753 research outputs found

    Államtudomány: „what is that?”

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    Mapping improvement options of government services: illustration of ‘concept-mapping’

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    This paper introduces concept mapping – one form of ‘structured conceptualization’ – through describing and structuring improvement options of Hungarian government service centres (in Hungarian, these service centres are also known as ‘government windows’ or ‘kormányablakok’). Hungarian service centres are implementations of the ‘one-stop shop’ concept where almost all government service needs (close to 2,500 cases or procedures; the most common ones are about ID cards, passports and vehicle registrations) of citizens can be met independently of their residence. Conse-quently, successful implementation of this concept requires new, service-oriented attitude from the staff and much higher level of technical integration than before. Concept mapping uses inputs from stakeholders (managers and staff members of these centres) to describe the problem domain (service improvement options in this example), using natural language input (Hungarian in this case). These inputs are then grouped (by multi-dimensional scaling and Ward hierarchical clustering) and rated by importance. Inputs from the stakeholders were solicited continually throughout the project to determine the final number of clusters and to develop an action plan for improvement, considering the relative importance of the options. Pattern matching was also used to highlight differences between stake-holder groups

    Inventory Models

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    An Occupational Therapy Veteran Resource Guide

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    Currently, there are limited resources available to occupational therapists working with the veteran population. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is often confusing and complex for many health care workers to understand. An extensive literature review was conducted and the research indicated there is a need for an occupational therapy resource guide which includes a working knowledge of military culture, The Department of Veterans Affairs eligibility requirements and access, military priority conditions as well as military specific assessments. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to develop a guide that allows occupational therapists working with the veteran population to gain foundational knowledge on the military culture, information regarding VA access and eligibility, military priority medical conditions as well as military specific assessments. The product developed consists of four sections including: military culture, VA access and eligibility, military medical priority conditions and military specific assessments. The product is designed to be a guide for occupational therapists to advocate for the veteran population, educate occupational therapists as well as other health care professionals on military priority medical conditions and military specific assessments to utilize in various facilities. The guide can be used to consult with other health care professionals in regards to gaining access and receiving services through the VA

    "Social network analysis" (SNA - társadalmi háló elemzés) használata az ellátási láncok elemzésében

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    A „s ocial network analysis ” (SNA) széleskörben elterjedt módszertan az emberek , szervezetek és más információ/tudásközpontok közötti kapcsolatok és folyamatok feltérképez ésére és mérésére . A z adott hálózat csomópontjai ( nod e - jai ) emberek és csoportok, a z ezeket összekötő vonalak ( linkek ) pedig az ezek közötti kapcsola t ok és folyamatok . Az SNA segítségével lehetséges az egyének közötti /szervezeti kapcsolatok vizuális megjelenítés e és matematikai elemzés e . Az SNA az elmúlt években egyre elfogadottabb módszertanná vált a logisztika területén is , mivel interdiszciplináris összekötőkapocsként képes az ellátási hálók változását elemezni és működésük javításával hatékonyabbá tenni azokat. Rámutatunk az SNA lehetséges alkalam azás i lehetősége ire a h álózatos iparág ak ellátási háló i n ak , azo ko n belül is a termelő/ szolgáltató - fogyasztó viszony , elemzésé n keresztül

    Optimizing Supply Chain Performance in China with Country-Specific Supply Chain Coordination

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    The implementation of country-specific supply chain coordination techniques ensures an optimal global supply chain performance. This paper looks at success factors going with a supply chain coordination strategy within the global supply chain of a successful, medium-sized, privately-owned company, one having locations in North America (USA), Europe (Hungary) and Asia (China). Through the shown GSL’s Chinese plant, we will endeavor to argue that increased collaboration in the supply network with appropriate supply chain coordination brings down not only the inventory level but can also improve conformance quality and reduce quoted lead times