35 research outputs found

    Rola rodziców w rozwoju umiejętności czytania dzieci

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    The article deals with the development of children’s reading skills that are regarded as the major foundational skills for all school-based learning, academic and occupational success. Thus, parents can and should play a significant role in helping their children to develop reading skills and in encouraging their growth in this respect. It is often emphasised that starting early is the best way for parents to prepare their child for school and life progress. As parents can have a huge impact on how quickly their children learn to read, the ways parents can help their children with reading are suggested in the article. It also includes activities for families with children that can make learning experiences out of the everyday routines in which parents and their children participate if they want to help children to gain the skills they need to become readers. The resulting steps that parents can take to help the child become a successful reader are offered. The author considers that it is important for parents to know what children like in books and the kinds of books that are the most suitable for children at different ages, and that the books that parents pick to read with the child are very important.Artykuł dotyczy rozwoju umiejętności czytania dzieci, która jest uważana za podstawową umiejętność szkolną, akademicką i zawodowego sukcesu. Rodzice mogą i powinni odgrywać znaczącą rolę w pomaganiu dzieciom w rozwijaniu umiejętności czytania i zachęcaniu ich do rozwoju w tym zakresie. Podkreśla się, że wczesne rozpoczynanie nauki jest najlepszym sposobem, aby rodzice przygotowali swoje dziecko do rozwoju szkoły i życia. Podkreśla się, że jak najszybciej nauka czytania jest najlepszym sposobem, aby rodzice przygotowywali swoje dziecko do pomyślnych osiągnięć w szkole i życiu. Ponieważ rodzice mogą mieć ogromny wpływ na to, jak szybko ich dzieci uczą się czytać, w artykule zasugerowano sposoby, które rodzice mogą zastosować by pomóc swoim dzieciom w czytaniu. Obejmuje również zajęcia dla rodzin z dziećmi, które sprawiają, że doświadczenia edukacyjne wychodzą z codziennych zajęć, w których uczestniczą rodzice i ich dzieci, jeśli chcą pomóc dzieciom zdobyć umiejętności, których potrzebują, aby stać się czytelnikami. Można zaproponować następujące kroki, które rodzice mogą podjąć, aby dziecko mogło być szczęśliwym czytelnikiem. Autorka uważa, że wiedza na temat tego, co dzieci lubią w książkach i rodzaj książek najbardziej odpowiednich dla dzieci w różnym wieku, jest ważna dla zrozumienia przez rodziców. Podkreśla się, że książki, które rodzice wybierają do czytania z dzieckiem są bardzo ważne

    Functional Literacy in the System of Adult Education

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    RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific aim of the article is to improve understanding of func- tional literacy (illiteracy) phenomenon and its role in adult learning system, pedagogical and socio-economic approaches to this concept. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is included in the questions: What are the essence, definition and constituents of functional literacy? What are pedagogical principles and techniques of functional literacy training for adults? The author uses the method of theoretical analysis of scientific works, some documents and UNESCO reports on the issues, and comparison of certain research views. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article starts with investigation of functional literacy in historical and contemporary dimensions, the reasons for development of the phenomenon in the world. Then we focus on various concepts and approaches to the functional literacy through the time. The next is comparison of scholars’ research on the components of functional literacy; and then we study the principles and methods, peculiarities of functional literacy training in adult education. RESEARCH RESULTS: The research has revealed that functional literacy is a complex of social necessary knowledge and skills allowing a person to participate effectively in social process. Its constituent elements are basic, information, economic, political, cultural literacy, and many others depending on community level. Functional literacy concept and training are connected with the priorities of economic and social development. The constant interest by national and international organizations for maintaining functional literacy is explained in the work. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The conclusion emphasizes the importance of functional literacy for development and well-being of individual and societal progress in the community. The need for working out and implementation of specific principles, teaching materials and techniques for functional literacy training in adult learning is highlighted

    Reduction in manual asymmetry and decline in fine manual dexterity in right-handed older adults with mild cognitive impairment

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    Research in Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease suggests that hand function is affected by neurodegenerative diseases. However, little is known about the relationship between hand function and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Therefore, we conducted a kinematic analysis of unimanual hand movements in MCI patients to answer whether manual asymmetries and manual dexterity are affected or preserved in this condition. Forty-one MCI patients and fifty healthy controls were tested with the Purdue Pegboard test. All participants were right-handed. Kinematic analyses (by hand) were calculated for path length, angle, and linear and angular velocities during reaching, grasping, transport and inserting. Group differences were tested by with factorial MANOVAs and laterality indexes (LI) were assessed. Groups were compared on “Right–Left” hand correlations to identify kinematics that best single-out patients. Kinematics from grasping and inserting were significantly more deteriorated in the MCI group, while outcomes for reaching and transport denoted superior performance. LIs data showed symmetry of movements in the MCI group, during reaching and transport. Comparisons of “Right–Left” hand correlations revealed that kinematics in reaching and transport were more symmetrical in patients. This study showed a deterioration of fine manual dexterity, an enhancement in gross dexterity of upper-limbs, and symmetrical movements in MCI patients

    Assessing a Sensory-Motor-Cognition Triad in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment With Dichotic Listening While Walking: A Dual-Task Paradigm

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    A contemporary topic in aging research relates to the significance of cognitive changes proper to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to higher risk of falls and gait deteriorations. The present study addresses this question in the amnestic type of MCI (aMCI) by examining a triad of interrelated comorbidities occurring in the MCI condition: attentional impairments, hearing loss and gait disturbances. To this end, we applied a dichotic listening (DL) test during over-ground walking. DL assesses spontaneous and lateralized auditory attention in three conditions (i.e., free report or Non-forced (NF), Forced-Right (FR) ear and Forced-Left (FL) ear). Earlier reports suggest that this dual-task paradigm evoke asymmetric gait effects on healthy controls, which are moderated by degree of hearing loss. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of DL on bilateral (data from both limbs) and lateralized (each limb separately) gait outcomes in a group of forty-three aMCI participants (mean = 71.19) and fifty-two healthy older controls (mean = 70.90) by using hearing loss as a covariate in all analyses. Results showed the aMCI group presented overall compromised gait parameters, especially higher gait variability in all DL conditions during lateralized attentional control. These findings were observed bilaterally, and no lateralized effects on gait were observed. Only after controlling for hearing acuity, gait asymmetries on step length variability emerged almost exclusively in healthy controls. It was concluded that hearing loss in the aMCI group together with higher attentional impairments preclude aMCI individuals to properly execute DL and therefore, they do not display gait asymmetries. The present data demonstrate that varied demands on attentional control dependent on hearing acuity affects gait negatively in healthy older adults and aMCI individuals in very different ways. The appearance of asymmetric effects seems to be a perturbation related to normal aging, while the lack of asymmetries but exaggerated gait variability characterizes aMCI. The present findings show the intricate interplay of sensory, cognitive, and motor deteriorations in different group of older adults, which stresses the need of addressing co-occurring comorbidities behind gait perturbations in individuals prone to develop a dementia state

    Effects of dichotic listening on gait domains of healthy older adults during dual-tasking: An exploratory observational study

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    Background - Identification of the cognitive mechanisms behind gait changes in aging is a prime endeavor in gerontology and geriatrics. For this reason, we have implemented a new dual-task paradigm where an auditory attentional task is performed during over-ground walking. Dichotic listening assesses spontaneous attention and voluntary attention directed to right and left-ear. The uniqueness of dichotic listening relies on its requirements that vary in difficulty and recruitment of resources from whole brain to one brain hemisphere. When used in dual-tasking, asymmetric effects on certain gait parameters have been reported. Objectives - The present study aims to acquire a more global understanding on how dichotic listening affects gait domains. Specifically, we aimed to understand how spontaneous vs lateralized auditory attention altered the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) structure of gait in healthy older adults. Methods - Seventy-eight healthy older adults (mean age: 71.1 years; 44 women and 34 men) underwent the Bergen dichotic listening test while walking. As this study only focuses on the effects of the cognitive task on gait, only dual-task costs for gait were calculated and entered into the PCA analyses. We explored the PCA structure for the effects on bilateral gait parameters (i.e., both limbs together) as well as on lateralized gait parameters (i.e, separate parameters by limb). We first established gait domains during single-task walking. Then, dual-task cost scores for gait were entered in a series of PCAs. Results - Results from the PCAs for bilateral gait parameters showed limited alterations on gait structure. In contrast, PCAs for lateralized data demonstrated modifications of the gait structure during dichotic listening. The PCAs corresponding for all dichotic listening conditions showed different factor solutions ranging between 4 and 6 factors that explained between 73.8% to 80% of the total variance. As a whole, all conditions had an impact on “pace”, “pace variability” and “base of support variability” domains. In the spontaneous attention condition, a six-factor solution explaining 78.3% of the variance showed asymmetrical disruptions on the PCA structure. When attention was focused to right-ear, a five-factor solution explaining 89% of the variance and similar to baseline was found. When attention was directed to left-ear, a four-factor solution explaining 73.8% of the variance was found with symmetrical impact on all factors. Conclusions - These findings demonstrate for the first time that specific facets of attentional control affects gait domains both symmetrically and asymmetrically in healthy older adults

    The Usage of Modern Platforms and Online-Services for Organizing of the Distance Educational Process in the Context of Modern Neuroscience

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    The paper is focused on the question of remote learning a foreign language in the context of neuroscience. The notions of “distance training”, “neuropsychology”, and “pedagogic technologies of remote teaching ” have been cleared up. It has been emphasized that an educational institution is free to choose its own model of the organizing of remote training. It has been pointed out that neuropsychology is based on experimental and clinical neuropsychology and that the first neuropsychological research had been carried out by L. S. Vygotskyi (1956) and A. Luriya (1965). The articles of domestic and overseas scholars, which contain critical analysis of remote teaching a foreign language, have been reviewed. The survey of different countries scientists' publications, concerning foreign language distance teaching's directions of the study, has been clarified. The advantages of the distance teaching have been defined. It has been pointed out that autonomic activities of a student cannot be passively organized. The advantages and disadvantages of home-schooling have been clarified. The accent has been made on the usage of modern platforms and online-services, particularly Moodle and Google Classroom. The influence of neuropsychology on higher mental processes has been explored. It has been noted that the lack of “live” social relationship is finally dangerous, especially for children, and emphasized that while organizing remote training process cognitive exercises should be used to boost children’s brain functioning. The accent has been made on the necessity of cognitive activities for enhancing children's concern for studying. The unique example of the usage of A. Luriya’s (1964) and M. Rosenzweig's (2009) methodologies has been given. The well-known master on school psychology B. Arrowsmith-Young’s study (2012) on remedial work with children, who have problems in learning, has been analyzed.</p

    Peculiarities of Adaptive and Rehabilitation Processes of Children with Special Educational Needs

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    The paper examines the peculiarities of the adaptive and rehabilitation processes of children with special educational needs. It was found that one of the most significant issues of rehabilitation work with children with special educational needs is to create the conditions for their integration into society. This stipulates the determination of the state of their adaptive and rehabilitation potential formation suggesting identification of social characteristics and social relations of the children with special educational needs; definition of the levels of their learning opportunities, skills and abilities development; elucidation of the peculiarities of intra-family relations in families bringing up children with special educational needs; research of rehabilitation processes features being passed by children with special educational needs. For studying the state of adaptive and rehabilitation potential formation in working with children with special educational needs, we have conducted a diagnostic study among children with special educational needs who receive rehabilitation services at the Shepetivka City Center for Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children of Khmelnytskyi region. The parents of the children took part in the study as well. The results of the diagnosis revealed that the children with special educational needs are dominated by medium and low levels of formation of self-concept and comprehention of their relations with the social environment; they are characterized by medium and low levels of general mental development; children with special educational needs suffer hostility and conflict in their families, while their parents experience feelings of guilt, anxiety, and mental stress; the difficulties being faced by the children with special educational needs during the rehabilitation process are mainly related to their focusing on their own illness. In this regard, we have developed and substantiated the forms and methods for regulating the adaptive and rehabilitation processes in working with children with special educational needs, which, in our opinion, should be applied by specialists at the centers for the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities.</p

    Socio-Psychological Features of Students with Special Educational Needs as a Cause of Conflicts in Inclusive Groups

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    The article examines the causes of conflicts in inclusive student groups and means of their prevention. It has been found that the success of inclusive education in higher education institutions mainly depends on interpersonal relationships in inclusive student groups. This is due to the fact that communicating with each other, students with special educational needs acquire skills of social interaction, widen the range of their social roles, learn more about their own personality. However, the peculiarities of moral attitudes, values, behavior, features of the emotional and volitional sphere development, cognitive processes of students with special educational needs lead to conflict situations in inclusive student groups. To determine the causes of conflicts in inclusive student groups, a diagnostic study was conducted among the full-time and part-time students with special educational needs of Khmelnytsky National University. The results of the diagnosis showed that main causes of conflicts in inclusive student groups are the following socio-psychological characteristics of students with special educational needs: low level of self-esteem due to which they get painful experiences because of critical remarks addressed to them, try to adapt to other people's opinions, have low motivation for achievement, feel lonely and anxious; low ability to establish new contacts for communication, low level of sociability; the desire to avoid conflict or to get out of it with dignity accepting the opinions and interests of others without seeking compromise solutions. Taking this into consideration, we have developed and substantiated conflict prevention tools for inclusive student groups that can help students with special educational needs to interact effectively with other students while studying at higher education institution.</p