226 research outputs found
Affection radii of congested junctions on traffic networks
The article investigates the spatial effects of traffic congestion. Three and four legged rural road intersection are analyzed, regarding single and double through lanes. The analysis is based on momentary individual vehicle speeds, but other flow parameters are taken into account as well. Values are determined by ways of microsimulation, results are given in both directions of the junction for the major flow, the effects on minor flows are not evaluated
Additive Effects of Road Intersection-Specific Volume-delay Functions
Describing the relationship between vehicle volume and travel time delay on road sections consisting multiple intersections in the context of junction quantity is favorable to extend the advantage of intersection-specific volume-delay functions. This paper demonstrates a microsimulation method combined with a non-linear function fitting algorithm to determine unbiased delay function parameters and inspect the eect of junction number on time delays. Results are bifold: first the distance between intersections deemed irrelevant regarding delay function shape, second the implicit scaling property of homogenous junction chains is revealed. Consequently the definition of time delay on uniform intersection chains can be determined by a sole parameter set for the volume-delay function and the addition of a single scaling variable
“A Megcsalt Férj” or Cunningly Lingual Wives in Hungarian Ballad Tradition
In this report I shall study one widely circulating European ballad tradition concerning wifely infidelity, to illustrate that although details among versions are temporally and culturally variable, they all belong to one narrative deep structure having to do with “cunningly lingual” wives and cuckolded husbands. These adulterous wives are a subcategory of the persistent antifeminist stereotype of the “unruly woman,” whose too active mouth, whether its voraciousness, garrulousness, or verbal cunning, implies bodily misrule, a topsy-turvy displacement of a woman’s even more fearful orifice, the vagina. I will mention noteworthy highlights from several ballad traditions, but I will concentrate on the Hungarian corpus. Through a gender-conscious reading, I will show that these retold tales that pretend to be about conjugal relations are merely another variant of misogynist male discourse on women, where the “misogyny reveals far more about masculinity and male views of the feminine than about real women” [Gaunt 1995: 71]. In addition, hegemonic masculinist interpretations, including by scholars, have been complicit in a directed reading away from the misogyny
En-gendering Memory through Holocaust Alimentary Life Writing
In her article En-gendering Memory through Holocaust Alimentary Life Writing Louise O. Vasvári aims to underline the cultural and gendered significance of the sharing of recipes as a survival tool by starving women in concentration camps during the Holocaust and the continuing role of food memories in the writing of Holocaust survivor women she considers a genealogy of intergenerational remembrance and transmission into the postmemory writing of their second generation daughters and occasionally their sons. Vasvári argues that the study of multigenerational Holocaust alimentary life writing becomes important today because as direct survivors of the Holocaust disappear there is a need of new forms of transmission to reshape Holocaust memories for the future
Decentralizáció és költségvetési korlát : Miért fontos, hogy a haszonélvezők viseljék a költségeket?
A költsĂ©gvetĂ©si politikát Ă©s decentralizáciĂłt nagymĂ©rtĂ©kben meghatározza, hogy a haszonĂ©lvezĹ‘k Ă©s költsĂ©gviselĹ‘k köre mennyire egyezik meg. Az önkormányzatok finanszĂrozási eszközei kĂĽlönböznek abban, hogy a kiadások tĂ©rben Ă©s idĹ‘ben kit terhelnek. Az önkormányzati vezetĹ‘k alapvetĹ‘en mindig a jelenkori helyi lakosság tehermentesĂtĂ©sĂ©ben Ă©rdekeltek: minĂ©l jobb szolgáltatásokat nyĂşjtani Ă©s/vagy a terheket csökkenteni (kielĂ©gĂtĂ©s Ă©s kĂmĂ©lĂ©s). Ez az expanziĂłs kĂ©nyszer Ă©s a költsĂ©gvetĂ©si korlát felpuhulásának alapja, s a könnyelmű, mások számlájára törtĂ©nĹ‘ költekezĂ©sre ösztönözhet. Ennek tĂĽkrĂ©ben megvizsgáljuk, hogy a haszonĂ©lvezĹ‘k Ă©s költsĂ©gviselĹ‘k egyezĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©re vonatkozĂł feltĂ©tel milyen mĂ©rtĂ©kben teljesĂĽlt a magyar önkormányzatiság elmĂşlt csaknem harminc Ă©vĂ©ben. Bemutatjuk, hogy a közfeladatok ellátásával kapcsolatban elsĹ‘sorban a vagyonállomány leromlása, a belsĹ‘ eladĂłsodottság növekedĂ©se Ăştján merĂĽlt fel a terhek jövĹ‘ generáciĂłkra valĂł áthárĂtása, miközben a tĂ©rbeli áthárĂtás, kiegĂ©szĂtĹ‘ központi támogatások igĂ©nylĂ©se is egyre inkább rendszerszerűvĂ© vált, amiben a politikai klientelizmus jelei is megfigyelhetĹ‘k. A beruházások finanszĂrozásában egyre inkább csökkent a helyi erĹ‘források sĂşlya, egyĂşttal növekedett a támogatások szerepe. Az eredmĂ©nyek alapján Magyarországon is igazoltnak látjuk Fink–Stratman [2009] megállapĂtásait: a költsĂ©gvetĂ©si korlát nem egysĂ©ges az önkormányzatok számára. A kedvezmĂ©nyezett önkormányzatok inkább számĂthatnak központi támogatásra, kevĂ©sbĂ© kĂ©nyszerĂĽlnek feszes költsĂ©gvetĂ©si politikára.*
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kĂłd: H70, H74, H77
Etraffic – an Open Access Transportation Model
This paper presents a modular transportation modellingapproach. In the proposed system travel demand is determinedusing existing statistics. All data describing a national roadnetwork and corresponding traffic demand is loaded into thesoftware application, consisting of a web interface and manageddatabase. Users have access to this dataset and mayfreely modify it to create their own models and scenarios fortransportation studies
Validation of a Physical and Numerical Model to Solve Problems of Seepage Flow
The coefficient of permeability (k value) is an important parameter in civil engineering practice, in hydrology and hydrogeology. It can be determined by field test or by means of laboratory testing. The goal of this paper is to assess this parameter by creating a laboratory model and by validating its results using finite element computer code. The model tests provide that can be applied for estimating permeability of different soils. In a physical model medium-grained sand was tested in the laboratory, for understanding the effects of different flow rates on the validation of the measurement result, the numerical simulation of the physical model was constructed using FEFLOW. Two model variants were developed and both variants were calibrated and validated. Subsequently, the results were converted to real variables based on the model laws. The physical model provides the flow rate of the well in medium-grained sand with sufficient accuracy if the real size of the drawdown is between 0,5 and 1,7 m
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