921 research outputs found

    Теоретичний концепт структурного реформування економіки (Theoretical concept of the economy structural reforming)

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    Розкрито сутність структурного реформування економіки. Обґрунтовано роль концепцій неолібералізму у формуванні теоретичного підґрунтя структурного реформування економіки. Розкрито положення німецького неолібералізму, що поєднують ідеї сильної держави, яка підтримує конкуренцію, та неокласичні ідеї саморегулювання економіки. Акцентовано увагу на обґрунтуванні впливу економічної влади на структурні перетворення економіки, здійсненому Ф. Перру в рамках теорїї економічного домінування. (The essence of the economy structural reforming is observed. The role of the neo-liberalism conceptions in the formation of the theoretical background for the economy structural reforming is proved. The provisions of German neo-liberalism which combine the ideas of the powerful state which supports the competition and neo-classical ideas of the economy selfregulating are examined. The attention is paid to the improving of the economic power influence on the economy structural transformations, conducted by F. Perroux within the frames of the economic dominance theory.


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    У статті обґрунтовано необхідність структурування промисловості України на засадах сталого розвитку, з наведенням чинників, що обумовлюють таку необхідність. Розкрито структурні деформації в промисловості України. Наголошено на доцільності розроблення стратегії структурної перебудови вітчизняної промисловості на засадах сталого розвитку. Визначено критерії структурування вітчизняної промисловості в орієнтації на засади сталого розвитку та наведено підходи до формування механізмів їх досягнення. (The necessity of Ukrainian industry structuring on the basis of the sustainable development identifying the factors which stipulate such necessity is proved. The structural deformations in the industry of Ukraine are opened. The expediency of the development of the strategy of structural transformation of domestic industry on the principles of the sustainable development is emphasized. The criteria of the domestic industry structuring in the orientation on the principles of the sustainable development are defined, the approaches to the formation of the mechanisms of their attaining are shown.

    A study of male and female managers between economic sectors of Latvia using EU-SILC survey

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    Gender pay difference has been a widely recognized issue worldwide and one of the most popular research topics between various researchers, as there is still a relatively low share of women representing roles in senior management. The aim of this study is to analyse recent scientific findings on wage gap between male and female managers, and to explore possible occupation segregation in Latvia, as well as employment differences between male and female managers in the context of economic sectors and salary levels. Research methods used to prepare this particular study are analysis of the following: scientific publications, statistical data obtained from the database of European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). The databases are analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the functions provided, especially data filtration and case selecting, crosstabulations, descriptive statistics and frequencies. The results indicate that based on researches done before the wage gap in upper management and executive roles can be formed due to low women representation, although some still argue that gender inequality exists especially in context of occupational segregation. Data analysis shows the presence of horizontal gender segregation in Latvia, as well as employment differences between various economic sectors in context of managers

    Wage Gap as a Possible Determinant of Gender Inequality

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    Recent academic researchers have indicated that there are possible inequalities concerning work and pay in different countries, professions and economic sectors. The aim of current research is to analyse recent scientific findings on the wage gap depending on gender and empirical data in Latvia using EU-SILC surveys, Labour Surveys and monthly statistical data on wages and salaries for women and men. The findings indicated that in various economic fields and occupations women were under-represented, and amongst most of these fields the modal net wage interval for women was lower than the modal net wage interval for men. It was also concluded that in January 2018 the average gross income from work of women and men were statistically significantly different, confirming that men on average earned more than women.The paper was supported by the project “INTERFRAME-LV” (Project No.VPP-IZM-2018/1-0005

    The assignation peculiarities of administrative services by government authorities

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    Регламентація процесу створення та надання адміністративних послуг органами влади займає чільне місце в процесі удосконалення та спрощення доступу населення до системи отримання адмінпослуг. Питання удосконалення організації надання адміністративних послуг населенню, включаючи розроблення та режимне впровадження електронної платформи доступу до списку доступних послуг, їх оформлення та надання, стали пріоритетними в розробленні соціальних програм розвитку на найближчий період. Досліджено результати основних етапів упровадження електронної системи надання адміністративних послуг у процесі формування та об’єднання територіальних громад, а також утворення мережі нових ЦНАП та їх територіальних підрозділів. Проаналізовано процес регламентації створення та надання адміністративних послуг. На основі проведених досліджень запропоновано ряд заходів, спрямованих на удосконалення системи комп’ютеризації надання адміністративних послуг та спрощення доступу громадян до їх отримання.The process of creation and provision regulation of administrative services by executive authorities is central for the process of improving and simplifying the access by population to the system of receiving admin services. The issue of improving the organization of providing administrative services to the population, including the development and implementation of the electronic platform for access to the list of available services, their registration and provision, have become a priority in the working of social development programs for the near future. The results of the main stages of the implementation the electronic system for the provision of administrative services in the process of formation and association of territorial communities, as well as the creation of a network of new CPAS and their territorial units have been researched. The structure of the regulation process of the creation and provision the administrative services is analyzed. On the basis of the conducted research, a number of measures have been proposed aimed for improving the computerization system for the provision of administrative services and facilitating access of citizens to their receipt

    Digitalisation in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges

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    Digital skills are defined as a basic competence, the same level as reading or writing and it is important for country to provide successful digitalisation in regions as regional development is the basis for national development. Purpose of the study is to analyse digitalisation in the regions of Latvia. The tasks of the study: 1) to analyse theoretical background of digitalisation in context of regional development; 2) to analyse existing research of digitalisation in the regions in EU; 3) to analyse problems of digitalisation in the regions of Latvia. Research methods used in preparation of this article: scientific publication and previous conducted research results analysis, analysis of Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), EU-SILC results (in 2014–2017) and results of the survey realised in Latvia at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 on internet shopping in cooperation with company iMarketing.lv, University of Latvia and Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Latvia (n = 2513). Data are compared with the results of other Eurozone and OECD countries. For data analysis there were used indicators of descriptive statistics (indicators of central tendency or location – arithmetic mean, mode, median), indicators of variability (indicators of dispersion – range, standard deviation and standard error of mean), cross-tabulations for regions in Latvia, for household members, for urban – rural living and analysis of variance – ANOVA are used. The results of analysis have indicated different challenges for decision makers on different levels.The research was supported by the NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME “LATVIAN HERITAGE AND FUTURE CHALLENGES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE STATE” project “CHALLENGES FOR THE LATVIAN STATE AND SOCIETY AND THE SOLUTIONS IN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT" (INTERFRAME-LV, Project No.VPP-IZM-2018/1-0005

    Income Differences in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges

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    Income differences in regions of Latvia is becoming a greater problem for families as there are made decisions for emigration, for municipalities as there are significant reductions in tax (income and property) payers and for entrepreneurs as there are less customers for their products and services: those aspects are on great importance but not enough researched and discussed in academic research. Purpose of the study is to analyse income differences in the regions of Latvia. The tasks of the study: 1 to review theoretical background of income differences in context of regional development; 2 to review existing research of income differences in the regions in EU; 3 to analyse problems of income indifferences in the regions of Latvia. Research methods used in preparation of the paper: scientific publication and previous conducted research results analysis, analysis of EU-SILC results (in 2014-2017) and European Central Bank conducted survey on Household income and expenses survey results, results are compared with the results of other Eurozone countries. Survey results are analysed using indicators of descriptive statistics (indicators of central tendency or location - arithmetic mean, mode, median), indicators of variability (indicators of dispersion - range, standard deviation and standard error of mean), cross-tabulations for regions in Latvia, for household members, for urban – rural living and analysis of variance - ANOVA are used. The results of analysis have indicated different challenges for decision makers on different levels.The paper was supported by the project “INTERFRAME-LV” (Project No.VPP-IZM-2018/1-0005