43 research outputs found

    Comparative research of effectiveness of cellulose and fiberglass porous membrane carriers for bio sampling in veterinary and food industry monitoring

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    The aim of proposed research is to study the applicability of fiberglass porous membrane materials in a new strip format for dried blood storage in food industry monitoring. A comparative analysis of cellulosic and fiberglass porous membrane materials was carried out to obtain dried samples of serum or blood and the possibility of further species-specific analysi

    Comparison of the accuracy of resting energy expenditure assessment using bioimpedance analysis and indirect respiratory calorimetry in children with simple obesity

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    Background: Assessment of resting energy expenditure (REE) is necessary for the formation of a diet for obesity patients. The «gold standard» for assessment of resting energy expenditure (REE) is indirect respiratory calorimetry. Currently, bioimpedance analyzers are increasingly being used in clinical practice to assess energy consumption at rest, including in obese children. However, the accuracy of such an assessment remains unclear.Aims: To determine the accuracy of the assessment of resting energy expenditure using bioimpedance analysis in children with simple obesity compared with indirect respiratory calorimetry.Materials and methods: Resting energy expenditure was assessed by bioimpedance analysis, Harris-Benedict formula and indirect respiratory calorimetry in all obese children. Comparability of methods was assessed using the Bland-Altman analysis.Results: The study included 320 children aged 7 to 17 years with simple obesity.Resting energy expenditure assessed by bioimpedance analysis was on average 232 kcal lower than the actual. A significant CI (-448 to 912 kcal) was revealed, as well as a large LOA from -514 to 979 kcal. REE calculated by the Harris-Benedict formula on average corresponded to the actual one, and CI varied from -38 to 27 kcal. However, large LOA from -514 to 979 kcal, indicating a high individual variability of resting energy consumption.Conclusions: Bioimpedance analyzers underestimate REE in obese children compared to indirect respiratory calorimetry and the Harris-Benedict formula. Given the significant discrepancies in the accuracy of REE assessment, bioimpedance analysis cannot be considered as an alternative to indirect respiratory calorimetry to assess resting energy in children with simple obesity

    One-hour postload plasma glucose levels as a new criterion for assessing insulin secretion in obese children

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    BACKGROUND: Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and associated dysglycemic conditions, increasing the risk of diabetes development, continues to rise worldwide, most notably due to ever-growing obesity rate. Early identification of the persons who are exposed to the risk of T2DM development holds much significance for prevention of both this disease and associated cardiometabolic complications.AIM: To study characteristics of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity among obese children and adolescents versus the glycemic level 60 minutes (GL60) after the standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).METHODS: This open-label comparative cross-sectional study involved 613 children in the age between 6 and 17.9 years old with constitutive-exogenous obesity, divided into 2 groups: 173 patients with GL60 level ≥ 8.6 mmol/L and 440 children with GL60 level < 8.6 mmol/L. They underwent a screening for dyslipidemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, arterial hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Insulin secretion was evaluated on the basis of maximal (IRI max), average level (IRI avg) of insulin in the course of OGTT and insulinogenic index (IGI), insulin resistance (IG) — by Matsuda index.RESULTS: The groups were comparable in the terms of age, sex, sexual maturation stage and obesity level. Children with GL60 level ≥ 8.6 mmol/L were characterized by higher IR (Matsuda 2.8 ± 2.3 vs 3.5 ± 2.2, р < 0.01), hyperinsulinemia (IRI max 190.0 ± 59.5 vs 157.1 ± 63.4 μU/ml, р < 0.001, IRI avg 115.3 ± 59.7 vs 90.2 ± 54.1 μU/ml, p < 0.001) along with low IGI value (1.84 ± 1.62 vs 2.61 ± 1.3, р < 0.01), which is indicative of the first phase insulin secretion impairment. The lowest IGI values were found among the "GL60 level ≥ 8.6 mmol/L" group patients with IGT (1.4 ± 0.9). Besides, the patients with GL60 level ≥ 8.6 mmol/L are characterized by the higher rate of metabolic complications in the form of impaired glucose tolerance, arterial hypertension, fatty hepatosis and steatohepatitis.CONCLUSIONS: GL60 level ≥ 8.6 mmol/L can be used as an additional marker for metabolically complicated obesity among children and adolescents with a high risk of the carbohydrate metabolism disorder development

    Glass-fiber membranes for storing, transportation and further characterization of agricultural plant biomaterial

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    The modified glass-fiber membranes possess high mechanical strength, good wetting and storage capacity, these properties render them a promising medium for storing dry biomaterial collected from agricultural plants. The obtained results prove usability of membrane carriers for crop science as a whole and detection of plant diseases in particular, and for food quality monitoring, especially carried out in the fiel

    Hydrocarbons as ore fluids

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    Conventional wisdom holds that aqueous solutions are the only non-magmatic fluids capable of concentrating metals in the Earth’s crust. The role of hydrocarbons in metal concentration is relegated to providing geochemical barriers at which the metals are reduced and immobilised. Liquid hydrocarbons, however, are also known to be able to carry appreciable concentrations of metals, and travel considerable distances. Here we report the results of an experimental determination of bulk solubilities of Au, Zn, and U in a variety of crude oils at temperatures up to 300 °C and of the benchtop-scale transport experiments that simulate hydrocarbon-mediated re-deposition of Zn at 25–200 °C. It has been demonstrated that the metal concentrations obtained in solubility experiments are within the range of concentrations that are typically considered sufficient for aqueous fluids to form ore bodies. It has also been shown that Zn can be efficiently transported and re-deposited by hydrocarbons. These results provide direct evidence of the ability of natural crude oils to mobilise metals available in hydrocarbon-associated host rocks, and transport them in concentrations sufficient to contribute to ore-forming processes

    Патоморфологические и молекулярно-генетические особенности диффузного типа рака желудка

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     Gastric cancer (GC) is the 5th most common type of cancer in the world and the third leading cause of death from cancer. GC is a multi-factorial and morphologically heterogeneous disease. Currently, several morphological classifications of GC are used, however, for diagnosis, it is necessary to take into  account not only the morphological type of the tumor, but also its molecular subtype. According to the literature, the intestinal type of GC is most often associated with effects of environmental factors and is usually found in older  age groups in men, while diffuse gastric cancer (DGC) is a genetically determined disease which is more common in younger patients, with the same frequency among men and women.This review covers in detail GC, its classification by P.A. Lauren (1965), and its molecular subtypes characterized during the Cancer Genome Atlas project and examines the impact of certain risk factors on the pathogenesis of the disease, such as: H. pylori infection or Epstein – Barr virus. A separate section in this analytical work is dedicated to expression of the PD-L1 marker by tumor cells and the use of this parameter for prognosis and therapy of this disease. An essential part of the work is discussion of the features of intestinal and diffuse types of gastric cancer, which reflect not only the differences in classifications used in modern diagnosis, but also the relationship between the pathological pattern and the molecular subtype of gastric cancer.  Рак желудка (РЖ) занимает пятое место в мире по распространенности среди всех злокачественных новообразований и является третьей по значимости причиной смертности от онкологических заболеваний. РЖ является мультифакториальным, морфологически  неоднородным заболеванием. В настоящее время используется несколько морфологических классификаций  РЖ, однако для постановки диагноза требуется учитывать не только морфологический тип опухоли, но и ее  молекулярный подтип. По данным литературы, РЖ  интестинального типа чаще всего ассоциирован с  действием факторов окружающей среды и, как правило, встречается в старших возрастных группах у мужчин.  Диффузный тип рака желудка (ДТРЖ) является в большей степени генетически детерминированным заболеванием и чаще встречается у более молодых пациентов, при этом с одинаковой частотой среди мужчин и женщин.В данном обзоре подробно освещается тема РЖ, его  классификация по P.A. Lauren (1965), его молекулярным  подтипы, охарактеризованные в Атласе ракового генома  (The Cancer Genome Atlas), а также рассматривается влияние  определенных факторов риска на патогенез  заболевания, таких как инфицирование H. pylori или вирусом Эпштейна – Барр. Отдельную роль в данной  аналитической работе занимает вопрос экспрессии опухолевыми клетками маркера PD-L1 и использование  данного параметра для прогнозирования и терапии этого  заболевания. Немаловажной частью работы является  обсуждение особенностей интестинального и диффузного  типов рака желудка, которые отражают не только различия  используемых в современной диагностике классификаций,  но и взаимосвязь патоморфологической картины с  молекулярным подтипом рака желудка.

    Features of the reflection of inventories in the financial statements

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    The article reveals the concept of inventories and their role for the progressive development of an enterprise. It was revealed that incorrect and inaccurate reflection of inventories in the organization’s accounting leads to a deterioration in the financial condition of the enterprise, and irrational use — to financial losses. The key features of the reflection of inventories in the financial statements, as well as the features of the reflection of the results of their inventory are revealed. It is concluded that effective financial management at the enterprise is based on the correct reflection of inventories in the financial statements

    Comparative research of effectiveness of cellulose and fiberglass porous membrane carriers for bio sampling in veterinary and food industry monitoring

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    The aim of proposed research is to study the applicability of fiberglass porous membrane materials in a new strip format for dried blood storage in food industry monitoring. A comparative analysis of cellulosic and fiberglass porous membrane materials was carried out to obtain dried samples of serum or blood and the possibility of further species-specific analysi