701 research outputs found

    In vitro maturation of immature thymocytes into immunocompetent T cells in the absence of direct thymic influence

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    Peanut lectin (PNL) binds to a majority of mouse thymocytes (Thc) in suspension. By using cell affinity chromatography on a column of anti-PNL antibody, Thc populations at least 96 percent pure in PNL + or - cells, as judged by immunofluorescence, were obtained. PNL(+) cells are rich in Thy 1 and poor in H(2) antigens, cortisone sensitive, unresponsive to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and immunologically incompetent, as judged by mixed lymphocyte reaction, popliteal lymph node graft-versus-host assay, and by testing helper activity in a primary in vitro antibody response to sheep erythrocytes; the converse is true of PNL(-) cells. Thus, PNL(+) and (-) cells appear to correspond to cortical and medullary Thc, respectively, as previously suggested. In culture, PNL(+) Thc show poor viability and a weak proliferative response to concanavalin A (Con A), except when supernate (SUP) of 24 h Con A stimulated lymph node lymphocyte cultures, or irradiated lymph node cells, are added, in which cases a strong proliferative response to the mitogen is observed. A variety of control experiments showed that the proliferating cells did not result from preferential stimulation of a few contaminating PNL(-) Thc present in the PNL(+) Thc cultures. The blasts resulting from PNL(+) Thc proliferation display mitogen-induced cytotoxicity, and give rise to a population of medium-sized lymphocytes, mostly PNL(-), poor in Thy 1 and rich in H(2) antigens, PHA responsive, and immunologically competent in the above-mentioned assays. Fresh PNL(+) Thc responded in mixed lymphocyte reaction in the presence of SUP (lectin depleted) and since incubation in SUP alone did not confer reactivity on PNL(+) Thc, it appears therefore that (a) immature Thc possess alloantigen and mitogen-specific surface receptors but lack the capacity to respond by proliferation to receptor triggering without the help of extracellular factor(s) released by mature lymphoid cells stimulated by mitogens (b) cell division is associated with the acquisition of immunological responsiveness, characteristic of mature T lymphocytes. The implications of these findings for the ontogenesis of thymus-derived lymphocytes, and for the possible traffic of Thc within and from the thymus, are discussed

    Self-driven soft imaging in liquid by means of photothermal excitation

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    The use of a laser to induce oscillations of an atomic force microscopy cantilever provides a way to excite the dynamics of the system in a very controlled manner. This excitation scheme has been used to obtain reliable self-sustained oscillations, in air and in liquid environments, and to implement an additional control loop leading to a soft, low-interaction, working mode. The dynamics of the oscillating cantilever has been characterized, both theoretically and experimentally, and the effectiveness of the approach has been verified on a test sample. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewe

    Non-Newtonian rheology of crystal-bearing magmas and implications for magma ascent dynamics

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    The eruptive dynamics of volcanic systems are largely controlled by the viscosity of deforming magma. Here we report the results of a series of high-temperature, high-pressure experiments at conditions relevant for volcanic conduits (250 MPa confining pressure and temperature between 500 °C and 900 °C) that were undertaken to investigate the rheology of magma with crystal fractions varying between 0.5 and 0.8 (50 to 80 wt.%) at different strain-rate conditions. The experiments demonstrate that the presence of crystals increases the relative viscosity (ratio between the viscosity of the mixture and the viscosity of the melt phase) of magmas and additionally induces a decrease of the relative viscosity with increasing strain-rate (shear thinning, non-Newtonian behavior). The experimental results, combined with existing data at low crystal fractions (0–0.3), were used to develop a semi-empirical parameterization that describes the variations of relative viscosity for crystal fractions between 0 and 0.8 and accounts for the complex non-Newtonian rheology of crystal-bearing magmas. The new parameterization, included into numerical models simulating the magma ascent dynamics, reveals that strain-rate-dependent rheology significantly modifies the dynamic behavior inside volcanic conduits, particularly affecting the magma fragmentation conditions

    Digital holography as 3D tracking tool for assessing acoustophoretic particle manipulation

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    The integration of digital holography (DH) imaging and the acoustic manipulation of micro-particles in a microfluidic environment is investigated. The ability of DH to provide efficient 3D tracking of particles inside a microfluidic channel is exploited to measure the position of multiple objects moving under the effect of stationary ultrasound pressure fields. The axial displacement provides a direct verification of the numerically computed positions of the standing wave’s node, while the particle’s transversal movement highlights the presence of nodes in the planar direction. Moreover, DH is used to follow the aggregation dynamics of trapped spheres in such nodes by using aggregation rate metrics

    Bidirectional and context-dependent changes in theta and gamma oscillatory brain activity in noradrenergic cell-specific Hypocretin/Orexin receptor 1-KO mice.

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    Noradrenaline (NA) and hypocretins/orexins (HCRT), and their receptors, dynamically modulate the circuits that configure behavioral states, and their associated oscillatory activities. Salient stimuli activate spiking of locus coeruleus noradrenergic (NA <sup>LC</sup> ) cells, inducing NA release and brain-wide noradrenergic signalling, thus resetting network activity, and mediating an orienting response. Hypothalamic HCRT neurons provide one of the densest input to NA <sup>LC</sup> cells. To functionally address the HCRT-to-NA connection, we selectively disrupted the Hcrtr1 gene in NA neurons, and analyzed resulting (Hcrtr1 <sup>Dbh-CKO</sup> ) mice', and their control littermates' electrocortical response in several contexts of enhanced arousal. Under enforced wakefulness (EW), or after cage change (CC), Hcrtr1 <sup>Dbh-CKO</sup> mice exhibited a weakened ability to lower infra-θ frequencies (1-7 Hz), and mount a robust, narrow-bandwidth, high-frequency θ rhythm (~8.5 Hz). A fast-γ (55-80 Hz) response, whose dynamics closely parallelled θ, also diminished, while β/slow-γ activity (15-45 Hz) increased. Furthermore, EW-associated locomotion was lower. Surprisingly, nestbuilding-associated wakefulness, inversely, featured enhanced θ and fast-γ activities. Thus HCRT-to-NA signalling may fine-tune arousal, up in alarming conditions, and down during self-motivated, goal-driven behaviors. Lastly, slow-wave-sleep following EW and CC, but not nestbuilding, was severely deficient in slow-δ waves (0.75-2.25 Hz), suggesting that HCRT-to-NA signalling regulates the slow-δ rebound characterizing sleep after stress-associated arousal

    A numerical code for the simulation of magma-rocks dynamics

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    We present a numerical code for the simulation of the dynamics of compressible to incompressible, multicomponent ows, based on the _nite element algorithm by Hauke & Hughes (1998). Balance equations for mass, momentum, energy and composition are solved with space-time Galerkin least-squares and discontinuity-capturing stabilizing techniques. The code is used to study the dynamics of convection and mixing in magmatic systems such as replenishment of magma chambers and volcanic conduits, and it reveals the occurrence of previously not described processes. The uid-structure interaction of fully coupled magma-rock dynamics is being implemented by using the deforming-spatial domain method by Tezduyar (2006), that intrinsecally includes moving meshes