553 research outputs found

    Design and multidimensional extension of iterative methods for solving nonlinear problems

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    [EN] In this paper, a three-step iterative method with sixth-order local convergence for approximating the solution of a nonlinear system is presented. From Ostrowski¿s scheme adding one step of Newton with ¿frozen¿ derivative and by using a divided difference operator we construct an iterative scheme of order six for solving nonlinear systems. The computational efficiency of the new method is compared with some known ones, obtaining good conclusions. Numerical comparisons are made with other existing methods, on standard nonlinear systems and the classical 1D-Bratu problem by transforming it in a nonlinear system by using finite differences. From this numerical examples, we confirm the theoretical results and show the performance of the presented scheme.This research was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad MTM2014-52016-C2-2-P and FONDOCYT 2014-1C1-088 Republica Dominicana.Artidiello, S.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR.; Vassileva, MP. (2017). Design and multidimensional extension of iterative methods for solving nonlinear problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 293:194-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2016.08.034S19420329

    Motivational Social Visualizations for Personalized E-Learning

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    A large number of educational resources is now available on the Web to support both regular classroom learning and online learning. However, the abundance of available content produces at least two problems: how to help students find the most appropriate resources, and how to engage them into using these resources and benefiting from them. Personalized and social learning have been suggested as potential methods for addressing these problems. Our work presented in this paper attempts to combine the ideas of personalized and social learning. We introduce Progressor + , an innovative Web-based interface that helps students find the most relevant resources in a large collection of self-assessment questions and programming examples. We also present the results of a classroom study of the Progressor +  in an undergraduate class. The data revealed the motivational impact of the personalized social guidance provided by the system in the target context. The interface encouraged students to explore more educational resources and motivated them to do some work ahead of the course schedule. The increase in diversity of explored content resulted in improving students’ problem solving success. A deeper analysis of the social guidance mechanism revealed that it is based on the leading behavior of the strong students, who discovered the most relevant resources and created trails for weaker students to follow. The study results also demonstrate that students were more engaged with the system: they spent more time in working with self-assessment questions and annotated examples, attempted more questions, and achieved higher success rates in answering them

    Supporting Peer Help and Collaboration in Distributed Workplace Environments

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    Special Issue on Computer Supported Collaborative LearningIncreasingly, organizations are geographically distributed with activities coordinated and integrated through the use of information technology. Such organizations face constant change and the corresponding need for continual learning and renewal of their workers. In this paper we describe a prototype system called PHelpS (Peer Help System) that facilitates workers in carrying out such "life long learning". PHelpS supports workers as they perform their tasks, offers assistance in finding peer helpers when required, and mediates communication on task-related topics. When a worker runs into difficulty in carrying out a task, PHelpS provides a list of other workers who are ready, willing and able to help him or her. The worker then selects a particular helper with PHelpS supporting the subsequent help interaction. The PHelpS system acts as a facilitator to stimulate learning and collaboration, rather than as a directive agent imposing its perspectives on the workers. In this way PHelpS facilitates the creation of extensive informal peer help networks, where workers help one another with tasks and opens up new research avenues for further exploration of AI-based computer-supported collaborative learning. (http://aied.inf.ed.ac.uk/members98/archive/vol_9/greer/full.html

    QuizMap: Open social student modeling and adaptive navigation support with TreeMaps

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to integrate social adaptive navigation support for self-assessment questions with an open student model using QuizMap, a TreeMap-based interface. By exposing student model in contrast to student peers and the whole class, QuizMap attempts to provide social guidance and increase student performance. The paper explains the nature of the QuizMap approach and its implementation in the context of self-assessment questions for Java programming. It also presents the design of a semester-long classroom study that we ran to evaluate QuizMap and reports the evaluation results. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Mediated behavioural change in human-machine networks: exploring network characteristics, trust and motivation

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    Human-machine networks pervade much of contemporary life. Network change is the product of structural modifications along with differences in participant be-havior. If we assume that behavioural change in a human-machine network is the result of changing the attitudes of participants in the network, then the question arises whether network structure can affect participant attitude. Taking citizen par-ticipation as an example, engagement with relevant stakeholders reveals trust and motivation to be the major objectives for the network. Using a typology to de-scribe network state based on multiple characteristic or dimensions, we can pre-dict possible behavioural outcomes in the network. However, this has to be medi-ated via attitude change. Motivation for the citizen participation network can only increase in line with enhanced trust. The focus for changing network dynamics, therefore, shifts to the dimensional changes needed to encourage increased trust. It turns out that the coordinated manipulation of multiple dimensions is needed to bring about the desired shift in attitude.Comment: Paper submitted to SocInfo, organised by the Oxford Internet Institute, September 201

    EURL-HM-22 Proficiency test report: Determination of total As, Cd, Pb, Hg, MeHg and inorganic As in fish

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    The European Union Reference Laboratory for Heavy Metals in Feed and Food (EURL-HM) organised a proficiency test (EURL-HM-22) for the determination of total As, Cd, Pb, Hg and inorganic As (iAs) in fish to support the Commission Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. This PT was open only to National Reference Laboratories (NRLs). The reference material "IAEA-436" (Tuna fish flesh homogenate) was used as test item. The finely ground dry powder material was rebottled, relabelled and dispatched to the participants. The reference values of interest were provided by the IAEA, together with an informative value for total Pb. The University of Graz (Austria) was requested to analyse the mass fraction of iAs in the material and reported a truncated value ("less than" 0.005 mg kg-1). Forty two participants from 30 countries registered to the exercise (all EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway). Only one participant could not report results due to technical instrumental problems. Laboratory results were rated using z- (z'- for MeHg) and zeta scores in accordance with ISO 13528:2015. The following relative standard deviations for proficiency assessment (σpt) were set according to the modified Horwitz equation: 13% for total Hg and MeHg; 15% for total As; and 22% for total Cd. No scoring was provided for total Pb and iAs. More than 92% of the participating NRLs reported satisfactory results (according to the z-score) for total As, Cd, Hg and MeHg, thus confirming their ability in monitoring the maximum levels set by the European Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 for fish commodities. However, only 9 (out of 41) participants reported results for MeHg. Most of the laboratories provided realistic estimates of their measurement uncertainties.JRC.F.5-Food and Feed Complianc

    Toll-like receptor and IL-12 signaling control susceptibility to contact hypersensitivity.

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    Allergic contact hypersensitivity (CHS) is a T cell-mediated inflammatory skin disease. Interleukin (IL)-12 is considered to be important in the generation of the allergen-specific T cell response. Loss of IL-12 function in IL-12Rbeta2-deficient mice, however, did not ameliorate the allergic immune response, suggesting alternate IL-12-independent pathways in the induction of CHS. Because exposure to contact allergens always takes place in the presence of microbial skin flora, we investigated the potential role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the induction of CHS. Using mice deficient in TLR4, the receptor for bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), IL-12 receptor (R) beta2, or both, we show that the concomitant absence of TLR4 and IL-12Rbeta2, but not the absence of TLR4 or IL-12Rbeta2 alone, prevented DC-mediated sensitization, generation of effector T cells, and the subsequent CHS response to 2,4,6-trinitro-1-chlorobenzene (TNCB), oxazolone, and fluorescein isothiocyanate. Introduction of the TLR4 transgene into the TLR4/IL-12Rbeta2 mutant restored the CHS inducibility, showing a requirement for TLR4 in IL-12-independent CHS induction. Furthermore, the concomitant absence of TLR2 and TLR4 prevented the induction of CHS to TNCB in IL-12-competent mice. Finally, CHS was inducible in germ-free wild-type and IL-12Rbeta2-deficient mice, but not in germ-free TLR4/IL-12Rbeta2 double deficient mice, suggesting that the necessary TLR activation may proceed via endogenous ligands

    Multifaceted open social learner modelling

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    Open social learner modelling (OSLM) approaches are promoted in order to assist learners in self-directed and self-determined learning in a social context. Still, most approaches only focus on visualising learners’ performance, or providing complex tools for social navigation. Our proposal, additionally, emphasises the importance of visualising both learners’ performance and their contribution to a learning community. We seek also to seamlessly integrate OSLM with learning contents, in order for the multifaceted OSLM’s prospect for ubiquity and context-awareness to enrich the adaptive potential of social e-learning systems. This paper thus presents the design of multifaceted OSLM by introducing novel, personalised social interaction features into Topolor, a social personalised adaptive e-learning environment. The umbrella target is to create and study aspects of open social learner models. An experimental study is conducted to analyse the impact of the newly introduced features. The results are finally concluded to suggest future research and further improvements
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