10 research outputs found

    Automation of seismic surveys supervision

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    The paper presents algorithmic basics of software and hardware tools for automated supervisory control of seismic surveys within the adaptive seismic complexes

    Biological tissues high-frequency electric welding in biliodigestive anastomoses formation in the experimental and clinical conditions

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    O.O. Shalimov National Surgery and Transplantology Institute of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Odessa National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical UniversityThe aim of the study - to improve the treatment results of patients with main bile duct disturbances, using the modern method of tissues high-frequency electric welding (HFEW) for the hepaticojejunic anastomoses formation. Material and methods. The formation of 15 models of termino-lateral hepaticojejunic anastomoses were performed experimentally. The modelings were done using “bioimitators” in the form of both hepaticocholedochus and small intestine fragments, removed during pancreatoduodenal resections. The HFEW method was used in 14 patients with the main biliary outflow disturbances for hepaticojejunic anastomoses formation: 6 patients were operated as the result of a periampular zone malignant tumor complicated by mechanical jaundice, 2 patients with chronic pancreatitis presented tubular stenosis of the distal part of the common bile duct, 6 patients presented scars and bile ducts iatrogenic lesions. The control group consisted of 60 patients in whom hepaticojejunic anastomoses was formed traditionally. Results. Hepaticojejunic anastomoses formed by biological tissues radio-frequency (RF)-welding method were passable, completely sealed and had sufficient strength (706.9±70.0 H2O mm). The primary narrowing of anastomoses lumen, formed by the HFEW method, was smaller (13.6±2.1%), compared to the same in the anastomoses formed by the suture method (49.1±3.4%). It was proved histologically that a coagulation suture was formed during electrowelding, and tissue joining was due to changes in the protein conformation of the intercellular substance and the destructed cells. The comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory data in patients of both main and control groups, provided during the postoperative period, revealed better results in the main group patients compared to the control group – the duration of anastomoses formation in case of RF-welding was averagely by 19 minutes (43.2%) shorter comparing to the duration in case of ligature use; the total bilirubin level throughout the postoperative period decreased quicker in the main group (40.4±6.2 μmol/l) comparing to the decrease in the control group (55.0±8.0 μmol/l); one could register both AlAT and AsAT levels quicker. Ultrasound investigation and Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography, performed at different times of the postoperative period, also proved HFEW anastomoses good patency and tightness. Conclusions. HFEW method for soft biological tissues in clinical practice allows to create reliable biodigestive anastomoses, especially in conditions of inflammation. One could see decrease in early postoperative complications frequency and both bilirubin and transaminases levels faster normalization while using HFEW methods, which indicates liver function rapid recovery


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    An analysis of the clinical course of acute calculous cholecystitis in patients of elderly and senile age has been carried out. It has been established that these particular patients avoid surgical treatment, appealing for medical aid more often to gastroenterologists and therapeutists. The characteristic clinical signs in patients of elderly and semine age are pain without the typical localization which often irradiates to the lumbar region, a sensetation of dryness and bitterness in the mouth, constipations and diarrheas, positive Orthner's and Murphy's symptoms.Приведен анализ клинического течения острого калькулезного холецистита у 56 больных пожилого и старческого возраста. Установлено, что эти больные избегают хирургического лечения, чаще обращаются к гастроэнтерологам и терапевтам. Характерными клиническими признаками у больных пожилого и старческого возраста есть боль без типической локализации, иррадиирующая в поясничную область, ощущение горечи и сухости во рту, запоры или поносы, положительные симптомы Ортнера и Мерфи.Проведено аналіз клінічного перебігу гострого калькульозного холециститу у 56 хворих літнього і старечого віку. Установлено, що дані хворі уникають хірургічного лікування, частіше звертаються до гастроентерологів і терапевтів. Характерними клінічними ознаками у хворих літнього і старечого віку є біль без типової локалізації, який часто іррадіює в поперекову ділянку, відчуття гіркоти і сухості в роті, запори чи проноси, позитивні симптоми Ортнера та Мерфі

    Post-revolution oriental studies in the ussr: correspondence between v. V. Bartold and a. Y. Krymsky in the 1920s

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    The primary reason for writing this article is a very special date – the 150th anniversary of the birth of academician and Orientalist V. V. Bartold, an event celebrated in Russia in 2019. At the turn of the twentieth century the scholar and humanist wrote: "Under the influence of the Golden East, Wonderland works written by European orientalists, the East of One Thousand and One Nights gradually retreats into the realm of legends; instead, the picture of the actual life of the Eastern peoples unfolds before us, and we find out the reasons that determined the course of their history and their role in the history of humankind.1 " Famous intellectuals and thinkers V. V. Bartold (1869-1930) and A.Y. Krymsky (1871-1942) and their legacy vividly showcase the earthly fate, scientific achievements and spiritual experience of the history of classical Oriental studies in Russia and Europe. The collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine hold 10 letters written by V.V. Bartold addressed to A.Y. Krymsky, while the St. Petersburg Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences keeps seven response letters from A.Y. Krymsky. Although the extant correspondence covers a period of twenty years, from 1908 to 1928, this article will focus on the significance of letters dating from the 1920s. The legacy of A.Y. Krymsky and V. V. Bartold has great historical, scientific and cultural weight in the history of Russian, Ukrainian, and European Oriental studies. The article analyzes the unpublished correspondence between V.V. Bartold and A.Y. Krymsky between 1922 and 1928. It contains valuable data which helps reconstruct the main trends of contemporary academic life and improve understanding of existing problems in the field of Oriental studies in Russia in the 1920s. The correspondence of these distinguished scholars showcases their common professional interest in both the state of Oriental studies and the educational system

    Ethylthiosulfanilate effect on Candida tropicalis

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    The problem of resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics stimulates the search for new chemotherapy drugs. Ethylthiosulfanilate (ETS, S-ethyl 4-amino-benzenesulfonothioate, S-ethyl ester of 4-aminobenzenethiosulfoacid) as a structural analog of number of phytoncides was synthesized based on thiosulfoacid salts. ETS effect on opportunistic yeast fungi Candida tropicalis was studied. It was shown that ETS in subfungicidal concentration (125 µg/ml) affected some aspects of a constructive and energy metabolism of fungi: inhibited endogenous respiration and reduced the pool of nucleic acids. Additionaly the significant changes in lipogenesis of C. tropicalis were detected. It was established that ETS in fungistatic and subfungicidal concentrations possessed membranotropic effect and provided a high degree of cooperativity of structural transitions of membranes

    Biological tissues high-frequency electric welding in biliodigestive anastomoses formation in the experimental and clinical conditions

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    The aim of the study – to improve the treatment results of patients with main bile duct disturbances, using the modern method of tissues high-frequency electric welding (HFEW) for the hepaticojejunic anastomoses formation. Material and methods. The formation of 15 models of termino-lateral hepaticojejunic anastomoses were performed experimentally. The modelings were done using “bioimitators” in the form of both hepaticocholedochus and small intestine fragments, removed during pancreatoduodenal resections. The HFEW method was used in 14 patients with the main biliary outflow disturbances for hepaticojejunic anastomoses formation: 6 patients were operated as the result of a periampular zone malignant tumor complicated by mechanical jaundice, 2 patients with chronic pancreatitis presented tubular stenosis of the distal part of the common bile duct, 6 patients presented scars and bile ducts iatrogenic lesions. The control group consisted of 60 patients in whom hepaticojejunic anastomoses was formed traditionally. Results. Hepaticojejunic anastomoses formed by biological tissues radio-frequency (RF)-welding method were passable, completely sealed and had sufficient strength (706.9±70.0 H2O mm). The primary narrowing of anastomoses lumen, formed by the HFEW method, was smaller (13.6±2.1%), compared to the same in the anastomoses formed by the suture method (49.1±3.4%). It was proved histologically that a coagulation suture was formed during electrowelding, and tissue joining was due to changes in the protein conformation of the intercellular substance and the destructed cells. The comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory data in patients of both main and control groups, provided during the postoperative period, revealed better results in the main group patients compared to the control group – the duration of anastomoses formation in case of RF-welding was averagely by 19 minutes (43.2%) shorter comparing to the duration in case of ligature use; the total bilirubin level throughout the postoperative period decreased quicker in the main group (40.4±6.2 μmol/l) comparing to the decrease in the control group (55.0±8.0 μmol/l); one could register both AlAT and AsAT levels quicker. Ultrasound investigation and Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography, performed at different times of the postoperative period, also proved HFEW anastomoses good patency and tightness. Conclusions. HFEW method for soft biological tissues in clinical practice allows to create reliable biodigestive anastomoses, especially in conditions of inflammation. One could see decrease in early postoperative complications frequency and both bilirubin and transaminases levels faster normalization while using HFEW methods, which indicates liver function rapid recovery

    Dissemination of knowledge of society about the ways of environment protection

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    Проведен сравнительный анализ использования альтернативных биотехнологических методов при экспериментальных исследованиях биологической активности синтезированных субстратов, при проведении процессов биоочищения и утилизации лабораторних отходов. Для прогнозирования биологической активности была использована компьютерная программа PASS. Для прогнозирования острой токсичности использовалось компьютерное обеспечение GUSAR. Оптимизированы исходные вещества для синтеза антибактериальных соединений для защиты от загрязнений и патогенных инфекций.The necessity of dissemination of knowledge about biosafety during research in the field of biotechnology and bioengineering was substantiated

    Dissemination of knowledge of society about the ways of environment protection

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    Проведен сравнительный анализ использования альтернативных биотехнологических методов при экспериментальных исследованиях биологической активности синтезированных субстратов, при проведении процессов биоочищения и утилизации лабораторних отходов. Для прогнозирования биологической активности была использована компьютерная программа PASS. Для прогнозирования острой токсичности использовалось компьютерное обеспечение GUSAR. Оптимизированы исходные вещества для синтеза антибактериальных соединений для защиты от загрязнений и патогенных инфекций.The necessity of dissemination of knowledge about biosafety during research in the field of biotechnology and bioengineering was substantiated

    Apixaban for Extended Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism

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    BACKGROUND: Apixaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor that can be administered in a simple, fixed-dose regimen, may be an option for the extended treatment of venous thromboembolism. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind study, we compared two doses of apixaban (2.5 mg and 5 mg, twice daily) with placebo in patients with venous thromboembolism who had completed 6 to 12 months of anticoagulation therapy and for whom there was clinical equipoise regarding the continuation or cessation of anticoagulation therapy. The study drugs were administered for 12 months. RESULTS: A total of 2486 patients underwent randomization, of whom 2482 were included in the intention-to-treat analyses. Symptomatic recurrent venous thromboembolism or death from venous thromboembolism occurred in 73 of the 829 patients (8.8%) who were receiving placebo, as compared with 14 of the 840 patients (1.7%) who were receiving 2.5 mg of apixaban (a difference of 7.2 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.0 to 9.3) and 14 of the 813 patients (1.7%) who were receiving 5 mg of apixaban (a difference of 7.0 percentage points; 95% CI, 4.9 to 9.1) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). The rates of major bleeding were 0.5% in the placebo group, 0.2% in the 2.5-mg apixaban group, and 0.1% in the 5-mg apixaban group. The rates of clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding were 2.3% in the placebo group, 3.0% in the 2.5-mg apixaban group, and 4.2% in the 5-mg apixaban group. The rate of death from any cause was 1.7% in the placebo group, as compared with 0.8% in the 2.5-mg apixaban group and 0.5% in the 5-mg apixaban group. CONCLUSIONS: Extended anticoagulation with apixaban at either a treatment dose (5 mg) or a thromboprophylactic dose (2.5 mg) reduced the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism without increasing the rate of major bleeding. (Funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer; AMPLIFY-EXT ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00633893.)

    Oral Apixaban for the Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism

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    BACKGROUND: Apixaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor administered in fixed doses, may simplify the treatment of venous thromboembolism. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind study, we compared apixaban (at a dose of 10 mg twice daily for 7 days, followed by 5 mg twice daily for 6 months) with conventional therapy (subcutaneous enoxaparin, followed by warfarin) in 5395 patients with acute venous thromboembolism. The primary efficacy outcome was recurrent symptomatic venous thromboembolism or death related to venous thromboembolism. The principal safety outcomes were major bleeding alone and major bleeding plus clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding. RESULTS: The primary efficacy outcome occurred in 59 of 2609 patients (2.3%) in the apixaban group, as compared with 71 of 2635 (2.7%) in the conventional-therapy group (relative risk, 0.84; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60 to 1.18; difference in risk [apixaban minus conventional therapy], -0.4 percentage points; 95% CI, -1.3 to 0.4). Apixaban was noninferior to conventional therapy (P<0.001) for predefined upper limits of the 95% confidence intervals for both relative risk (<1.80) and difference in risk (<3.5 percentage points). Major bleeding occurred in 0.6% of patients who received apixaban and in 1.8% of those who received conventional therapy (relative risk, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.17 to 0.55; P<0.001 for superiority). The composite outcome of major bleeding and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding occurred in 4.3% of the patients in the apixaban group, as compared with 9.7% of those in the conventional-therapy group (relative risk, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.36 to 0.55; P<0.001). Rates of other adverse events were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: A fixed-dose regimen of apixaban alone was noninferior to conventional therapy for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism and was associated with significantly less bleeding (Funded by Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00643201)