel kunstfaglig ekspertviden, men på at facilitere medinddragelse