125 research outputs found

    Object Reconfiguration with Dextrous Robot Agents

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    This paper addresses an object manipulation planning algorithm for dextrous robot systems consisting a multifingered hand and a robotic manipulator. A method has been developed for object reconfiguration design. The result is a new algorithm using artificial intelligence based on simulated annealing and A* search. The upper level of the manipulation system, the global planner generates the motion of the object. The lower level, the local planner deals with the motion of the agents relative to the object and the design of the contact forces. The local planner is based on simulated annealing, thus the the local minima can be avoided in the energy function of the motion with high probability. Application of the algorithm has been discussed for three robot arms

    Structure, spectroscopy, and thermal decomposition of 5-chloro-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole: a He I photoelectron, infrared, and quantum chemical study

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    International audience5-Chloro-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole has been investigated in the gas phase for the first time by mid-infrared and He I photoelectron spectroscopy. The ground-state geometry has been obtained from quantum chemical calculations at the CCSD(T) and B3LYP levels using aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. Ionization potentials have been determined and the electronic structure has been discussed within the frame of molecular orbital theory. IR and photoelectron spectroscopies, supported by quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP and SAC-CI levels, provide a detailed investigation into the vibrational and electronic character of the molecule. Thermal stability of 5-chloro-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Flash vacuum thermolysis of the molecule produces fast quantitatively N2, ClCN, and sulfur. Theoretical calculations at the CCSD(T)//B3LYP level predict competitive decomposition routes, starting either with a retro-cycloaddition reaction leading to N2S and ClCN or with a ring opening to chlorothiocarbonyl azide intermediate, to produce finally N2, S, and ClCN. Calculations also predict that N2S is reactive and decomposes in bimolecular reactions to N2 and S

    Everything Matters in Programmable Packet Scheduling

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    Programmable packet scheduling allows the deployment of scheduling algorithms into existing switches without need for hardware redesign. Scheduling algorithms are programmed by tagging packets with ranks, indicating their desired priority. Programmable schedulers then execute these algorithms by serving packets in the order described in their ranks. The ideal programmable scheduler is a Push-In First-Out (PIFO) queue, which achieves perfect packet sorting by pushing packets into arbitrary positions in the queue, while only draining packets from the head. Unfortunately, implementing PIFO queues in hardware is challenging due to the need to arbitrarily sort packets at line rate based on their ranks. In the last years, various techniques have been proposed, approximating PIFO behaviors using the available resources of existing data planes. While promising, approaches to date only approximate one of the characteristic behaviors of PIFO queues (i.e., its scheduling behavior, or its admission control). We propose PACKS, the first programmable scheduler that fully approximates PIFO queues on all their behaviors. PACKS does so by smartly using a set of strict-priority queues. It uses packet-rank information and queue-occupancy levels at enqueue to decide: whether to admit packets to the scheduler, and how to map admitted packets to the different queues. We fully implement PACKS in P4 and evaluate it on real workloads. We show that PACKS: better-approximates PIFO than state-of-the-art approaches and scales. We also show that PACKS runs at line rate on existing hardware (Intel Tofino).Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures (without references and appendices

    Inhomogenitások lehatárolása elektromágneses frekvenciaszondázások alapján = Inhomogeneity delineation based on electromagnetic frequency sounding

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    Numerikus modellezésekkel és terepi mérésekkel igazoltuk a villamos-távvezetékek átmeneti zóna terében megjelenő alap- és felharmonikusok földtani információszerzésre való alkalmazhatóságát. Az effektív faljagos ellenállás bevezetésével lényegesen bővíthető a felszíni földelt adó bipólus környezetében felmérhető terület. A minimális adó-vevő távolság a modellezéseink és terepi méréseink szerint a kutatási mélységnek mintegy kétszeresére csökkenthető. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy az átmeneti zóna CSAMT frekvenciaszondázási görbék egy kijelölhető szakasza korrekcióval MT görbévé transzformálható. Bizonyítottuk, hogy a felszín alatti vertikális elektromos dipólusokat alkalmazó átvilágítási eljárásra definiált effektív fajlagos ellenállás a rétegen belüli inhomogenitás kimutatására alkalmas. A 2.5D-s FEM FD modellező rendszer vonatkozásában a számítási eredmények pontosítását, további mérési elrendezésekre modellezések elvégzését , a számítások gyorsabb előállítását és a párhuzamos számítást is lehetővé tevő fejlesztések valósultak meg. A 2.5D-s program alkalmazásával egy széles frekvencia tartományban kaptunk jó egyezést az adó-vevő felcserélhetőségi vizsgálatakor két forrás polarizációra. Átmeneti zónát is lefedő modellezéseink során több (áramcsatornázási, galvanikus, különböző forrás) hatást megvizsgáltunk és azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a normált impedancia metszetek szerkezeti lehatárolásra alkalmazhatók még forrás áthatás esetén is. | In the transition zone of the EM fields due to power lines we recommend to measure the ratio of electric field components observed in two neighbouring sites at 50 Hz and the impedance at the upper harmonics of the fifty hertz along profiles parallel to source. Model studies demonstrated that the transformation of the measured field into effective resistivity response and the transformation of this response offers a useful tool in the interpretation of the controlled electric bipole source measurement. The basement can be revealed even with a source-receiver separation 2-times larger than its depth. To localize disturbed geology in the vicinity of an underground vertical electric dipole the underground vertical electric field response gained by transillumination was simulated and effective resistivity was introduced. 2.5D FEM FD program system was further developed to increase the accuracy of modelling, to perform modelling for additional arrays and to increase the computing performance using not only desktop systems but parallel processing on Grid-based technology, too. The reciprocity investigation for a wide frequency range was performed for the two source polarizations. Assuming HED sources current channelling, galvanic, source polarization, source overprint, shadow effect were investigated. It was demonstrated that the normalized impedance sections proved to be promising to delineate inhomogeneity under the receiver site even the case of source overprint effect


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    In this paper the rate of accumulation was studied along four VO floodplain cross sections of the UpperTisza region between 1974 and 2014. VO floodplain cross sections are based on a mapping base-point grid (established in 1890), and they are located a few kilometers from each other. Furthermore, the roughness changes of different surface types, crossed by the VO floodplain cross-sections, were also determined between 1965 and 2015. The accumulation studies were extended to include the accumulation rates of the cut off meanders located along and/or close to the VO cross-sections. The roughness values increased in all four floodplain VO cross-sections since 1965; in two of them it reached or approximated 100 %. The average accumulation along the VO cross-sections was between 28 and 47 cm (0.73–1.23 cm/year) during the 38-year period. However, its areal distribution showed large differences. The highest values (169–309 cm, i.e. 4.44–8.13 cm/year) were found at the lowest points of the cut off meanders and swales in every case. The accumulation rate of the examined three cut off meanders near the floodplain cross-sections (140 and 1570 meters from the river bed) was lower (0.84–2.5 cm/year), but the study period was significantly longer (154 and 161 years, respectively). Comparing the values of the two periods, it is obvious that the accumulation of the active floodplain accelerates, presumably due to the significant increase of surface roughness

    Turn szerkezeti elemeket tartalmazó modell vegyületek szintézise és spektroszkópiai jellemzése (cirkuláris dikroizmus - CD, vibrációs spektroszkópia - FTIR, mágneses rezonancia - NMR) = Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on turn structured models

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    A kanyarszerkezetek spektroszkópiai vizsgálatára választott ciklopeptid modellekben egy α-aminosavat kicseréltünk a megfelelő β-aminosavra és az így bekövetkezett konformációváltozást mértük. N-védett α-aminosavból Arndt-Eistert lánchosszabbítással enantiomer-tisztán előállítható a N-védett β3-aminosav (β-homo-aminosav). β-homo-aminosav tartalmú ciklotetra-, ciklopenta- és ciklohexapeptidek sorozatát állítottuk elő szilárd fázisú szintézissel, a ciklizációt oldatfázisban végezve. A vegyületeket HPLC-vel tisztítottuk és FAB-, illetve ESI-MS mérések alapján azonosítottuk.A modelleket és ezek kation-kötő képességét különböző oldószerekben vizsgáltuk CD- és FTIR-spektroszkópiával; néhány vegyületet NMR-spektroszkópiai adatokkal is jellemeztünk. A CD/FTIR spektroszkópiai analízis eredményei a következők: - a kis gyűrűméretű, erősen feszült ciklotetrapeptideknél a β-aminosavegységek jelenléte a szomszédos α-aminosavegységek körül γ-kanyart (C7) indukált - a ciklopentapeptidekél a β-homo-aminosavegység hajlékonyabb peptidgerincet biztosít és pszeudo-β-, vagy pszeudo-γ-kanyarok jönnek létre a β-aminosavegység körül. - CD/FTIR adataink segítségével a γ- és pszeudo-γ-kanyarszerkezet különböző oldószerekben jól jellemezhető. Több oligopeptid térszerkezetvizsgálatánál használtuk eredményesen a CD/FTIR komplex spektroszkópiai módszert.| Cyclic peptides in which one α-amino acid is replaced by its β-amino acid analogy are also suitable for the conformational investigation of turn structures induced by β-amino acids in cyclic peptides. Enantiomerically pure β3-amino acids (β-homo-amino acids) were prepared from N-protected α-amino acids by Arndt-Eistert homologation reaction. A series of cyclic tetra-, penta- and hexapeptides containing β3-amino acid residue was synthesized on solid phase, cyclized in solution phase, purified by HPLC and characterised with FAB- and ESI-MS. The models and their cation-binding ability were investigated systematically by FTIR and CD spectroscopy in different solvents; some of them were studied by NMR spectroscopy, too. The combined CD/FTIR studies clearly show the followings: - the cyclic tetrapeptides are small and rather rigid molecules where the β-homo-amino acid residue induces a γ-turn (C7) which is centered on the neighbouring α-amino acid(s). - cyclic pentapeptides with β-homo-amino acid give rise to a more flexible peptide backbone and measured pseudo-β-turn or pseudo-γ-turns, which centered on the β-homo-amino acid.- the γ- and pseudo-γ-turn are well characterized in different solvents using CD- and FTIR spectroscopy. We investigated also the secondary structure of biologically active oligopeptides by combined CD/FTIR method